
    Podcast Summary

    • A political messaging battle in the Trump criminal trialThe Trump criminal trial is not just about law, but also about persuading voters and jurors of the right interpretation of events eight years ago

      The ongoing criminal trial of Donald Trump is not only a legal strategy but also a political messaging battle. The prosecution aims to make Trump's personal conduct from eight years ago relevant to voters today by framing it as a major criminal conspiracy to interfere in the election. The defense, on the other hand, is positioning it as a paperwork error and a victimization narrative that could resonate with skeptical jurors and voters. The opening statements provided an intriguing glimpse into both sides' strategies, with the prosecution previewing hard evidence that could challenge Trump's denial and the defense leveraging Trump's narrative of victimization. The trial's outcome will likely depend on how well each side can persuade jurors and the public that their interpretation is the correct one.

    • Trump campaign colluded with AMI to suppress damaging storiesThe ongoing trial reveals Trump's campaign conspired with AMI to manipulate public perception during the 2016 election through fake articles and propaganda.

      The ongoing trial surrounding hush money payments to women who alleged affairs with Donald Trump is not just about personal indiscretions or business records. The testimony from David Pecker, the CEO of American Media Inc. (AMI), revealed that Trump's campaign colluded with AMI to suppress damaging stories about Trump during the 2016 election. Pecker admitted to creating fake articles and using the National Enquirer as a propaganda arm for Trump's campaign. This goes beyond a simple paperwork error or personal expense. It's a clear conspiracy to manipulate public perception during a presidential campaign. Despite this, Trump's team continues to push a victimhood narrative, with his pollsters suggesting that the real intention behind the trial is to tarnish Biden's reputation. However, the evidence presented in court paints a different picture. Trump's insistence on his own infallibility and the use of media manipulation to protect his image have become significant issues in this case.

    • Donald Trump's questionable business practices and relationships with journalistic institutions on trialEvidence suggests Trump's involvement in hush money payments to women, potential contempt charges for violating gag order, and significant legal implications despite political impact being less decisive.

      The ongoing trial involving Donald Trump and the National Enquirer's hush money payments to women who alleged affairs with him highlights Trump's past questionable business practices and relationships with journalistic institutions. While the political impact of a conviction may be less decisive due to Trump's existing reputation, the legal implications are significant. Witness testimony, including from former Enquirer CEO David Pecker, has provided compelling evidence that Trump was aware of these payments and involved in their orchestration. Additionally, Trump's repeated violation of a court-ordered gag order during public appearances and social media activity could potentially lead to contempt charges. The trial underscores Trump's evolving political messaging, shifting from presenting himself as a champion for the common person in 2016 to focusing on his own grievances by 2020.

    • Lack of public attention or protest towards Trump's trialDespite potential consequences, Trump's trial has received minimal public engagement due to lack of media coverage, surreal situation, and cultural shift towards digital news consumption.

      The ongoing trial of Donald Trump has failed to generate significant public attention or protest, despite the potential consequences for the upcoming presidential election. Trump's behavior during the trial, which has been perceived as self-centered and whiny, has not resonated with his supporters or won back those who were turned off by his actions in 2020. The trial's lack of media coverage and the surreal nature of the situation, with the potential next president facing felony charges, have contributed to the apathy. The trial's absence from the mainstream media and the cultural shift towards digital consumption of news may be factors in the lack of public engagement. If Trump avoids prison time, this lack of attention could ultimately benefit him in the election.

    • Media landscape shift: Digital clips vs TVDuring the Trump impeachment trial, digital clips received less attention than TV broadcasts, but the 2020 presidential race saw significant union endorsements for Biden, emphasizing his pro-worker stance.

      The media landscape has significantly shifted, with people consuming content on various screens rather than linear television. This was highlighted during the Trump impeachment trial, where digital clips did not receive the same level of attention as they would have if broadcast on TV. Meanwhile, the 2020 presidential race saw a notable endorsement from the North America's building trades unions, which will invest heavily in organizing efforts to support Joe Biden in battleground states. This endorsement is significant as construction-related labor unions have historically leaned Republican. Ultimately, the election comes down to who voters believe is fighting for them, and Biden's pro-union stance positions him as an advocate for workers.

    • Joe Biden's pro-worker message resonates with disillusioned votersBiden's message of being a pro-worker president, taking on powerful interests for working people, resonates with disillusioned voters and tests at Obama-level popularity. Highlighting Trump's policies benefiting the wealthy class can help Biden win back voters.

      Joe Biden's message of being a pro-worker president, who has delivered on economic accomplishments such as banning non-compete agreements and raising the threshold for overtime pay, is an effective way to appeal to disillusioned voters who feel politics doesn't work for them. This message, which positions Biden as taking on powerful special interests on behalf of working people, resonates particularly well with voters concerned about Trump's record of advocating for tax cuts for the rich. The success of this message is evident in polling data, which shows that painting Trump as only looking out for the wealthy tests at Obama-level popularity. While simply labeling Trump as rich may not be enough, highlighting his policies and actions that benefit the wealthy class can help Biden win back voters who may be considering third-party options or not voting at all.

    • Biden vs Trump on EconomyBiden can counter Trump's economic advantage by emphasizing his commitment to working-class families, contrasting Trump's plans for corporate tax cuts and potential cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and healthcare premiums. Importance of Pennsylvania Senate race between Casey and McCormick.

      The economic advantage Trump had during his administration may make it challenging for Biden to win voters' trust on economic issues. However, Biden can counter this by emphasizing his commitment to fighting for working-class and middle-class families, contrasting Trump's plans to renew and expand tax cuts for corporations and wealthy individuals, which would require cutting Social Security, Medicare, and increasing healthcare premiums. The upcoming Senate race between Bob Casey and Dave McCormick in Pennsylvania is expected to be competitive, with Casey having an advantage but the importance of the race being understated due to the focus on other races. The strategy should be to highlight the significance of the race and help Casey counter McCormick's perceived out-of-touch image, similar to how the federal campaign successfully portrayed Dr. Oz during his Senate campaign.

    • Exxon ties could harm McCormick's campaignExxon connection to McCormick's wife could negatively impact his campaign in Pennsylvania due to state's energy focus, mirroring Romney's past struggles with wealth perception.

      The Exxon connection for political candidate Dave McCormick is a much more significant issue than Dr. Oz's mispronunciation of a beer brand. McCormick's ties to Exxon, as his wife being on its board, could potentially harm his campaign in Pennsylvania, especially considering the state's focus on energy issues. This strategy mirrors Mitt Romney's approach in past elections, where being perceived as out of touch due to wealth was a major concern. The midterm elections in Pennsylvania are expected to be close, and any missteps or miscommunications from candidates could significantly impact the outcome. Another notable observation is the number of Republicans in Pennsylvania who voted for Nikki Haley in the primary, despite her withdrawal from the race. This trend, along with the lack of competitive house races and the closed primary system, suggests that some voters are actively choosing to vote against Donald Trump, which could have significant implications for the upcoming elections.

    • Republicans who voted for Biden in PA electionsIn the 2020 PA election, around 220,000 self-identified Republicans voted for Biden, mainly in suburban Philly areas, potentially impacting 2024

      In the 2020 Pennsylvania general election, a significant number of self-identified Republicans, around 220,000, voted for Joe Biden. This occurred in a non-competitive primary and was heavily concentrated in suburban areas around Philadelphia, which are crucial in deciding Pennsylvania elections. This trend could impact the 2024 election as well. Another key point is that Dan's podcast, "Podsave America," is encouraging listeners to join and support their efforts to help beat Donald Trump in the upcoming election. Dan has interviewed George Stephanopoulos for his new book, "The Situation Room," and they discussed their experiences covering presidential crises. Dan reflected on how they've learned from past campaigns and the need for continued improvement in covering future campaigns.

    • Navigating Trump's Falsehoods: A Journalistic DilemmaJournalists must balance addressing Trump's false statements with avoiding sanitization. Shifting focus to enablers and supporters is an alternative approach. Live interviews are no longer viable due to the inability to fact-check in real-time.

      Traditional journalistic practices, such as fact-checking and calling out lies in real-time, don't work effectively with figures like Donald Trump due to his tendency to flood the zone with falsehoods and controversies. Instead, journalists must navigate the dilemma of whether to ignore or address his false statements while also avoiding sanitizing his image by focusing only on normal, relatively harmless comments. Another approach is to shift focus to his enablers and those who support him despite his controversial actions and past indictments. Interviewing Trump live is no longer a viable option due to the impossibility of fact-checking him in real-time, and the only way to conduct a meaningful interview would be with ample time and the ability to edit the content extensively.

    • Challenges for the Upcoming Presidential DebateDespite the ongoing criminal investigations against Trump and their national consequences, media coverage and public discourse may not fully capture their significance due to Trump's disregard for rules and time constraints, as well as the media environment's ability to numb the public to new information.

      The upcoming presidential debate between Donald Trump and the current administration faces numerous challenges, including Trump's disregard for rules and time constraints. The media environment and Trump's ability to numb the public to new information also complicate the situation. The ongoing criminal investigations against Trump add significant importance to this election, but it doesn't feel that way in the media coverage or public discourse. The OJ trial, which had a massive impact on the nation, pales in comparison to the current situation in terms of national consequence. However, the media environment and Trump's tactics might be making it harder for the significance of these investigations to be fully understood and appreciated by the public.

    • A unique perspective on crisis management in the White HouseThe Situation Room is the nerve center of national security decision-making, and its apolitical professional staff plays a crucial role in making critical decisions.

      Wolf Blitzer's new book, "Situation Room: Ten Days that Shaped the World and Changed the Presidency," offers a unique perspective on crisis management in the White House. Blitzer, who is known for his busy media schedule, shares how he was drawn to the topic due to the Situation Room's significance as the nerve center of national security decision-making. He also emphasizes the importance of the apolitical professional staff in the room, who contribute to making critical decisions. Despite the demands of his career, Blitzer found the time and resources to write the book with the help of a co-writer and research team. The book provides a fresh look into the inner workings of the White House during crises and offers insights into how presidents and their advisors make important decisions.

    • The Unheralded Heroes of the White House: DetaileesDedicated White House detailees, often from the National Security Establishment, serve as the backbone of the White House communication system, working tirelessly and ensuring a smooth functioning of the White House during crises.

      That the White House detailees, often overlooked in the political landscape, are dedicated professionals who serve as the backbone of the White House communication system. These individuals, who may be at the beginning or end of their esteemed careers in the National Security Establishment, have stories worth telling. They provide a refreshing antidote to the toxicity of current politics and serve as a reminder that the "deep state" is filled with patriots working tirelessly. The author's experience during the 2009 inauguration, where both teams collaborated in the situation room to ensure a safe transition, further highlights the importance of these professionals. The book, organized around various presidential crises, sheds light on their crucial roles and the behind-the-scenes action that keeps the White House functioning smoothly.

    • Understanding Presidential Crisis Management: Trump vs BidenThe book 'The Situation Room' provides insights into Trump and Biden's crisis management styles, revealing their values and leadership. Trump's unconventional approach contrasts with Biden's experienced teamwork and preparation.

      That the way presidents handle crises reveals their values and leadership styles. The author of the book "The Situation Room" shares insights from his conversations with people who worked closely with both Donald Trump and Joe Biden during their presidencies. The Trump era was marked by abnormal presidency behavior, with Trump's handling of crises being unlike anything seen in a Republican or Democratic White House for decades. Biden, on the other hand, has spent more time in the Situation Room than any other president due to his time as vice president and president. He learned from the mistakes of the past, and his team put that experience to use in preparing for the war in Ukraine. The book offers valuable insights into the presidencies of Trump and Biden and sheds light on their decision-making processes during crises. The title of the chapter about Trump is "Postcards from the Edge," and it offers oral histories from people who worked for him. The author emphasizes the importance of understanding how presidents make decisions during crises to truly grasp their values and leadership styles. The book is available for pre-order and comes out on May 14th.

    • A dedicated team produces Pod Save AmericaA team of experts in production, editing, writing, and digital support create and distribute Pod Save America

      The production of Pod Save America involves a dedicated team of individuals who contribute their expertise in various aspects of podcasting, from production and editing to writing and digital support. This team includes Olivia Martinez and David Toledo as producers, Saul Ruben and Farrah Safari as associate producers, Kira Wakim as senior producer, Reid Churlin as executive producer, Andrew Chadwick as mixer and editor, Jordan Cantor and Kyle Seglan for sound engineering, Hallie Kiefer for writing support, Madeleine Herringer as head of news and programming, Matt DeGroat as head of production, and Andy Taft as executive assistant. Additionally, there is a digital team consisting of Elijah Cohn, Haley Jones, Mia Kellman, David Tolls, Kiro Peloviv, and Molly Lobel. The collective efforts of this team ensure the successful creation and distribution of the popular political podcast, Pod Save America.

    Recent Episodes from Pod Save America

    Joe vs. The Unknown

    Joe vs. The Unknown

    Democrats begin to grapple with two huge questions: is it possible to replace Biden at the top of the ticket—and is it wise? Mehdi Hasan joins Jon, Lovett, Tommy, and Dan, live in Boston, to debate the options. Plus, Gov. Maura Healey joins the show to give her own debate reaction and talk about rising to the challenge on immigration and abortion.

    The First (and Last?) Debate

    The First (and Last?) Debate

    The first debate is upon us, and you’re not the only one feeling nervous. Guest host Stacey Abrams joins Jon, Jon, Tommy, and Dan, live in Brooklyn, to talk about what we can learn from the 2020 debates, and what would constitute a win for Biden on Thursday night. Then, Strict Scrutiny’s Melissa Murray joins the hosts to break down the latest from the Supreme Court and what’s still to come this term, and Run for Something co-founder Amanda Litman talks with Dan about why it’s so important to have progressive candidates running in local races.Democracy or Else is out now! 


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    This Is Your Debate on Drugs

    This Is Your Debate on Drugs

    Donald Trump vows to cut education funding by half, throws his support behind displaying the Ten Commandments in public classrooms, and offers a new, anatomically specific theory for how Joe Biden gets his pre-debate uppers. With Biden holed up in debate camp, his campaign works to set expectations, and marks the second anniversary of the end of Roe v. Wade with a blistering new attack ad and waves of surrogate events around the country. Plus, it’s publication day at last: Democracy or Else: How to Save America in 10 Easy Steps is out now! Head to your local bookstore or www.crooked.com/books to order your copy.


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    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

    Jon is joined by Carlos Odio and Stephanie Valencia, founders of Equis Research, the nation’s leading polling and research firm focused on the Latino electorate, to talk about what Democrats can do to win back the Latino voters who left the party for Trump in 2016 and 2020. Why are some of them leaning towards Trump? How did they react to Biden’s border actions? And what issues are they most focused on in 2024? Jon, Carlos, and Stephanie dive into the focus groups to answer these questions and Leo Murrieta, Director of Make the Road Nevada, joins to talk about his trip to the White House and offer his advice for the Biden campaign.

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    Pre-order Democracy or Else: How to Save America in 10 Easy Steps at crooked.com/books or wherever books are sold. Out June 25th.

    Pod Save America
    enJune 23, 2024

    Trump Loses It Over Fox News Poll

    Trump Loses It Over Fox News Poll

    Joe Biden heads to Camp David to prepare for next week's debate, Donald Trump bungles the expectations game, and both sides prepare for the post-broadcast clip war. Meanwhile, a new Fox News poll shows Biden ahead, and Trump lashes out at the betrayal. Then, former White House Counsel Bob Bauer stops by to talk about playing Trump in debate prep in 2020, the Supreme Court, and his new book, The Unraveling: Reflections on Politics without Ethics and Democracy in Crisis. 


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    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

    Joe Biden makes a big new move on immigration, and Democratic governors and progressive groups quietly make plans to fight back against the second-term agenda that Trump is promising, from mass deportations to bans on medication abortion and gutting the civil service. Strict Scrutiny's Kate Shaw joins Jon and Lovett to talk about the legal challenges in store for both Trump and Biden, the Supreme Court's dangerous decision on bump stocks, and what else we can expect from the justices with so many opinions yet to drop.


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    Biden Campaign Unloads on Trump's Conviction

    Biden Campaign Unloads on Trump's Conviction

    The Biden campaign puts big money into a new ad slamming Trump as a convicted felon, fraudster, and sexual predator, and painting Biden as a fighter for working families. Trump courts the Black vote in front of a mostly white audience in Detroit, and CNN announces the final rules for next week’s debate. Plus: Jon, Lovett, and Tommy talk about who’s up and who’s down in the race to be Trump’s VP.To preorder you copy of Democracy or Else, visit http://crooked.com/booksFor tickets to upcoming live shows and book events, visit http://crooked.com/events

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    Trump Returns to the Scene of the Crime

    Trump Returns to the Scene of the Crime

    Trump returns to the Capitol for the first time since January 6th and receives a hero’s welcome from House and Senate Republicans—where he calls Milwaukee a “horrible city,” refers to the Justice Department as “dirty bastards,” and complains about Taylor Swift not endorsing him. Meanwhile, the same Republicans attempting to overturn Trump’s conviction are instead trying to prosecute Attorney General Merrick Garland. Plus, SCOTUS affirms legal access to abortion medication, Biden takes voters’ cost of living concerns head on, and Trump tries to woo CEOs with more tax cuts.

    The GOP Meltdown Over Hunter's Conviction

    The GOP Meltdown Over Hunter's Conviction

    Dan and The Bulwark’s Sarah Longwell break down the chaotic Republican response to the Hunter Biden news and what the conviction might mean for the Biden campaign, which of Donald Trump’s rumored VP picks scare them the most, and the latest from Tuesday’s primaries.


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    Judge May Shush Trump….in America??

    Donald Trump threatens witnesses and attacks Jack Smith while his lawyer tests out some novel defense arguments on all five Sunday shows. Mike Pence says he’s open to testifying against Trump. Ron DeSantis finally admits that Joe Biden won the election. Then, Desiree Tims from Innovation Ohio joins to talk about the crucial abortion rights vote happening on Tuesday. And later, Elijah is back for another round of Take Appreciators.


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    Trump Mugshot-enfreude

    Trump Mugshot-enfreude

    Friend of the pod Addisu Demissie joins to discuss the latest Trump indictment news, including the mugshot seen around the world, Saturday’s horrific hate crime in Florida and Vivek Ramaswamy’s bizarre response, and how abortion access will be a key part of upcoming elections in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Virginia. Then White House Economic Advisor Dr. Heather Boushey stops by to talk about Bidenomics and how the White House is taking on inflation, student loans, and housing prices. And later, Halle Kiefer quizzes Tommy and Addisu on cringe mugshot merch in a game called The Price Is Wrong, Bitch.


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    Trump's General Election Pivot

    Trump's General Election Pivot

    With the first primaries still months away, Trump skips more debates and pivots to a general election strategy with a primetime speech to autoworkers in Michigan and an attempt to cast himself as more moderate on abortion. Will it work? Then, Politico Congressional correspondent Daniella Diaz joins the show to help make sense of the GOP’s shutdown shit show. Finally, the most divisive topic on Capitol Hill this week: what John Fetterman is allowed to wear.


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    Roe vs Republicans

    Roe vs Republicans

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    Republicans' Work Till You Die Agenda

    Republicans' Work Till You Die Agenda

    Donald Trump tries to walk back his comments on cutting Medicare and Social Security while Joe Biden goes on offense during a campaign swing in Wisconsin and Michigan. Kamala Harris becomes the highest ranking government official to visit an abortion clinic and RFK Jr. praises Aaron Rodgers as a "critical thinker" after he's reported to be a Sandy Hook truther. Later, EPA Administrator Michael Regan stops by the studio to talk to Tommy about clean energy and environmental justice.

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