
    Podcast Summary

    • Recognizing and Honoring Different Perspectives on ParentingUnderstanding and valuing each other's unique experiences from childhood shapes our parenting perspectives. Acknowledging and respecting these differences can lead to a stronger family foundation.

      Different upbringings can lead to polar opposite perspectives on parenting decisions. It's essential to recognize and honor each other's experiences and wisdom, rather than viewing one as superior to the other. A traumatic childhood may have given one partner unique insights into connectivity, love, and survival, while a more stable upbringing may have provided a different perspective on independence and healthy relationships. Both perspectives can be valuable in raising children when respected and combined. The key is to avoid favoring one over the other, as this can lead to conflict and an unhealthy dynamic in the relationship. By acknowledging and valuing each other's experiences, couples can come together on the same page and create a strong foundation for their family.

    • Understanding perspectives and finding a framework for disagreementsEffective decision-making in relationships requires communication, trust, self-reflection, informed guidance, and consideration of personal circumstances and emotions to create a supportive environment for children.

      Effective decision-making in a relationship involves understanding each other's perspectives and finding a framework to address disagreements, rather than focusing on a specific issue like sleep training for a toddler. Communication, trust, and self-reflection are crucial elements in this process. The speaker emphasizes the importance of seeking informed guidance from a trusted healthcare professional and considering the potential impact of personal circumstances and emotions on the child's behavior. By examining their own patterns and addressing any underlying tensions, the couple can create a safer and more supportive environment for their child to sleep in.

    • Understanding Toddler DevelopmentBe patient with your toddler's development, understand that they are still learning, and prioritize your own needs during this season of life.

      Parents may face various challenges in raising their children, and it's essential to understand that children go through different developmental stages. The speaker in this conversation shared her experience of having a difficult time connecting with her 2-year-old son due to his sleep patterns, which differed significantly from hers. She felt that she wasn't able to teach him or connect with him during bedtime. However, the expert advised her that her son, being in the toddler stage, was still developing and would soon start communicating more. The expert also suggested that the speaker should make peace with the current season of her life, which involves less sleep, and be more intentional about her own needs during this time. The expert emphasized that it's crucial not to put undue pressure on young children and to understand that they are still learning and growing.

    • Accepting the challenges of parenthoodFocus on reducing tension, approach relationship as new one, maintain strong connection, find joy in parenthood journey

      Having a child can teach us the importance of accepting the things we cannot control and finding peace in the present moment. The speaker shares his struggles with working from home and dealing with a young child's sleep schedule, feeling guilty for leaving his family to focus on his work. He acknowledges the challenges of parenting a toddler and the impact it can have on a marriage. The speaker suggests focusing on reducing tension in the household instead of rigidly managing a child's sleep schedule. He encourages couples to approach their relationship as a new one, recognizing the added complexity of raising a child together. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining a strong connection with one's partner and finding joy in the journey of parenthood.

    • Making peace with the current season of lifeFocus on creating a non-anxious home by letting go of unnecessary stressors, prioritizing self-care, and recognizing the importance of a father's presence.

      Creating a peaceful home and being a good parent doesn't mean going back to the way things used to be or trying to control every situation. Instead, it's about making sacrifices, finding solutions, and making peace with the current season of life. This includes learning to let go of unnecessary stressors, such as trying to force a young child to sleep or adhering to certain traditions that no longer serve the family's needs. It's also important to prioritize self-care and seek help when needed, whether that be through therapy or support from trusted friends and mentors. By focusing on creating a non-anxious home, parents can provide a stable environment where everyone can rest, sleep, and thrive. Additionally, recognizing and valuing the role of a father as a constant presence in a child's life can bring peace and joy to the family.

    • Caring for a loved one's addiction can be complex and challengingTough decisions may be necessary for the well-being of both the caretaker and the loved one when enabling addiction only perpetuates the cycle.

      Caring for a loved one with addiction can be a complex and challenging situation. In the discussed scenario, the speaker's grandma and mom were both struggling with addiction, and the speaker had been taking care of her grandma's financial responsibilities. However, when her mom passed away, the grandma was left alone, and the speaker realized that she couldn't continue to enable her grandma's addiction. The speaker acknowledged that she didn't have the skills or capacity to care for her grandma as a full-time caretaker, and that tough decisions needed to be made. The speaker also recognized that her mom's addiction likely stemmed from a deeper relational dysfunction between her and her grandma. Ultimately, the speaker had to make the difficult choice to prioritize her own well-being and potentially make decisions that her grandma might not agree with, such as selling her house and moving into a living facility. It's important to remember that enabling addiction only perpetuates the cycle, and tough decisions may be necessary for the well-being of both the caretaker and the loved one.

    • Recognizing when to prioritize yourselfRealize when caring too much is leading to burnout and neglect your own needs, set clear boundaries and seek help to prioritize self-care.

      It's important to recognize when you're overextending yourself in a relationship, especially when your own well-being is at stake. In the discussion, the speaker shares her experience of feeling obligated to care for her grandmother, who has become dependent on her for daily assistance. However, the speaker realizes that continuing to prioritize her grandmother's needs above her own is leading her to burnout and neglecting her own relationship with her mother. The speaker also acknowledges that trying to "fix" her relationship with her mother by caring for her grandmother may not be effective. Instead, she plans to hire a home health nurse and set clear boundaries, allowing her grandmother to make her own decisions while still providing support. Ultimately, the speaker's takeaway is that it's essential to prioritize your own needs and well-being, even if it means making difficult decisions and setting boundaries in relationships.

    • Communicating Boundaries with a Loved OneDefine your capacity, communicate it clearly, offer help within your means, and let go of things beyond your control.

      Caring for a loved one can be overwhelming, and it's essential to communicate clear boundaries and needs. The speaker in this conversation has been trying to help her grandmother, but the demands have become too much for her. She's not qualified to handle nursing tasks or medication management. The grandmother's response has been extreme, either pushing the speaker away completely or expecting her to do everything. The speaker has expressed her limitations, but the grandmother has reacted negatively. It's crucial to remember that if the grandmother decides to take the speaker off the accounts, it will be heartbreaking, but ultimately, the speaker's well-being and capacity to help are the most important things. The speaker needs to define her capacity and communicate it clearly to her grandmother. She should also make it clear what help she can offer and when she can visit. Ultimately, the speaker cannot control everything, and she'll have to let go of the things she cannot control and grieve the situation as needed. The speaker's role as her grandmother's caregiver is a valuable one, and she should ensure that she's taking care of herself in the process.

    • Focus on what you can control during home buying processFinding trusted professionals like Churchill Mortgage can help reduce stress and uncertainty during home buying process

      During the stressful process of buying a new home, focusing on what you can control, like finding trusted professionals to help you, can make a significant difference. Jokes and lies, while seemingly harmless, can have different meanings and implications. A lie is an intentional false statement to gain an advantage, while jokes are meant to be entertaining and not meant to be taken literally. In the context of the discussion, the jokes about having artist tattoos were not lies because they were absurd and not intended to deceive. The importance of finding reliable resources, like Churchill Mortgage, to help navigate the home buying process was emphasized to reduce stress and uncertainty.

    • Effective ways to approach conversations about sexUse 'I' statements, focus on personal desires, create a safe environment, practice active listening, and recognize the impact of pornography on sexual education and expectations.

      Having open and honest conversations about sex with your partner is essential for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship. However, many people struggle with initiating these conversations due to societal taboos, shame, embarrassment, or misunderstandings about sex education. According to the articles discussed, some effective ways to approach these conversations include using "I" statements, focusing on your own desires and feelings, creating a safe and comfortable environment, and practicing active listening. Additionally, recognizing the impact of pornography on sexual education and expectations is crucial. By approaching these conversations with sensitivity, empathy, and a willingness to learn, couples can deepen their intimacy and build a stronger foundation for their relationship.

    • Communicating about sex in relationships: Planning, embracing awkwardness, and specificityEffective communication about sex involves setting specific times, acknowledging awkwardness, and being specific to deepen understanding and connection between partners

      Effective communication about sex in a relationship requires planning, embracing awkwardness, and specificity. First, setting specific times for these conversations can make them more productive and less reactive. Second, acknowledging and owning the awkwardness of discussing intimate topics can help create a safe space for honest dialogue. Lastly, being specific about desires, preferences, and concerns can lead to deeper understanding and connection between partners. Remember, these conversations may feel uncomfortable at first, but with practice, they can lead to stronger, more fulfilling relationships.

    • Communicate effectively for a satisfying sex lifeCriticize lovingly, be curious, focus on emotional connection, and learn together outside of the bedroom.

      Effective communication is key in maintaining a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship. Criticism should be delivered in a loving and constructive manner, as it provides valuable insights into what brings pleasure and joy to your partner. Avoid being hurtful or cruel, as this can cause unnecessary pain and discomfort. Instead, be curious and open to trying new things together. After a sexual encounter, focus on the emotional connection rather than critiquing performance. Remember, the moment for learning and critique is not immediately after sex, but rather in open and honest conversations outside of the bedroom.

    • Communicate openly about sexCreate a safe space for expressing thoughts and feelings, be curious and non-judgmental, and discuss past hurts and sources of discomfort to deepen connection and bring excitement into your relationship.

      Open and honest communication is key in maintaining a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship. Instead of asking for performance reviews or digging for unsolicited feedback, create an environment where your partner feels comfortable expressing their thoughts and feelings. Be curious and non-judgmental when discussing new ideas or fantasies, and don't hesitate to share your own experiences. It's important to be honest about past hurts and any sources of pain or discomfort, ensuring that both partners feel safe and respected. By having regular, open conversations about sex, you can deepen your connection and bring excitement and novelty into your relationship.

    • Choices for a non-anxious lifeSix choices for peace and calm: embrace feelings, connect with others, simplify, practice gratitude, live in the present, and let go of perfectionism

      In building a non-anxious life, making daily choices that promote peace and calm can help reduce anxious feelings and improve our ability to respond to life's challenges. In my new book, "Building a Non-Anxious Life," I outline six specific choices that can make a significant difference. Meanwhile, let's lighten the mood with a song, "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye. The lyrics remind us to embrace our feelings and connect with others, emphasizing the importance of living fully and loving deeply. Remember, we're all sensitive people with much to give, so let's strive for a more peaceful existence. Get your copy of "Building a Non-Anxious Life" today at jondaloney.com.

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    Conversely, the words that you choose can limit your opportunities and destroy achieving big dreams.

    These words are our enemies: “ Um, Uh, Like, So.”  People stop listening when we use these words repeatedly.  You descend into oblivion when these utterances are constantly being used.  Our idea of leaders is someone who creates strong images with the choice of their words.

    To be accomplished and successful use these words instead:

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    If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/

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    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

    Thank you!

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    077 Before, During and After Professional Football

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    Enjoy listening!

    Key Learning Points:

    Becoming a professional footballer and then sustaining a career are completely different things

    For me it wasn't just football, football, football, I always wanted to focus and apply myself correctly in other ways

    I looked to generally challenge management, though not in a negative way.  I was never afraid to ask questions.

    You have to deal with doing everything right, training well, sleeping well, eating properly and then sometimes not feeling right in a game and playing poorly, that’s football.

    On retiring from professional football, you need to put forward your transferable skills and how they're going to translate into the organisation that your hoping to move into.


    Connect with Danny Thomas

    Back Of The Net And Beyond Podcast



    Connect with David Charlton

    Accelerator Course: Achieving Your Goals Faster


    Join David @ The Sports Psychology Hub

    Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn


    To Listen to Football or Soccer Podcast Episodes

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    Other Football or Soccer Resources

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    Psychology in Football or Soccer Blogs