
    Money and Debt Crush My Mental Health

    en-usJuly 28, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding resistance to changeAwareness of a problem isn't enough; finding motivation and taking action is necessary to overcome resistance and make a change.

      Awareness alone is not enough to motivate change, especially when dealing with deeply ingrained beliefs and resistance. Snow's situation involves a long-standing belief about money and its connection to survival, which has been a significant obstacle to her making a career change despite being aware of her dissatisfaction with her current job. She's found herself stuck in the contemplative stage of change, unable to move on to preparation due to her resistance to money and spending it. Snow's goal is either to accept her current situation and live off her savings or find a better job that aligns with her, but her resistance to money holds her back. The key takeaway is that acknowledging the problem and being aware of the resistance is not enough; one must find the motivation and take action to address the issue.

    • Recognizing Stages of Change in Relationships with Money and CareerUnderstanding the stages of change - precontemplative and contemplative - is essential for effective solutions. Addressing money issues before career concerns might be more impactful for someone in a contemplative stage.

      Understanding the stages of change is crucial when trying to help someone make a change in behavior. Precontemplative and contemplative stages are important to recognize, as they significantly impact how effective solutions will be. In this context, the speaker believes that the listener is in a contemplative stage regarding two separate issues: their relationship with money and their career. The speaker suggests that addressing the relationship with money first might be more effective, as it seems to be a more significant issue for the listener. The stages of change model, which was initially developed for addictions, shows that people go through cognitive stages before taking action. Precontemplative individuals don't recognize a problem, while contemplatives are aware but conflicted. By understanding where someone is in their stages of change, it becomes easier to provide appropriate solutions.

    • Complex emotions towards moneyDespite caring deeply about money, the speaker experiences anxiety and fear related to potential financial instability, which can impact their work performance and emotional well-being.

      The speaker's complex relationship with money stems from their ideological beliefs, personal anxiety, and fear of financial instability. They care deeply about money but experience anxiety and fear related to potential financial hardships. The speaker's emotions regarding money can be triggered by small incidents, and they struggle to release these emotions effectively. This emotional processing difficulty could impact their work situation, potentially leading to increased stress and difficulty in managing professional challenges. Additionally, the speaker's mood can fluctuate between depression and hypomania, further complicating their emotional response to money and financial stability.

    • Address emotional blocks to prevent burnoutAddress emotional blocks to prevent burnout, consider alternative mental health approaches, and focus on effective support for overall well-being

      It's crucial to address emotional blocks and process frustrations and challenges at work to prevent burnout. Cultural influences can impact individual mindsets, but they don't define us entirely. If you're struggling with mental health issues and therapy hasn't been effective, it might be worth considering alternative approaches or seeking out therapists with different methods. Burnout can stem from various sources, and dealing with financial stress might not be the only solution. Emotional blocks can pile up and lead to burnout, making it essential to address them. While letting go of financial concerns might seem appealing as a way to alleviate stress, it could potentially be an unhealthy coping mechanism. Instead, focusing on managing emotional blocks and seeking effective mental health support can help prevent burnout and improve overall well-being.

    • Addressing burnout first can help with money stressFocusing on burnout before money can lead to better resolution of both issues, as dealing with burnout first can provide a more stable foundation for addressing money concerns

      Burnout and one's relationship with money are connected issues, but they can be addressed separately. The speaker suggests that focusing on solving burnout first might actually help in dealing with money-related stress later on. They use the analogy of personal issues in relationships to illustrate this point. Changing one's relationship with money directly might not solve the underlying causes of burnout. Instead, dealing with burnout first and gaining a more secure footing can make it easier to address money concerns. This approach allows for the resolution of both issues without conflicting values or perceived losses.

    • Taking a break for emotional processing and career explorationTaking a break from work can lead to long-term fulfillment and financial security by allowing emotional processing and career exploration. Techniques like journaling and talking can help, but it's a personal process that takes time. Emotional growth and financial security are interconnected.

      Taking a break from work for emotional processing and career exploration is important for long-term fulfillment and financial security. It may be difficult to overcome anxiety and financial fears during this time, but it's essential to listen to the part of you that cares about your well-being and future. Emotional processing can be challenging, especially when dealing with burnout and depression. Techniques such as journaling and talking can be effective, but it's a personal process. It's essential to be patient with yourself and remember that emotional growth takes time. Additionally, it's important to understand that emotional processing and financial security are interconnected, and addressing one can positively impact the other. Overall, taking a break to focus on your emotional and career needs can lead to a more fulfilling and financially secure future.

    • Avoiding emotional work can lead to burnoutEmotional processing is not always about finding a solution, but acknowledging and experiencing emotions effectively through practices like journaling and meditation.

      During therapy sessions, the person might have a tendency to look for logical solutions or regimens instead of fully embracing emotional processing. This behavior, often driven by a desire to optimize and be a good person, can lead to avoidance of emotional work and eventually burnout. An example given was the tendency to save money for a rainy day, only to realize that the money was no longer desired or useful when the rainy day arrived. Instead, practices such as journaling and meditation before bed can help process emotions effectively. It's important to remember that emotional processing is not always about finding a concrete solution, but rather acknowledging and experiencing the emotions themselves.

    • Meditative Rewind for Better SleepPracticing the Meditative Rewind helps process emotions and prepare for sleep by acknowledging emotional impact of each event and moving on

      Managing emotions is crucial for a good night's sleep. When we have unresolved emotions from the day, it can make it difficult to fall asleep. A simple practice called the meditative rewind can help. This involves going back through your day, acknowledging the emotional impact of each event, and then moving on. This practice can take varying amounts of time and can help you process your emotions and prepare for sleep. It's important to acknowledge the emotions without getting hooked by them and to label them as part of the emotional intelligence skillset. Additionally, considering taking a break from work or negotiating for more fulfilling work can also contribute to better sleep and overall well-being.

    • Effective Communication and Shared Responsibility for Employee Well-BeingEmployees and employers share responsibility for preventing burnout. Effective communication, self-care, and employer support are crucial for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling work environment.

      The relationship between employees and employers plays a significant role in job satisfaction and preventing burnout. Most bosses want their employees to be happy and productive, but effective communication is key to addressing issues and finding solutions. Employees should not endure poor working conditions out of fear for their financial security. Instead, they should practice expressing their concerns in a constructive manner. Burnout is not solely an individual or employer issue, but rather a shared responsibility. Employers can contribute to employee well-being by implementing supportive measures, such as mental health resources and work-life balance initiatives. Effective communication, shared responsibility, and self-care are essential for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling work environment.

    • Understanding Emotional Processing vs SuppressionAcknowledge emotions without judgment for healthy processing, while suppressing can lead to emotional buildup and potential harm. Mindfulness and seeking help are crucial for addressing emotions effectively.

      Emotional processing and suppression are two different things. Emotional processing involves acknowledging and noticing emotions without judgment, while suppression involves pushing emotions down and ignoring them. The speaker acknowledges that she has struggled with this distinction in the past, but emphasizes the importance of processing emotions rather than suppressing them. Suppression can lead to a buildup of emotions that may resurface later, potentially causing more harm than good. The speaker also suggests that it's essential to be mindful of our primary coping mechanisms and to consider seeking help or resources if needed. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of understanding and addressing emotions in a healthy and productive way.

    • Acknowledging emotions and mindset towards moneyRecognize money's role in security and happiness, set savings goals, allow small indulgences, and explore mantras for a balanced perspective on money

      Developing a healthy relationship with money involves acknowledging its role in both providing security and contributing to happiness. It's essential to recognize that your emotions and mindset towards money are protective, rather than something to be conquered. Setting specific savings goals and allowing yourself small indulgences can help create a balanced perspective. Additionally, exploring mantras, particularly those related to wealth in your spiritual tradition, may provide further guidance and support in your financial journey. Remember, it's an ongoing process, and acknowledging the advantages and disadvantages of your relationship with money is a significant step towards improvement.

    • Balancing personal and professional challengesSetting healthy boundaries, communicating clearly, altering schedules, recognizing employer's role, and considering new jobs can help reduce burnout and maintain a healthy relationship with money.

      Developing a healthy relationship with money and addressing work-related burnout are interconnected issues. While it's essential to understand broader societal trends, focusing on personal actions can be more effective. For instance, setting healthy boundaries with your employer, communicating clearly, and altering your schedule can help reduce burnout. However, it's important to recognize that the burden of burnout is not solely on the individual, and employers have a role to play. If your workplace cannot accommodate your needs, consider finding a new job. Remember, don't order a test unless it alters your management – focus on actions that make a difference. Snow's example illustrates how personal and professional challenges can intersect, and it's crucial to strike a balance between understanding the bigger picture and taking practical steps towards improvement.

    • Impact of Personal Feelings on Professional RolesRecognize the influence of personal emotions on professional roles, communicate effectively with bosses, and set boundaries to create a healthy work environment.

      Our personal feelings and experiences can significantly impact our professional roles and relationships. The speaker shared an example of feeling confused and frustrated when asked to do a job outside of the agreed-upon responsibilities without proper compensation. This situation led them to set boundaries and leave the job. The discussion also highlighted the importance of acknowledging and managing emotions in the workplace. It's crucial to communicate effectively with our bosses about our needs and limits to create a healthy and productive work environment. Sometimes, we may need to process our emotions before attempting to negotiate or make changes in our careers. The personal component of our careers is essential to understand and address, as it can greatly influence our professional success and overall well-being.

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    FREA Self-Care Tools for Emotional Wellbeing

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    Original blogpost on FREA.support: Link: https://www.frea.support/post/create-a-positive-health-care-plan-during-national-women-s-health-week

    Resources: National Women's Health Care Week information at Office of Women's Health - Link: https://www.womenshealth.gov/nwhw/about?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery

    FREA stress reduction resource page: Link: https://www.frea.support/self-care-handouts

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    [22:13] Stages in terms of comfort in terms of financial strategy and business.


    [28:34] Email is a gateway drug. You are there to solve problems if you are in your inbox. If you are on a break, don't open your email.


    [29:25] Sabbatical—take time off for three to four weeks every three years.


    [30:52] Create your own demand.


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    Connect with me!  


    Podcast Instagram: The Flourishing Entrepreneur

    FM Website: Flourish Marketing | Strategy, Copywriting & Coaching

    Schedule a Discovery Call: 30-Minute Discovery Call - ALEYA HARRIS

    Where to find more of Michelle:


    Michelle’s Instagram: Consulting for Event Pros

    Michelle’s Website: Be Sage Consulting

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