
    NEA’s Rick Yang: No Analogies

    enFebruary 03, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Investing in unique, innovative products that cater to specific consumer needsSuccess often comes from identifying and investing in products that offer individualized solutions, rather than trying to replicate established market leaders.

      Successful investments often come in the form of unique, innovative products that cater to specific consumer needs, rather than being the next big "Uber" or "Netflix" of a particular industry. Using the examples of Sleep Number's customizable smart beds and Magnavox's Odyssey video game system, it's clear that addressing individual consumer preferences and evolving technologies can lead to customer satisfaction and long-term success. As Rick Yang, head of consumer investing at NEA, shared, his background as a gamer and student athlete gave him a unique perspective on the importance of catering to diverse consumer needs, even when time was limited. These examples demonstrate the value of identifying and investing in products that offer individualized solutions, rather than trying to replicate the success of established market leaders.

    • A Look Back at the Evolution of GamingDespite busy schedules, adults continue to enjoy gaming, with millions daily players and multi-billion dollar acquisitions. PC and console gamers have different experiences due to control methods, with PC gamers' nostalgia rooted in early access to technology.

      Video games, particularly multiplayer ones, continue to be popular among adults despite their busy schedules. With millions of daily players and massive acquisitions of gaming companies, it's clear that the industry is thriving. The speaker, who grew up gaming on both PC and consoles, appreciates the convenience of modern gaming and reminisces about the early days of online gaming. The division between PC and console gamers exists due to differences in gaming experiences, with PC gamers using mice and keyboards for more precise control. The speaker's nostalgia for PC gaming stems from the sense of accomplishment his parents felt when they bought him a computer, leading him to believe that PC gaming might be more accessible to children than console gaming. The speaker's personal background in tech and entrepreneurship adds to the significance of gaming in his life.

    • From hobby to industry: The evolution of gamingGaming has grown from a pastime to a culturally relevant and economically viable industry, with opportunities for scholarships, professional careers, and investment.

      The world of gaming has evolved significantly from a small hobby to a culturally relevant and economically viable industry. The speaker shared their personal experience of growing up with gaming, starting from playing Wheel of Fortune on DOS to the luxury of playing games at home instead of arcades. They also highlighted the rise of esports, with high school students like Nick Montreeff earning scholarships to play Rocket League at the University of Akron. The speaker's investment in Play Versus, a company that provides a fully sanctioned esports platform, was described as a combination of traditional sports and gaming, with the infrastructure for matchmaking and scoring. The speaker expressed excitement about the potential for kids to pursue their passions in gaming and the opportunities it presents professionally. Overall, the discussion emphasized the transformative impact of gaming on culture and the economy.

    • PlayVS: Bridging Gaming and EducationPlayVS transforms gaming into an inclusive, educational experience by fostering teamwork, diversity, and time management skills in high school students.

      PlayVS is revolutionizing the way high school students engage in gaming by combining it with traditional academic activities. This innovative platform not only provides a sense of belonging and identity for students but also bridges the gap between gaming and education. Unlike the negative stereotypes of gaming as an isolating and antisocial activity, PlayVS fosters diversity, teamwork, and time management skills. Additionally, it offers a coed experience, making it a unique and inclusive sport. Schools, already equipped with resources like computer labs and internet access, can leverage PlayVS to create esports teams and provide students with a new avenue for learning and socialization. Furthermore, for-profit companies are increasingly involved in this ecosystem, offering services ranging from content creation to equipment maintenance and student analysis for recruiting purposes.

    • PlayVersus redefines esports with unique approachPlayVersus brings crucial tech, licenses to scale esports, offering potential for native experiences and industry revolution

      PlayVersus is introducing a new paradigm in the gaming industry with its unique approach to esports. While it's difficult to draw direct comparisons to existing models, PlayVersus is bringing crucial technology architecture and infrastructure to scale matchmaking, scoring systems, and user onboarding. They have also secured official licenses from game publishers and developers, setting them apart from competitors. As a venture capitalist, recognizing the lack of clear analogies could be a good sign for potential investment. Esports is still in its infancy, and the industry needs to define itself as distinct from traditional sports to unlock new possibilities. PlayVersus represents an opportunity to invest in a high-risk, high-reward sector, with potential for native experiences that could revolutionize the industry.

    • Opportunities in Volatile Markets: The Rise of EdutainmentLong-term investors can find opportunities in volatile markets by investing in companies that create high-quality, proprietary content in new categories, such as edutainment. MasterClass' success in delivering fulfilling experiences and education during the pandemic highlights this potential.

      The pandemic has brought about significant changes in consumer behavior and spending, leading to volatility in various industries. However, for long-term investors like NEA, these trends present opportunities for companies that can create high-quality, proprietary content in new categories, such as edutainment. MasterClass, an NEA investment, is a prime example. With people spending more time at home, there was a surge in demand for MasterClass' educational content, especially in areas like cooking, photography, and basketball. The company's brand was also starting to gain mainstream recognition, leading to a compounding effect. Despite some recent tailing off, MasterClass' success underscores the potential for companies that can deliver fulfilling experiences and education to consumers in new and innovative ways.

    • Shifting focus towards passionate niches in mass marketsCompanies in the entertainment industry are disrupting the landscape by offering unique, engaging experiences to capture consumer attention in niche markets, blurring the lines between traditional media and gaming.

      Consumer companies, particularly those in the entertainment industry, are shifting their focus towards capturing consumer attention in mass market opportunities through passionate niches. The entertainment landscape has expanded beyond traditional forms like TV, radio, and movies to include companies like MasterClass, TikTok, Netflix, and Robinhood. These companies have disrupted the industry by offering unique, engaging experiences that capture consumers' attention. Nike is an excellent example of a company that successfully transitioned from a niche market to a cultural icon. Furthermore, the lines between traditional media and gaming are blurring, with movie studios using video game engines for movie production and creating IP that spans across multiple formats. Entertainment is no longer siloed, and companies that can effectively tap into these opportunities and create engaging experiences for consumers have the potential to make a significant impact in the consumer world.

    • Building a comprehensive universe around IP through various mediumsSpire is using advanced technology, like game engines, to expand their universe in real-time, aiming for interoperability and best-in-class experiences in the metaverse

      Spire, a creative company, is aiming to build a comprehensive universe around their IP through various mediums, including animated films, video games, TV shows, and audio content. They're leveraging advanced technology, particularly game engines, to expand their universe in real-time. The metaverse, as they see it, is the seamless blend of real and digital interactions, going beyond the singular immersive experiences often associated with it. Companies that embrace this perspective, focusing on interoperability and best-in-class experiences, are likely to have greater adoption. The Winter Olympics and ski moguls will be discussed next week on Sand Hill Road. Parents, meanwhile, have concerns about childhood vaccination rates and potential disease outbreaks.

    • Educate yourself about vaccines to make informed decisions for your family's healthVaccines are essential for children's health, safe, effective, and preventable diseases. Educate yourself for informed decisions using reliable resources like ativaccinate.org.

      Ensuring your children receive vaccines is an essential step in promoting their overall health and well-being. Vaccines are proven to be safe and effective, and getting your kids vaccinated will give you one less thing to worry about. By educating yourself about vaccines, you can make informed decisions and help protect your family from preventable diseases. For reliable information and resources, visit ativaccinate.org. This organization provides factual data and answers to common questions regarding vaccines, enabling you to make informed choices for your family's health. Don't let misconceptions or fear prevent you from safeguarding your children's future. Instead, take advantage of the wealth of information available and make vaccination a priority. By doing so, you'll be contributing to the health and safety of your family and your community.

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