
    Nutritionist Andy Bellatti, MS, RD: Taking A Stand On Real Food

    enMay 02, 2013

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Big Food's Influence on Our DietsBig food companies manipulate marketing, consumer preferences, and even legislative bodies to influence our dietary choices, impacting our health.

      Nutritionist and dietitian Andy Bellotti sheds light on the influence of big food companies on our dietary choices and how they manipulate marketing, consumer preferences, and even legislative bodies. Bellotti's insights can make you feel like a conspiracy theorist, but the information is truthful. This episode aims to help listeners make informed decisions about their health by understanding the impact of big food corporations on the food industry and their own well-being. Rich Roll, an ultra-distance triathlete and the podcast host, invites listeners to support the show by using the Amazon banner ad on richroll.com when making purchases or donating directly to the podcast. The episode features thought-provoking conversations with inspiring personalities who challenge paradigms in health, fitness, and nutrition. Tune in to learn more about Andy Bellotti's work and the importance of being informed consumers.

    • Andy Baladi's Transformative Impact through Social MediaAndy Baladi, a dietitian and nutrition expert, gained recognition through social media, inspiring Rich Roll with valuable nutritional insights. His journalistic background and 'why' questions led him to nutrition, and now he shares knowledge through Voicing Change Media.

      Andy Baladi, a renowned dietitian and nutrition expert, has had a transformative impact on his professional life through social media, particularly Twitter. He shares his unique perspective and valuable nutritional information, which led Rich Roll to discover and follow him. Baladi's passion for journalism and asking "why" questions fueled his interest in nutrition, and he later became a dietitian. Now, he continues to make a difference by sharing knowledge and fostering meaningful exchanges through Voicing Change Media, a consortium of thought leaders and content creators. Additionally, On Labs, a Swiss apparel company, is innovating in the activewear industry with premium, next-gen fabrics, sustainability, and advanced technology. Rich Roll is proud to be a brand partner and offers an exclusive 10% discount using the code richroll10 at on.com.

    • Personal experiences and critical thinking shape nutrition perspectiveExploring personal experiences and questioning dietary guidelines led one person to investigate food industry influence and advocate for transparency in nutrition.

      The speaker's personal experiences and critical thinking played a significant role in shaping their perspective on nutrition, leading them to question dietary guidelines and investigate the influence of the food industry. This journey began when they saw the documentary "Supersize Me" and decided to pursue a master's degree in nutrition at NYU due to tuition benefits. Their vegetarian background and reading Marion Nestle's book "Food Politics" further fueled their curiosity and eventual transition to veganism. However, they've encountered resistance from some professionals in the field, and they've noticed the influence of food corporations on conferences and organizations. Their unique approach to nutrition advocacy, which exposes industry influence, takes courage and has led to important conversations.

    • Food industry's influence on nutrition guidelines and policiesThe food industry's influence on nutrition guidelines and policies creates conflicts of interest, hindering transparency and preventing consumers from making informed decisions about their health

      The food industry's influence on nutrition guidelines and policies creates a significant conflict of interest, leading to the promotion of unhealthy food choices. The USDA, an organization tasked with promoting meat, milk, and certain commodities, plays a major role in creating and enforcing federal nutrition guidelines. This creates a situation where an organization that should be protecting consumers instead favors certain food groups. Lobbying by powerful food corporations further complicates the issue, as they influence policies and public opinion to benefit their bottom line. For instance, the dairy industry's influence on nutrition guidelines is evident in their efforts to promote dairy as a weight loss solution, despite research suggesting otherwise. These practices hinder transparency and prevent consumers from making informed decisions about their health. The power of these corporations is demonstrated by their ability to defeat transparency bills, such as Prop 37 in California. Overall, the food industry's influence on nutrition guidelines and policies is a complex issue that goes beyond individual food choices and requires increased transparency and accountability.

    • External factors influence our understanding of nutrition and healthy dietsBe wary of external influences and focus on foundational principles of health and nutrition, such as limiting sugars, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, and avoiding overly processed foods.

      The nutrition information we receive, particularly at a young age, can be influenced by various external factors, leading to misunderstandings and misconceptions about what constitutes a healthy diet. For instance, educational grants and programs often focus on calcium-rich foods like milk for bone health, but neglect to mention other essential nutrients like vitamin K found in leafy greens. People may find it hard to believe new information and cling to long-held beliefs, especially when these messages are reinforced by trusted sources like teachers and doctors. Furthermore, many medical schools do not offer comprehensive nutrition education, perpetuating this cycle of misinformation. To navigate this complex situation, it's essential to focus on foundational principles of health and nutrition that have remained consistent over the years. These include limiting sugars, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, and avoiding overly processed foods. It's important to be wary of food industries trying to create confusion and promoting the need for specific foods or food groups as "magical" sources of essential nutrients like calcium and protein. Instead, focus on consuming a variety of minimally processed foods to ensure a balanced diet. Additionally, be skeptical of overly detailed food rankings and remember that the key message is to eat more fruits and vegetables.

    • Focusing on common ground instead of labels and argumentsRecognize common ground, join forces against food industry, tackle bigger battles together for better health and wellbeing, support policies, grassroots efforts, and non-profits.

      The ongoing debates and tribalism within various dietary communities can be a hindrance to making progress towards improving the food system and promoting healthier eating. Instead of focusing on labels and arguments, it's essential to recognize common ground and join forces against the powerful food industry that profits from confusion and unhealthy food choices. By setting aside dietary differences and speaking up against the issues in the food system, individuals from all dietary backgrounds can make a positive impact. It's crucial to remember that despite our differences, we're all human beings striving for better health and wellbeing. Instead of getting lost in debates, let's find our common ground and tackle the bigger battles together. Additionally, supporting policies, grassroots efforts, and non-profits that address issues in industrial agriculture and food safety can make a significant difference.

    • Power imbalances in agriculture and food productionIndustry power can lead to practices undermining transparency, animal welfare, and public interest. Ag gag bills and industry-funded nutritional research are examples. Stay vigilant and advocate for transparency.

      There are significant power imbalances at play in various industries, particularly agriculture and food production, which can lead to practices that undermine public interest, transparency, and animal welfare. The ag gag bills, which make it illegal to film conditions inside slaughterhouses, are a prime example of this. These bills, supported by industries with significant financial and lobbying power, can be seen as an attempt to suppress information and prevent whistleblowing. The lack of a unified, powerful lobbying group on the side of small organizations and individuals advocating for change further exacerbates this issue. Additionally, the funding of nutritional research by industry players can influence the information that is disseminated and taught in nutrition programs. It's crucial to remain vigilant and advocate for transparency and public interest in the face of these power imbalances.

    • Partnerships between Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and Food CompaniesThe Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics partnerships with food companies for continuing education raises concerns as it may promote messages not aligned with healthy eating guidelines, and front groups can influence nutrition conferences with misleading information.

      The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has faced criticism for partnering with food companies like Coca Cola, Pepsi, and Hershey's, which offer continuing education to dietitians. This raises concerns as dietitians are required to complete a certain number of continuing education units to maintain their credential, and these companies promote messages that may not align with healthy eating guidelines. Furthermore, front groups like the Center for Consumer Freedom and the International Food Information Council, which are funded by major food corporations, can influence nutrition conferences and present misleading information. Dietitians like Andy, who speak out against these partnerships and front groups, face both support and backlash. The polarizing nature of the issue means that not all colleagues share the same concerns, and the majority may not be questioning the information presented at conferences.

    • Food Industry Influence on Healthcare ProfessionalsThe food industry's influence on healthcare professionals can lead to inaccurate or biased information about healthy eating. Individuals can support organizations, candidates, and speak up for change, while staying informed and patient for long-term progress.

      The food industry, particularly the corporations, have significant influence over the information and guidelines given by healthcare professionals like dietitians and nutritionists. This influence stems from corporate funding of conferences and educational programs. As a result, the public may receive inaccurate or biased information about healthy eating. The speaker compares this issue to the tobacco industry's influence on medical professionals in the past. Change is happening but it's a long-term process. To make a difference, individuals can take actions like supporting organizations, candidates, and speaking up. While it may not yield immediate results, these actions are investments for the future. The speaker also emphasizes the urgency of addressing food-related issues, such as soil depletion and the proliferation of GMOs, as we may not have 50 or 60 years to wait for change. Transparency, brought about by the internet, is also accelerating the process. However, corporations are pushing back with legislation and misinformation campaigns. For example, the dairy industry's attempts to discredit plant-based milks. Overall, it's essential to stay informed, take action, and remain patient as we work towards a healthier and more sustainable food system.

    • Dairy Industry's Fear and Misinformation Campaign Against Plant-Based MilksConsumers are increasingly informed and taking responsibility for their health and food choices, driving the growth of new and healthy food products. Individual actions, like choosing where to spend money, can create change in a capitalistic system.

      The dairy industry's response to the growing popularity of plant-based milks last year was met with a misguided campaign attempting to discredit plant-based alternatives by labeling them "fake milks." However, these companies' fears and paranoia stem from consumers becoming more educated and taking responsibility for their health and food choices. The market for new and healthy food products is expanding rapidly, and consumers are voting with their dollars. While it's essential to be informed about the foods we consume and the interests behind the research, it's also crucial to engage in the political process by supporting representatives who understand the impact of corporate greed on policy and our food environment. Despite some disappointments in the political sphere, individual actions, such as choosing where to spend our money, can create significant change in a capitalistic system.

    • Understanding the Limits of 'Organic'Focus on whole, real foods and cooking at home for healthiest and most sustainable choices, minimizing processed and packaged items.

      While the label "organic" can be a good indicator of certain farming practices, it doesn't necessarily mean that a company or product is fully transparent or ethical. Some larger food companies own multiple organic brands, and consumers should be aware of this co-optation and potential conflicts of interest. The best way to ensure the healthiest and most sustainable food choices is to focus on eating whole, real foods as much as possible, and minimizing processed and packaged items. This approach simplifies the shopping experience and reduces the need for extensive label reading and corporate research. Additionally, cooking at home is a powerful way to take control of one's diet and avoid the convenience foods that the industry often promotes. By sticking to the produce sections of the grocery store and incorporating more whole foods into meals, individuals can make a significant impact on their health and contribute to a more sustainable food system.

    • Applying Nutritional Advice to Your Budget and LifestyleShop for fresh, affordable produce at local markets and focus on whole food sources for healthy fats.

      When it comes to eating healthily, it's important to apply nutritional advice in a way that fits your budget and lifestyle. Organic produce is recommended for the "Dirty Dozen" fruits and vegetables, but shopping at local farmer's markets can also provide fresh, affordable, and sometimes organic options. Misconceptions about healthy eating include fear of healthy fats and a belief that artificial sweeteners are harmless. The best sources of healthy fats come from whole foods like avocados, nuts, seeds, and oils. It's essential to be informed and make choices that work best for you, rather than following extreme diets.

    • Diets focusing on minimally processed foodsSuccessful diets prioritize minimally processed foods, improving health and reducing industry trends' influence

      The healthfulness of a diet is largely determined by how minimally processed the food is. The ongoing debate about dietary rules, such as high-fat diets and eliminating fruits and sugar, can be confusing. However, what many successful diets have in common is that they focus on minimally processed foods, regardless of their specific nutrient composition. For example, unrefined coconut oil, hemp seeds, and almonds are healthier choices than partially hydrogenated oils or corn oil. It's essential to avoid highly processed foods, such as special k bars, which may be marketed as healthier alternatives but often contain numerous additives. By focusing on minimally processed foods, individuals can improve their health and reduce the influence of food industry trends.

    • Misleading Food Labels and Harmful IngredientsFood labeling can be deceiving, allowing harmful ingredients like trans fats to be misrepresented. Marketing of unhealthy foods, especially to kids, can create addictive patterns and long-term health issues. Stricter international regulations offer examples for improving US food standards.

      Food labeling can be misleading, and some harmful ingredients, like trans fats, are allowed to be misrepresented on food packaging in the US. This can make it difficult for consumers to make informed decisions about the foods they are buying and consuming. Additionally, the marketing of unhealthy foods, particularly to children, can create addictive patterns and health issues that last a lifetime. The food industry spends vast sums of money on advertising, making it a significant influence on food choices. International regulations, such as bans on trans fats and artificial food dyes, provide examples of stricter standards that could improve public health in the US. It's crucial for consumers to educate themselves about food labeling and the potential health risks of certain ingredients.

    • Food companies resist regulations, form front groupsFight for stricter food regulations by supporting advocacy groups and politicians against industry control.

      Food companies, when faced with voluntary guidelines, take a hard-line stance and resist even the smallest changes. They form front groups like the Sensible Food Policy Coalition to shoot down regulations, fearing a slippery slope. Some advocates propose guidelines for advertising on children's TV, but this may lead to unhealthy processed foods with added chemicals. Instead, supporting organizations like Corporate Accountability International, Center for Commercial Free Childhood, and PCRM, and advocating for more regulation and less industry control over laws are potential solutions. While it's challenging to find individual politicians championing food issues, those speaking out against industry corruption and lack of regulation can be supported.

    • Empowering individuals to make a difference in the food industrySpeak out, bring attention to issues, collaborate, learn, and take action to contribute to a healthier and more transparent food system.

      Individuals have the power to make a difference, even if it seems small, in promoting integrity and change within the nutrition and food industries. This can be done through speaking out, bringing attention to issues, and using platforms to share important perspectives. Collaboration and support from others, as well as learning from those who have paved the way, are also essential. Change may not happen overnight, but by taking action at a local level and staying informed, we can contribute to a healthier and more transparent food system. Some recommended resources include the works of Marianne Nestle, Michelle Simon, and Mark Bittman. Remember, every step counts, and together, we can make a significant impact.

    • Stay informed about food and nutritionEating whole foods and staying updated on food system news and issues are essential for maintaining good health.

      Maintaining good health involves both consuming real food and staying informed about the food system. Andy Belotti, a dietitian and health advocate, emphasizes the importance of eating whole, nutritious foods and staying updated on the latest news and issues related to food and nutrition. He encourages everyone to read widely on these topics, not just for recipes but also to understand the broader context of our food supply and its impact on our health and the environment. To connect with Andy and learn more about his work, you can visit his website andyblati.com, follow him on Twitter @AndyBelotti, or join the Facebook group "Dietitians for Professional Integrity." His insights on health and nutrition are always enlightening and worth following.

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    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food

    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food
    This week, I’m joined by Dan Churchill, a performance chef redefining what it means to thrive in the culinary world. With a Master’s in Exercise Science, Dan is fueling plates and human performance. As executive chef of Osprey in Brooklyn’s 1 Hotel, a former restaurant owner, coach on Chris Hemsworth’s Centr app, and cookbook author—Dan is at the intersection of cuisine, fitness, and content creation. We talk about his unique background growing up in Sydney, how a passion for food connected his family, and his journey from appearing on MasterChef Australia to self-publishing cookbooks that launched his career in New York City. Dan shares insights from building respected brands like Charley Street, the harsh realities of the restaurant world, the importance of authentic relationships over transactional partnerships, and finding balance as an entrepreneur, athlete, and chef. We discuss his latest projects, eating with intention, properly fueling training, recovery, digestion, and more. We explore performance nutrition facts and myths, managing energy levels, and working with elite athletes like Chris Hemsworth and Lindsey Vonn. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉eightsleep.com/richroll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  AG1: get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase  👉 drinkAG1.com/richroll. Whoop: Unlock the best version of yourself👉join.whoop.com/roll Brain.fm: Listeners of the show can get 30 days FREE 👉brain.fm/richroll SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Listeners get 10% off their first month 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange.
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 20, 2024

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    About Clair:






    Clair’s uses an array of coaching tools and techniques to help women, who are done with dieting, take control of their eating whilst increasing their self-belief and self-worth.



    “There is nothing more rewarding than helping someone overcome their detrimental relationship with food so that they can thrive in optimal physical and mental wellbeing.”



    After overcoming decades of struggling with her own weight and losing 6 stone Clair used her experience and coaching qualifications to create her two programmes; ‘Lose Weight. Live Life’ for her private clients and her ‘My One Life Academy’ membership program.



    Before following her passion to help women lose weight and transform their lives, Clair worked for a global blue-chip organisation in various marketing and consulting roles.



    Clair has been featured on the BBC, interviewed for various podcasts, and loves speaking about how she helps women at events.



    Clair lives in rural Warwickshire with her husband, teenage children and their two dogs.



    Clair's Links:








    10. 120 Pounds Down! Interview with a Successful Nutritarian: Kierstan (+Recipes)

    10. 120 Pounds Down! Interview with a Successful Nutritarian: Kierstan (+Recipes)

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    About Clair:






    Clair’s uses an array of coaching tools and techniques to help women, who are done with dieting, take control of their eating whilst increasing their self-belief and self-worth.



    “There is nothing more rewarding than helping someone overcome their detrimental relationship with food so that they can thrive in optimal physical and mental wellbeing.”



    After overcoming decades of struggling with her own weight and losing 6 stone Clair used her experience and coaching qualifications to create her two programmes; ‘Lose Weight. Live Life’ for her private clients and her ‘My One Life Academy’ membership program.



    Before following her passion to help women lose weight and transform their lives, Clair worked for a global blue-chip organisation in various marketing and consulting roles.



    Clair has been featured on the BBC, interviewed for various podcasts, and loves speaking about how she helps women at events.



    Clair lives in rural Warwickshire with her husband, teenage children and their two dogs.



    Clair's Links:






