
    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating Business and Personal Relationships During CrisesEffective communication is crucial during crises, but conflicting advice and personal tensions can complicate matters. Understanding the human impact of crises is also essential.

      The reliability and importance of communication in business, especially during crises, was underscored in this podcast. The former health secretary, Matt Hancock, found himself at the center of a controversy involving leaked WhatsApp messages during the COVID-19 pandemic. Isabelle Oakshott, the journalist who released the messages, claimed Hancock sent her a menacing message after their publication. The dispute between Hancock and Gavin Williamson over school reopenings during the pandemic was also discussed, with commentators expressing sympathy for Hancock's position due to the conflicting scientific advice at the time. The investigation into the discovery of a baby's remains near Brighton added to the somber tone of the podcast, serving as a reminder of the human impact of the pandemic and other crises. Overall, the podcast highlighted the complexities and challenges of navigating business and personal relationships during times of uncertainty.

    • Crime Scene Investigation Continues, Manchester Arena Report Coming Soon, Queen's Emphasis on Early Reading, Affordable Upgrades with QuinceThe investigation into a body discovery in the Bayou progresses, the Manchester Arena bombing report is imminent, the Queen Consort promotes early reading, and Quince offers budget-friendly, ethical fashion upgrades.

      The investigation into the discovery of a body in the Bayou continues, with Constance Martin and Mark Gordon remaining in custody. The scene is now a crime scene, and a post-mortem examination will be conducted to establish a cause of death and forensically examine the area. The final report into the Manchester Arena bombing, which claimed 22 lives in 2017, will soon be published, shedding light on potential preventative measures, planning, and the radicalization of suicide bomber Salman Abedi. Meanwhile, Camilla, the Queen Consort, emphasized the importance of reading at an early age for cultural understanding and bonding experiences. She shared her personal experience of bonding with her grandchildren through reading, inspiring them to become avid readers. Quince offers a solution for those looking to upgrade their style without breaking the bank, providing high-quality items at affordable prices and prioritizing ethical and responsible manufacturing.

    • Smart investment for businesses with regular mailing needsStamps.com offers up to 89% discounts on USPS and UPS shipping, enabling efficient mailing of essential documents and saving businesses significant time and resources.

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    The Humble, Narcissistic Leader

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    Unfortunately, the same qualities of narcissism that help an individual obtain a leadership position, can prevent them from being effective in that position, and from holding onto it.

    My guest's research has uncovered what can be a solution to this dilemma: the timeless virtue of humility. His name is Brad Owens, he's a professor of business ethics, and we begin our discussion today by digging into the fact that studies done on the effect of narcissism on leadership have been inconsistent, with some showing it to have a positive effect, and others a negative one. Brad explains that the reason these studies may have been inconclusive, is that while narcissism can get someone into a leadership role, it then gets in the way of them succeeding in that role. We then turn to the idea that cultivating humility can temper the negative effects of narcissism, and the three aspects of humility every leader, whether narcissistic or not, should cultivate. We discuss whether there are situations where you do want to be more narcissistic than humble, what a humble, narcissistic leader looks like, and how Steve Jobs and George Washington serve as examples of this combination of qualities.

    Get the show notes at aom.is/humblenarcissist.

    How to Communicate in a Crisis — and How Not To

    How to Communicate in a Crisis — and How Not To
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    And there were other factors compounding the challenge. The El Faro was an old ship, about to be scrapped. Its owner, TOTE Maritime, was in the process of selecting officers to crew its new ships. Davidson and some of his officers knew the company measured a ship’s on-time arrival and factored that into performance reviews and hiring decisions.

    When the SS El Faro tragically sank on October 1, 2015, it was the deadliest American shipping disaster in decades. But who was to blame for the tragedy and what can we learn from it?

    Harvard Business School professor Joe Fuller discusses the culpability of the captain, as well as his fellow officers, and what it reveals about how leaders and their teams communicate under pressure.

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    HBR On Leadership curates the best case studies and conversations with the world’s top business and management experts, to help you unlock the best in those around you. New episodes every week.

    · Listen to the original Cold Call episode: Management Lessons from the Sinking of the SS El Faro (April 2022)

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    Episode 18 - Orbs ‘a Plenty

    Episode 18 - Orbs ‘a Plenty

    Released: 26 July 2021

    Duration: 42 minutes, 41 seconds

    This episode of API Case Files covers three recent cases.

    Paul reports on a daylight sighting from the Isle of Man (Case 21-023) detailing how two men pursued three orbs until the lights disappeared. This encounter took place May 27th, 2021 and is especially provocative because a day before some else on the Island of Man saw and reported a single orb just like what our Witness saw.

    Two days before the Isle of Man sighting, a Witness in Brooklyn, NY shot footage of three self-illuminated orbs in a triangle configuration cruising up the East River towards Manhattan. Marsha interviewed the Witness in that case.

    Marsha also details a case from central Ohio of a mother and son who had a close encounter that so startled their senses they became sick to their stomachs for several hours afterwards. 

    Witness Sketches in case 20-018 (Ohio)

    Witness sketchWitness sketch


    Video in Case 21-023 (Isle of Man): https://youtu.be/nm8m_UuAyOk

    Witness submitted video in Case 21-026 (Brooklyn): https://youtu.be/RBdRMDU9z_A

    Report of Investigation for Case 21-018 (Ohio): https://aerial-phenomenon.org/redacted-report-of-investigation-for-case-21-018-ohio/

    Our Investigations page: https://aerial-phenomenon.org/api-investigations/

    Report your UFO sighting: https://reportaufo.org

    Our Witness FAQ: https://aerial-phenomenon.org/witness-faq/

    Our Ethics policy: https://aerial-phenomenon.org/about-api/api-ethics-statement/


    Producer and host: Marsha Barnhart

    Post production: Paul Carr

    Music credits (order of appearance): 

    Alien Chronicler/Box Cat Games
    Alien Chronicler
    I am Free
    DJ Spooky