
    Media Freakout Over Trump Trials, and Biological Men in Women's Prisons, with Jesse Kelly, Kelsey Bolar, and Amie Ichikawa | Ep. 735

    enMarch 01, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • New developments in Fannie Willis case reveal potential romantic relationship between prosecutor and defendantA key witness testified about a romantic relationship between Fannie Willis and Nathan Wade, potentially leading to their removal and dismissal of the entire case against former President Trump and his co-defendants.

      The Fannie Willis case, involving allegations against former President Donald Trump and his co-defendants, took a significant turn with new developments in the hearing for potential misconduct by Willis and special prosecutor Nathan Wade. The defense team presented evidence suggesting a romantic relationship between the two before they worked together on the case, which could lead to their removal and potentially dismissal of the entire case. A key witness, Terrence Bradley, testified about his knowledge of the affair and contradicted their previous claims about the timeline. The judge is not expected to rule on the matter today, but the hearing could provide important indications about the outcome.

    • Waiter's testimony contradicts Bradley's claim of no contact with Wade for two yearsNew testimony from a waiter challenges Bradley's credibility in ongoing legal case, potentially impacting the hearing's outcome, highlighting the complexities and potential corruption in local politics and the consequences for the country.

      The ongoing legal case in Fulton County, Georgia, involving Terrence Bradley and Nathan Wade, has taken a new turn with the revelation of a waiter's testimony. The waiter claimed to have served Bradley, Wade, and Bradley's lawyer together just five weeks ago, contradicting Bradley's statement that he hadn't spoken to Wade in two years. This development could potentially impact the hearing, as it raises questions about the credibility of Bradley's testimony. The case serves as a reminder of the complexities and potential corruption in local politics, and the potential consequences for the country if such issues are not addressed. The latest developments have sparked feelings of schadenfreude, with some seeing justice being served for those who have put themselves in this position and engaged in questionable actions. The ultimate goal for many involved seems to be to advance their own political careers by targeting Trump and his associates.

    • Accountability for Public Officials' ActionsThe importance of holding public officials accountable for their actions, regardless of political affiliation, was emphasized in a discussion about investigations into a Georgia DA's misconduct and ongoing legal cases involving Trump.

      The discussion highlights the importance of holding public officials accountable for their actions, especially when those actions involve corruption and potential lawbreaking. The speaker expresses satisfaction with the outcome of the investigation into the Georgia DA's alleged misconduct but emphasizes that such behavior should not be necessary to achieve justice. The speaker also criticizes the Democrats for perceived radicalism and calls for Republicans to adopt a more aggressive approach in political battles. Additionally, the discussion touches on ongoing legal cases involving Trump and the security clearance issue in the Mar-a-Lago documents case.

    • Impact of Trump's trials on the 2024 presidential raceThe timing and outcome of Trump's Mar-a-Lago documents and January 6th Capitol riot trials could significantly impact his 2024 presidential bid, potentially swaying voters' decisions based on public perception and the legitimacy of the proceedings.

      The timing and location of Donald Trump's upcoming trials could significantly impact the 2024 presidential race. Trump's lawyers have requested an August trial date for the Mar-a-Lago documents case, which is legally stronger against him, to potentially prevent the January 6th Capitol riot trial from starting before the election. However, the legitimacy of the regime and the public's perception of the trials could also play a role in voters' decisions. While informed listeners and viewers may distinguish between the two cases, the average voter might not. The outcome of these trials, especially the January 6th trial, could potentially sway voters towards or against Trump. Additionally, the judge in the Mar-a-Lago case has expressed skepticism about the proposed July trial date, adding uncertainty to the situation. The coming months will reveal how these factors unfold and potentially influence the election.

    • DOJ's election-year cases: No guardrails or polarization?The DOJ's decision to pursue cases against Trump during elections, without clear guidelines, risks influencing outcomes and exacerbating political polarization.

      The Justice Department's decision to move forward with cases against Donald Trump during the 2022 elections, despite unwritten policies against starting investigations before elections, highlights a lack of guardrails and increasing polarization in American politics. The DOJ's actions have been criticized by some as an attempt to influence the election outcome, while others argue that the country's future and values are at stake regardless of political affiliations. The Supreme Court's decision to hear an appeal in the January 6th trial further complicates the situation, potentially delaying the trial until after the election. This situation underscores the need for dialogue and understanding across political divides to maintain the integrity of American democracy.

    • Manipulating Perceptions of Idols and VillainsPolitical figures and media can create extreme perceptions of idols or villains to manipulate public opinion, leading to divisive and dangerous rhetoric.

      Certain political figures and media outlets can manipulate public opinion by creating idols or villains based on their agenda, and they may go to great lengths to uphold or attack these perceived figures. This was discussed in relation to Donald Trump, who was portrayed as an idol for some to worship and an villain for others to criticize, despite his relatively moderate political stance. The discussion also touched upon the idea that some individuals may believe they have the right to take extreme measures against those they perceive as threats to the country. It's essential to remember that these perceptions are not always based on reality and can lead to divisive and dangerous rhetoric.

    • Manipulating Reality: Liberal Media and PoliticsLiberal media and politics intentionally create false narratives, manipulating reality for their audiences, causing harm and hindering coexistence.

      Rachel Maddow and other liberal media figures and politicians intentionally create a world of make-believe for their audiences, who genuinely believe in the false narratives presented to them. This is a cruel manipulation, as these audiences live in a reality that is not grounded in truth. It's challenging to coexist with such a large segment of the population that lives in a world of make-believe. One way to cope is through humor and mockery, as it effectively calls out the outrageousness of some of these beliefs. In the specific case discussed, a man claimed to have overheard a conversation between lawyers involved in a high-profile case, and this information was manipulated and presented as new evidence, despite it being years old. This highlights the importance of factual accuracy and the potential harm caused by spreading false information.

    • Waiter's claim raises questions about Nathan Wade and Terrence Bradley's relationshipA waiter's sighting of Nathan Wade and Terrence Bradley together contradicts Bradley's statement about their estrangement, adding complexity to their relationship and Bradley's motives.

      A waiter at a restaurant in Fulton County, Georgia, claimed to have seen Nathan Wade having lunch with Terrence Bradley and their lawyer six weeks ago, despite Bradley stating in a hearing that they haven't spoken in years. This new information raises questions about their relationship and Bradley's motivations towards Wade. Additionally, both former presidents, Trump and Biden, visited the border recently, with Trump's visit raising concerns due to his unsteady appearance. The immigration issue has become a bipartisan concern, with the Biden administration acknowledging the failure of their previous approach. The Republican Party's handling of the issue, including bussing illegals to various cities, has been credited with shifting public opinion on the issue.

    • Republicans using illegal immigration as a political tool against DemocratsThe GOP exploits illegal immigration as a political issue, shifting the burden to Democrat-led cities and using tragic cases to criticize Democrats, fueling the ongoing debate and potential erosion of support within certain communities.

      The ongoing issue of illegal immigration in the United States has become a significant political gimmick for the Republican Party. By transferring the burden of dealing with illegal immigrants from southern states to Democrat-led cities like New York, the GOP aims to make Democrats look bad and potentially erode their support, particularly within the black community. Immigration has surpassed the economy as the number one issue in the country, and harsh border enforcement is what the majority of Americans want. The case of Lake and Riley, where two young girls were killed by an illegal immigrant, has highlighted the dangerous consequences of the current situation. While both sides blame each other, it's clear that the immigration issue is a critical point of contention and a significant factor in the political landscape.

    • Single women with mental health issues influence Democratic PartySingle women, particularly those with mental health issues, heavily influence the Democratic Party, leading Democrats to cater to this demographic and potentially alienate others. Young boys are also turning to conservative beliefs as a rebellion against their parents' ideologies, shaping future political trends.

      Single women, particularly those with mental health issues, heavily influence the Democratic Party. Research shows that a large percentage of single women voters have been diagnosed with mental illnesses, making up a significant portion of the Democratic power base. This dynamic has led Democrats to cater to this demographic, often appearing extreme or alienating to others. Additionally, young boys are increasingly turning to conservative beliefs as a rebellion against their parents' woke ideologies. This trend is evident in the growing number of teenagers who hold conservative views, despite not fully understanding the reasons why. These developments highlight the importance of understanding the motivations and demographics shaping political discourse.

    • Understanding the Roots of Disempowerment Among Young Men and Women's PrisonsGeezer Morton emphasizes the significance of recognizing history and understanding disempowerment for young men's success narratives, while raising concerns about housing transgender inmates in women's prisons and its impact on women's safety and well-being.

      The conversation between Megyn Kelly and Geezer Morton touched upon the importance of recognizing the significance of history and understanding the roots of disempowerment among young men. Geezer Morton's perspective on the need for young men to feel disempowered to experience narratives of success and the potential danger of blaming women for their troubles was discussed. Additionally, the focus shifted to the issue of housing transgender inmates in women's prisons, as highlighted in the Independent Women's Forum's docuseries "Cruel and Unusual Punishment: The Male Takeover of Women's Prisons." The consequences of this policy, including compromised women's safety and overall well-being, were emphasized. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of open, honest, and provocative discussions on pressing issues, as well as the need for strong voices like Geezer Morton to guide the next generation.

    • Integration of Trans Identified Males in Women's Prisons: Safety Concerns and Emotional DistressThe integration of trans identified males into women's prisons can lead to safety concerns and emotional distress for women, highlighting the need to prioritize their voices and address their concerns to ensure their well-being.

      The integration of trans identified males into women's prisons can lead to significant safety concerns and emotional distress for the female population. The experience of having a convicted rapist, who identified as a trans woman, in a women's prison was particularly disturbing for the women, leading to feelings of worthlessness, fear, and sadness. The cultural differences between the women's and men's institutions can result in negative and hostile reactions, creating an environment that is unfamiliar and challenging for women. The lack of representation and consideration for the perspectives and experiences of women in discussions surrounding these policies is concerning, as they are the ones directly impacted. It is crucial to prioritize their voices and address their concerns to ensure their safety and well-being.

    • Transgender individuals in women's prisons and spaces: safety concerns for womenTransgender housing in women's prisons and spaces poses safety risks, compromising women's rights and privacy, especially for those with traumatic backgrounds, necessitating urgent attention and solutions

      The housing of transgender individuals in women's prisons and spaces raises significant safety concerns for women and girls. The presence of even one biological male can have far-reaching impacts, as seen in cases of rape, sexual assault, and harassment. Women's rights and privacy are being compromised, and those speaking out against these policies often face isolation and lack of support from traditional women's organizations. The situation is particularly concerning for female inmates with traumatic backgrounds, who are being housed with a disproportionately high number of registered sex offenders. The emotional burden on advocates like Amy is heavy, as they carry the stories of those affected and fight for their basic humanity and safety. It's crucial that these issues are acknowledged and addressed to ensure the well-being of all women and girls, whether they're in the free world or serving time in prison.

    • Women's challenges in prisons with transgender inmatesWomen in prisons face unique challenges due to the influx of transgender men, lack of mental health resources, and silencing of concerns. Prioritizing safety and well-being for all is crucial.

      Women in prisons are facing significant challenges due to the influx of biological men identifying as transgender into women's facilities. This issue is compounded by a lack of mental health resources and a shortage of clinicians in the prison system. Women are often silenced or dismissed when raising concerns about their safety and well-being. The situation is further complicated by the lack of transparency and clear policies regarding the housing of transgender inmates. While accommodations for individuals who genuinely identify as transgender are necessary, they should not come at the expense of women's safety. It's crucial that lawmakers and prison systems address this issue and find solutions that prioritize the safety and well-being of all incarcerated individuals. To learn more about this issue, watch the docuseries "Cruel and Unusual Punishment: The Male Takeover of Women's Prisons," available now at iwf.org and the Independent Women's Forum YouTube channel.

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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    Edmondson- https://www.instagram.com/sarahedmondson/

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