
    Murdering Children for XP - Safety Third 82

    enNovember 02, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Baldur's Gate and CashpopPlayers can enjoy winning up to $5,000 with ease in Michigan Lottery's Cashpop game, while acknowledging the importance of enjoying experiences, even if they're outdated, like Baldur's Gate.

      The Michigan Lottery's Cashpop game is an easy and fun way to play, with players only needing to match a few numbers to win up to $5,000. During a podcast episode, the hosts discussed various topics, including their experience playing Baldur's Gate, a multiplayer role-playing game. They shared their experiences with the game's mechanics and the possibility of multiplayer sex scenes. Although they found the game entertaining, they also acknowledged that some aspects, such as the graphics and mechanics, felt outdated compared to modern games. Overall, the hosts emphasized the importance of knowing one's limits and enjoying the experience, whether it's playing a game or engaging in a conversation.

    • God of War's sex minigame vs underdeveloped sex scenes in recent gamesThe speaker reflects on the interactive experience of an older game's sex minigame and contrasts it with underdeveloped sex scenes in newer games, expressing a desire to try Dungeons and Dragons but struggling with its complexity and the need for a good DM to facilitate gameplay.

      The speaker shares a fond memory of an older video game, God of War, which included a sex minigame that added an interactive element to the gameplay experience. They contrast this with a more recent game, where they felt the sex scene was underdeveloped. The speaker also expresses an interest in trying out Dungeons and Dragons, but has had difficulty getting started due to the complexity of creating character sheets and understanding the rules. They also mention a past experience where they and their friends spent an entire night filling out character sheets without actually getting to play the game. The speaker also mentions the importance of having a good Dungeon Master (DM) to help manage the game and keep things moving. Overall, the conversation highlights the speaker's appreciation for interactive and immersive gameplay experiences, as well as the challenges of getting started with more complex role-playing games.

    • Dungeon Master's Role in D&D: Narrative, Rules, and FunA successful DM in D&D balances narrative, rules, and ensuring player enjoyment, sometimes hiding dice rolls to keep the story going, with severe consequences for player actions.

      Running a successful Dungeons and Dragons game requires a skilled and creative Dungeon Master (DM). The DM's role goes beyond just rolling dice and following rules; they need to maintain the narrative, keep the game moving, and ensure everyone is having fun. Sometimes, they may even hide dice rolls to keep the story going. Consequences for player actions can be severe, with failure leading to death or other dire consequences. In games like Baldur's Gate, there is a narrator guiding the player, and failure can result in harsh consequences, including death. The game's complexity and various paths create a rich experience, but it also requires careful attention to detail and understanding of the rules. The creators of such games likely put a lot of thought and effort into designing intricate and engaging experiences.

    • A complex and vastly branching narrative gameThe game offers a unique story each time with numerous paths and dialogues, but its complexity can lead to occasional glitches or repetition.

      The discussed game, chattyPT, offers a complex and vastly branching narrative experience with numerous paths and dialogues, creating a unique story each time. The game's complexity is both its strength and weakness, as it can lead to unexpected and intriguing outcomes but may also result in occasional glitches or repetition. The game's design includes a virtual dice roll system, which determines the direction of the quest, and the single-player and multiplayer modes offer distinct experiences. However, some players may find the game repetitive, as many modern games share similar mechanics, such as skill trees and stealth missions. Despite this, the excitement for new releases, like the upcoming Spider-Man game, remains high due to the potential for new stories and experiences they offer. Overall, chattyPT represents a significant step forward in interactive narrative games, offering a vast and intricate world full of possibilities.

    • Exploring darker sides in gaming with no consequencesPlayers can engage in morally questionable actions in games without repercussions, leading to unique character backstories and controversial decisions.

      In the discussed gaming context, there's a lack of consequences for actions, allowing players to explore darker sides, such as being a "bad wizard" or going on a "Spider Man killing spree." This freedom leads to some morally questionable decisions, like killing a kid for leveling up or reanimating dead parents. The players' characters have unique backstories, including a lizard dragon with homicidal ideations and a wizard with a nuke in his chest. The games' creators seem unfazed by controversial ideas, possibly due to a lack of shareholder influence. Despite some negative experiences, such as the poor performance of BioShock on Nintendo Switch, the players continue to engage with these games, expressing their enjoyment and criticisms.

    • Emotional connection in gamingMechanics and graphics can't make a game great without emotional connection and sense of accomplishment.

      While some games may offer unique mechanics or elements, they can still fall short if they fail to create a meaningful emotional connection with the player. The speaker in this conversation expressed excitement about certain mechanics in a game, but ultimately felt disappointed with the overall experience due to comparisons to a previous game, "Breath of the Wild," which had left a stronger emotional impact. The conversation then shifted to discussing the presence or absence of explicit content in games, and how it can potentially impact sales and player experience. However, the underlying theme remains that mechanics and graphics alone are not enough to make a game truly great. Instead, it's the emotional connection and sense of accomplishment that players feel that truly sets memorable gaming experiences apart.

    • Prosthetic penises in entertainment industryIn the entertainment industry, prosthetic penises are used for full male nudity scenes to create realistic effects and maintain actor comfort.

      In the entertainment industry, particularly in TV and film, the use of prosthetic penises is common in scenes requiring full nudity. This practice allows for the creation of realistic visual effects while maintaining a level of modesty and comfort for actors. The process involves the use of a flesh-colored Speedo or similar undergarment, along with a silicone prosthetic penis that can be easily adjusted during filming. This method was discussed in relation to the TV show "Euphoria," where several scenes featuring full male nudity were filmed using prosthetics. The conversation also touched upon the discomfort and unusual intimacy that can arise during the application and removal of such prosthetics.

    • Euphoria Shower Scene: Real or Prosthetic Penises?The debate over the authenticity of the penises in Euphoria's controversial shower scene continues, with some believing they were real and others prosthetic. The creation of such prosthetics involves intricate detail and effort.

      During a discussion about the controversial shower scene in Euphoria, it was unclear if prosthetic penises were used or not. Some believed they saw micro penises in the scene, while others thought they were real. The conversation also touched upon the process of creating prosthetic body parts for film and television, including the use of underwear and silicone. Ultimately, the discussion highlighted the intricacy and effort that goes into creating such scenes, and the debate over whether the penises in the Euphoria shower scene were real or prosthetic remains unresolved.

    • Discovering the Multifunctional Button in Web Shooter Toys and Prosthetic DevicesInnovation doesn't always require complexity. Simple solutions, like using a button as both a trigger and a motor, can save time and resources.

      Sometimes the simplest solutions are the most effective. During a discussion about the workings of web shooter toys and prosthetic wieners, it was discovered that the button used to shoot out the material is also the motor. This mechanical and electrical design saves time and money by eliminating the need for an additional gear. The conversation also touched upon the use of stunt vulvas in film production to simulate explicit scenes. Despite the complexity of some inventions and productions, it's essential to consider the possibility of a straightforward, efficient solution.

    • Sex scenes in blockbuster franchisesExplicit sex scenes in blockbuster franchises may detract from the story and not be necessary for character development. Filmmakers should focus on compelling narratives and action sequences instead.

      While sex scenes can be used effectively in certain genres like horror films to build suspense and vulnerability, they may not always enhance the overall quality of a movie, especially when it comes to blockbuster franchises like the Avengers. The speakers in this conversation believe that these franchises are already engaging and entertaining enough without the addition of explicit sex scenes. They argue that such scenes can detract from the story and may not be necessary for character development. Instead, they suggest that filmmakers should focus on creating compelling narratives and action sequences that keep audiences engaged.

    • Exploring the Fear of the Unknown in the Saw Film SeriesThe Saw film series uses intricate traps and fear of the unknown to create tension and draw audiences, despite an aging concept, and continues to explore themes of death and destiny.

      The Saw film series, known for their intricate and deadly traps, is not just about the gore but the fear and tension built up by the implied gore. The audience is drawn to the "destination of gore," the stress and fear it evokes, similar to a monster movie. The films, some of which are low budget, have been successful in delivering this experience despite the aging concept. While some viewers may find the idea of creating real Saw traps intriguing, others may not appreciate the genre. The films continue to explore the concept of death and destiny, even after the main character Jigsaw's death in the 4th installment. The series, with its 11 films so far, demonstrates a deep understanding of its audience and their fascination with the fear of the unknown.

    • Jigsaw's Will to Live TestsJigsaw, a cancer survivor, creates deadly traps to test people's will to live, starting in his garage with simple tools and progressing to elaborate, high-tech contraptions.

      The Saw franchise revolves around the character Jigsaw, an older man who survived cancer and was inspired by his own suffering to test people's will to live by putting them through life-threatening trials. Initially, Jigsaw created simple, low-budget traps in his garage. However, as the series progressed, the traps became more elaborate and high-tech. Although Jigsaw is often portrayed as a villain, some viewers argue that he is not entirely evil, as he pays taxes and believes in testing people's worth. The traps are typically set in abandoned buildings, and Jigsaw may have acquired the funds to build them by cashing out his retirement savings. Despite the gruesome nature of the traps, some viewers find the early Saw films to be relatable, as they depict a regular person creating elaborate, deadly contraptures in their garage.

    • Exploring the Effects of Destructive Forces on MaterialsStay curious, learn from experiences, and adapt to feedback in content creation. High costs and ethical considerations may prevent certain ideas from being executed, but the pursuit of knowledge and engagement with audiences can lead to valuable insights and inspiration.

      Creating engaging content often involves a balance between originality and experience sharing. The speakers in this conversation expressed their curiosity about the effects of various destructive forces on different materials, leading them to explore the use of ballistics gel dummies. They discussed the potential of using a laser gun and a pig head, but the high cost and ethical considerations prevented them from executing their ideas. They also shared their experiences of receiving criticism and inspiration from their audiences. In essence, the conversation highlights the importance of being open to new ideas, learning from experiences, and adapting to feedback in content creation.

    • Two Individuals Independently Developed a Face Recognition Software to Identify Potential PedophilesIndependently, two individuals came up with the idea for a face recognition software to identify potential pedophiles, but it's crucial to acknowledge the originality of others' ideas and prevent unjust credit.

      Ideas can be inspired by various sources, even unintentionally. In this case, two individuals independently came up with the idea of developing a face recognition software that identifies potential pedophiles. One of them, who was deathly allergic to wasps and bees, had a legitimate need to create such a system due to a nest near his house. The other individual, who sometimes forgets where an idea originated, accidentally thought he had come up with it first. While it's possible to build on others' ideas, it's essential to acknowledge their originality and avoid taking credit unjustly. Additionally, it's important to remember that neural networks, like the one intended for this purpose, require careful handling to prevent biases and ensure accurate results. The potential misuse of such technology raises ethical concerns and highlights the need for responsible innovation.

    • Exploring the implications of facial recognition technology for pedophile detectionWhile some see potential in using facial recognition technology for pedophile detection, others raise concerns about ethical implications and potential dangers.

      During the discussion, the topic of Tucker Carlson and potential pedophile detection through facial recognition technology was explored. While some saw it as a joke, others raised concerns about the implications of such technology. Michael Reed brought up the idea of using a machine learning model to identify potential pedophiles based on average facial features of known offenders. However, the group acknowledged the potential dangers and ethical concerns of such technology. They also shared experiences of investigating suspicious situations and the challenges they faced in doing so. The conversation also touched upon the importance of doing one's own research and the potential consequences of opening a "Pandora's box" with new technologies. The group also discussed their experiences working on various projects, from collaborating with a celebrity puppet comedian to reverse engineering plastic materials. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and ethical dilemmas surrounding technology and its potential uses.

    • Exploring sensitive topics through creative storytellingEffective storytelling about sensitive topics involves engaging audiences, maintaining interest, and presenting content in a thoughtful, nuanced way. Shows like 'Nathan for You' and 'How to with John Wilson' use unique techniques to captivate viewers and ultimately deliver a satisfying payoff.

      Effective storytelling requires engaging the audience and maintaining their interest, even when dealing with sensitive or taboo subjects. Using the example of a hypothetical TV show about a "perfect pedophile," the speakers discuss the importance of presenting such content in a thoughtful and nuanced way. They draw parallels to shows like "Nathan for You" and "How to with John Wilson," which use unique storytelling techniques to keep viewers engaged despite seemingly mundane premises. These shows rely on extended, often absurdly specific journeys to captivate audiences and ultimately deliver a satisfying payoff. The speakers also touch on the role of executive producers and production teams in shaping the final product. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of creativity, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of audience dynamics in successful storytelling.

    • Navigating the Entertainment Industry: Unexpected Encounters with CelebritiesUnexpectedly meeting celebrities can lead to opportunities, but their public image and personal controversies can pose challenges. Be mindful of associations and actions.

      The lines between the worlds of independent content creators and mainstream celebrities can be surprisingly thin. The speakers in this conversation shared stories of unexpected encounters and connections with famous figures in the entertainment industry. For instance, they attended a party with Justin Roiland, the co-creator of "Rick and Morty," wearing Nile Red merchandise, which led to an invitation from Roiland himself. However, they also noted the sudden fallout of Roiland from various projects due to allegations, which seemed to happen across the board and quickly. This experience highlights the unpredictability and complexity of relationships with celebrities, as well as the potential consequences of being associated with controversial figures. Furthermore, the speakers acknowledged the challenges of making friends with famous individuals, as their public image and personal lives can be subject to intense scrutiny. Overall, this conversation sheds light on the intricacies of navigating the entertainment industry and the importance of being mindful of the potential repercussions of one's actions and associations.

    • Considering Controversial Guests and Potential BacklashBe mindful of the company we keep and the potential consequences of our actions, even if they seem harmless like asking for contacts or making jokes.

      Asking for contacts of individuals who may have controversial associations could potentially lead to negative consequences. This was discussed in relation to Justin Roiland and the possibility of having him on the podcast. The speaker joked about comparing Roiland to Hitler, but also acknowledged the possibility of his cancelability. The conversation also touched on the challenges of coordinating guests for the podcast and the importance of considering potential backlash. The episode ended with an apology for any offensive content and a hope that the extra special episode made up for the lack of recent posts. It's important to be mindful of the company we keep and the potential consequences of our actions, even if they are just asking for contacts or making jokes.

    • Buckle up for safety and take the Cash Pop quizWearing seat belts saves lives and taking quizzes for fun can earn prizes. Knowing your limits in various aspects of life is crucial for safety and balance.

      Wearing a seat belt significantly increases your chances of survival during a car crash. According to the Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning, this simple action can reduce your risk of death by 45% or more. It's a small, everyday habit that can make a big difference in our imperfect world. Meanwhile, the Michigan Lottery offers a fun pop quiz that's as easy as their new Cash Pop game. The quiz includes questions about how many numbers it takes to win Cash Pop, how many numbers you choose from, and the maximum amount you can win. Answering these questions correctly might not save your life, but it could earn you a prize. Another important takeaway is the concept of knowing your limits. In the context of the Michigan Lottery, this means understanding the odds of winning and the potential financial consequences of playing. But the idea applies to many areas of life. Whether it's setting spending limits, recognizing your emotional or physical limits, or acknowledging your limitations in a particular skill or task, being aware of your boundaries is essential for living a balanced and fulfilling life. So buckle up for safety, take the Cash Pop quiz for fun, and always remember to know your limits. It's the best bet you can make in life.

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