
    NBC "Catch and Kill" Hypocrisy, Baldwin Harassed, and What is a Woman Lawsuit, with Mike Davis, Dave Aronberg, Sall Grover, and Katherine Deves | Ep. 773

    enApril 23, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Judge questions Trump's lawyer and potential gag order violationJudge Juan Mershon expressed skepticism towards Trump's lawyer and potential violation of a gag order in the New York City hush money case, raising concerns for presidential candidates' freedom to speak publicly about ongoing cases.

      The outcome of the court case regarding former President Donald Trump's potential violation of a gag order in the New York City hush money case is uncertain, but it does not look favorable for Trump. Judge Juan Mershon seemed displeased with Trump's statements about Michael Cohen and questioned the credibility of his lawyer, Todd Blanche. If found in violation, Trump could face a fine, but some argue he is being treated differently than others due to his status as a presidential candidate. The case itself has raised concerns of bias due to the involvement of a Soros-funded Manhattan DA, Alvin Bragg, and a judge, Juan Mershon, with potential conflicts of interest. However, the focus for now should be on the potential gag order violation and its implications for a presidential candidate's ability to speak publicly about witnesses and ongoing cases.

    • Gag order in Trump-Cohen case raises constitutional questionsThe gag order in the Trump-Cohen case restricts Trump from commenting publicly, while Cohen is free to speak. The constitutionality of such a broad gag order on a criminal defendant is questionable, and Trump's attacks on Cohen and the jury could lead to witness intimidation charges.

      The ongoing legal battle between Trump and Cohen, and the related gag order, presents complex constitutional issues. While it may seem unfair that Cohen can publicly criticize Trump while Trump is restricted, the gag order is currently in place and the judge has the authority to enforce it. However, the constitutionality of such a broad gag order on a criminal defendant, particularly a high-profile one like Trump, is questionable. Trump's attacks on Cohen and the jury could be seen as witness intimidation and harassment, which are against the law. The judge's response to these violations remains to be seen, but it's likely to be a fine rather than jail time. Despite the challenges, it's important for all parties involved to respect the legal process and avoid inflammatory statements to ensure a fair trial.

    • Gag order concerns: constitutionality and fairnessThe Trump trial's gag order raises questions about its constitutionality and fairness, as it restricts Trump's comments on jury pool but not on judge or prosecutor.

      The ongoing trial of Donald Trump's case raises significant concerns regarding the constitutionality and fairness of the gag order imposed on him. While the order prevents Trump from making statements that could potentially influence the jury pool, it does not extend the same restriction to his criticisms of the judge or prosecutor. This double standard, as some argue, undermines the fundamental principle of a gag order, which is to protect the defendant's constitutional rights to a fair and speedy trial. The uncertainty surrounding what Trump can and cannot say about the jury composition adds to the confusion and potential unconstitutionality of the gag order. The ongoing debate highlights the complexities and nuances of balancing free speech rights with the need to ensure a fair trial for criminal defendants.

    • Allegations of election fraud in Trump case raise concernsLegal experts question the validity of election fraud allegations in Trump case due to lack of clear legal violation and vague terminology.

      The ongoing legal case against Donald Trump involves allegations of a conspiracy to help him win the 2016 presidential election through a "catch and kill" scheme, where women were paid off to suppress damaging stories. However, the lack of clarity on the specific legal violation and the vague allegations of election fraud have raised concerns among legal experts. They argue that hush money payments or attempting to influence an election are not illegal, and the prosecutors' use of the term "election fraud" without specifying a valid theory or relevant statute sets unrealistic expectations for the jury. Additionally, the case's reliance on state law and avoidance of federal election law has been criticized as a legal and strategic mistake.

    • Manhattan DA uses NY state law to pursue Trump hush money caseManhattan DA pursues Trump hush money case using NY state law, which could be preempted by federal campaign finance law, potentially leading to felony charges but facing appeal challenges.

      The ongoing legal case against former President Donald Trump for alleged hush money payments involves an unusual legal strategy by the Manhattan District Attorney's office. Instead of focusing on federal campaign finance violations, they are using a New York state law that makes it a misdemeanor for two or more people to conspire to influence an election by unlawful means. The prosecutors argue that this statute, when combined with the falsification of business records, could elevate the misdemeanors to a felony. However, the biggest challenge for the prosecution may come on appeal, as there is a possibility that the federal campaign finance law could preempt the state law, potentially resulting in the dismissal of the felony charges. The ultimate goal of this legal strategy appears to be securing a criminal conviction of Trump before the 2024 presidential election.

    • Legal Precedent for Business TransactionsThe ongoing Trump legal case could set a precedent for how business transactions are documented and potentially lead to felony charges for routine business practices if the involved parties are politically unfavorable to the prosecutor and judge.

      The ongoing legal case against the former president involves allegations of falsifying business records, which are not time-barred even if the underlying misdemeanors might be. The defense argues that these business records were accurately documented as legal expenses when the former president reimbursed his lawyer for payments made to settle debts, including hush money payments. The defense also argues that there was no underlying felony, but the outcome of this argument will be determined by the appellate courts. The outcome of this case could set a significant precedent for how business transactions are documented and could potentially lead to felony charges for routine business practices if the involved parties are politically unfavorable to the prosecutor and judge.

    • Trump's Hush Money Payments: Contradictory Claims and Ethical ConcernsTrump's payments to Stormy Daniels and reimbursement to Michael Cohen were disguised as legal expenses but should have been reported as campaign expenses. The evidence suggests Trump had knowledge, contradicting his claims of ignorance. Timing of payments raises ethical concerns and potential violation of campaign finance laws.

      The payment made to Stormy Daniels and the subsequent reimbursement to Michael Cohen, which were disguised as legal expenses, should have been disclosed as campaign expenses. The evidence suggests that Trump had knowledge of these payments, contradicting his claims of ignorance. The use of the term "scheme" may be misleading as these actions, while potentially ethically questionable, may not be illegal. However, the timing of the payments, particularly during the presidential campaign, raises ethical concerns and could potentially violate campaign finance laws. The ongoing investigations and testimonies from key figures will provide further clarity on the situation.

    • Payment to Stormy Daniels violated campaign finance lawsTrump's payment to Stormy Daniels was recorded as legal fees but should have been reported as a campaign contribution, violating campaign finance laws

      During the 2016 presidential campaign, Michael Cohen paid Stormy Daniels $130,000 to keep quiet about an alleged affair with Donald Trump, which violated campaign finance laws. Trump could have paid it himself without issue, but instead, Cohen's company reimbursed him, creating an illegal campaign contribution. This is different from John Edwards' situation, where third parties paid his mistress both before and after the election. The key issue is that Trump's payment was recorded as legal fees, but it should have been reported as a campaign contribution. The case is complicated by the fact that Trump used his personal funds to pay Cohen, and it's unclear if this applies to business records. However, the agreement between Trump and David Pecker, where Pecker agreed to suppress negative stories about Trump in exchange for exclusive access, raises questions about the timing and intent of the payment.

    • Media Outlets Use Personal Connections for Favorable CoverageMedia outlets sometimes suppress negative stories in exchange for exclusives or other benefits, raising ethical concerns, and NBC's criticism of Trump for this practice is hypocritical given their own history with the Harvey Weinstein story.

      The discussion revolves around the use of personal connections in journalism and the ethical implications of burying negative stories in exchange for exclusives or other benefits. The speaker argues that it's not uncommon for media outlets to practice this form of journalism, and they did so with Donald Trump during his election campaign, which may have been a criminal act. However, the speaker also criticizes the hypocrisy of NBC News, which has been accused of spiking the Harvey Weinstein story to protect Matt Lauer, and now condemns Trump for the same practice. The speaker emphasizes that NBC's moral stance on checkbook journalism is questionable, and they should not be the ones to set the standards for journalistic ethics. The speaker also mentions Rachel Maddow's coverage of the issue and her criticism of the practice, but points out that NBC's own history with the Harvey Weinstein story undermines their credibility on this matter.

    • NDAs and settlements in media: Common practice or cause for concern?NDAs and settlements are normal in various industries but selective application and media manipulation are concerning issues. Encourage transparency and accountability in all areas of public life.

      The use of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and settlements in various industries, including politics and journalism, is a common practice and should not be considered abnormal or evidence of wrongdoing. However, the selective application and manipulation of information, as well as attempts to influence elections through media coverage, are concerning issues that merit scrutiny. The discussion also touched upon the inconsistency of some media outlets in their handling of allegations against public figures, with some stories being suppressed or ignored while others receive extensive coverage. Ultimately, it's crucial to maintain a critical perspective on media coverage and to encourage transparency and accountability in all areas of public life.

    • Potential Damaging Information in Trump's Criminal TrialTrump's legal battles could result in damaging information, increasing the risk of perjury and embarrassment, making it unlikely for him to take the stand in his criminal trial.

      The ongoing legal battles against Donald Trump could potentially lead to a vast array of damaging information being presented in his criminal trial, making it unlikely for him to take the stand due to the risk of perjury and potential embarrassment. The judge's ruling allows for the admission of evidence related to Trump's past business dealings, lawsuits, and personal relationships, some of which could be detrimental to his defense. Trump's history of not taking the stand in past cases further supports this notion. While some argue that Trump should defend himself publicly, legal experts generally advise against taking the stand in criminal trials.

    • Alec Baldwin's Encounter with a Pro-Palestine Activist and College Protests against IsraelSupport for Alec Baldwin in his encounter with a pro-Palestine activist, questioning the activist's behavior and doubtful of a guilty verdict. Criticism of college protests for their disruptive nature and call for respecting individual rights and maintaining order in educational institutions.

      The discussion revolves around two main topics: Alec Baldwin's encounter with a pro-Palestine activist and the college protests against Israel. Regarding the former, the speaker expresses support for Baldwin, believing that the activist's behavior was bullying, ignorant, and lacked self-awareness. The speaker also doubts that a jury would find Baldwin guilty based on the available evidence. As for the college protests, the speaker criticizes the disruptive nature and expresses concern as dozens of people are being arrested. Institutions like Columbia, Harvard, and NYU have responded by canceling in-person classes or closing their gates. The speaker emphasizes the importance of respecting individual rights and maintaining order in educational institutions.

    • Universities must balance free speech with protecting vulnerable groups from harassmentUniversities must enforce laws against harassment and intimidation on campus to ensure a safe learning environment for all students, while still upholding the First Amendment's protection of free speech.

      While free speech is a crucial right on college campuses, it does not extend to hate speech or harassment that creates a hostile environment for targeted groups. The recent protests at Columbia University, where tensions have been high regarding Israel and Palestine, resulted in chaos and arrests when the situation escalated into harassment and intimidation. The university administration's inability to enforce order and remove encampments on their property has drawn criticism. The law is clear that when speech turns into harassment, it loses First Amendment protection. The authorities have the power to remove encampments and arrest individuals for crimes such as trespassing, assault, and disorderly conduct. It's essential for universities to uphold the law and protect vulnerable groups from harassment. The absence of law and order and the inaction of university administrators and the justice department in addressing these issues is concerning.

    • Investigating Harassment and Support for Terrorist Organizations on Ivy League CampusesFrustration over lack of progress in investigations, calls for stronger action against those involved, and discussions on women's spaces and navigating gender identity in the digital age

      The discussion centered around the ongoing investigation into alleged harassment and support for terrorist organizations on Ivy League campuses, primarily SCC schools. The civil rights division and various laws are being used to investigate and potentially take action against those involved. However, there is frustration that no significant results have been seen yet. Additionally, there was a call for stronger action, including visa revocation or deportation for non-citizens and denaturalization for naturalized citizens who support Hamas. The conversation also touched upon a legal battle in Australia involving Sal Grover, the founder of a women-only app called Giggle, and her ongoing lawsuit against a man who claimed to be a woman and demanded access to the app. The discussion emphasized the importance of protecting women's spaces and the challenges of navigating gender identity in the digital age.

    • Women's Right to Male-Free SpacesWomen need safe, private spaces free from men for dignity, privacy, and safety. Women's spaces enable full participation in public life without fear or compromise.

      Women have the right to safe and private spaces, free from the presence of men. This was highlighted in a case where a woman ran a women-only online platform, but a man who identified as a woman attempted to join, despite not making an effort to look like a woman. The man sued the woman for gender identity discrimination when she denied him access. The case raised constitutional questions and went to federal court. Catherine, a lawyer with experience in women's rights, took on the case and explained the importance of women's spaces for women's dignity, privacy, and safety. Women should not have to justify their need for male-free spaces based on trauma, cultural or religious restrictions, or physical conditions. Women's spaces enable women to fully participate in public life without fear or compromise. The case underscores the importance of recognizing and respecting women's right to male-free spaces.

    • Women's access to safe toilets and spacesWomen's access to safe toilets and spaces is essential for their freedom, health, and empowerment. Women-only spaces provide safety, privacy, and community. The importance of these spaces should not be undermined, despite ongoing debates.

      Access to safe and private toilets is a critical issue for women's freedom and participation in society. Historically, the lack of public toilets limited women's ability to travel and access education. Even today, in many parts of the world, women face significant challenges in accessing safe toilets, which can lead to health issues and increased vulnerability to sexual assault. Furthermore, the importance of women-only spaces is emphasized, as they provide safety, privacy, and a sense of community. The argument against women's spaces being "basic" or "unimportant" is not valid, as they are essential for women's well-being and empowerment. The ongoing debate around transgender individuals in women's spaces should not undermine the necessity of women-only spaces, as their presence can disrupt the intended purpose of these spaces. Overall, it is crucial to recognize and address the unique challenges women face in accessing basic necessities and safe spaces, and to promote kindness, understanding, and respect for women's rights and needs.

    • Impact of biological males in women's sportsBiological males competing in women's sports can displace and impact a large number of women, challenging women's safety and fairness in sports and beyond.

      Allowing biological males to compete in women's sports can significantly impact and displace a large number of women, sending a message of learned helplessness and unfairness to young girls. This issue extends beyond a few cases, as seen in the example of a women's soccer team in Sydney where men pretended to be women and dominated the competition. The presence of males in women-only spaces can also challenge women's instincts and boundaries, which are essential skills for safety and self-protection. The overall impact of gender ideology on women's rights and fairness is a serious concern, and the potential implications for women in Australia could be significant if legal challenges are unsuccessful.

    • A legal case in Australia could redefine women's rights and the meaning of women within international lawThe Tickle v Giggle case in Australia has the potential to erase biological sex as a defining factor for women's spaces and rights, with implications extending beyond Australia and CEDAW.

      The ongoing legal case in Australia, known as Tickle v Giggle, has the potential to significantly impact women's rights and the definition of women within international human rights law. The case revolves around a man, Roxy Tickle, who identifies as a woman but was denied entry to a women's hockey team due to his biological sex. The implications of this case extend beyond Australia, as it could potentially redefine the meaning of the word "woman" within the United Nations Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). If the court rules in favor of the man, it could lead to the erasure of biological sex as a defining factor for women's spaces and rights. The case is being closely watched globally, and its outcome could influence similar cases in other countries, including the United States. It's important to note that the man in question, Roxy Tickle, has been criticized for his behavior and motivations, with some experts suggesting that he may not genuinely identify as a woman but rather seeks to enter women's spaces for personal gratification.

    • Transgender rights and women's spacesTransgender individuals seek equal recognition and privileges, not to take away women's rights. Women are deserving of their own rights and spaces, but acceptance and support for individuals to express their gender freely is important.

      The argument about transgender individuals having less testosterone than cisgender individuals and therefore it's fair for them to participate in female spaces is based on a false premise. Transgender individuals are not trying to take away women's rights, but rather seeking equal recognition and privileges. The speaker argues that women are not a costume or an outfit, but a distinct class of human beings, deserving of their own rights and spaces. The issue of transgender children being transitioned is a complex one, with concerns about the long-term effects of hormone blockers and surgeries on their development and identity. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for acceptance and support for individuals to express their gender freely, without societal pressure or interference.

    • Growing concerns over normalization and promotion of gender transition among childrenDespite justifications from organizations like WPATH, the lack of regulation and accountability in normalizing and promoting gender transition among children may lead to significant health consequences and societal contagion, potentially resulting in costly lawsuits and financial payouts.

      The normalization and promotion of gender transition among children is a growing concern, with potential long-term health consequences and societal contagion. The justification for these practices often comes from following best practices from organizations like WPATH, but recent reports, such as the one from Australia's CAS, have highlighted significant differences and concerns. The lack of regulation and accountability may lead to massive lawsuits and financial payouts as more children are affected. Additionally, the increasing visibility of celebrity endorsements and affirmation of young children's gender identities can further perpetuate this social contagion. It's crucial to have open and honest conversations about what it means to "live as a woman" or "live as a man," and to consider the potential risks and long-term implications of these decisions for children.

    • Parents' Role in Children's Media Consumption and Gender IdentityParents should have open conversations with their children about gender and instill values to counteract potential indoctrination. Be vigilant about media and ensure children understand the realities of puberty and unique experiences of growing up as a woman.

      It's important for parents to be vigilant about the media their children consume and the values they instill in them regarding gender identity. The conversation touched upon the concern of introducing nonbinary and trans characters in children's cartoons and the potential impact on children's understanding of gender. It was emphasized that parents should have open conversations with their children about the realities of puberty and the unique experiences of growing up as a woman. The importance of instilling values and having conversations with children to counteract potential indoctrination was also highlighted. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the desire to create a female-only platform for women, highlighting the potential challenges and complexities of navigating legal and political landscapes to protect women's rights.

    • The Power of Public Awareness and EngagementStay informed, engaged, and vigilant against stealth implementation of ideologies like gender ideology. Support those fighting against these ideologies and don't underestimate the power of public opinion to effect change.

      The stealth implementation of certain ideologies, such as gender ideology, may have allowed them to gain ground in the past, but the tide is now turning as more people become aware and educated on the issue. The speakers express optimism that the truth will ultimately prevail, and encourage listeners to stay informed and engaged in the conversation. They also encourage support for those fighting against these ideologies in legal and other arenas. The speakers emphasize the importance of staying vigilant and not underestimating the power of the public to effect change. They also encourage listeners to donate and show their support for those leading the charge against these ideologies. Overall, the message is one of hope and determination in the face of challenging issues.

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 25, 2024

    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Victor Davis Hanson, author of "The End of Everything,” to discuss the major stakes in Thursday's debate between Trump and Biden, what is on the line for both candidates, how Trump should handle the moment, the latest on the 2024 polling, black voters still supporting Trump in record numbers, Trump saying he's made his VP pick already but not revealing who it is, why J.D. Vance is a frontrunner despite his previous criticisms of Trump, the positives Marco Rubio and Doug Burgum could bring to the ticket, the surge of violent crimes against young girls by illegal immigrants, the left and media playing down the severity of the crisis and MSNBC laughing about one of the cases, one MSNBC host refusing to use the term "illegal" to describe a criminal, and more. Then Jonathan Turley, author of "The Indispensable Right," joins to discuss Jack Smith pushing to put a gag order on Trump in the Florida case, the way a gag order of Trump is akin to election interference, the unconstitutionality of gag orders in the first place, the absurdity of the New York business records trial, the ongoing attacks on the Florida Trump case Judge Aileen Cannon, whether Jack Smith could get booted from the case, how the attacks on free speech relate to January 6, a newly revealed video showing Nancy Pelosi admitting responsibility for the January 6 riot, whether the video was suppressed for so long, the attacks on free speech in America, and more.



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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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