
    Meltdown at NBC Over Ronna Hire, and Meghan Markle's Cringe New Brand, with Michael Knowles and Dan Wootton | Ep. 749

    enMarch 25, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Trump's Legal Challenges and ResilienceDespite a $450M judgment, Trump continues to defy expectations and remains a political force. Legal actions against opponents could signal a return to less civilized times, but Trump's resilience is noteworthy.

      Despite facing significant legal challenges, including a $450 million civil judgment in New York, former President Donald Trump continues to defy expectations and remains a formidable figure in politics. The latest development in the case saw the New York State Court of Appeals reducing the required bond from $450 million to $150 million, a significant relief for Trump. However, the larger context of the discussion on the Megyn Kelly Show revealed a concern that such legal actions against political opponents, reminiscent of older forms of government, could signal a return to less civilized times. Regardless, Trump's resilience and ability to adapt to adversity were highlighted as notable aspects of his character.

    • Trump vs. James: A Polarizing Legal BattleThe ongoing legal battle between Trump and James has elicited mixed reactions, with some viewing it as a miscarriage of justice and others seeing it as necessary. Critics argue Trump receives preferential treatment, while others see consistent unfavorable treatment. Public reaction is mixed, with sympathy for Trump and excitement to seize assets.

      The ongoing legal battle between former President Trump and New York Attorney General Letitia James has been met with varying reactions, with some viewing it as a miscarriage of justice and others seeing it as a necessary step. The potential reduction of the bond Trump must post to secure the judgment pending appeal from $450 million to $175 million has been criticized as preferential treatment by some, but others argue that Trump has consistently received unfavorable treatment from the justice system since the beginning of his presidency. The public's reaction to the situation has been mixed, with some expressing sympathy for Trump and others expressing excitement at the prospect of seizing his assets. The political implications of this case remain to be seen, but it is clear that it has become a highly charged and polarizing issue.

    • Ongoing legal challenges against Trump delay Stormy Daniels trialTrump's legal investigations continue, but his campaign leads in swing states. The Stormy Daniels trial, focusing on campaign finance violations, may be challenging for prosecutors.

      The legal challenges against Donald Trump are ongoing, with the Stormy Daniels hush money payment trial experiencing a delay due to document issues. Trump, who is running for another term, seems unfazed by these investigations and continues to lead in the swing states against Joe Biden. The trial, which revolves around allegations of campaign finance violations, may be difficult for prosecutors to present, as it primarily focuses on Trump's personal relationships and legal campaign contributions. Meanwhile, Stormy Daniels' documentary, "Stormy," has recently premiered, bringing her back into the public spotlight. Despite the ongoing investigations, it remains unclear how these developments will impact voters' opinions of Trump.

    • Stormy Daniels' documentary: From hush money to #MeToo allegationStormy Daniels' documentary sheds light on her alleged affair with Donald Trump in 2006, leading to hush money payments and NDA violations. Daniels compares her situation to 'Bombshell' and seeks to reframe the narrative as one of victimization.

      Stormy Daniels' documentary brings up her allegations of an affair with Donald Trump in 2006, which she claims led to a hush money payment in 2016. The narrative has evolved from a campaign finance issue to a #MeToo allegation, with Daniels comparing her situation to that portrayed in the movie "Bombshell." Daniels' career in adult films waned, and she saw a resurgence of publicity after the hush money payments and subsequent NDA violation. The encounter between Trump and Daniels is believed by many to have occurred, but the criminal charges surrounding the hush money payment are seen as absurd by some. Daniels is seeking to reframe the narrative as one of victimization. The Trump campaign has attempted to downplay the issue in the past, and it remains to be seen if this new chapter will gain significant traction.

    • The reliability of old memories and their impact on legal proceedingsCritics question the validity of decades-old allegations, citing political motivations, statute of limitations, and unreliable memories, while focusing on ethical standards and potential campaign crimes.

      The reliability of memories and the passing of time raise questions about the validity of allegations made decades ago. The ongoing legal proceedings against Donald Trump regarding an alleged campaign finance violation related to payments to Stormy Daniels was discussed, along with the comparison to the Christine Blasey Ford allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. Critics argue that these cases are being politically motivated and that the statute of limitations and the unreliability of memories make these allegations questionable. The media's treatment of these accusers and their subsequent book deals and media tours have also been criticized. The focus should be on whether Trump or Kavanaugh committed a campaign crime or violated ethical standards, rather than rehashing old allegations.

    • Skepticism towards late-emerging allegations against Brett KavanaughThe timing and lack of corroborating evidence of some allegations against Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court confirmation process raised skepticism. Importance of statutes of limitations and fair investigations were emphasized.

      The discussion revolves around the validity and timing of allegations made during the confirmation process of Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination. The speaker expresses skepticism towards some of the allegations due to the lack of corroborating evidence and the timing of their emergence. They argue that statutes of limitations are important and that the American system of justice should not be upended. The speaker also points out the double standard in media coverage and public reaction to allegations against political figures. They emphasize the importance of facts and the need for a fair and impartial investigation. Ultimately, they suggest that some of the allegations against Kavanaugh have become political fan fiction and that the focus on them detracts from the important issues at hand.

    • Discussion on handling of sexual misconduct allegationsConcern over lack of fact-checking and sensationalism in reporting allegations, double standard in treatment of political figures, importance of contemporaneous witnesses and consistent stories, and call for fairness in handling and reporting of allegations.

      The discussion revolved around the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court confirmation hearings and the comparison of how these allegations were handled versus more recent allegations against other public figures. The speaker expressed concern over the lack of fact-checking and the sensationalism surrounding these stories, particularly in the media. They also touched upon the double standard in how allegations against individuals from different political parties are treated. The speaker specifically mentioned the cases of Christine Blasey Ford and Tara Reid, highlighting the importance of contemporaneous witnesses and consistent stories. The conversation also touched upon the politicization of allegations and the impact on public opinion. The speaker's overall message was a call for fairness, fact-checking, and consistency in how allegations are handled and reported.

    • NBC News hires Ronna McDaniel, raising concerns of biasThe hiring of Ronna McDaniel by NBC News has sparked debates about perceived bias and independence in media, with critics questioning her ability to provide unbiased political analysis due to her past role as RNC chair.

      The hiring of Ronna McDaniel, the former RNC chair, by NBC News has raised concerns due to her past role and the potential for perceived bias in her political analysis. Some argue that she may not be expressing her own views but rather those of the RNC or the Republican Party. This is a complex issue, as McDaniel was a spokesperson for the RNC but is now expected to provide independent political analysis as an NBC News contributor. The confusion stems from the fact that NBC News is a liberal media outlet, and some question whether McDaniel's hiring fits with their stated goal of fairness and balance. Critics argue that NBC should hire conservative Republicans who are not aligned with Trump or his election denialism, rather than someone like McDaniel who has been associated with such actions. Ultimately, the issue highlights the challenges of maintaining perceived neutrality and independence in media, particularly in the context of political commentary.

    • Media double standards in inviting guestsMSNBC criticized for hypocrisy in excluding guests based on politics while inviting controversial figures, highlighting media industry's selective morality

      MSNBC's decision to not invite a guest on their show based on her political beliefs was criticized as hypocritical, given their history of inviting controversial figures like Al Sharpton despite his past actions. The speaker expressed disappointment that the network only hires upstanding, ethical people when it suits their narrative, while silencing voices that question election results or hold conservative views. The discussion also touched on the controversy surrounding Kate Middleton's cancer diagnosis and the speculation surrounding her health. Overall, the conversation highlighted the double standards and selective morality in the media industry.

    • The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge face a personal challenge with Kate's cancer diagnosis and surgeryThe royals initially kept Kate's cancer diagnosis private, but eventually shared the news due to public expectations for transparency

      The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William and Kate, have faced a significant personal challenge with Kate's diagnosis of cancer and subsequent surgery. They have had to navigate the situation privately while also addressing their young children and the public. The announcement of Kate's condition was unusual as it was made via video, likely due to the widespread speculation and media attention. The type of cancer and the extent of Kate's surgery were not disclosed, leading to questions about the accuracy of the initial statement from Kensington Palace that she was not suffering from cancer. The royal family's history of keeping medical issues private may have influenced their initial decision to not disclose Kate's diagnosis publicly. However, as the seriousness of the situation became clear and the public's expectations for transparency grew, the royal family changed their approach. Despite the challenges, they have received an outpouring of support from the public.

    • Balancing the Princess's health and children's emotionsThe release of Catherine's photo was a delicate decision aimed at shielding her children from the emotional impact of her cancer diagnosis, while also dealing with external forces trying to exploit the situation.

      The decision to release a photograph of Catherine, the Princess of Wales, looking healthy and happy before revealing her cancer diagnosis was a delicate balancing act aimed at protecting her children's emotional wellbeing. The royal family's handling of the situation was criticized, but it's important to consider the context of past royal cancer diagnoses and Catherine's young age with three children. Additionally, there were deliberate efforts from various sources, including Russian and Chinese bots, the hard left, and Meghan and Harry's camp, to exaggerate the situation and damage the monarchy. While mistakes were made, it's crucial to acknowledge the intent behind the decision and the external forces attempting to exploit it.

    • Rumors of Catherine's Possible Cancer Diagnosis and Privacy ConcernsRumors of Catherine's potential cancer diagnosis and her sudden withdrawal from a public appearance have sparked concerns. Doctors suggest it could be colon, ovarian, uterine, or cervical cancer due to her Crohn's disease. The royal family values privacy, but sharing her experience could raise awareness and encourage screening.

      There have been speculations about Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, having had cancer before her surgery in 2022. This is based on her sudden withdrawal from a public appearance, which was a significant event for the royal family. Doctors have suggested that it could have been early colon, ovarian, uterine, or cervical cancer. Catherine's history of Crohn's disease increases her risk for colon cancer. The royal family's privacy is a priority, but sharing her experience could help raise awareness and encourage screening for various types of cancer, especially among young people and mothers. A tech CEO named Christopher Boosie, who appeared in Meghan and Harry's Netflix documentary, has fueled doubts about the authenticity of the farm video featuring Catherine and William. Despite the uncertainties, the focus should remain on Catherine's health and well-being.

    • The Sussex Squad's involvement in spreading disinformationThe Sussex Squad, claiming to fight online trolling and disinfo, spread false info about Kate Middleton's photos, highlighting the need for fact-checking before sharing online.

      The controversy surrounding the authenticity of photos of Kate Middleton at Windsor Farm and the involvement of Christopher Boosie and the Sussex Squad highlights the issue of disinformation and hypocrisy on the Internet. The Sussex Squad, which claims to fight against online trolling and disinformation, is accused of leading the charge in this very story. Despite the lack of evidence and conflicting reports, they continue to spread false information. Additionally, the hospital security breach involving Kate Middleton's private medical records adds to the ongoing concerns about privacy and security. It's important to be cautious and fact-check information before sharing it online.

    • Breach of privacy for public figures can have severe consequencesBreach of privacy for public figures can lead to job loss or criminal charges. Using aliases to protect privacy during hospital stays is common practice.

      The invasion of privacy, even in the context of public figures, can have serious consequences. The recent incident involving potential access to Princess Catherine's medical records at a London clinic is a reminder of the strict privacy rules in the UK. Staff members who breach these rules could face losing their jobs or even criminal charges. During her own hospital experiences, Megyn Kelly used aliases to protect her privacy. The potential breach in this case is heightened due to the fact that Princess Catherine was using an alias. Meanwhile, Meghan Markle's latest branding attempt, American Riviera Orchard Montecito, has been met with skepticism. Critics argue that it's a disingenuous attempt to present herself as a self-made farm lady, given her wealth and connections. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of privacy and the potential consequences of breaching it.

    • Meghan Markle and Half-Sister's Legal Battle Over DefamationMeghan Markle's comments about her family in interviews and a Netflix documentary led to a defamation lawsuit by her half-sister Samantha Markle, which was recently dismissed. The dispute underscores the impact of public statements on relationships and the potential legal consequences.

      The relationship between Meghan Markle and her half-sister Samantha Markle has become a legal battle, with Samantha's defamation lawsuit against Meghan being recently dismissed. The dispute stems from Meghan's comments about her family in interviews and a Netflix documentary, where she implied Samantha was part of a hate group due to her political views. Samantha's attorney, who is close to Donald Trump, intends to appeal the decision. This incident highlights the complexities and potential consequences of public statements, particularly when they involve family members and touch on sensitive political and personal issues. Despite the dismissal of the lawsuit, the sisters' relationship remains strained, and their public feud continues to make headlines.

    • Tensions between the Sussexes and the CambridgesThe relationship between Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, Prince William, and Kate Middleton has deteriorated due to accusations of bullying and lack of communication. Harry and Meghan's actions towards staff and family members have caused a rift that may be difficult to mend.

      The relationship between Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, and their family, particularly with Prince William and Kate Middleton, has reached a critical point due to various accusations of bullying and a lack of communication. Meghan attended her half-sister Samantha's graduation, but Samantha feels bullied and misrepresented by Meghan in the media. Harry and Meghan have been accused of bullying staff members, and even their own family members. When Harry spoke out about family reunification during an interview, he came across as distant and uninterested, indicating a lack of trust and communication. The family's personal issues have become public, and it seems unlikely that their relationships will recover fully, especially since Harry and Meghan have targeted Kate directly. The ongoing tension and accusations of bullying have created a rift that may be difficult to mend.

    • Museum Labels Thatcher as Contemporary Villain, Sparks ControversyThe Victoria and Albert Museum's decision to label Margaret Thatcher as a contemporary villain alongside historical figures like Hitler and Osama bin Laden has sparked controversy, with some viewing it as a politically motivated move reflecting the growing influence of the radical left.

      The Victoria and Albert Museum in London's decision to label Margaret Thatcher as a contemporary villin alongside historical figures like Hitler and Osama bin Laden has sparked intense controversy and anger, particularly among those who admire her leadership. Thatcher, who won three elections and was a divisive figure during her time in office, is viewed by many as a great British prime minister. Her exclusion from the museum, despite an offer of donating numerous items from her personal collection, is seen as a politically motivated move by some, reflecting the growing influence of the radical left in institutions and media. The incident highlights the ongoing debate around free speech and the treatment of controversial figures in modern society.

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    • The double standards in the media
    • The decline of free speech
    • Who runs the deep state
    • Why he thinks Russell Brand is innocent
    • That everyone has a right to free speech, even if you don’t agree with them
    • The apologies and damages he has received
    • The many ways his life changed once he was cancelled


    "I’ll answer anything you ask me”

    “My show was gaining a lot of influence and power”

    “I know for a fact that Prince Harry and Harry’s team were working very closely with this organisation, they were certainly helping”

    “The whole establishment and the mainstream media came together to quite literally take away both Lawrence’s and my mainstream media platform”

    “Dan you’re the first person in the world to be cancelled for not being offended enough by something”

    “It’s a coward who will only defend himself and not anyone else”

    “What happened to Russell Brand disgusted me”

    “It felt like the whole world was against us apart from our families and our very close friends”






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    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “The Disruptive Entrepreneur”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”



    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

    What’s the Deal With Bigoted Celebrities? (Ep 1299)

    What’s the Deal With Bigoted Celebrities? (Ep 1299)
    In this episode, I address the growing evidence that there is a large group of “secret” Trump voters out there ready to vote. I also address the growing body of research that masks and lockdowns do not work. Finally, I address the bigoted comments by this celebrity and the celebrities who support him.  News Picks: Georgia Governor Brian Kemp leads from the front again! Celebrities supporting outrageously bigoted comments. Private schools are more likely to open up than government schools. Why Sweden succeeded in flattening the curve and New York failed.  Rioters in NY City received a delivery of baseball bats before they violently attacked peaceful protestors.  President Trump makes a significant campaign change. Renowned Stanford Doctor says the kids should go back to school.  Are there large pockets of “hidden” Trump voters out there? More racist nonsense, this time from a museum.  President Trump says he would welcome General Flynn back into the White House. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices