
    My Mom Is Trying To Guilt Me Over Our Holiday Plans!

    enDecember 12, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Unhealthy Communication Patterns in RelationshipsRecognize hurtful communication patterns, address them, and express appreciation to foster positive connections.

      Everyone goes through challenging relationships, and it's essential to recognize and address the patterns of communication that can cause pain and misunderstanding. In the discussed situation, a daughter named Sarah is dealing with her mother's hurtful words and accusations during the holiday season. Sarah's mother has a history of using painful language when she doesn't get what she wants, only to forget about the incident once her desire is met. Sarah feels hurt and confused, wondering why her mother chooses to speak to her in such a way. The conversation between Sarah and John DeLoney, the podcast host, reveals that Sarah's mother has a habit of using hurtful words during arguments, only to move on once her needs are met. This pattern of communication can cause emotional pain and damage relationships. Furthermore, the conversation takes an unexpected turn when John receives a thoughtful gift from listeners Mandy and Danny – a superior pen refill for his favorite pen. The experience of receiving this gift highlights the importance of expressing appreciation and gratitude in relationships. In summary, the conversation between Sarah and John underscores the significance of recognizing and addressing unhealthy communication patterns in relationships and the importance of expressing appreciation and gratitude to foster positive connections.

    • Healing from emotional abuse in relationshipsRecognize impact, set boundaries, acknowledge guilt, prioritize self-care, and create new patterns to break the cycle of emotional abuse.

      If you've experienced emotional abuse in your relationships, particularly from a parent, it's important to recognize the depth of the impact and take steps to prioritize your own well-being. This may involve setting boundaries, acknowledging the guilt you may feel for causing pain to your abuser, and learning to distance yourself from the toxic dynamics. Healing from this type of trauma is not an easy process, and it may feel like you're dying or being overexposed at first. But by walking directly through the middle of it and prioritizing your own needs, you can begin to break the cycle and create a healthier family dynamic for future generations. Remember, your abuser's opinions and votes no longer hold power over you. Your body has been protecting you for a long time, but as an adult, you have the power to create new, healthier patterns. If you find yourself in a situation where the abuse continues, such as at work, consider creating space by seeking a new job or environment. Your physical and emotional health are worth prioritizing.

    • Setting healthy boundaries: Essential for personal well-beingLearn to assert your rights and prioritize self-worth to break the cycle of codependency and build a fulfilling life.

      Setting healthy boundaries is essential for personal well-being, even if it means dealing with difficult emotions or confrontations. This discussion revolves around a woman named Sarah, who shares her experience of feeling responsible for her mother's moods and constantly prioritizing her mother's needs over her own. The speaker emphasizes that individuals cannot control other people's emotions or choices and should not carry the burden of adult temper tantrums. Instead, they should assert their rights to be treated with respect and dignity at work and at home. The speaker encourages practicing self-worth and choosing guilt over resentment. Setting boundaries is a challenging process, but it's necessary to break the cycle of codependency and build a fulfilling life.

    • Effective communication and assertiveness in parent-child relationshipsParents should help kids manage emotions, focus on controllables during stress, recognize signs of Seasonal Affective Disorder, and seek support when needed.

      Effective communication and assertiveness are crucial for healthy relationships, especially between parents and children. Parents should avoid taking on their children's emotions and instead help them learn to manage their own feelings. Additionally, during stressful times, such as buying a home, focusing on what you can control and seeking support from trusted resources can help alleviate anxiety. Lastly, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a real condition that affects mood and can impact a larger percentage of the population than the 5% with true SAD. It's essential to recognize the signs and take steps to address the downregulation of mood during seasonal transitions.

    • Importance of morning light exposure during winter monthsMorning light exposure boosts mood and energy levels during winter months. Actions like using a high-luxe box lamp or taking a morning walk can make a difference.

      During winter months, especially in areas with long periods of darkness, it's essential to prioritize exposure to bright light in the morning to support mood and overall well-being. The speaker shares her personal experience of struggling with winter blues in a new environment and how investing in a high-luxe box lamp helped improve her mood and energy levels. Research suggests that morning light exposure plays a crucial role in brain function and downstream physiology. Simple actions like turning on bright lights upon waking, taking a morning walk, or using a light therapy box can make a significant difference.

    • Start your day right with positive habitsMorning routines and habits impact overall health. Choose positive practices like gratitude, exercise, and healthy eating for a better day.

      Our morning routines and habits set the tone for the rest of our day. Starting the day with a positive and optimized mindset through practices like gratitude, exercise, and a healthy breakfast can lead to better mental and physical health. Conversely, starting the day with negative habits like hitting the snooze button, skipping exercise, and consuming excessive caffeine or alcohol can lead to a downward spiral of unhealthy choices and poor mental health. It's important to be intentional about our morning routines and make conscious choices to set ourselves up for success rather than falling into unhealthy patterns. This can include avoiding alcohol during the holidays, practicing cold water exposure, and being mindful of our overall consumption of caffeine and sugar. Ultimately, the choice is ours to make each day hard in a way that brings us joy, or to let ourselves be consumed by the challenges and negative habits that can hold us back.

    • Personal experiences with cold showers, exercise, and intentional eatingPrioritize self-care by moving your body and being mindful of what you eat for improved physical and mental health

      Taking care of both your physical and mental health is crucial for overall well-being. The speaker shares his personal experiences with the transformative effects of cold showers, regular exercise, and intentional eating. He emphasizes the importance of moving your body, whether it's through weightlifting, walking, or even just walking around your yard. He also discusses the importance of being mindful of what you eat and how it impacts your health. Additionally, he raises awareness about depression and encourages those who are struggling to reach out for help. Overall, the message is to prioritize self-care and make small, intentional choices every day to improve your physical and mental health.

    • Struggling to Remember Past TraumasAvoiding past traumas can hinder healing, confronting uncomfortable memories with a direct approach and seeking professional help can aid in personal growth and healing.

      The inability to remember or confront uncomfortable experiences from the past, which can include family trauma or abuse, can be a protective measure but can also hinder healing. This issue can be particularly challenging when it comes to personal relationships, such as during a divorce. The speaker in this conversation has been struggling to remember why his wife left him, and when confronted with the possibility that he may have been present for traumatic experiences in his sister's childhood, he dismissed it due to his evasiveness. However, the caller suggests that this behavior may be rooted in past trauma and that healing may require a direct approach to confronting these uncomfortable memories. The caller also recommends seeking professional help, such as a skilled trauma counselor, and considering a medical evaluation to rule out any physical causes for memory issues. Ultimately, acknowledging and addressing past traumas can be an important step towards personal growth and healing.

    • Childhood Traumas Impact Health Later in LifeACE scores predict health issues, acknowledge past traumas, seek professional help, prioritize self-care, heal from childhood sexual abuse in a safe environment

      Our bodies store the effects of childhood traumas, and these experiences can have significant impacts on our health later in life. The higher the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) score, the more predictive these experiences become for various health issues. It's essential to acknowledge and make peace with past traumas without dwelling on them excessively. Healing is possible through various therapies and techniques, and it's essential to reach out for professional help when needed. The brain may protect us from revisiting painful memories, but it's crucial to address them with the support of a mental health professional. Remember, you are not broken, but your brain has learned to cope with past experiences in the best way it knows how. It's time to give yourself the gift of healing and wellness. If you suspect you may have experienced sexual abuse as a child, it's crucial to address this with a professional in a safe and supportive environment. Your work ethic is a strength, but it's essential to prioritize self-care and rest.

    • Importance of personal growth and healing for children's stabilitySeeking help for past traumas and focusing on personal growth are essential for creating a healthy environment for children. Committing to healing and having a support system can lead to peace and stability in the present.

      Focusing on personal growth and healing from past traumas is crucial for creating a stable and healthy environment for children. The speaker, who is going through a divorce, emphasizes the importance of being a good father and ensuring that his past does not negatively impact his daughter. During the conversation, it is established that he is not abusive, and he is encouraged to seek help from a trauma counselor to learn skills for regulating his body's responses to past experiences. The ultimate goal is to achieve peace and stability in the present, allowing the speaker to make decisions and take ownership of his life without being held back by past traumas. The conversation also highlights the importance of having a support system and making a commitment to personal growth.

    • Healing past traumas and achieving financial stabilityAddress past traumas, seek professional help, improve finances for inner peace and stronger relationships.

      Achieving financial stability and inner peace can lead to significant improvements in personal relationships and overall well-being. The speaker emphasizes the importance of addressing past traumas and seeking professional help to begin the process of healing. He also highlights the role of financial security in creating a safe and anchoring presence for loved ones. By making the effort to improve these areas of life, one can build a more peaceful and non-anxious existence, as outlined in John O'Leary's book, "Building a Non-Anxious Life." Additionally, the speaker encourages seeking resources like Financial Peace University and the EveryDollar app to help manage finances effectively.

    • Beat the winter blues with a light boxUsing a light box during winter months can help improve mood and energy levels, making it an effective solution for Seasonal Affective Disorder.

      During winter months, some people may experience feelings of sadness or lack of energy due to the shorter days and less sunlight. This condition is known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). A simple solution for this issue is to use a light box, which mimics natural sunlight and can help improve mood and energy levels. The phrase "California dreaming on such a winter's day" is an expression of longing for sunny weather and better moods that can be achieved by addressing the lack of sunlight during winter months. So, if you're feeling down during the winter, consider getting a light box to help boost your mood and energy.

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    If you loved this episode, check out more by Kori -

    Buy Kori's book Rituals of the Soul : https://www.amazon.com/Rituals-Soul-Ancient-Principles-Meaningful/dp/160868752X

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    For EVERYTHING else: https://santoshasociety.com/


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    For full show notes, resources mentioned, and transcripts, go to: www.drmindypelz.com/ep157/.

    To enroll in Dr. Mindy's Fasting membership, go to: resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    This episode is about setting better boundaries, protecting your energy, and ditching your codependent tendencies. 

    Terri Cole is a licensed psychotherapist, global relationship and empowerment expert, and the author of Boundary Boss-The Essential Guide to Talk True, Be Seen and (Finally) Live Free. She has a gift for making complex psychological concepts accessible and actionable so that clients and students achieve sustainable change. 

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