
    Nvidia Part III: The Dawn of the AI Era (2022-2023)

    enSeptember 06, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The AI revolution and Nvidia's role in powering it have had a significant impact on the tech industry, showcasing the fast-paced nature of technological advancements.Nvidia's hardware and software played a crucial role in the rise of AI, demonstrating the potential for significant disruptions and the importance of staying innovative in the tech industry.

      The AI revolution has had a significant impact on Nvidia and the tech industry as a whole. Just 18 months ago, the tech economy seemed to be heading into a long winter with the burst of the crypto and Web3 bubble and the fall of financial markets. Even Nvidia had a setback with a massive inventory write-off. However, a breakthrough technology emerged in the form of large language models built on the Transformer machine learning mechanism. This breakthrough became useful after years of research, leading to the rise of AI in various industries. Nvidia's hardware and software played a crucial role in powering this AI revolution, solidifying their position in the market. The story of Nvidia showcases the fast-paced nature of technological advancements and the potential for significant disruptions in the industry.

    • Nvidia's Foundational Role in the Growth of the Internet and AINvidia's development of the AlexNet algorithm and its software development platform for GPUs revolutionized the graphics market and opened up new frontiers in AI and other math-based applications.

      Nvidia's success and growth can be attributed to its foundational role in the growth of the internet, software, and the digital world. The emergence of artificial intelligence and machine learning, specifically with the development of the AlexNet algorithm, propelled Nvidia's significance in the industry. The use of neural networks and NVIDIAs software development platform for GPUs allowed for advancements in parallel computing, executing computations at a much faster rate than traditional CPUs. This not only revolutionized the graphics market but also opened up new frontiers in AI and other math-based applications. The team behind AlexNet, including Alex Krizhevsky, Jeff Hinton, and Ilya Sutskever, made significant contributions to Nvidia's success and ultimately led to the company's unparalleled growth.

    • Tackling the AI Duopoly: OpenAI’s Mission for Open AGI DevelopmentOpenAI was established to counter the dominance of Google and Facebook in AI research, aiming to keep AGI development accessible and inclusive for all.

      The duopoly of Google and Facebook in the field of AI research was a major concern for tech companies, startups, and the world at large. The Google Brain team, along with Jeff, Alex, and Ilya, played a significant role in revolutionizing AI and turning YouTube into a massive success through AI-powered algorithms. The acquisitions of DeepMind by Google and hiring of Yann LeCun by Facebook further solidified their dominance in the AI research space. This raised concerns about the lack of competition and access to AI researchers for other companies and startups. The founding of OpenAI by Elon Musk and Sam Altman aimed to address this issue and ensure that artificial general intelligence (AGI) development remains in the open for the benefit of all.

    • Pioneering Insights and Early Discussions: A Foundation for Advanced AI Language ModelsOpenAI's early discussions on neural networks and language models paved the way for the development of advanced AI language models like ChatGPT, showing the importance of innovative ideas and continuous exploration in pushing AI technology forward.

      OpenAI faced a challenge in the early stages of AI development, where the capabilities of AI models were limited due to the lack of practical data and algorithms. However, in 2015, Andrej Karpathy, who was then at OpenAI, wrote a blog post highlighting the potential of neural networks. Around the same time, a video featuring Ilya Sutskever and Karpathy discussed the idea of using language models to train chat bots and improve human-computer interactions. These early discussions and insights laid the foundation for the development of ChatGPT and other advanced language models we see today. It demonstrates that pioneering ideas and continuous exploration are essential in pushing the boundaries of AI technology.

    • The Transformer: Revolutionizing AI and Machine Learning in Natural Language Processing.The Transformer's attention mechanism improved translation accuracy and enabled efficient parallel processing, leading to advancements like Smart Compose in Gmail and AI bots making phone calls.

      The Transformer paper, "Attention is All You Need," introduced a groundbreaking model that revolutionized AI and machine learning in natural language processing. The Transformer's attention mechanism allowed the model to consider different areas of the input text at different times, enabling it to translate sentences with greater accuracy, even when words were rearranged in different languages. This attention mechanism, although computationally expensive, could be performed in parallel on GPUs, making it more efficient and cost-effective. The Transformer paper opened up new possibilities for training sequence-based models, paving the way for advancements like Smart Compose in Gmail and AI bots that can make calls on behalf of users.

    • Revolutions in Machine Learning: Transformers and GPTTransformers, like GPT models, bring revolutionary advancements in natural language understanding by predicting words based on extensive contextual information, overcoming limitations of previous models, and showing remarkable scalability with more parameters and data.

      The application of Transformers, particularly in the context of large language models like GPT, has revolutionized the field of machine learning. Transformers have the ability to predict the next word in a sentence based on a vast amount of contextual information, allowing for more powerful language processing and generation. This approach contrasts with previous models like recurrent neural networks, which had limited context windows and struggled to retain information across longer sequences. The success of GPT models demonstrates that unsupervised pre-training on unlabeled data, followed by supervised fine-tuning on specific tasks, can lead to significant advancements in natural language understanding. Furthermore, the scalability of Transformer-based models, with the addition of more parameters and training data, has shown unexpected improvements in performance.

    • OpenAI's partnerships with Microsoft and its shift towards for-profit ventures have propelled generative AI advancements, benefiting Nvidia.OpenAI's strategic decisions to seek funding and resources through partnerships and for-profit endeavors have bolstered generative AI innovation, ultimately benefiting Nvidia's GPU compute capabilities and success in the cloud computing market.

      OpenAI's pivot towards for-profit endeavors and their partnerships with Microsoft have played a crucial role in advancing generative AI and benefiting Nvidia. OpenAI realized that the cost of becoming a cutting-edge AI company was going to be exorbitant, prompting them to create a for-profit entity to raise capital for their ambitious AI models. Microsoft's billion-dollar investments, exclusive licensing, and integration of OpenAI's technology into their products have provided the necessary funding and resources for OpenAI's research. As a result, generative AI has emerged as a significant opportunity, requiring extensive GPU compute, which benefits Nvidia. Furthermore, the predominance of cloud computing as the primary means of accessing and providing AI compute adds to Nvidia's success.

    • Leveraging AI, GPU compute, and cloud computing for business growth.Nvidia's GPU-accelerated computing platform and Statsig's data-driven decision-making tool enable organizations to capitalize on the opportunities presented by AI and overcome historical limitations in AI development.

      The combination of generative AI, massive GPU compute, and the shift to cloud computing presents a significant opportunity for companies like Nvidia. As AI becomes increasingly important in product decisions, Statsig provides a valuable tool for measuring impact and making data-driven choices. Nvidia's focus on building a GPU-accelerated computing platform for the data center positions them well to take advantage of this opportunity. For a long time, the shift to GPUs in data centers was unclear, but the rise of AI has provided a compelling reason for organizations to incorporate GPU compute. The von Neumann bottleneck has historically constrained AI development, but advancements in GPU technology and cloud computing are helping to overcome this limitation.

    • Addressing the Memory Bottleneck: Nvidia's Approach to AI TrainingNvidia tackles the memory bottleneck in AI training by acquiring Mellanox and developing the Grace CPU processor, optimizing data center solutions for more effective AI model training.

      The bottleneck in computer performance is not solely dependent on clock speed or the number of cores, but rather on the availability of high-performance memory on the chip. As AI models continue to grow in size, the memory requirements for training them become increasingly demanding. However, the scaling of memory has not kept up with the scaling of models, posing a challenge for AI researchers. Additionally, the limitation of chip size due to photolithography constraints further restricts the capacity of memory chips. Therefore, networking multiple chips, servers, and racks together becomes crucial in order to train these models effectively. Nvidia's strategic acquisition of Mellanox and their development of the Grace CPU processor are key initiatives in optimizing data center solutions for AI training.

    • Nvidia's Integrated Solution for Generative AI Data Centers and High Demand for Their Products.Nvidia's suite of products, including Hopper, Grace, and Mellanox-powered networking stack, offers a comprehensive solution for data centers. High demand drives Nvidia's success, and they are increasing supply to meet customer needs.

      Nvidia has developed a fully integrated solution for generative AI data centers. They have created dedicated GPU architectures for data centers, named Hopper, and a CPU platform called Grace. Additionally, they have a Mellanox-powered networking stack. This suite of products allows Nvidia to offer a comprehensive solution to customers in the data center industry. However, it is important to note that Nvidia's high margins are not solely dependent on providing solutions. Price is determined by supply and demand, and currently, there is a high demand for Nvidia's products. The company is working to meet this demand by increasing supply. Moreover, while some customers may prefer to buy individual components, such as the H100 GPU, hyperscalers like AWS, Azure, Google, and Facebook are likely to opt for the integrated Nvidia solution.

    • Nvidia's High-Performance GPU Solutions for AI and Data CentersNvidia offers highly integrated GPU-based solutions, such as the DGX supercomputer, that provide superior performance and ease of migration for AI workloads. Their pricing strategy emphasizes value and cost-saving benefits over alternative methods.

      Nvidia offers high-performance GPU-based solutions for AI and data centers. They have developed GPU-dedicated clouds in partnership with various cloud providers and offer a GPU-based supercomputer solution called DGX. The DGX systems are highly integrated, proprietary, and offer superior performance. These systems run on CUDA, making it easy for developers to migrate their existing AI workloads. Nvidia's pricing strategy includes bundling multiple components, such as the H100 GPU and Grace CPU, to provide more value and increase margins. The H100 GPU is purpose-built for training large language models and offers significant performance improvements over its predecessor. However, it also requires higher energy consumption. Despite the high cost and energy requirements, Nvidia emphasizes the efficiency and cost-saving benefits of their solutions compared to alternative methods of AI implementation.

    • Model training and compression: efficiency vs. flexibilityModel training is like compressing large files, saving storage and compute resources, but making it difficult to modify later. Nvidia's DGX Cloud simplifies cloud application management and their developer ecosystem is crucial for revenue.

      Model training can be compared to compression, where LLMs compress a vast amount of text data into smaller model weights. This compression allows for efficient storage and inexpensive compute during the inference step. However, the trade-off is that once the training data is encoded into the model, it becomes costly to redo or modify. The analogy of compressing a large Photoshop file into a JPEG is used to illustrate this concept. Similarly, Nvidia has introduced DGX Cloud, a virtualized DGX system provided through other cloud service providers. This allows customers to have their own rented box with a user-friendly interface, eliminating the complexity of managing a cloud application. Additionally, Nvidia's revenue heavily relies on cloud service providers, highlighting the importance of their developer ecosystem.

    • Nvidia's machine learning algorithms and targeted ads drive revenue growth, fueled by the success of DGX cloud play and the transition to proof of stake. AI compute demand pushes Q2 revenue forecast to $11 billion.Nvidia's shift towards using machine learning and AI technology in social media algorithms and targeted advertising has propelled its revenue growth, with a remarkable 19% increase in Q1 fiscal 24 earnings. The company's data center segment reflects the immense potential of AI workloads, positioning Nvidia as the future of data centers.

      Nvidia's shift towards using machine learning for social media algorithms and matching ads to users has proven to be a significant source of revenue. The DGX cloud play has allowed Nvidia to generate more direct relationship revenue, surpassing the revenue generated by direct enterprises purchasing from Nvidia. Despite a disappointing year in 2022, with write-offs and the decline of crypto, Nvidia's Q1 fiscal 24 earnings showed a remarkable 19% increase in revenue quarter over quarter. The transition from Ethereum to proof of stake and the reserved capacity with TSMC have played a significant role in Nvidia's success. The unprecedented demand for generative AI compute in data centers has propelled Nvidia's Q2 revenue forecast to a staggering $11 billion, leading to a 25% stock increase in after-hours trading. The growth of Nvidia's data center segment, surpassing $10 billion in revenue, reflects the tremendous potential of AI workloads and its transformative impact on various industries. The trillion-dollar opportunity lies in Nvidia becoming the future of data centers, catering to the increasing demand for AI applications across private and public interfaces. Although the endurance of GPT-like experiences remains uncertain, the belief in its potential by industry leaders has resulted in substantial investments in Nvidia's technology.

    • The Power of CUDA: Nvidia's Comprehensive Platform for AI ApplicationsCUDA, developed by Nvidia, has become a powerful programming language and platform for AI applications, with a large community of developers and a focus on providing tools for harnessing hardware power.

      CUDA, developed by Nvidia, has become the foundation for all AI applications today. CUDA is a comprehensive platform that includes a compiler, runtime, development tools, and industry-specific libraries. It supports every Nvidia graphics card since 2006, making it incredibly flexible and well-supported. CUDA has a large community of developers, with the number steadily increasing over the years. It has evolved into a powerful programming language, CUDA C++, and offers various layers of abstractions and optimized libraries. By building CUDA and supporting developers, Nvidia has created a strong moat for itself in the market. They see themselves as a platform company, similar to the likes of Cisco and Intel, and understand the importance of providing tools that make it easy for developers to harness the power of their hardware.

    • Nvidia: A Platform Company Leading the AI IndustryNvidia's comprehensive offerings, integrated systems, and strategic investments in research have positioned them as a foundational computer science company and a leader in the AI industry, with strong sales both globally and in the Chinese market.

      Nvidia is not just a hardware company or a chip company, but rather a platform company. They have built a new architecture that deviates from traditional computing models and requires a new programming language and compiler. Nvidia's differentiation lies in its comprehensive offerings, including semiconductors, data center gear, operating systems, and applications. They are effectively selling integrated systems, similar to mainframes, and their products are fully optimized to work together seamlessly. Furthermore, Nvidia's significant investment in research and their understanding of the future needs of AI models led them to acquire Mellanox, recognizing the importance of high-speed networking. With their strong margins, Nvidia's position as a foundational computer science company and a leader in the AI industry is evident. Even in the Chinese market, Nvidia's sales have been substantial, highlighting their wide lead in the industry.

    • Nvidia's Dominance in China and the Potential of Bridging 3D Graphics and AINvidia's adaptability, expertise in 3D graphics and AI, and efficient work practices position them as a dominant player in the industry, with immense scale and market cap per employee.

      Nvidia's hardware and platform, despite facing export controls and regulations, are still highly sought after in China, indicating their significant lead in the market. The company's ability to create a nerfed SKU, the A800 and H800s, that meets performance regulations demonstrates their adaptability. Additionally, the discussion highlights Nvidia's potential in bridging the worlds of 3D graphics and AI through Omniverse, where applications require both impressive graphical capability and AI capability. This combination positions Nvidia as a dominant player in the industry, given their expertise in both areas. Furthermore, Nvidia's employee efficiency, with only 26,000 employees compared to Microsoft's 220,000, showcases their ability to achieve immense scale and market cap per employee. The unique culture at Nvidia, with a focus on individual expertise and efficient work practices, further distinguishes the company in the tech industry.

    • Jensen Huang's dedication to innovation and problem-solving drives Nvidia's success and sets them apart from competitors.Jensen Huang's passion and dedication to Nvidia's future is crucial to their ability to stay ahead and remain profitable in a highly competitive industry.

      Nvidia, led by Jensen Huang, is a company that thrives on innovation and problem-solving. Jensen's dedication to his work is evident, as he finds relaxation in solving problems and achieving goals. While his peers may be retiring or relaxing, Jensen's passion for the company and its future keeps him driven. This is reflected in Nvidia's keynotes, where it's primarily Jensen who takes the stage, showcasing his deep involvement and leadership. Nvidia's power lies in various aspects, such as counter-positioning and scale economies through CUDA and their vast developer base. However, the challenge lies in staying ahead of competitors who are constantly trying to replicate Nvidia's success. Thus, the company's ability to sustainably be ahead is crucial for their continued profitability.

    • Nvidia's Strategic Positioning and Resources Drive Market SuccessNvidia's dominance in the market is a result of their long-standing engineering resources, focus on open-source contributions, ability to innovate quickly, and access to key manufacturing capacity.

      Nvidia's strong position in the market is due to several factors. Firstly, they have a significant head start in terms of engineering resources dedicated to their CUDA technology, with thousands of engineers working on it for 16 years. In comparison, the Android equivalent is still in its early stages. Secondly, Nvidia's focus on open-source contributions has allowed them to establish a strong foothold and build momentum with their software. Additionally, their ability to adapt quickly and maintain a fast pace of innovation is crucial in staying ahead of the competition. Furthermore, Nvidia's position is reinforced by the stickiness of data center architecture decisions, which are typically made once a decade. Finally, their access to TSMC's capacity, particularly for COWOS technology, gives them a significant advantage over competitors. Overall, Nvidia's success can be attributed to their strategic positioning, continuous innovation, and cornered resources.

    • Nvidia's Dominance in the AI Era.Nvidia's trusted brand, network economies, scale economies, and quick shipping cycles have contributed to their success as a dominant player in the AI era.

      Nvidia holds a prominent position in the market due to several factors. Firstly, they have established themselves as a trusted brand in both consumer and enterprise sectors, which gives them a significant advantage when it comes to making buying decisions. Additionally, Nvidia benefits from the power of network economies, as they have a large number of developers and customers that can leverage their technology investments. The company's focus on scale economies further strengthens their position, as they have made strategic investments over the years to ensure widespread compatibility and accessibility of their products. While process power may be a relatively weaker factor, Nvidia's culture and quick shipping cycles contribute to their overall success. Ultimately, the combination of these factors has solidified Nvidia's status as a dominant player in the AI era.

    • Nvidia's Journey to Success in the AI IndustryNvidia's success can be attributed to their transition into a comprehensive systems company, their vertically-integrated ecosystem, strategic timing in market moves, innovative approach, and focus on delivering a superior customer experience.

      Nvidia has established itself as a powerful brand in the AI industry. They have successfully transitioned from being solely a hardware company to a comprehensive systems company, providing integrated hardware, networking, and software solutions. Similar to Apple, Nvidia has created a vertically-integrated ecosystem that appeals to both individual buyers and B2B customers. They prioritize doing things that only they can do, avoiding low margin opportunities and focusing on true breakthrough innovations. Nvidia's patience in waiting for the right timing to make strategic moves, such as entering the CPU market, has paid off. Their success lies in being wildly inventive, innovative, and accurate about identifying and addressing market needs. This has earned them the trust of Fortune 500 CIOs and solidified their position in the industry. Additionally, Nvidia's focus on delivering the full-stack experience sets them apart from cloud providers who prioritize cost over customer experience.

    • The potential for competition and the influence of AI technology in the cloud market.Despite uncertainties, big tech companies are investing in emerging technologies and experts predict transformative change in the AI space.

      The cloud market is not a settled frontier and there is a potential for competition with existing cloud providers. Despite cloud providers being more than just data centers, there is a fundamental shift happening in data centers that may create shifting sands in the cloud market. Additionally, the demand for AI technology in the cloud may heavily influence where customers will choose to land in the AI cloud era. The conversation also highlights the willingness of big tech companies to invest billions of dollars in emerging technologies, even if the payoff is uncertain. However, there is a bear case where the market may not be as big as anticipated, leading to a potential crisis of confidence among investors and slower spending. Despite the current overhype, experts believe that transformative change is still yet to come in the AI space.

    • The Evolving Landscape of Generative AI and Its Impact on Various FieldsGenerative AI has found its place in specific markets like video games, software development, and marketing copy, showing its real value and potential for future advancements. This could lead to a shift towards more inference-focused AI tasks.

      Generative AI, like Nvidia's ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot, has compelling use cases in various fields such as writing code and creative writing. While some individuals may not find these applications useful or fitting into their workflow, AI will thrive in a sum of different niches catering to specific markets like video games, software development, and marketing copy. Although there were initial skepticism and doubts surrounding the perfect timing of AI's emergence, the adoption of AI by Fortune 500 companies and the revenue generated by Nvidia demonstrate its real value and impact. The advancement of AI models beyond the Transformer and the potential for more efficient and clever future models suggest that the AI experiences will continue to evolve and improve. Additionally, while LLMs require significant compute power, there are many other AI tasks that can be accomplished with less expensive model training, indicating a potential shift in workloads towards inference rather than training.

    • Nvidia's Bull Cases: Accelerated Computing and Generative AINvidia's strong position in accelerated computing and generative AI, along with their agility and vast data center infrastructure, contribute to their positive outlook and potential for market expansion.

      Nvidia's bull cases are driven by their position in accelerated computing and generative AI. They have the potential to capture a significant share of the data center market, as more workloads are expected to shift towards accelerated computing. Additionally, the economic value of generative AI, as seen with OpenAI's success, has not fully reflected in Nvidia's valuation. Nvidia's agility and fast-paced development also contribute to their positive outlook. The vast amount of installed data center infrastructure and ongoing spending further presents an opportunity for Nvidia to expand their market share. While challenges exist, such as competition and the need for everything to go right, the indications suggest that things are going well for Nvidia.

    • Challenges and Barriers in Competing with Nvidia in AI and Accelerated Computing MarketCompeting with Nvidia in the AI and accelerated computing market is extremely difficult due to the immense barriers to entry and the strong market position that Nvidia has established.

      Competing with Nvidia in the AI and accelerated computing market is incredibly difficult. Ben and David discuss the numerous challenges and obstacles that any company would face in attempting to rival Nvidia's dominance. From developing GPU chips, chip-to-chip networking capabilities, and server-to-server networking capabilities, to building software as powerful as CUDA, the barriers to entry are immense. Additionally, convincing customers and developers to switch from Nvidia's products would require a significant competitive advantage. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the strength and market position that Nvidia has established, making it highly unlikely for any competitor to unseat them.

    • Exploring Entertainment: TV Shows and MoviesFinding joy in diverse forms of entertainment fosters connection and reminds us to celebrate the distinctiveness of each experience.

      The individuals, David and Ben, are discussing their recent entertainment preferences. They mention watching the TV show Alias and how it is a fun and nostalgic experience from the early 2000s. They also talk about the changes in TV shows today, highlighting the differences in tone and subtlety. Additionally, they share their excitement about watching the movie Moana with their daughter and how it is a great Disney film for all ages. This conversation emphasizes the importance of finding enjoyment in different forms of entertainment and how it can bring people together. It reminds us to explore various options and appreciate the uniqueness of each experience.

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    Note: references to Fortune in ServiceNow sponsor sections are from Fortune ©2023. Used under license.

    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

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    Note: references to Fortune in ServiceNow sponsor sections are from Fortune ©2023. Used under license.

    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.



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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

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    Many thanks to our fantastic Season 14 partners:

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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

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    Huge thank you to everyone for making 2023 an amazing year again here in Acquired-land, and cheers to even greater things to come in 2023!


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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.



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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

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    A transcript is available here.


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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

    NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang

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    We also got a peek into Jensen’s mindset and calculus behind “betting the company” multiple times, and his surprising feelings about whether he’d go on the founder journey again if he could rewind time. We can’t think of any better way to tie a bow on our Nvidia series (for now). Tune in!

    Editorial Note: We originally recorded this episode before the horrific terrorist attacks in Israel. It feels wrong to release this episode — where the nation of Israel and the Mellanox team are discussed — without sharing our profound sadness for all the families who had innocent loved ones or friends killed, injured, or taken hostage. Our hearts go out to everyone coping through this dark moment in history.


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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

    Nvidia Part III: The Dawn of the AI Era (2022-2023)

    Nvidia Part III: The Dawn of the AI Era (2022-2023)

    It’s a(nother) new era for Nvidia.

    We thought we’d closed the Acquired book on Nvidia back in April 2022. The story was all wrapped up: Jensen & crew had set out on an amazing journey to accelerate the world’s computing workloads. Along the way they’d discovered a wondrous opportunity (machine learning powered social media feed recommendations). They forged incredible Power in the CUDA platform, and used it to triumph over seemingly insurmountable adversity — the stock market penalty-box.

    But, it turned out that was only the precursor to an even wilder journey. Over the past 18 months Nvidia has weathered one of the steepest stock crashes in history ($500B+ market cap wiped away peak-to-trough!). And, it has of course also experienced an even more fantastical rise — becoming the platform that’s powering the emergence of perhaps a new form of intelligence itself… and in the process becoming a trillion-dollar company.

    Today we tell another chapter in the amazing Nvidia saga: the dawn of the AI era. Tune in!


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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.



    Costco is not only Charlie Munger’s favorite company of all time (plus he’s on the board, natch), it’s an absolutely fascinating study in how seemingly opposite characteristics can combine to create incredible company value. For instance: Costco has the cheapest prices of any major retailer in America — and also the wealthiest customer base. They pay their hourly workers 30% above the industry norm (and give them excellent healthcare + 401k benefits) — and are almost 3x more profitable on labor than Walmart. Speaking of Walmart, Costco stocks 40x fewer SKUs than their Bentonville-based rivals — yet sells an average of 15x more volume of each. And oh yeah, practically all of Costco’s C-Suite started their careers as baggers and checkout clerks! Tune in for a mind-bending exploration of one of the world’s most iconic — and iconically unique — companies.


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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

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    NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang

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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

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    If you want more Acquired and the tools + resources to become the best founder, operator or investor you can be, join our LP Program for access to our LP Show, the LP community on Slack and Zoom, and our new live Book Club discussions with top authors. Join here at: https://acquired.fm/lp/

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    Playbook Themes from this Episode available on our website at  https://www.acquired.fm/episodes/special-superhuman-part-ii-designing-software-to-feel-like-a-game-with-rahul-vohra )




    It's time. We dive into the unbelievable history behind the quietest technology giant of them all — and as of recording the world's 9th (!) most valuable company — the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company. This story checks every box in the Acquired pantheon of greatness: China, America, MIT, Don Valentine, Silicon Valley, "real men" looking silly, and... moats literally built by lasers. We're not kidding. Pull up a seat and settle in for a great one! 

    If you love Acquired and want more, join our LP Community for access to over 50 LP-only episodes, monthly Zoom calls, and live access for big events like emergency pods and book club discussions with authors. We can't wait to see you there. Join here at: https://acquired.fm/lp/

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    Statsig: https://bit.ly/acquiredstatsig24
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     Carve Outs:

    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.



    Nike — it’s perhaps the most iconic and most prolific brand of the modern era. On any given day, swooshes adorn the feet of more people on earth than any other footwear company — by a long shot.

    If you read Shoe Dog or watched Air, you may think you know its history. But Shoe Dog ends in 1980, and Air… well let’s just say it’s an enjoyable piece of fiction. And it turns out (as always) that the real story is filled with far more drama, twists and business lessons than either of those works.

    We’ve been wanting to cover Nike for a long time, and thanks to our LPs who voted to choose this episode it’s finally here. So lace up your Vaporflys, Air Maxes, Dunks or Jordans (or your Monarchs, hey we don’t judge), head out for a long run or walk and enjoy!


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    Carve Outs:

    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

    Charlie Munger

    Charlie Munger

    We sit down with the legendary Charlie Munger in the only dedicated longform podcast interview that he has done in his 99 years on Earth. We’ve gotten to have some special conversations on Acquired over the years, but this one truly takes the cake. Over dinner at his Los Angeles home, Charlie reflected with us on his own career and his nearly 50-year partnership at Berkshire Hathaway with Warren Buffett. He offered lessons and advice for investors today, and of course he shared his speech on the virtues of Costco once again (among other favorite investments). We’re so glad that we got the opportunity to record and share this with you all — break out your notebooks, tune in, and enjoy the singular wit and wisdom of Charlie Munger.

    A transcript is available here.


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    ‍Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.