
    Podcast Summary

    • Attorney General Barr defends handling of Russia report at press conferenceBarr emphasized upholding the rule of law and refuted bias allegations, highlighting the importance of truth and fairness in government and media.

      During a recent press conference, Attorney General Bill Barr faced challenging questions from reporters regarding his handling of the Russia investigation report. Barr confidently addressed the queries, refuting allegations of bias towards President Trump and emphasizing the importance of following legal precedents. The exchange highlighted Barr's determination to uphold the rule of law, despite media attempts to portray him as an attorney for the president rather than the attorney general for the United States. This situation underscores the significance of maintaining a strong commitment to truth and fairness in government and media. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the importance of improving indoor air quality during cold and flu season by using high-quality air filters, as recommended by FilterBuy.

    • No collusion between Trump campaign and Russia confirmedThe Mueller report found no evidence of Trump campaign-Russia collusion during the 2016 election, debunking years of media focus on the issue.

      Attorney General William Barr's press conference on the Mueller report confirmed that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election. Barr emphasized that the Russians did try to influence the election, but they did so without any assistance or coordination from the Trump team or any Americans. The report also showed that Russian actors attempted to publish stolen emails, but there was no evidence of collusion or coordination with the Trump team. Barr's press conference was a summary of the findings in the Mueller report, and it debunked the collusion scandal that had been a major focus of media attention for years. The media had blown the story out of proportion, and the special counsel's report ultimately showed that there was no evidence to support the collusion narrative.

    • AG Barr questions Mueller's use of 'discredited' legal theories to probe Trump for obstructionAG Barr believes Mueller did not charge Trump due to lack of evidence, not OLC opinion, contradicting Democrats' argument

      Attorney General Bill Barr believes that the special counsel's team, led by prosecutor Andrew Weissman, may have used "ridiculous" and "discredited" legal theories to investigate President Trump for obstruction of justice. According to Barr, these theories were not based on the long-standing Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) opinion that a sitting president cannot be indicted. Instead, Barr suggests that Mueller did not charge Trump due to lack of sufficient evidence, not because of the OLC opinion. This is significant because the Democrats may argue that Trump was not indicted because of the OLC opinion, but the evidence was there. However, Barr and Rosenstein's review of the case from a legal standpoint led to Trump's exoneration on the obstruction charge.

    • No obstruction case against Trump due to full cooperationTrump team fully cooperated, no executive privilege invoked, no documents or witnesses deprived, making it difficult to build an obstruction case

      There was no obstruction of justice case against President Trump based on full cooperation from his team, no invocation of executive privilege, and no deprivation of documents or witnesses. Attorney General Bill Barr explained this in detail, making it difficult to build an obstruction case under these circumstances. This theory, which is being pushed by some legal analysts like Andy Weisman, is considered unusual and may be driven by political motivations rather than sound legal reasoning. For those interested in high-quality soaps and colognes, Duke Cannon offers excellent products. Use the promo code Bongino on DukeCannon.com to get 15% off your first order and free shipping on orders over $35.

    • Discussion on Duke Cannon and veteran causes, Nunes' investigation into Trump-Russia collusionDuke Cannon sells top-tier grooming items, backed by military testing, while Nunes investigates Trump-Russia collusion, focusing on Flynn, Mifsud, and the Trump Tower meeting, potentially involving foreign interference.

      Duke Cannon offers high-quality grooming products, tested by soldiers, with a portion of proceeds supporting veteran causes. Another significant topic discussed was the investigation into collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Devin Nunes, on Fox News, highlighted three areas of concern: General Flynn's interactions with a Russian woman, the background of Joseph Mifsud, and the infamous Trump Tower meeting. Nunes emphasized the importance of understanding these events, as they could potentially involve foreign interference in U.S. affairs.

    • Nunes investigates possible entrapment and spying on Trump teamRep. Nunes and others probe Obama admin's use of intel assets to target political enemies, specifically Flynn's interaction with a woman in 2014 and Mifsud's role in Papadopoulos' case

      That Representative Devin Nunes and others have been relentlessly investigating what they believe to be an entrapment and spying scheme against the Trump team and others, which predates the Trump presidency. They are specifically interested in two pieces of information. The first is the interaction between Lieutenant General Mike Flynn and a woman named Svetlana-Lakova at a 2014 event in London. Nunes questions why US and British intelligence assets were reporting on this benign interaction and believes it was part of a setup to compromise Flynn. The second piece of information is about Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese professor who was alleged to have told George Papadopoulos about Russian dirt on Hillary Clinton. Nunes believes that Mifsud was not a Russian agent, but rather a Western intelligence asset used to entrap Papadopoulos. Overall, Nunes and others are concerned that the Obama administration targeted political enemies with both foreign and US intelligence assets, and they are calling for transparency and accountability regarding these matters.

    • Trump Tower Meeting and Potential EntrapmentThe Trump Tower Meeting between Russians and Trump Jr. raises questions about entrapment and an attempt to gather damaging info on the Trump campaign. Fusion GPS, hired by Clinton, was involved, suggesting a potentially orchestrated scheme.

      The Trump Tower Meeting in 2016 between Donald Trump Jr. and Russians, some of whom had connections to Hillary Clinton and her campaign, raises serious questions about potential entrapment and an attempt to gather damaging information on the Trump campaign. The Russians involved admitted to having ties to Clinton-related matters, and one of the attendees, Natalia Veselnitskaya, worked for Fusion GPS, the same company that was hired by Hillary Clinton to collect information on Trump. These facts, along with the subsequent meetings between Fusion GPS and Clinton, suggest a potentially orchestrated scheme. John Solomon's article in The Hill outlines ten questions that could turn the tables on the Russia collusion investigators moving forward. The podcast host encourages listeners to read the article and subscribe to his email list for further information. Additionally, the podcast is sponsored by Brickhouse Nutrition, which offers supplements to help people look, feel, and perform better. The host strongly recommends trying their Foundation supplement, which he claims has received positive feedback from women.

    • FBI knew about Steele's bias but used dossier anywayDespite knowing about Christopher Steele's bias and connections, the FBI used his dossier to secure surveillance warrants. Two Trump advisors, George Papadopoulos and Carter Page, were wrongly targeted, and evidence of their innocence was withheld from the FISA court.

      The FBI had information about the bias and connections of Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier against Donald Trump, yet they still used the information to secure surveillance warrants. This is important because the person who was briefed about Steele's bias was Andrew Weissmann, who later joined Robert Mueller's team to investigate Trump. Another takeaway is that the FBI had evidence of the innocence of two Trump campaign advisors, George Papadopoulos and Carter Page, but they did not disclose this information to the FISA court. Additionally, the type of surveillance used on Page may be surprising to some. These revelations raise serious questions about the FBI's handling of the investigation into the Trump campaign.

    • Government Surveillance Against Carter Page Based on False ClaimsThe extent of government surveillance against Carter Page based on unverified and discredited information will be shocking, potentially implicating those who signed off on the Woods files in violations of law.

      The extent of government surveillance against Carter Page, based on the unverified and discredited Steele dossier, will be shocking and may bring to mind movies depicting government surveillance gone wrong. This surveillance was initiated due to the dossier's false claims that Page was involved in criminal activities. The speaker emphasizes that there are different types of intelligence gathering, and the depth of the efforts to implicate Page in a non-existent collusion scandal will be disturbing. Additionally, it's alarming that exculpatory information was withheld, as Page was not only not guilty but also innocent. The use of unverified information in the FISA court, which requires verification through the Woods procedure, is particularly concerning. The speaker suggests that those who signed off on the Woods files may face consequences when the truth comes to light. The failure to disclose Steel's biases and ties to the Clinton campaign, as well as evidence of Page's innocence, to the FISA court as required by law, is a clear violation.

    • FBI leaked false info to media for flawed Trump-Russia probeThe FBI leaked false information to the media, creating a cycle of reporting that misled the public and potentially obstructed justice by wasting resources on a baseless Trump-Russia investigation

      The FBI and US intelligence officials leaked false information about the Trump campaign's alleged collusion with Russia to the media, creating a cycle of reporting that was then used as evidence in the flawed investigation. This deceptive practice not only undermines the credibility of the investigation but also raises serious ethical concerns. The leaks, some of which were criminal, were designed to alter public opinion and justify the continuation of the investigation despite the lack of substantial evidence. It's important to note that these leaks were based on false information, making the situation even more disturbing. The FBI's actions not only misled the public but also potentially obstructed justice by wasting resources on a baseless investigation.

    • Allegations of Russian collusion debunked, but concerns over Comey's actions remainFormer FBI Director James Comey is accused of mishandling classified info and leaking it to media, raising questions about intelligence activities and potential violations of US law during the investigation into Russian collusion with the Trump campaign.

      During the investigation into alleged Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, it was discovered that there was no bank robbery or collusion scheme. However, former FBI Director James Comey is accused of mishandling classified information and leaking it to the media in an attempt to get a special counsel appointed to investigate Trump instead of himself. Additionally, there are concerns about intelligence activities and surveillance that may have occurred before the official investigation began on July 31, 2016. The use of foreign intelligence agencies to gather evidence on the Trump campaign is also a point of contention, as it raises questions about the Obama administration's motives and potential violations of US law. Overall, these revelations suggest a complex web of deceit and potential misconduct during the investigation, with implications for the integrity of US intelligence agencies and the rule of law.

    • Allegations of pressure from CIA and Obama Intelligence towards FBI to open collusion probeThe FBI is under investigation for potential pressure from the CIA and Obama Intelligence to open a collusion probe before the 2016 election, with concerns about false testimony and contradictory stories from key players.

      There were allegations of pressure or luring from the CIA and Obama Intelligence apparatus towards the FBI to open a collusion probe or acknowledge its existence before the 2016 election. Text messages between Strzok and Page raised concerns about "pressure from the White House" and the "need for an FBI 'insurance policy.' The FBI, which is the law enforcement entity with arrest and investigative authority, was questioned about whether they were pressured by John Brennan or Obama. The FBI is less restricted than the CIA in investigating US citizens. There are also concerns about false testimony given to Congress by key players in the probe, including Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS, who is indicated to have lied about the timing of his contacts with DOJ officials. Simpson's testimony about his contacts with Bruce Ohr and Christopher Steele contradicts the testimony of the DOJ official, and both stories cannot be true. Simpson has gone into hiding and refuses to testify. The FBI's actions and the involvement of the CIA and Obama Intelligence apparatus are under investigation.

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    That's it! We spend nearly 90 minutes delving through the minutiae and correcting the egregious misquotations in Barr's now-laughable "summary" of the report.

    Show Notes & Links

    1. You can click here to read the full Mueller report, and here for the searchable PDF.

    2. We first covered Barr's summary in Episode 264, and you can read his laughably dishonest letter again right here. Oh, and we followed up with Prof. Randall Eliason in Episode 265.

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