
    More Like GONE DeSantis (w/Gavin Newsom!)

    enJanuary 23, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • DeSantis Campaign Struggles with Clear MessageEffective communication and a clear message are crucial for successful political campaigns. Misunderstandings and lack of clarity can lead to missed opportunities and ultimately, failure to secure the nomination.

      The Ron DeSantis presidential campaign struggled to gain traction due in part to a lack of a clear message and effective communication. According to the podcast "Pod Save America," DeSantis' team held a message call with online influencers, only to be criticized for their lack of a clear message. Additionally, at a campaign event in Iowa, DeSantis spoke about the college accreditation process, but a middle-aged woman from the audience misunderstood him, hoping for a QAnon dog whistle instead. These incidents highlight the importance of a clear and effective campaign message, as well as the potential consequences of miscommunication. Despite spending $150 million on his campaign, DeSantis ultimately ended his bid for the presidency and endorsed Donald Trump.

    • Infighting and lack of focus in DeSantis campaign during Iowa primaryThe DeSantis campaign during the Iowa primary was plagued by infighting and a lack of clear purpose and message, leading to poor performance and eventual withdrawal from the race.

      The DeSantis campaign during the Iowa primary was marked by infighting, disloyalty, and a lack of clear purpose and message. Scott Wagner, the head of the Never Back Down Super PAC, spent significant time constructing a campaign puzzle instead of focusing on door-to-door canvassing or fundraising. This anecdote, confirmed by two anonymous staffers, highlights the larger issue of a team that was more focused on undermining each other than supporting their candidate. The campaign lacked the resources to continue, and DeSantis ultimately decided to withdraw from the race. Despite the poor campaign performance, there may still be some compassion for DeSantis, who made a final effort to connect with voters before conceding. However, the lack of a clear message and the internal strife ultimately led to the campaign's downfall.

    • Ron DeSantis' Reasons for Endorsing TrumpRon DeSantis endorsed Trump early to secure his place in the party, believing Trump is the only winner, repairing relationship, and avoiding potential backlash.

      Ron DeSantis endorsed Donald Trump earlier than expected, and there could be several reasons behind this decision. First, he might believe that Trump is the only candidate who can win the election. Second, he may be trying to repair his relationship with Trump and avoid further antagonization. Lastly, he might want to get the endorsement over with before facing pressure and potential backlash from the base. The endorsement came with criticism towards Nikki Haley, whom DeSantis labeled as a "repackaged form of warmed over corporatism." This label could be applied to both Haley and DeSantis, as both have been associated with establishment Republican politics. Additionally, the Trump campaign has responded harshly to endorsements from other Republicans, threatening primary challenges and labeling them as traitors. DeSantis, who is term-limited as governor, may feel the need to endorse Trump now to avoid becoming a pariah in the party. Overall, DeSantis' endorsement video was criticized for its lack of grace and judgment, showcasing his zero-sum mentality and online persona.

    • Lessons from Ron DeSantis' Failed Presidential CampaignIdeology and politics aren't enough to win the presidency. Authenticity and personality matter. Money can impact politics, but lack of coordination hinders effectiveness. Persuasion can be approached from various angles, but likability is a personal challenge.

      Personality and authenticity are crucial in politics. The failed presidential campaign of Ron DeSantis serves as a reminder that ideology and politics alone are not enough to win the presidency. Another lesson is the impact of money in politics, as the lack of coordination between DeSantis and his super PAC hindered their campaign. Additionally, attempts to persuade people can be made on various fronts, but convincing someone to like you is a challenge that only the candidate can address. Despite the controversy surrounding potential illegal coordination, the lack of a clear message and strategy hindered DeSantis' campaign, making coordination less effective.

    • Political Consultants' Disagreements and MisunderstandingsSuper PACs can create conflicts between consultants, ad makers, and candidates, potentially impacting campaign strategy. Attempting to align too closely with polarizing figures may alienate moderates and other voters.

      The use of super PACs in political campaigns can lead to disagreements and misunderstandings between consultants, ad makers, and candidates, potentially hindering effective communication and strategy. Additionally, attempting to run to the right of a popular conservative figure like Donald Trump during an election may alienate moderates and those interested in other issues. Furthermore, while certain controversial issues like anti-woke crusades may be important to a vocal subset of Republicans, they are not the primary animating factors for most members of the party. Lastly, concerns about former President Trump's mental fitness have been raised due to his inaccurate statements and misunderstandings of past events.

    • Nikki Haley's New Hampshire StrugglesDespite efforts, Haley's campaign hasn't made significant progress with the Republican base, and even winning over all undeclared voters might not be enough to secure a victory. The race dynamics favor Trump, and Haley may need a strong South Carolina finish to continue.

      Nikki Haley's campaign in New Hampshire has been struggling to close the gap with Donald Trump in the polls. The discussion suggests that she's not making significant inroads with the Republican base, and even if she were to win over all undeclared voters, it might not be enough to secure a victory. The fundamental dynamics of the race seem to favor Trump, and it would have required a different response from the Republican Party for years to shift this trend. Haley's campaign may need to win the South Carolina primary to keep going, as a strong second place finish in New Hampshire might not be enough to justify continuing the campaign.

    • Nikki Haley's 2024 Primary ChallengesDespite facing significant challenges in the 2024 Republican primary, Nikki Haley's attacks on Trump could benefit the Democrats, but may impact her future political prospects.

      Nikki Haley's continued presence in the 2024 Republican primary race is seen as a pointless slog by some political analysts, as she faces significant challenges in South Carolina and other upcoming states. Her opponent, Donald Trump, is expected to win handily in many of these states, leaving Haley with few chances to make up ground. Some believe she may drop out of the race and not endorse Trump publicly, as she has already stated her support for him in the past. However, others argue that Haley's attacks on Trump could benefit the Democratic Party by making the race nastier and providing more ammunition for Biden's campaign. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to endorse Trump could impact Haley's future political prospects, as she may face backlash from the MAGA crowd if she goes against Trump. The lack of a clear moral center and perspective among some politicians continues to be a concerning trend in American politics.

    • Political Figures Make Controversial Statements During Presidential RaceDespite concerns over controversial statements made by political figures during the presidential race, many Republicans have pledged to support the nominee. Statements made by Joe Biden, Nikki Haley, Chris Sununu, and Trump have raised questions about their fitness and actions.

      During the political discourse leading up to the presidential race, there has been a significant amount of negativity and concerning statements made by various political figures. For instance, Joe Biden's rhetoric has been criticized as terrible and salacious, while Nikki Haley has questioned the fitness of 70-year-olds to run for president. New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu argued for presidential immunity, stating that without it, presidents would be "impotent." Trump himself suggested that he could get away with murder as president, a comment that was made seriously. Despite these concerns, many Republicans have stated that they will support the Republican nominee, regardless of their reservations. Trump has received endorsements from politicians like Nancy Mace, who previously called for him to be held accountable for the insurrection. These conflicting statements and actions highlight the complexities and tensions within the political landscape. It's important for voters to carefully consider the statements and actions of all candidates before making their decision.

    • Biden campaign benefits from Trump's political dramaTrump's ongoing drama helps Biden appeal to independents, moderates, and swing voters, particularly suburban demographic, using clips of criticisms from former officials and effective messaging.

      The ongoing political drama surrounding Donald Trump and his Republican critics is proving to be beneficial for the Biden campaign. Clips of Trump's confusions and criticisms from former administration officials like Nikki Haley and Mick Mulvaney are being used effectively in ads to appeal to independent, moderate, and swing voters. The Biden team is successfully leveraging the growing disillusionment among some Republicans with Trump, as evidenced by comments from business leaders and even some former cabinet members. These messages are particularly impactful for the key voting demographic of suburban voters, who are crucial in determining the outcome of elections. The ongoing narrative of Republicans knowing better but being swayed by politics and money adds to the persuasive power of these messages. The use of former Trump administration officials in ads and public statements is expected to have a significant impact on these voters. Additionally, the Love and Leave It live show is coming to Washington DC on April 25th, and the latest episode of Political Experts React featuring Dan Pfeiffer and Jen Psaki is now available on the Pod Save America YouTube channel.

    • Republican Primary: Trump's Surprising StrengthDemocrats should contrast Trump's record and actions, emphasize democratic values, and protect institutions in the general election.

      The Republican primary race is currently dominated by Donald Trump, who has shown surprising strength despite not crossing the 50% threshold in some states. The Democratic strategy for the general election should focus on contrasting Trump's record and actions, particularly on issues like abortion rights, where Trump has tried to appear more centrist despite creating the conditions that led to the Supreme Court decision on Dobbs. The Democrats should also emphasize their commitment to protecting democratic institutions and values. The primary process has shown that Trump is a formidable opponent, but the Democratic Party is confident in their ability to contrast and compare their values and policies effectively in the general election.

    • Interviewer finds candidate unappealing and stiffInterviewer found candidate lacking joy and likability, which may negatively impact election chances

      During an interview with a potential political candidate, the interviewer was struck by the lack of joy and likability the candidate displayed. This stiffness and physical intensity came across as unappealing and may negatively impact the candidate's chances in an election. The interviewer, who has appeared on Fox News and values finding common ground, did not find this quality in the candidate and felt the interaction was awkward. Despite consuming conservative media and challenging guests on these shows, the interviewer remains confident in the Democratic Party's momentum and direction towards the 2024 election.

    • Democrats need to take a more proactive stance on key issuesDemocrats should be more aggressive in shaping the narrative on issues like CRT, DEI, ESG, LGBTQ+ rights, book banning, and affordability. Utilize platforms like Truth Social for counter-messaging.

      Democrats need to be more proactive and aggressive in framing the narrative on key issues, rather than being on the receiving end of Republican Party talking points. This was expressed publicly by a Democratic mayor after the Dobbs decision, particularly concerning the anti-CRT, DEI, ESG, and anti-LGBTQ+ agendas, as well as the banning of books and cultural purge. The use of platforms like Truth Social for counter-messaging and recasting the debate on these issues was suggested. The mayor also highlighted the importance of addressing affordability as a major driver of homelessness, both nationally and in California.

    • The decline of mental health resources in California and its impact on the middle classCalifornia's lack of mental health resources and high costs have resulted in a significant decrease in mental health beds and units since the 1950s, leaving many struggling with mental health issues on the streets and self-medicating. Reforms and new initiatives are being proposed to address this issue and provide adequate resources for those in need.

      The lack of mental health resources and high costs in California have led to a significant imbalance in supply and demand, making it increasingly difficult for the middle class to thrive and threatening both the American and California dreams. This issue can be traced back to reforms in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s, which aimed to deinstitutionalize mental health patients but failed to provide adequate community alternatives. As a result, the number of mental health beds and units in California has decreased by about 85% since 1959. The current situation is dire, with many individuals experiencing mental health issues living on the streets and self-medicating with drugs or alcohol. To address this issue, there is a push for reforms, including the creation of 11,150 new treatment beds and units, zoning reforms, and increased accountability. The Supreme Court is also being urged to clarify the laws regarding homeless encampments, as the current situation is causing significant harm and even death. The status quo is draconian, and action is needed to provide adequate mental health resources and improve the lives of those struggling with mental health issues.

    • Balancing compassion and practical solutions for homelessnessTo effectively address homelessness, we need both compassion and practical solutions. The state's commitment to funding and services is important, but clarity and flexibility are needed to implement these solutions effectively. Legal battles and conflicting court rulings hinder progress and require a balance between idealism and pragmatism.

      Addressing the homelessness crisis requires both compassion and practical solutions. The young meth addict's story underscores the importance of giving individuals a chance to get back on their feet, while acknowledging the challenges of balancing compassion with public safety and accountability. The state's commitment to addressing homelessness through funding and services is a step in the right direction, but clarity and flexibility are needed to effectively implement these solutions. The ongoing legal battles and conflicting court rulings hinder progress and frustrate those trying to help. Ultimately, as Democrats, we must deliver results and find a balance between idealism and pragmatism to make a meaningful impact on this complex issue.

    • Governor Newsom's initiatives for children and youthGovernor Newsom has invested billions in brain health and children's services, implemented reforms in conservatorship, care court, and Medi-Cal, and emphasizes the importance of sports for personal growth. He is pushing for Proposition 1 to deliver on promises for young people.

      Governor Gavin Newsom is focused on various initiatives to improve the lives of Californians, particularly children and youth. He has implemented reforms in conservatorship, care court, and the Medi-Cal system, investing billions of dollars in brain health and children's services. The missing piece, according to him, is Proposition 1, which he believes will deliver on long-promised promises and provide opportunities for young people. The governor also emphasized the importance of sports in communities, acknowledging their role in bringing people together and providing opportunities for personal growth. He signed a bill in 2019 addressing youth sports safety concerns. Despite the importance of sports, the governor vetoed a bill targeting football for kids under 12 due to concerns about limiting opportunities and the need for research on other contact sports.

    • Considering the Consequences of Extreme MeasuresThe importance of evidence-based decision-making and the potential harm caused by revisionist histories and polarizing rhetoric in various domains, including education and public health.

      While there are ongoing debates about regulations in youth sports and parental choices, it's crucial to consider the potential consequences of extreme measures being taken in various domains, such as education and public health. The speaker expresses concern over the banning of certain books, speech, and freedoms, comparing it to the hypocrisy of some political figures who once supported measures like mask mandates and vaccines but now oppose them. The speaker also highlights the importance of accuracy and accountability in historical narratives and the impact of political ideology on public health policies. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of evidence-based decision-making and the potential harm caused by revisionist histories and polarizing rhetoric.

    • Politicization of Science and Disinformation during COVID-19Failure to address COVID-19 effectively due to politicization and disinformation led to severe consequences, emphasizing the importance of objective, evidence-based approaches and addressing vaccine hesitancy and disinformation to protect public health and education.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, some political leaders failed to effectively address the crisis, leading to worse learning loss and economic outcomes in certain areas. This was due in part to the politicization of science and the spread of disinformation. The consequences were severe, with lives lost and long-term damage to public health and education. It's crucial that we learn from these experiences and strive for a more objective, evidence-based approach to addressing future crises. Additionally, addressing vaccine hesitancy and disinformation is essential to protect public health and save lives. The importance of vaccines, as shown by their historical impact on human lives, cannot be overstated. It's essential to recognize the dangers of disinformation and intentional misinformation campaigns, and to prioritize facts, science, and evidence in our decision-making.

    • Music unites people despite differencesMusic transcends boundaries and inspires unity, with artists like Metallica and Green Day using their platforms to address real issues and stay true to their values.

      Music transcends boundaries and brings people together, regardless of their backgrounds or genres. The speaker was surprised to find his wife with Wycliffe, discussing gender equality, and was impressed that Wycliffe was involved in the cause. The speaker also shared his admiration for bands like Metallica and Green Day, praising their longevity and commitment to addressing real issues. He highlighted Metallica's unique ability to stay together and work through their differences, and appreciated their authenticity and guts. The speaker also expressed his love for music festivals, such as Outside Lands, despite the cold weather. Overall, the discussion underscored the power of music to unite and inspire people, and the importance of staying true to one's values and beliefs.

    • Unclear Political Stance of Governor Ron DeSantisThe podcast discussed the ambiguity of Governor Ron DeSantis' political stance and contrasted it with Governor Gavin Newsom's clear plan for the future, as shown by his Coachella lineup announcement.

      During a recent podcast episode of "Pod Save America," the hosts discussed the fogginess and lack of clear policies surrounding Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida's political stance. They joked about giving him nicknames, but ultimately agreed that Governor Gavin Newsom of California had a more solid plan for the future, as evidenced by his announcement of the 2025 Coachella lineup. The episode also included a promotion for Crooked Media's subscription community and the upcoming release of a new series, "Blind Spot: The Plague and the Shadows," which explores the history of HIV and AIDS and the people who refused to be invisible in the face of the disease. The podcast is produced by Crooked Media and features a team of producers, engineers, and writers.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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