
    Mini Show #52: Political Labels, Dark Money, Stock Buybacks, Airline Dysfunction, UPS Workers, & More!

    enAugust 27, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • California Poll Shows Harris Facing Challenges for 2024 Democratic NominationCalifornia Governor Gavin Newsom and Senator Bernie Sanders are top choices for Democratic nomination, Harris trails behind, Biden against second term, Harris may struggle to secure nomination despite Democratic establishment support.

      The California poll suggests Vice President Kamala Harris may face challenges in securing the Democratic nomination for the 2024 presidential election, especially if President Joe Biden does not run. The poll indicates that California Governor Gavin Newsom and Senator Bernie Sanders are the top choices for the Democratic nomination, with Harris trailing behind them. Additionally, a majority of Californians are against Biden seeking a second term. These numbers could make it difficult for the Democratic establishment to support Harris as the nominee if Biden does not run. The poll also highlights the potential for other candidates, such as North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper and Pete Buttigieg, to enter the race. Overall, the poll indicates that Harris may face significant challenges in securing the Democratic nomination for the 2024 presidential election.

    • Shifting Political Landscape: Establishment Favors Control and Labels Lose MeaningThe political landscape is changing with less emphasis on labels and establishment favoring control, leading to fewer primary challenges and shifting political attitudes.

      The political landscape in the United States is undergoing significant shifts, with labels and identities becoming less meaningful and the establishment favoring established candidates over new contenders. During the discussion, it was mentioned that there might not be any significant primary challenges to President Joe Biden, despite some perceived weaknesses, due to the establishment's desire for control and the perception of chaos in a contested primary. Additionally, a new study revealed that Americans, particularly minorities, are identifying as less liberal than they were five years ago, suggesting a shift in political attitudes. The labels "liberal" and "progressive" have lost some of their meaning and are viewed negatively by many, and the concept of "America First" has gained traction among some. These shifts underscore the complexity and evolving nature of American politics.

    • Labels and ideologies can limit perspectiveCritically assess leaders and actions, not swayed by labels or ideologies, and avoid historical revisionism

      Labels and ideologies can limit our perspective and lead us to align ourselves with positions that may not truly represent our values and principles. The discussion highlights the misconception of the "America First" label and the importance of thinking for oneself rather than blindly following a label or ideology. Additionally, the critique of former President George W. Bush's leadership raises questions about the authenticity and value of leadership master classes, as well as the potential for historical revisionism and erasure of past mistakes. It's crucial to critically assess leaders and their actions, rather than being swayed by their image or popularity.

    • Criticizing Bush's presidency and media's role in rehabilitating his imageBush's presidency caused harm to America, but media's attempts to rehab his image for their gain is concerning, with DeSantis' new ad raising mixed feelings due to his military background and aggressive persona

      George W. Bush's presidency caused significant damage to America during a critical time, allowing powerful interests to exploit the nation. The speaker also criticizes the liberal media for attempting to rehabilitate Bush's image for their own gain. Regarding Ron DeSantis' new ad, the speaker expresses mixed feelings, acknowledging his military background but finding the aesthetic cringe and overly aggressive. The speaker also expresses concern that DeSantis may be drinking his own Kool-Aid by presenting himself as a fighter and badass character that he may not truly be. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexities of political figures and the role of media in shaping public perception.

    • Ron DeSantis' insincere imitation of Trump's styleSpeaker doubts DeSantis' authenticity as Trump-like figure due to insincere attempts to be both a celebrity and Trump imitator, and skepticism towards his ability to win against Trump in an election. Massive $1.6 billion political donation to Republican trust controlled by Leonard Leo, saving donor up to $400 million in taxes, raises ethical concerns.

      Ron DeSantis' attempts to imitate Trump's style and mannerisms come off as insincere and forced. The speaker believes that DeSantis' attempts to be a Trump-like figure while also trying to be a celebrity don't align with who he truly is. This is a major reason why the speaker is skeptical of DeSantis' ability to beat Trump in an election. Additionally, during their weekly partnership segment, David Sirota revealed a massive political donation of $1.6 billion to a Republican trust controlled by Leonard Leo, a Republican operative known for reshaping the federal judiciary. The donor, Barry Side, transferred his electronics company into the trust and then sold it, allowing him to save up to $400 million in taxes. Leonard Leo has a history of donating to right-wing organizations but this transfer is on a scale unlike anything seen before in American politics.

    • The use of secretive arrangements in politics and the lack of disclosure lawsUndisclosed political funding and agendas through trusts and dark money organizations pose a significant threat to transparency in American politics, hindering public understanding of political ideologies and influencing the federal judiciary.

      Without investigative reporting and the leak of previously undisclosed information, the American public may have remained in the dark about significant political funding and agendas. This discussion highlights the increasing use of secretive arrangements, like trusts, in politics, which can hide substantial resources and ideologies from public view. The conversation also touched upon the long-term efforts to reshape the federal judiciary from the bottom up, with a focus on promoting radical pro-corporate judicial philosophies. The lack of disclosure laws, such as the DISCLOSE Act, is a major concern, as it allows large amounts of money to flow through dark money organizations without public knowledge. The inability of parties to agree on disclosure laws underscores the significant influence of money in American politics and the power held by major fundraisers like Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell.

    • Dark Money's Influence on Recent PrimariesDark money groups continue to impact elections by funding affiliated packs, making it challenging to trace campaign funds, as seen in recent primaries in New York and Florida.

      The use of dark money in politics continues to be a significant issue, particularly in high-stakes elections. Dark money groups are increasingly influencing political races by funding affiliated packs, making it difficult to trace the origin of campaign funds. This was evident in the recent primary elections in New York and Florida. In Florida, for instance, the Democratic primary for the governor's race saw Charlie Crist, a former Republican-turned-Democrat and a well-known figure, emerge as the winner over Nikki Fried, the current agriculture commissioner. Despite Fried's specific platform and efforts to engage with voters, Crist's higher name recognition proved to be a decisive factor. However, the Democrats' chances of defeating entrenched Republican figures like Ron DeSantis in Florida seem slim, as the party is focusing its resources on more promising races in other states.

    • Florida Primaries: Energizing the Base and Building a Strong CoalitionThe Florida primaries underscored the significance of energizing the base and building a strong, diverse coalition to succeed in political races. Candidates like Laura Loomer demonstrated the power of distrust in institutions, while Maxwell Frost showed the potential of broadening a coalition without compromising values.

      The dynamics of the Florida primaries reveal the importance of energizing the base, especially in a midterm election year. This was evident in the close race between Laura Loomer, a far-right figure, and a Republican incumbent. Loomer, who refused to concede despite clear defeat, showed the power of distrust in institutions and the potential for personal gain in such situations. Meanwhile, in the 10th congressional district, Maxwell Frost, a progressive anti-gun violence activist, managed to build a broad coalition beyond the activist left, securing support from labor unions, environmental groups, and a super PAC focused on pandemic preparedness. The moral of the story is that, if done carefully, broadening a coalition without compromising values can be an effective strategy. However, it's important to note that such a strategy may not always involve taking the most progressive stance on every issue. Instead, it could mean not being the one to take a more radical position in certain situations. Ultimately, these Florida primaries highlight the importance of understanding the electorate and building a strong, diverse base to succeed in political races.

    • Progressive politicians and crypto industry clash over regulationProgressives push for pandemic preparedness, while crypto figures advocate for lighter regulation. Politicians' allegiance to crypto billionaires may hinder stricter regulations.

      The dynamic between progressive politicians and the cryptocurrency industry could shape the regulatory landscape in unexpected ways. Despite some progressive groups' focus on pandemic preparedness, influential figures in the crypto industry, like Sam Bankman-Fried, are pushing for lighter regulation. This dynamic is worth watching, especially since politicians who receive significant support from crypto billionaires may be hesitant to enact stricter regulations, even if they publicly support deregulation. Another interesting race to watch is the special election in upstate New York. Although it didn't significantly impact the math of the House, it gave Democrats an opportunity to highlight the Republicans' spending advantage and their focus on economic issues and abortion rights. Pat Ryan, the Democrat, will only serve the remaining term before running in a different district in November, while Molinaro, the Republican, will run in the same district again. The Republicans saw this race as having high stakes, as they aim to counter the narrative that the "red wave" has crested too early and that Democrats are gaining momentum due to the threat to abortion rights.

    • Abortion rights energized Democrats in NY 19th special electionAbortion rights issue mobilized Democrats, potential independents, and wealthier NYC residents shifted the electorate, high voter turnout, and strong Democratic primary performance led to Pat Ryan's victory.

      The abortion rights issue played a significant role in energizing the Democratic base and potentially swaying independents in the New York 19th special election. Despite Republican Mark Molinaro's moderate stance on the issue, his party affiliation was enough for Democrats to polarize the race. Another factor was the influx of wealthier New York City residents to the Hudson Valley region, which may have shifted the electorate in Democratic favor. Additionally, recent special elections and polling data suggest a trend of Democrats outperforming polling expectations, indicating strong turnout efforts. The New York 19th special election saw a high turnout of over 130,000 voters, which likely contributed to Pat Ryan's narrow victory. The primaries in city districts were also marked by internal Democratic battles, with some incumbents facing challenges from within their party.

    • Democratic Primaries: Branding, Voter Demographics, and Past PerformanceBranding, voter demographics, and past campaign performance played significant roles in recent Democratic primaries in New York. Clear liberal brands, involvement in high-profile investigations, and strong voter bases proved decisive for some candidates. Historical campaign struggles and controversial positions were exploited by opponents and Super PACs.

      The recent Democratic primary races in New York showcased the importance of branding, voter demographics, and past campaign performance. In the race between Jerry Nadler and Carolyn Maloney, Nadler's clear liberal brand, involvement in high-profile investigations, and strong voter base in a more politically engaged and left-leaning district proved decisive. Maloney's history of vaccine skepticism and past campaign struggles were exploited by opponents and Super PACs. In another primary, Dan Goldman, a wealthy and prominent impeachment lawyer, faced off against more progressive candidates, including Mondaire Jones. The New York Times' endorsement and Goldman's connections gave him an edge, but the outcome of these primaries highlights the ongoing debate within the Democratic Party about the role of institutional versus progressive candidates. These races also underscore the issue of Democratic Party gerontocracy, as both Nadler and Maloney are long-time congressional veterans in their mid-seventies.

    • The New York primary race for New York's 17th Congressional DistrictDespite a crowded field of progressive candidates, the inability to consolidate support and complications from redistricting impacted the outcome, potentially tarnishing Mondaire Jones' legacy and missing a clear-cut progressive victory.

      The New York primary race for New York's 17th Congressional District saw a crowded field of progressive candidates, with Mondaire Jones and Yulin Niu being the main contenders. Jones entered the race to avoid facing Sean Patrick Maloney in the primary and due to the belief that it would be easier to win in the general election. However, the close race between Niu and Jones, and the late release of district maps, caused confusion and jockeying among candidates. The inability of the progressive ecosystem to consolidate behind a single candidate in this race, as well as the complications caused by redistricting, ultimately impacted the outcome. This situation highlights the maturing, yet still developing, progressive ecosystem in New York City and its challenges in consolidating support behind individual candidates. The consequences of this situation include a potentially tarnished legacy for Mondaire Jones and an opportunity missed for a more clear-cut progressive victory.

    • The importance of local connections in suburban districtsLocal connections and a clear progressive message are crucial for winning over voters in suburban districts, as demonstrated in the NY Democratic primary race between Maloney and Biaggi.

      The political landscape in New York's Democratic primary race between Sean Patrick Maloney and Alessandra Biaggi highlights the challenges progressive candidates face in suburban districts and the importance of local connections. Maloney, who had previously represented a district in Congress and was endorsed by Democratic House leadership, was able to win over suburban voters despite his past actions perceived as selling out the left. On the other hand, Biaggi, a rising progressive star endorsed by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, faced difficulties in building relationships and overcoming perceptions of being an outsider in the district she moved into to run. Her lack of readymade relationships and some perceived ambiguity on progressive issues like defunding the police may have contributed to her loss in the primary. Overall, this race underscores the importance of local connections and a clear progressive message in winning over voters in suburban districts.

    • Democratic Socialist Candidates Make Mark in 2022 US ElectionsDemocratic socialists made significant gains in the 2022 US elections, particularly in New York State, with a focus on local issues and effective organizing. The power of traditional politics has weakened, allowing for grassroots campaigns to succeed.

      The 2022 US elections saw a significant showing of democratic socialist candidates, particularly in New York State, who were able to win in traditionally light blue, suburban areas despite their controversial baggage. The DSA's effective organizing and focus on local issues, such as housing and rental protections, proved powerful at the state and local levels. Notable victories include Kristen Gonzalez in Northwest Queens and Jabari Brisport in Brooklyn. The power of traditional patronage politics and the machine has weakened, allowing for these grassroots campaigns to make a mark. However, it's important to note that the success of these candidates was not uniform across all districts, with some centrist Democrats holding on in areas like Central and South Brooklyn. The emergence of a socialist-leaning demographic in Northwest Brooklyn and Northwest Queens, where young people have been priced out of Manhattan, has created a fertile ground for these candidates. Figures like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Nydia Velasquez, who are viewed as older generation progressives, are being watched as potential future truly left-wing members of Congress. The DSA's influence, which would have been laughed out of the room just a few years ago, is now a force to be reckoned with in US politics.

    • Florida and New York Politics and Airline Industry ChallengesEstablished politicians advance in Florida and New York politics, but the aviation industry, particularly airlines, struggle with cancellations and delays due to a lack of regulation, causing frustration for passengers.

      The political landscape in Florida and New York has seen small but significant progress in building a strong political operation, with established legislators running for higher offices. However, the aviation industry, specifically airlines, has faced a challenging summer with numerous cancellations and delays, causing frustration for passengers. Despite these issues, the Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg, has issued a record low number of aviation enforcement orders this year, indicating a lack of industry regulation. Bill McGee, a senior fellow for aviation at the American Economic Liberties Project and author of "Attention All Passengers," will provide insights into the airline industry and the reasons behind the poor service and cancellations.

    • Unjustified flight cancellations in US airline industryDespite weather and air traffic control issues, current flight cancellations are a complete meltdown with airlines not being truthful about reasons

      The summer of 2022 has seen unprecedented flight cancellations and disruptions in the US airline industry, with many last-minute cancellations being unjustified and not caused by weather or air traffic control issues as airlines claim. The speaker, who has experience as an aircraft dispatcher, argues that while these factors can contribute to cancellations, the current situation is a complete meltdown and airlines are not being truthful. The Department of Transportation's self-reporting system on flight delays and cancellations may not provide accurate information, making it important for travelers to understand the real reasons for disruptions. The speaker emphasizes that good airlines are able to manage weather and air traffic control issues effectively and treat their customers well, but what we're seeing now is a complete breakdown.

    • Rules for compensation and accommodations during flight delays and cancellations vary based on causeWeather delays often exempt airlines from providing meals, hotels, or other accommodations. File a complaint with the DOT for potential refunds or compensation. Contracts of carriage favor airlines, and treatment depends on various factors. Social media shaming may lead to a response, but results can vary.

      The rules for compensation and accommodations during flight delays and cancellations depend on the cause, with weather delays often considered as force majeure events that exempt airlines from providing meals, hotels, or other accommodations. Consumers have limited options when faced with such situations, but filing a complaint with the Department of Transportation (DOT) can sometimes lead to a refund or other forms of compensation. However, contracts of carriage, which are one-sided and filled with unclear language, often favor the airlines, and each passenger's treatment may depend on various factors. The most effective way to get a response from an airline might be to shame them on social media, but it's important to note that results can vary. Overall, the United States lacks strict regulations on passenger treatment during delays and cancellations, leaving consumers at the mercy of the airlines.

    • DOT could do more to address airline crisis with unfair practicesDOT's passive approach allows airlines to cancel flights & deny compensation, DOT should use existing authority to enforce penalties & demand compensation for passengers, increased transparency & communication from airlines needed

      The DOT, under Secretary Pete Buttigieg, could be doing more to address the crisis in the airline industry, particularly in regards to unfair and deceptive practices leading to flight cancellations and lack of compensation for passengers. The DOT has the authority to act through an unfair and deceptive practices rule, but Secretary Buttigieg has chosen to initiate rule-making processes which are lengthy and not retroactive. This passive approach allows airlines to continue canceling flights and denying compensation to passengers, including high-profile individuals like members of Congress. The airlines' awareness of VIPs on their flights, as demonstrated by the cancellation of Buttigieg's flight, further highlights their disregard for regulatory bodies and the public. To effectively address the crisis, the DOT should use its existing authority to enforce penalties and demand compensation for affected passengers. Additionally, increased transparency and communication from airlines to passengers regarding cancellations and delays is crucial.

    • Consolidation in the US Airline Industry: Too Big to Fail and CareThe US airline industry's consolidation has led to limited competition, high fares, and fewer options for consumers due to historical mergers and federal preemption that limits consumer protection and state court accountability.

      The airline industry in the United States has experienced unprecedented consolidation, with a small number of major airlines controlling the vast majority of the market share. This consolidation, which has never been greater, has been driven by a lack of new entrant airlines and historical mergers. The consequences of this consolidation are significant, as the industry is now "too big to fail" and "too big to care," with political elites receiving preferential treatment when flights are canceled. Deregulation, which was supposed to lead to a flood of new entrants, has instead resulted in a pervasive federal preemption that limits consumer protection and the ability of state courts to hold airlines accountable. This has led to a lack of competition, high fares, and limited options for consumers in many parts of the country.

    • Overlooking Consumer Rights in the Airline IndustryThe airline industry's monopolistic structure and deregulation allow them to prioritize profits over consumer needs, leading to harm without consequence. Short-term solutions include eliminating federal preemption, while long-term solutions involve reclassifying airlines as utilities and regulation.

      The airline industry's monopolistic structure and deregulation lead to consumer rights being overlooked, creating a situation where airlines can harm consumers with little consequence. The short-term policy solution is to eliminate federal preemption, allowing consumers to sue airlines for wrongdoing and enabling state officials to intervene. However, the root cause of the issue is the industry's inherent boom-bust cycle and structural instability, which leads to airlines prioritizing profits over consumer needs. This results in reduced flight frequencies, abandoned routes, and economic damage to entire regions. The long-term solution is to reclassify airlines as utilities and regulate them accordingly, ensuring that they operate in the best interests of consumers and the economy as a whole.

    • The Need for Regulation in the Airline IndustryThe deregulation of the airline industry has led to numerous problems, including high loads, lack of spare aircraft and crews, and inability to accommodate passengers during disruptions. Viewers are encouraged to advocate for industry regulation as a public utility to prevent these issues and ensure safety and better working conditions.

      While consumers have the right to sue airlines for issues, the deregulation of the airline industry over the past few decades has led to numerous problems for labor, consumers, and cities. The speaker believes that the industry should be regulated like a public utility to prevent issues like high loads, lack of spare aircraft and crews, and inability to accommodate passengers when flights are canceled. The recent summer of 2022, with its numerous flight cancellations and disruptions, is seen as a turning point for the industry, and the speaker encourages viewers to file complaints and contact their representatives to advocate for change. The tragic death of a UPS driver, Esteban Chavez Jr., who died on the job due to extreme heat, highlights the human cost of the current system and the need for safety provisions and better working conditions.

    • UPS Drivers Face Dangerous Working Conditions in Extreme HeatUPS drivers are under pressure to meet deadlines, making it difficult for them to take necessary breaks in extreme heat, posing risks to their health and the economy.

      UPS workers and other delivery drivers are facing dangerous working conditions, particularly in extreme heat, which poses risks not only to their health but also to the economy. UPS workers, in particular, face intense pressure to meet delivery deadlines and are closely monitored by management, making it difficult for them to take necessary breaks. Gabriela, a UPS driver, shared her experience of working in 107-degree heat and the challenges of being unable to stop for extended periods due to constant monitoring and surveillance. The consequences of these conditions can be severe, including heat exhaustion, dehydration, and even death. Crystal's report on Breaking Points provided crucial context on the heating crisis UPS workers are facing, and this segment aims to build on that by sharing clips from a recent podcast episode featuring three UPS drivers discussing their experiences. In the next part of this segment, we will delve deeper into the issue of heat as a workplace hazard and its impact on workers in other industries.

    • Workers at risk of heat-related illnesses in extreme heat conditionsCompanies must invest in infrastructure to protect workers from heat-related illnesses and customers can support these efforts by choosing to do business with prioritizing worker safety

      The extreme heat conditions faced by workers, particularly at UPS, poses significant risks to their health and safety. Drivers have reported spending prolonged periods in the back of their trucks, which can reach temperatures up to 130 degrees with no airflow. This not only makes it difficult for them to find packages but also puts them at risk of heat-related illnesses such as heat cramps, exhaustion, and stroke. One worker even suffered from kidney failure due to the heat. The situation is expected to worsen as the climate crisis continues. To mitigate these risks, companies can invest in infrastructure such as air conditioning in their buildings and package cars, as well as roof-mounted air conditioning or exhaust vents. Customers also have a role to play by choosing to support companies that prioritize worker safety and well-being. The upcoming contract fight between UPS and the Teamsters presents an opportunity for significant change. In short, it's crucial that companies prioritize their workers' health and safety, particularly in the face of increasingly extreme weather conditions.

    • The Debate Around Stock Buybacks: Boosting Earnings vs. Limiting InvestmentsCompanies buying back their own shares can boost earnings per share but may limit investments in research, development, expansion, and workforce. Concerns have risen about the opportunity cost of record-breaking buybacks in 2022, and individuals can advocate for investments in workers and communities.

      While companies have various options for how to use their cash, the debate around stock buybacks revolves around their impact on the economy and society. Companies like buying back their own shares to boost earnings per share, making stocks look more attractive. However, this practice reduces the number of shares available and could potentially limit investments in research, development, expansion, and workforce. With record-breaking buybacks in 2022, concerns have risen about the opportunity cost of not investing in other areas. As former SEC chairman Jay Clayton argued, nimble capital has played a crucial role in America's growth, but it's essential to consider the long-term implications of stock buybacks on the overall economy and society. To make a difference, individuals can reach out to companies and their unions to advocate for investments in workers and communities.

    • Fed's pandemic aid went to companies that spent on buybacks, laid off workersProfitble companies that spent on buybacks before pandemic had little cash left, laid off workers despite aid, buybacks may not grow businesses long term, can lead to insider trading and cronyism

      During the pandemic, the Federal Reserve injected over $1.5 trillion into the market to save businesses, but some companies, including profitable ones in the restaurant industry, took bailout money and then laid off workers anyway. They had spent that cash on stock buybacks in previous years, leaving them with little cash on hand when the crisis hit. This practice, which prioritizes rewarding shareholders over employees, can lead to insider trading and corporate cronyism. Furthermore, a study found that companies that spend more on buybacks are less likely to grow over the long term and can even outperform companies that don't engage in buybacks. Therefore, while stock buybacks can provide a short-term boost to shareholders, they may not be the most efficient or effective way for corporations to reallocate capital or reward shareholders in the long run.

    • Corporate Stock Buybacks and Economic InstabilityCorporate stock buybacks prioritize boosting stock prices over investing in productive capabilities or paying workers, exposing corporations to significant financial risk and undermining economic growth. A new tax on buybacks may have limited impact, and it's crucial to demand regulations that prioritize the well-being of all Americans.

      Corporations are increasingly using debt to finance stock buybacks, which can expose them to significant financial risk and undermine economic growth. This practice, which prioritizes boosting stock prices over investing in productive capabilities or paying workers, has far-reaching negative implications for economic and societal stability. The recent Inflation Reduction Act includes a new 1% excise tax on corporate stock buybacks, but its impact is debated. Some argue it's immaterial, while others believe it reinforces the corporate obsession with stock price performance and undermines efforts towards equitable and stable economic growth. Ultimately, the rules of the game in the American economy are often made by those with the most power, and it's up to the public to demand regulations that decentralize power and prioritize the well-being of all Americans.

    • Politicians and Podcasting: Direct Connection or Limited Reach?Politicians can connect directly with audiences through podcasting but may not reach a broad base without engaging with traditional media and diverse audiences.

      While politicians are exploring new ways to communicate directly with their audiences through podcasting, it's a myopic strategy that may not be entirely viable for building a broad political base. Podcasting offers a more direct and authentic connection, but it also lacks the credibility and reach that comes with engaging with traditional media and their interlocutors. Politicians are increasingly bypassing the press, but they still need to win over voters outside their base. The podcasting landscape varies in quality, with some politicians, like Ted Cruz, finding success. However, the medium may not suit all politicians equally well, and the format and effectiveness can depend on individual personalities and communication styles. Ultimately, while podcasting offers unique benefits, it's essential for politicians to remember that they still need to navigate the complexities of media gatekeepers and engage with a diverse audience to be effective.

    • Unstructured and conversational interviews set Dan Crenshaw's podcast apartDan Crenshaw's podcast offers unique, unstructured interviews that feel more like normal podcasts, setting it apart from typical political podcasts and resulting in a more engaging listening experience for audiences.

      Dan Crenshaw's podcast stands out among political podcasts due to its conversational and unstructured nature, making it feel more like a normal podcast experience. The interview format allows politicians to control the conversation, curate guests, and avoid answering unwanted questions, often resulting in dull programs. Most politicians lack the skills required for good interviewing, making for an unengaging listening experience. Republican podcasts tend to perform better due to their often provocative and confrontational style, appealing to their audience's interests and values.

    • Right Wing Dominates Podcasting: Epistemological Gardens and AuthenticityThe right wing's success in podcasting stems from its epistemological gardens and rhetorical style, while the left struggles to adapt. Hire an excellent editor and have a co-host for authenticity.

      The right wing dominates podcasting due to the format's compatibility with their rhetorical style and the existing legacy audience. The left, on the other hand, has struggled to find success in this medium. The reason for this lies in the closed epistemological garden of right wing rhetoric, which creates good agitprop and lends itself well to the format. Additionally, many popular podcasts feature former right wing radio hosts, leading to a significant fold-over audience. For political communicators, my advice would be to hire an excellent editor and have a co-host. The authenticity of the medium comes from candid, unfiltered conversations, and a trusted friend or colleague can help achieve that while ensuring political correctness. Cruz's podcast with Michael Knowles serves as an example of this dynamic. Overall, embracing the unique qualities of podcasting and adapting to the audience's preferences is essential for political success in this medium.

    • Exploring Emotional Connection in Relationships and AvocadosEmotional connection is crucial in relationships and in producing high-quality avocados. By being present and attuned, we can deepen our understanding and appreciation for both.

      Leading in a relationship involves being emotionally present and tuning in to what's going on around you. Radi DeBlucchia, in her new podcast "A Really Good Cry," discusses this concept with friends, admired authors, and people who have significantly impacted her life. She emphasizes the importance of listening to your body and allowing yourself to cry, as long as it's a "really good one." Meanwhile, in a completely different context, the California avocado industry also requires emotional connection. Each avocado is shaped by ideal conditions and the dedication of local farmers who prioritize responsible and sustainable growing. By opening an avocado, you can experience the richness and care that goes into producing it. In both relationships and avocados, taking the time to connect emotionally leads to a deeper appreciation and understanding.

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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Trump flips on immigration green cards, Trump to reveal VP at debate, GenZ rages at boomer economic nightmare, and corporate greed screws Americans. 


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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Nvidea surge exposes possible dotcom bust, Putin North Korea screw you to Biden, Zyn online sales shutdown. 


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    6/20/24: CNN Biden Age Cope, Hezbollah Threatens Massive War, Boeing Victim Goes Off On CEO, Biden Gaza Pier Crumbles

    6/20/24: CNN Biden Age Cope, Hezbollah Threatens Massive War, Boeing Victim Goes Off On CEO, Biden Gaza Pier Crumbles

    Krystal and Saagar discuss CNN blames fake videos for Biden age concern, Hezbollah threatens massive war, Boeing victim mom goes off on CEO, Biden Gaza pier crumbles.


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    Related Episodes

    Ep 34- I've Got A Black Friend

    Ep 34- I've Got A Black Friend
    On this episode: Two new segments get a test run. “The Source of My Side Eye'' and “Master Debaters Theatre”. Thanos snapped the Democratic field for president down to Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, so an argument ensued. We check in on an act of kindness, met by racism and the administration's response to the coronavirus pandemic. Thoughts and prayers with James as he mourns the passing of his older brother.

    Show Prologue:
    Brothers Breaking Bread, or the “Triple B Pod”, is a collection of African American professionals, friends, and family that attempt to tackle the important issues of the day. We bring our unique brand of humor, sensitivity, and oftentimes anger to the analysis. The show features Rodger (@KcStork); “The Brothers of Doom” James and Joe; Anthony (10 Meters); Ada (Lady Lavender) and extended #3BPod family. We cut our teeth as podcasters creating nearly 100 episodes of the Negroraguan Podcast, we’ve kept much of the format and traditions with a few personal touches that come with a new show. We sincerely hope you enjoy, and subscribe to the show.

    Music Cred:
    Show Intro- We Outchea - Joseph Jefferson
    Outro- It’s Over – Joseph Jefferson

    Photo Editing:
    Jason Jones

    Title: I Have A Black Friend

    Opening: Shirley Chisholm

    Dem Update:


    Biden Lies:

    Called the N-Word:

    Corona Update:





    Master Debaters:

    The Latest in Sacramento: The Week of June 17, 2019

    The Latest in Sacramento:  The Week of June 17, 2019

    Today's discussion includes many activities at the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) and in the State Capitol.  Emily highlights leadership changes at the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) and ongoing discussions at the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) regarding fees and an effort to reduce compliance costs for the various permitting programs.  

    On the Legislative front, there have been changes to the drinking water effort and Tricia walks through where we are on the state budget process.  A number of "budget trailer bills" have been moving through the Legislature containing important policy changes.  Additionally, the Governor is working hard on expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and we expect a vote on that in the coming weeks as well.

    **PLEASE NOTE:  This podcast was recorded prior to the pesticide exposure incident in Tulare County affecting farmworkers on June 18.  The farmworkers were treated by first responders, with a few taken to the hospital, and we are thankful they felt better after being treated.  Farmers care deeply about the health and safety of their employees.  Farmers take every precaution to protect the well-being of farmworkers and follow strict laws and regulations pertaining to the application of pesticides.  For further information about the incident, please go to this link HERE for an ABC30 news story. 

    Broken Sim #35: "Sam Tripoli Recaptures His Youth" + Joe Rogan proves Instagram is screwing with Sam

    Broken Sim #35: "Sam Tripoli Recaptures His Youth" + Joe Rogan proves Instagram is screwing with Sam
    Host Sam Tripoli recaptures his youth while visiting New York for his 30th high school reunion on this week's Broken Sim, and Joe Rogan helps prove Instagram is screwing with Sam.

    Also this week the guys get into the California gubernatorial race and discuss whether the mail-in balloting is secure before discussing whether OnlyFans is making a huge mistake, and getting into another week of nutty news.

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    Get episodes early, and unedited, plus bonus episodes: www.patreon.com/brokensimulation

    Watch Broken Simulation: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCob18bx1jaU1HYPCPNRnyog

    Social media:
    Twitter: @fatdragonpro, @johnnywoodard
    Instagram: @samtripoli, @johnnyawoodard