
    MTGM EXTRA! "15 DVD's and a pillow..."

    enAugust 23, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Forgetting essential items and dealing with unexpected eventsEven the most organized people can forget important things or have their routines disrupted. It's essential to prioritize self-care and understand that everyone has off days.

      Life can be unpredictable and chaotic, and even the most organized people can forget important things or have unexpected events disrupt their routine. Vogue, a Global Player podcast guest, shared her experience of forgetting essential items for a shoot and feeling overwhelmed with her busy schedule. She mentioned her upcoming TV show, Spooked, and her need to take some time off to rest. Vogue also talked about her late start due to a relaxing day with wine and sunshine, which unexpectedly affected her sleep. Despite the chaos, Vogue remains positive and takes care of herself, emphasizing the importance of self-care and understanding that everyone has off days.

    • Personal experiences of sunburns while drinkingBe cautious in the sun, especially after consuming alcohol, to prevent severe sunburns and potential health issues. Use sunscreen to protect yourself.

      The sun and alcohol can lead to severe sunburns and health issues. The speaker shared personal experiences of getting sunburned while drinking, some of which resulted in hospital visits. They also mentioned how sunburns were common during their college days in Ireland before the widespread use of sunscreen. The speaker's friend, Spencer, also had a particularly bad sunburn experience in Africa after drinking. The speaker emphasized the importance of using sunscreen and being cautious in the sun, especially after consuming alcohol. They also mentioned a misdiagnosis they experienced, where doctors initially thought they had a cold sore but later discovered they had a bacterial infection in their stomach. The speaker defended their storytelling style, acknowledging that they sometimes embellish but maintaining that their experiences are truthful. The conversation also touched on the speaker's recent success in not vaping for two days.

    • Personal experiences and associations influence attitudes towards vapingPersonal experiences and associations can shape our perceptions and behaviors towards vaping, with negative experiences leading to avoidance.

      Personal experiences and associations can significantly influence our attitudes and behaviors towards certain things, such as vaping. The speaker shared a story about a man on TikTok who influenced her negatively towards vaping through his disturbing content. She also recalled her own experience of giving up vaping after being given a disgusting pineapple-flavored vape at a wedding. The speaker's father's use of Stop and Grow to stop thumb-sucking as a child and her own struggle to stop Gigi from twisting her hair while thumb-sucking were also mentioned as influences. Overall, the speaker's experiences have shaped her negative perception of vaping and her determination to avoid it.

    • Social Media Explore Pages: A Window into Personality and InterestsBe mindful of the content on your Explore page as it can reveal aspects of yourself that others might not expect.

      The content of someone's Explore page on social media platforms like Instagram can provide insights into their personality and interests. However, the discussion also highlighted the potential for embarrassment if inappropriate content appears on the page. The speaker shared an experience where an elderly man's Explore page contained explicit content, leading her to question his behavior. The conversation also touched upon the idea that someone's Explore page might reflect their habits and the amount of time they spend online. The speaker admitted to having similar content on her own Explore page, leading her to reflect on the notion of emotional isolation and the role of the internet in filling that void. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of being mindful of the content we consume and share, as it can reveal aspects of ourselves that others might not expect.

    • Unexpected Surprises and Our ReactionsLife's surprises can bring unexpected emotions, from humor and resilience to heartache and growth. Our reactions reveal our character and approach to the world.

      Sometimes our technology can surprise us in unexpected ways, and our reactions to those surprises can be revealing. The speaker shared a story about accidentally clicking on an unwanted app on her phone, leading to an amusing interaction. She also reminisced about a past relationship where her husband's sudden departure left her feeling proud and relieved. Both experiences showed how we can respond to unexpected situations with humor, resilience, and even a sense of triumph. Furthermore, the speaker's story about her failed marriage also highlighted the complexity and unpredictability of relationships. Despite the best efforts of therapists and well-meaning advice, sometimes things don't work out as planned. But even in the midst of heartache and disappointment, there can be moments of unexpected joy and growth. So whether it's dealing with unexpected technology or unexpected relationship challenges, remember that life is full of surprises. And how we respond to those surprises can reveal a lot about who we are and how we approach the world.

    • Discussing Betty Broderick's tragic story in 'Dirty John' and the importance of not ruining TV show surprisesExploring long-term relationships, the series 'Dirty John' brought up the story of Betty Broderick, whose husband left her for a younger woman, leading to a tragic ending. The group also discussed the importance of not spoiling TV show surprises and the possibility of maintaining attraction in long-term relationships.

      The discussion revolved around the recommendation of the "Dirty John" series on Netflix, specifically the Betty Broderick story. Betty's husband left her for a younger woman, leading to a tragic ending. The conversation also touched upon the inconsistency of watching TV shows before others have, ruining potential surprises. Additionally, the group shared their thoughts on relationships, including the idea that the passion and attraction in a long-term relationship may fade, but it's still possible to find sex appeal in one's partner. The conversation ended with a humorous exchange about a current relationship situation and the importance of staying turned on.

    • Maintaining a healthy sexual relationship through open communicationOpen communication and understanding of each other's needs and desires are essential for keeping a sexual relationship satisfying and healthy.

      Communication is key in maintaining a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship. The speaker in this conversation expresses feelings of insecurity due to her partner's decreased sexual interest. She has tried to address the issue with him, and they have discussed possible reasons for the change, such as stress or other distractions. However, she also acknowledges that sexual desire can fluctuate and may not always be consistent. The speaker shares her own preferences for morning sex and expresses feelings of being used for sexual release rather than intimacy. Ultimately, she emphasizes the importance of open and honest dialogue between partners to understand each other's needs and desires. It's important to remember that sexual relationships are complex and multifaceted, and it's normal for desire to ebb and flow over time. By maintaining open communication and being understanding of each other's needs, partners can work together to keep their sexual connection strong.

    • Understanding Sexual Differences and CommunicationEffective communication and recognizing individual differences in sexual desire are crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship.

      The frequency of sexual activity in a relationship can vary greatly and does not necessarily indicate an issue. People have different sex drives and life circumstances can impact their desire. The speaker shares personal experiences where a partner's decreased sexual interest did not necessarily mean infidelity or a deeper problem. It's essential to communicate openly about expectations and feelings in a relationship, as sensitivity around the topic can make it difficult to discuss. The speaker also mentions that impotence is common in men and can be caused by various factors unrelated to sexual desire. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding individual differences and open communication in a relationship.

    • Reflecting on Past Relationship BehaviorsConsider other reasons before invading privacy, respect boundaries, and promote empathy and personal growth in relationships

      The speaker in this text is reflecting on her past behavior and considering the possibility that there could be other reasons for her boyfriend's behavior instead of jumping to conclusions and invading his privacy. She acknowledges that there is still value in checking in on someone's phone occasionally, but also recognizes the importance of respecting boundaries and giving people the benefit of the doubt. The speaker is also promoting an upcoming event called Brasecco and encouraging listeners to secure their tickets before they run out. Overall, the text highlights the importance of empathy, patience, and respect in relationships, as well as the value of self-reflection and personal growth.

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com/

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, visit: www.joannemcnally.com

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, just visit www.joannemcnally.com

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com/

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, visit: www.joannemcnally.com

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

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    If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, just visit www.joannemcnally.com

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com/

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, visit: www.joannemcnally.com

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

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    If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, just visit www.joannemcnally.com

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

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    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com/

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, visit: www.joannemcnally.com

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

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    If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/

    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, just visit www.joannemcnally.com

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

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    If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: global.com/legal/privacy-policy/

    For merch, tour dates and more visit: www.mytherapistghostedme.com/

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, visit: www.joannemcnally.com

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

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