
    New Fani Willis Witnesses, and the Power of Drudge, with Dave Aronberg, Mike Davis, Chris Moody, and Jamie Weinstein | Ep. 738

    enMarch 05, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Supreme Court clarifies state disqualification of candidatesThe Supreme Court's decision makes it difficult for states to disqualify presidential candidates without a federal criminal statute and conviction.

      The 2024 presidential election is expected to feature Joe Biden and Donald Trump as the dominant nominees, but the real news lies in the ongoing court battles, particularly the Fannie Willis disqualification case and the implications of the Supreme Court decision regarding former President Trump's ballot eligibility. The Supreme Court's 9-0 decision clarified that states cannot remove alleged insurrectionists from the ballot without a federal criminal statute for insurrection with a disqualification clause. The ruling makes it difficult for Congress to invoke the clause against Trump, who has not been convicted of insurrection, and any attempts to disqualify him would require a federal indictment, trial, and conviction. The court proceedings and maneuverings by both parties and the media will continue to shape the presidential race.

    • Supreme Court Limits Disqualification of Federal Candidates for InsurrectionThe Supreme Court ruled that only Congress can disqualify federal candidates for insurrection, leaving it to them to establish a mechanism for removal from the ballot.

      The Supreme Court's recent decision on the 14th Amendment and disqualifying candidates from office for insurrection means that only Congress can establish a mechanism to remove someone from the ballot if they have been convicted of insurrection. The court did not give federal courts or state officials the power to disqualify a federal candidate based on insurrection. The ruling was broad and significant, as even Justice Amy Coney Barrett expressed her concern about going too far. The decision also applies to both criminal and civil components of insurrection or rebellion. While federal prosecutors can currently charge and convict individuals for insurrection, they would need to do so under the existing federal criminal statute that includes a disqualification clause. The chances of Congress changing the law to disqualify a candidate for insurrection before the next election are slim.

    • Myth of Trump's DisqualificationDespite claims, Trump is currently eligible to run for office again as there is no federal law disqualifying him for his alleged involvement in the Capitol riots.

      While there is a federal criminal statute on the books for insurrection or rebellion, which includes a disqualification provision, former President Donald Trump has not been charged or convicted under this statute. Therefore, he is currently eligible to run for office again. The idea that Trump is disqualified due to his alleged involvement in the Capitol riots is considered a "cockamamie" idea by some legal experts, and there is no indication that this law will be applied retroactively. Despite some media and experts' claims to the contrary, the 14th Amendment section 3 does not give states the power to remove alleged insurrectionists from the ballot. The Supreme Court has not yet ruled on this issue, but it is unlikely to do so before the 2024 election.

    • Supreme Court's Actions Spark Debate on Role in American DemocracyThe Supreme Court's decisions in the Colorado and presidential immunity cases have significant implications for the upcoming election and the role of the judiciary in American democracy, sparking intense debate and potential consequences for faith in the institution.

      The Supreme Court's decision in the Colorado case and the ongoing case regarding President Trump's immunity from prosecution have sparked intense debate. While some argue that the Court overstepped by intervening in the Colorado case and expediting the presidential immunity case, others see it as necessary to maintain order and prevent chaos. Regardless of one's perspective, it's clear that the Court's actions have significant implications for the upcoming election and the role of the judiciary in American democracy. Some critics fear that the Court's decisions could lead to a loss of faith in the institution, while others believe that the justices are fulfilling their constitutional duties. Ultimately, the Court's decisions will likely be subject to ongoing analysis and debate as the legal process unfolds.

    • Legal battles against Trump delayed by appeals processDespite resources, legal proceedings against Trump are delayed due to appeals process, uncertainty remains

      The legal process in the United States allows for appeals and delays, which is not unique to former President Trump. While it may seem frustrating to some, the ability to appeal is a fundamental part of the justice system. However, not everyone has the resources to drag out legal proceedings as Trump has been able to do. The ongoing legal battles against Trump, including the January 6th case and the Mar-a-Lago documents case, are currently delayed due to separate proceedings in the Supreme Court. Despite the delays, there is no policy preventing charged cases from going to trial before an election, even if the defendant is on the ballot. The ongoing legal proceedings against Trump are complex and multifaceted, and the outcome remains uncertain.

    • Concerns about political motivations of ongoing investigations during election seasonThe ongoing criminal investigations against former President Trump during the 2024 election season raise concerns about the legitimacy of the judicial system and potential loss of public trust if perceived as politically motivated.

      The ongoing criminal investigations and trials against former President Trump, which are happening during the 2024 presidential election season, have raised concerns about the legitimacy of the judicial system. Despite the supposed DOJ policy of not interfering with elections within 60 days, the Biden administration and the Justice Department are pushing for these trials to go forward, potentially allowing Trump to campaign while on trial. This could lead to a loss of public trust and funding for the judicial system if the American people perceive these charges as politically motivated. It's important to note that there is no clear evidence that Joe Biden is directly involved in these investigations and charges against Trump. Additionally, there is historical precedent for criminal trials taking place during election seasons, as in the case of Senator Ted Stevens. However, the timing and coordination of these investigations and trials raise valid concerns about their motivations and potential impact on the election.

    • Uncertainty surrounds Trump's J6 Capitol riots trialThe Trump J6 Capitol riots trial's outcome is uncertain due to the lack of coordination between the Biden administration and prosecutors, the Supreme Court's deliberate pace, and the unprecedented nature of a president-elect being convicted and sentenced before taking office.

      The ongoing legal proceedings involving former President Donald Trump and the Justice Department, particularly regarding the J6 Capitol riots case, are complex and uncertain. The lack of coordination between the Biden administration and prosecutors, coupled with the Supreme Court's deliberate pace, has raised questions about the timing and potential outcome of the trial. Jack Smith, the special counsel leading the investigation, is reportedly pushing for a conviction and sentence if possible before the November elections. However, the unprecedented nature of a president-elect being convicted and sentenced to jail before taking office adds to the uncertainty. The potential consequences, such as a stay or appeal, are also unclear. The legal landscape is constantly evolving, with potential implications for Trump's political future and potential pardons. The situation underscores the importance of careful planning and a clear understanding of the legal process in such high-stakes cases.

    • Donald Trump's legal team may have weakened his argument against facing criminal trials during the campaign periodTrump's legal battles could potentially drain his resources and distract from campaign efforts due to ongoing criminal investigations, impeachment proceedings, and large cash bonds required in civil cases

      Donald Trump's legal team may have inadvertently weakened his argument against facing criminal trials during the campaign period by agreeing to a placeholder date for a case in Washington D.C. This could potentially open the door for Judge Chutkan to schedule a trial before the election, which Trump's team had previously argued against. Meanwhile, in New York, Trump faces the challenge of posting large cash bonds to stay the execution of judgments in civil cases, including one brought by E. Jean Carroll for defamation. Trump's team is currently appealing these rulings, but the financial strain caused by these bonds could potentially impact his ability to mount a strong defense in ongoing criminal investigations and impeachment proceedings. Overall, Trump's legal battles are becoming increasingly complex and costly, potentially draining his resources and distracting from his campaign efforts.

    • New York AG's actions against Trump pose financial risksTrump's financial entanglements, past statements, and potential foreign loans pose significant risks to his financial future and leadership integrity.

      New York Attorney General Letitia James's threat to seize Donald Trump's properties due to unpaid bonds poses a significant financial risk to the former president. Trump's past statements about his wealth may be used against him, making it challenging for him to secure loans from banks. The potential for foreign loans, particularly from countries like China, raises concerns about compromised leadership. Two witnesses have come forward to challenge the testimony of Terrence Bradley, a lawyer who previously represented Nathan Wade, and who testified in the case with inconsistencies. This situation underscores the complexity and potential consequences of Trump's financial entanglements.

    • New witnesses challenge Bradley's credibilityTwo co-chief deputy DAs and a former law professor claim Terrence Bradley discussed Fannie Willis and Nathan Wade's affair in fall 2021, contradicting earlier testimony. Potentially challenging Bradley's credibility, new testimonies may lead the judge to reconsider evidence.

      New witnesses have come forward, including a co-chief deputy DA and a former law professor, both claiming that Terrence Bradley had discussed the alleged affair between Fannie Willis and Nathan Wade during the fall of 2021, which contradicts Bradley's earlier testimony. The new witnesses also claimed that Bradley had personal knowledge of the relationship and detailed information about their use of Robin Urt's apartment. Another witness, Manny Aurora, claimed that Bradley had told him about Wade having a garage door opener to Willis' residence. These new testimonies, while not firsthand, could potentially challenge Bradley's credibility and may lead the judge to reconsider the evidence in the case. However, a more significant issue might be the first witness' claim that Willis called Bradley while he was visiting Jaeger in September, which could potentially contradict Willis' denial of the affair.

    • Terrence Bradley's Credibility in QuestionTerrence Bradley's past actions and relationships are raising concerns about his credibility as a witness in a legal case involving Fannie Willis and Nathan Wade, including allegations of breaching attorney-client privilege and past sexual assault accusations.

      Terrence Bradley's credibility as a witness in the ongoing legal case involving Fannie Willis and Nathan Wade is being questioned due to his past actions and relationships. Bradley, who was once a law partner with Wade, has been accused of making inappropriate comments about the case to Ashley Merchant, potentially breaching attorney-client privilege. This, along with Bradley's past allegations of sexual assault and his acrimonious departure from the firm, has raised concerns about his trustworthiness. The judge in the case is reportedly aware of these issues and will decide whether to allow Bradley's testimony. The case, which involves allegations of RICO felonies, has been described as a "train wreck" due to the numerous complexities and controversies surrounding it.

    • Exploring the Mystery of Matt Drudge and His Changing Stance on TrumpThe podcast 'Finding Matt Drudge' delves into the enigma of Matt Drudge, a major influencer in journalism, and his shifting stance on Trump, leaving many questioning his current involvement with the Drudge Report.

      The SiriusXM app offers ad-free access to a vast array of sports, comedy, talk podcasts, and more, making it an attractive option for media consumers. Meanwhile, the enigma of Matt Drudge, a major influencer in journalism, continues to intrigue as he has all but disappeared from public view despite wielding significant power and shaping media narratives for over 25 years. The podcast "Finding Matt Drudge" explores the mysterious questions surrounding his reclusiveness, changing stance on Trump, and speculations about his current involvement with the Drudge Report. The Drudge Report, which aggregates news stories and holds immense power in conservative circles, has been a daily must-visit for many in media circles, and Drudge's influence was evident during the Trump presidency. However, his coverage of Trump drastically changed in 2020, leaving many wondering about the reasons behind this shift.

    • Drudge's Turn Against Trump: Policy Disagreements and Personal FeelingsMatt Drudge's falling out with former President Trump was influenced by both policy disagreements over immigration and personal grievances from White House officials.

      Matt Drudge's turning point against former President Trump was likely a combination of policy disagreements and personal feelings. The policy issue was Trump's handling of immigration, which contrasted with Drudge's close friendship with immigration advocate Ann Coulter. Personally, Drudge was reportedly displeased with derogatory comments about him from Trump White House officials. Additionally, Drudge's desire to be different and go against the grain might have played a role. Drudge's background includes a stint at CBS News, where he discovered discarded television ratings and developed a passion for uncovering news. This experience laid the groundwork for his successful career as a blogger, allowing him to publish stories on his own terms without the need for gatekeeper approval.

    • Revolutionizing journalism with the Drudge ReportMatt Drudge, an elusive media figure, transformed journalism by scooping traditional news institutions with his website, the Drudge Report, and maintained his privacy through disguises and disappearing acts.

      Matt Drudge, the enigmatic media figure, revolutionized journalism in the late 1990s by scooping traditional news institutions with his website, the Drudge Report. His elusiveness, exemplified by his disappearing act at the Palm restaurant in Washington D.C., adds to his allure and mystique. Despite his immense influence, Drudge avoids the limelight and has not been photographed in over a decade. His mask, a fedora, is a tell that helps him blend in with the crowd when he chooses to. Drudge's alleged doomsday compound, which was discovered by a reporter in 2020, further highlights his desire for privacy. This elusive figure, who has turned against Trump in recent years, continues to shape the media landscape with his unconventional methods and dedication to avoiding attention.

    • Matt Drudge's Private Life and Unpredictable NatureDespite his reclusiveness and unpredictability, Matt Drudge's impact on the news industry remains significant, shaping how information is consumed.

      Matt Drudge, the influential news aggregator, is a complex and intriguing figure. Despite his immense success and wealth, he comes across as socially awkward and unconventional. When a reporter attempted to interview him, Drudge became enraged, leading to a heated 30-minute phone conversation. The house where Drudge resides is secluded and private, reflecting his desire for solitude. Recently, the house went up for sale, but Drudge's unpredictable nature makes it unclear why or if he plans to leave. His net worth, estimated in the millions, allows him to live and travel freely, further adding to his mysterious persona. Despite his reclusiveness, Drudge's impact on the news industry remains significant, and his influence continues to shape the way information is consumed.

    • Drudge Report brought Monica Lewinsky scandal to public consciousnessDrudge Report forced traditional news orgs to adapt to digital age, setting new standard for competition and urgency in journalism.

      Matt Drudge played a pivotal role in bringing the Monica Lewinsky scandal to the forefront of public consciousness, forcing traditional news organizations to adapt to the digital age. Drudge's Drudge Report served as a game changer, making the story impossible to ignore, and ultimately pushing the media industry into a new era. Despite some controversy over who actually broke the story first, it's clear that Drudge's impact was significant. He forced the hand of legacy news organizations, making them realize that if they didn't report the story, someone else would. This led to a new level of competition and urgency in journalism, and set the stage for the way news is consumed today.

    • Trump's use of personal connections for infoPeople's past actions don't define them forever. Trump leveraged connections for info, Monica Lewinsky is praised for promoting voting.

      Donald Trump was known for his ability to obtain exclusive information and use it to his advantage, often through personal connections. He would send notes and articles to people, including Matt Drudge of the Drudge Report, to curry favor and keep the information flowing. Monica Lewinsky, who gained infamy for her affair with President Bill Clinton, is now resurfacing in the news, with young people viewing her as a hero. Despite her past actions, some are praising her for her recent work promoting voting. The language and references used by the speakers may seem outdated or unfamiliar to some, reflecting the changing times. Overall, the discussion highlights the power of personal connections and the enduring impact of past events on public perception.

    • The Evolving Influence of Matt Drudge and The Drudge ReportMatt Drudge's influence on news reporting, once a game-changer, has evolved with the media landscape. Despite controversies, his unique human touch and story curation skills still matter.

      The influence of Matt Drudge and his news reporting site, The Drudge Report, has evolved with the changing media landscape. While he may not have the same level of impact as he once did due to the rise of social media and the slowing down of his reporting, his unique human touch and ability to curate interesting stories still matters. The media industry, and specifically Drudge, have played a significant role in shaping news coverage and public discourse, even if his influence has waned somewhat. Despite the controversies surrounding some of his reporting, his contributions to media and causes important to many are appreciated.

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    Bannon- https://warroom.org/

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Trump Shows WEAKNESS before Supreme Court as JUDGMENT DAY Nears

    Trump Shows WEAKNESS before Supreme Court as JUDGMENT DAY Nears
    On this midweek addition of Legal AF, Karen Friedman Agnifilo is joined by co-host Ben Meiselas filling in for Michael Popok who is in trial. Agnifilo and Meiselas report on the Colorado Supreme Court disqualification order, Trump’s response to the Supreme Court on the issue of absolute presidential immunity, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals holding in the Mark Meadows matter, and Justice Engoron’s scorching ruling in the Trump civil fraud case. DEALS FROM OUR SPONSORS! BEAM: Get up to 40% off for a limited time when you go to https://shopbeam.com/LEGALAF and use code LEGALAF at checkout! EIGHTSLEEP: Go to https://eightsleep.com/legalaf and save $150 on the Pod Cover RHONE: Head to https://rhone.com/legalaf and use code LEGALAF to save 20% off your entire order! SUPPORT THE SHOW: Shop NEW LEGAL AF Merch at: https://store.meidastouch.com Join us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/meidastouch Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices