
    Michael Marks of Celesta Capital

    enNovember 22, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • An earthquake in Japan disrupting red car paint production illustrates the global supply chain's complexityGlobal supply chains are intricate and interconnected, requiring a diverse and resilient network to mitigate disruptions

      The global supply chain is intricately connected and complex, making it nearly impossible to separate it in any meaningful way. Michael Marks, a supply chain expert and former head of Flex, used the example of an earthquake in Japan taking out a factory producing an additive for red car paint, causing a global shortage of red cars. This illustrates how the supply chain extends beyond just major factories and involves numerous interconnected components. The ongoing efforts to move manufacturing out of China and into other countries like Vietnam and India only add to the complexity. It's essential to recognize this complexity and the necessity of having a diverse and resilient supply chain.

    • Reducing dependence on China for semiconductor productionThe Chips Act is a step towards reducing dependence, but it's complex and requires significant investment, government support, and a skilled workforce.

      The Chips Act is a step in the right direction for reducing dependence on China for semiconductor production, but it's not a silver bullet. The complexities of global supply chains extend beyond chips and go deep into the materials used in their production. Decoupling from China requires significant investment, government support, and a skilled workforce, which is not easily or quickly acquired. TSMC, the world's most important semiconductor manufacturer, is facing challenges in hiring enough skilled engineers, highlighting the need for importing talent and continued investment in education and training. Michael Marks, an expert in manufacturing with a background at Flextronics, emphasizes that managing suppliers is the most crucial and complex aspect of factory management, and this is a challenge that extends beyond just semiconductor manufacturing.

    • Implementing a manufacturing mindset for factory successPrioritize constant improvement and minimize inventory to maximize capital, as pioneered by companies like Toyota, is crucial for factory success.

      Having a manufacturing mindset focused on reducing production time and improving quality is crucial for running a successful factory, regardless of its size or the industry it serves. This approach, which prioritizes constant improvement, was pioneered by companies like Toyota decades ago and is essential for minimizing inventory and maximizing capital. JB Straubel, the former CEO of Tesla, shared his experience of implementing this mindset when he took over the company and faced the challenge of delivering cars with unfinished designs and pending orders for materials. By canceling unnecessary orders and addressing production issues, Straubel saved the company from potential bankruptcy.

    • Elon Musk's manufacturing journey at TeslaDespite lacking expertise, Musk turned Tesla into a successful manufacturer amidst competition and market downturns, inspiring discipline and survival in the venture world.

      Elon Musk's early days at Tesla were marked by financial struggles and the challenge of turning a car design into a manufactured product. Musk, who was not the manufacturing expert, managed to make Tesla a successful manufacturer despite competition from established car companies. The venture world has become more "scrappy" in recent years due to market conditions, and downturns in technology markets can be beneficial by weeding out weak players and making investors and companies more disciplined. The speaker, who had a side hustle role at Tesla during its early days, found the manufacturing aspect particularly impressive.

    • A time of financial caution fuels careful investment decisions and technological innovationDespite market downturns, it's an exciting time to invest due to technology's impact on various industries, leading to diverse opportunities

      We're currently experiencing a downturn in the market, leading to increased discipline among investors and startups. This period of financial caution is a good thing, as it forces companies to be more careful with their capital. Technology's role in every industry is another exciting development, making it a wonderful time to invest, despite lower prices. Companies in various sectors, from biotechnology to financial services, are embracing technology, leading to diverse investment opportunities. The speaker is particularly enthusiastic about the pervasiveness of technology and its increasing importance. For instance, the evolution of Venture from semiconductors to various industries like PCs, cell phones, ecommerce, and now, everything around us, is a testament to this trend. The speaker's investment in a 3D printing rocket launcher company is just one example of the vast array of technology-driven businesses that exist today.

    • Growing Importance of Tech Companies in Various IndustriesMicrosoft, Google, Nvidia, Broadcom, and Intel have expanded their reach and impact in various industries. The speaker personally invests in tech companies improving healthcare through AI and hardware.

      Technology companies, particularly Microsoft, Google, Nvidia, Broadcom, and Intel, have significantly grown in importance and size in various industries. On a personal level, the speaker is particularly interested in the biomedical space, investing in companies that use artificial intelligence or hardware to improve healthcare. These include White Rabbit, which uses AI to read mammograms, and NARP in Japan, which does noninvasive blood work. The speaker also sits on the board of Ifly, an indoor skydiving company that was purchased during the pandemic for a small price and is now generating significant revenue. The speaker's involvement in these companies reflects their belief in the positive impact technology can have on the world, even at an older age. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the ubiquity and excitement surrounding technology in various industries.

    • Crocs faces challenges in manufacturing due to geopolitical tensionsCrocs, a shoe company, faces complex challenges in manufacturing due to geopolitical issues, including pressure to relocate production from China to countries like Vietnam and India

      The global manufacturing industry, as represented by the shoe company Crocs, faces complex challenges due to geopolitical tensions. The company, which originally leveraged plastic injection molding technology from its connection to Flextronics, now finds itself under pressure to relocate production from China to countries like Vietnam and India due to geopolitical issues. This is a significant challenge for the company, which has a large operation in Guangzhou, China, and is worth billions of dollars. The speaker, who has personal connections to the company, expressed sympathy for the company's predicament and acknowledged the difficulty of finding a solution to this complex issue. Despite the challenges, the company will continue to face successes and failures as it navigates this nuanced geopolitical landscape. The speaker also noted the complications of supply chains in the electronics industry, expressing hope that governments can find a way to work together to reduce the need for such separations.

    • Honoring a Late Brother's Legacy at JuilliardMichael Marks' investment in Juilliard led to the creation of the Allan d Marks Entrepreneurial Studies Center, inspiring students with business education alongside musical training, resulting in successful graduates.

      Michael Marks, the founder and managing partner at Celesta, made a significant investment in Juilliard and established the Allan d Marks Entrepreneurial Studies Center in honor of his late brother, Alan d Marks, who was a Juilliard graduate and a world-famous pianist. Alan died of HIV at a young age, and the center was created to inspire students to learn about entrepreneurship and business, in addition to their musical training. The center started as electives but is now required for all students. Alan would have been proud to see the impact it has had, with successful graduates creating companies in various industries. One notable example is Project Music Heals Us, which sends professional musicians to hospitals and prisons to play for patients and inmates. Marks' investment in Juillard and the creation of the center is a testament to his brother's legacy and the importance of gaining a well-rounded education.

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