
    Podcast Summary

    • Trump's 'Obamagate' Attacks and California Election ResultsTrump focuses on attacking Obama instead of addressing crises, 'Obamagate' remains unclear, Dems anxious about Biden's campaign, over $2M raised for coronavirus relief, listen to related podcasts for more insights

      During this episode of Pod Save America, the hosts discussed various topics including Trump's focus on attacking Barack Obama instead of addressing the current crises, the results of a special election in California, and Democratic anxieties about Joe Biden's campaign. Trump's accusations against Obama, referred to as "Obamagate," remain unclear, but it appears to involve Obama administration officials investigating Michael Flynn's communications with Russia. The hosts also mentioned the raising of over $2,000,000 for a coronavirus relief fund and encouraged listeners to donate to support the cause. Additionally, they recommended listening to Pod Save the World and 6 Feet Apart for further insights on related topics.

    • Contacts between Flynn and Russian Ambassador during transitionDuring the 2016 presidential transition, Flynn, the incoming national security adviser, communicated with the Russian ambassador, promising sanctions relief and undermining US foreign policy. He lied about these conversations, was fired, and faced criminal charges.

      During the presidential transition in 2016, Michael Flynn, the incoming national security adviser, was in contact with the Russian ambassador, promising sanctions relief and undermining US foreign policy. These communications were discovered through the monitoring of Russian officials' calls. Despite warnings from Barack Obama and others, Donald Trump hired Flynn. After it was revealed that Flynn lied about these conversations, he was fired. Now, some people are suggesting that this was an Obama plot to bring down Trump. However, the unmasking of American identities in intelligence reports is a common practice when relevant to ongoing investigations. Furthermore, Flynn was interviewed by the FBI and lied during that interview, which led to his firing and subsequent guilty plea for lying to the FBI. Despite his criminal record and dishonesty, Flynn is still being considered for roles in a potential second Trump term.

    • Trump's Political DistractionsTrump's attempts to divert attention from pandemic and economic crisis with political dramas may not resonate with voters, and focusing on addressing these issues could be more effective.

      Despite the political chaos surrounding the allegations of Michael Flynn's calls with the Russian ambassador being surveilled, and Trump's calls for Obama to testify, these actions may not serve as a winning political strategy for Trump. Amidst a pandemic and economic crisis, the public's focus is on their personal well-being and financial stability. Trump's distraction ploy, while potentially successful in terms of media coverage, may not resonate with the broader electorate. Instead, addressing the pandemic and economic crisis could be a more effective approach for Trump to win over voters in the crucial battleground states. However, the strategic consequences of Trump's actions are complex and far-reaching, and it remains to be seen how this situation will unfold.

    • Trump's distractions from economic and health crisesBiden effectively tied Trump's distractions to important issues, but media attention to distractions is a concern. Important for Dems to communicate effectively and for media to report accurately.

      President Trump's focus on unrelated issues during the economic and health crises is a political mistake, as it distracts from the concerns of the majority of Americans. Biden's response, according to the speaker, was a good start in tying Trump's distractions to the issues that matter most. However, the media's handling of the situation is a concern, with some outlets giving undue attention to Trump's distractions rather than reporting on their absurdity. Biden's interview on this topic was seen as a strong one, and it's important for Democrats to continue to communicate this message effectively through paid communications. While some reporters may fall for Trump's tactics, there will also be excellent articles putting the absurdity of the distractions in context. It's crucial for the media to report on these distractions accurately and not give them undue attention.

    • The Impact of Media on Political PerceptionThe way media presents information can greatly distort the truth and lead to misunderstandings, especially in political stories. It's crucial to consider the modern media landscape and defend the rule of law and democracy through building up progressive media.

      The way information is presented through headlines and media outlets in today's social media environment can greatly distort the truth and lead to misunderstandings, especially when it comes to political stories. The focus on accuracy and fairness in reporting is important, but it's equally crucial to consider how stories will be weaponized and perceived in the modern media landscape. The right has effectively used this to their advantage, with criticisms from the right often leading to self-examination and changes, while criticisms from the left are often ignored. To address this issue, it's essential to build up progressive media that is not dependent on the same economic model and cultural institutions as traditional journalism. This goes beyond partisanship and is about defending the rule of law and democracy itself, which are under attack by Trump and others. It's important for everyone to recognize this and work towards finding solutions that treat the disease, not just the symptoms.

    • Political climate raises concerns about rule of lawPresident Trump's use of power against perceived enemies could lead to devastating consequences, particularly in a pandemic and economic recession, with potential for abuse of power and political retribution.

      The current political climate, with President Trump wielding the power of government and law enforcement against his perceived enemies, is a cause for deep concern. With the Attorney General intervening in the Justice Department's decision-making process, releasing political allies from jail, and dropping charges against close advisors, the potential for abuse of power is significant. The consequences of these actions, especially if Trump wins the election, could be devastating, particularly in the context of a pandemic and economic recession. The recent events, such as the investigation into unmasking and the special election in California, serve as examples of this creeping authoritarianism. While some may view the California election as a positive sign for the Republicans, others caution against drawing too many conclusions from a low-turnout, special election in a non-battleground state. Overall, the current state of politics raises serious concerns about the rule of law and the potential for political retribution.

    • California 25th race a warning sign for DemocratsDemocrats must build strong organizations in battleground states for mail-in elections, as California 25th race results show the importance of organizing and the potential challenges in places where mail-in voting is not a cultural norm.

      The results of the California 25th congressional district race serve as a warning sign for Democrats as they prepare for the November 2020 elections, particularly in the context of a mostly mail-in election and the challenges of organizing low-propensity voters, especially in places where mail-in voting is not a cultural norm. The success of the Wisconsin Democratic Party in organizing a mostly mail-in election should not be taken as a predictor of what will happen nationwide, but rather a call to action for Democrats to build strong organizations in battleground states to ensure that every vote is counted. The stakes are high, and Democrats cannot afford to leave any votes on the table, as the electoral college advantages for Republicans mean that Trump can still win despite making mistakes and unpopular decisions. On a positive note, the California 25th race also highlights the importance of organizing and the impact it can have on election outcomes. Biden's recent announcements of unity task forces on various issues are a step in the right direction towards building a strong platform and engaging voters.

    • Biden and Sanders Form Unity Task ForcesBiden's campaign and Sanders' team have formed unity task forces, focusing on climate change and healthcare, with notable figures like AOC and Kerry involved. This move aims to bring the party together, potentially winning over younger progressives.

      The Biden campaign and Bernie Sanders' team have formed unity task forces, each co-chaired by a representative from each campaign. Notable figures like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, John Kerry, Pramila Jayapal, and Vivek Murthy are part of these task forces, focusing on climate change and healthcare. This move is seen as a well-executed effort to bring the party together, despite lingering tensions and skepticism from some progressives and Sanders supporters. The policy benefits of these task forces could potentially help Biden win over younger progressives who are still skeptical of his candidacy. However, there is risk involved, as the success of these initiatives and the progressives' satisfaction with the outcomes will be closely watched. Despite the advice flooding in from various Democrats, the Biden campaign remains focused on its strategy.

    • Biden Campaign Challenges During Transition from Primary to General ElectionDespite concerns over Biden campaign's slow decision-making, generational differences, staffing issues, and reactiveness to controversy, the campaign, led by experienced manager Jen O'Malley Dillon, is ramping up for the general election and showing promising signs. Give them time and space to build their strategy before passing judgment.

      While there are valid concerns about the Biden campaign's slow decision-making, generational differences, staffing issues, and reactiveness to controversy, it's important not to panic yet. The transition from a primary to a general election is a challenging process, especially during a pandemic, and the Biden campaign is already making progress. Worry is understandable given the importance of the election and Trump's tactics, but panic is not warranted. The campaign, led by experienced manager Jen O'Malley Dillon, is ramping up for the general and showing promising signs. It's crucial to give them time and space to build their strategy before passing judgment. The focus on their digital strategy is valid, but let's also acknowledge their efforts and progress.

    • Biden campaign needs to boost digital strategy for general electionBiden campaign must hire and build up digital team, improve online engagement to reach voters during pandemic and compete with Trump's in-person campaigning advantage.

      The Biden campaign needs to significantly improve its digital strategy to effectively reach voters in the general election, especially during the pandemic when in-person campaigning is limited. The primary focus on digital strategies stems from the belief that it was a weak point for Biden during the Democratic primaries and that it's crucial for reaching voters who don't consume political media as heavily. The campaign is currently behind Trump on various digital measures and needs to hire and build up its operation quickly. While some argue that Biden's filming location doesn't matter, the fact remains that Trump's ability to campaign in person gives him an advantage in terms of reaching a wider audience and creating a more diverse set of images. The Biden campaign's challenge is to find ways to connect with voters effectively through digital means while adhering to public health guidelines.

    • Focus on winning the election, not every conversationFilter advice carefully, mobilize voters, promote policies, and help elect Joe Biden to save the country.

      While the timing of Joe Biden's campaign debut is uncertain, the Biden team should focus on winning the election rather than trying to win every conversation. Advice, both good and bad, will come from all directions, but campaigns should filter it carefully and only adopt strategies that align with their overall theory of the case. It's essential to remember that voters have become active participants in the political process and that everyone has a role to play beyond giving advice or criticism. Instead, organizers should focus on mobilizing voters, promoting policies, and sharing reasons why the stakes of the election are high. The goal is to help Joe Biden win the presidency, and that requires more than just offering advice or criticisms on social media. It's time to put down the pen and pick up an oar to help row the boat. Barack Obama once said that there are degrees to this, and while analyzing campaigns is part of the job, it's crucial to remember the primary goal: to help elect Joe Biden and save the country.

    • Channel anxiety into productive activismFocus on registering voters, organizing, and controlling what you can instead of dwelling on negative news or polls. Consider supporting the Paycheck Guarantee Act to prevent mass unemployment and improve the PPP program.

      During these challenging and painful election cycles, it's essential to channel anxiety into productive activism rather than dwelling on negative polls or news. The hosts of the podcast emphasized the importance of offering constructive advice while remaining unbiased, as demonstrated by their involvement in fundraising events for the Biden campaign. They also encouraged listeners to focus on what they can control, such as registering voters and organizing, rather than waiting for the campaign to make changes. Additionally, the hosts discussed the Paycheck Guarantee Act, which aims to prevent mass unemployment by guaranteeing paychecks for individuals and grants for businesses to cover payroll and operating costs. This direct and efficient approach could potentially avoid the issues seen with the PPP program.

    • Retroactive payroll tax holiday for laid off workersProposed $150B solution to stimulate demand, prevent mass unemployment, and preserve worker-employer relationship. Economically sound, but not included in current relief bill due to cost concerns.

      A proposal to implement a retroactive payroll tax holiday for workers who were laid off due to the pandemic has been suggested as a solution to stimulate demand, prevent mass unemployment, and keep the productive relationship between workers and employers intact. This idea, which has been adopted by several countries around the world, has been estimated to cost around $150 billion for 36 million workers. The cost of this proposal could even be lower when considering the potential reduction in unemployment insurance and COBRA subsidy costs. Economists argue that this approach is cheaper in the long run as it helps businesses recover and puts the economy on a quicker recovery track. Despite strong support from economists and a significant portion of the Democratic caucus, this proposal has not been included in the current relief bill due to cost concerns.

    • Tension between responding immediately and implementing new ideas during economic crisesDemocrats could prioritize keeping workers in their jobs and preserving worker-employer relationships during economic crises, instead of relying on outdated UI system and COBRA.

      During economic crises, there's a tension between responding immediately with existing systems and implementing new ideas. While the UI system and COBRA have their advantages, such as being already set up, they also have limitations, including overwhelming systems and the psychological impact on individuals. The UI system, built on outdated technology, can lead to a loss of people in the safety net, particularly for low-income individuals and people of color. Instead, Democrats could focus on keeping workers in their jobs and preserving the relationship between workers and employers, which could be a winning political message. Regarding the Heroes Act, Democrats face a decision between compromising with Republicans for a less comprehensive stimulus or taking the HEROES Act to the voters in November as their platform. The choice depends on what Democrats believe they need to do and what they think they can't do.

    • Government Response to Economic Crisis: Funding, Paycheck Guarantee, Healthcare, Testing, Contact Tracing, and TreatmentThe government response to the economic crisis should include funding for state and local governments, a paycheck guarantee act, addressing healthcare needs, a comprehensive testing, contact tracing, and treatment plan, and investing in health systems and manufacturing capabilities to provide certainty and alleviate anxiety for individuals and businesses.

      The ongoing economic crisis necessitates a clear and comprehensive response from the government. According to the speaker, this response should include funding for state and local governments, a paycheck guarantee act to prevent mass unemployment, addressing healthcare needs, a comprehensive testing, contact tracing, and treatment plan, and investing in health systems and manufacturing capabilities. The speaker believes that these measures would provide certainty to individuals and businesses, alleviate anxiety, and effectively address both public health and economic concerns. The speaker also announced their role as co-chair of the Unity Task Force on Healthcare under the Biden campaign, emphasizing the importance of progressive healthcare policies and authentic leadership.

    • Senator Warren Endorses Joe Biden and Joins Health Care Task ForceSenator Warren endorsed Joe Biden for President and joined his Health Care Task Force to bring progressive voices to the table and create a unity platform for real policy changes, focusing on access, coverage, cost, and quality of care.

      Senator Warren has decided to endorse Joe Biden for President and has been appointed as co-chair of Biden's Health Care Task Force. Warren expressed her enthusiasm for the role, stating that she wants to bring the voices of people from the progressive movement to the table and help craft policy proposals that will make a difference. The task force includes notable figures such as Dr. Mortaza, Don Berwick, and Abdul El Saeed. The focus of the task force is to create a unity platform that will lead to real policy changes, not just for show. Warren emphasized the importance of addressing access, coverage, cost, and quality of care. While she acknowledged that Biden may not fully embrace Medicare for All, she suggested that the task force could explore ways to ensure coverage for those who lose employment or strengthen the Medicare system. Warren expressed her excitement for the opportunity to work with the task force and debate ideas to move towards universal health care.

    • Biden must acknowledge systemic issues to win over young progressivesBiden needs to understand young people's struggles, offer genuine solutions, and demonstrate authentic leadership to win over younger progressive voters.

      For the Biden campaign to effectively engage and win over younger progressive voters, it's essential for him to present a vision that goes beyond past accomplishments and acknowledges the systemic issues that have left many feeling neglected by the government. The vice president needs to show that he understands the pain and struggles of young people and offers genuine solutions to address income inequality, racial and gender inequity, and health care access. Lecturing or dismissing young people's concerns won't be effective. The next president, including Biden, must demonstrate authentic leadership and commitment to fighting for the needs of all Americans. Biden's recent statements acknowledging these issues are a positive sign. It's crucial for the Biden campaign to build on this momentum and provide a clear, comprehensive plan to address the concerns of younger voters.

    Recent Episodes from Pod Save America

    Joe vs. The Unknown

    Joe vs. The Unknown

    Democrats begin to grapple with two huge questions: is it possible to replace Biden at the top of the ticket—and is it wise? Mehdi Hasan joins Jon, Lovett, Tommy, and Dan, live in Boston, to debate the options. Plus, Gov. Maura Healey joins the show to give her own debate reaction and talk about rising to the challenge on immigration and abortion.

    The First (and Last?) Debate

    The First (and Last?) Debate

    The first debate is upon us, and you’re not the only one feeling nervous. Guest host Stacey Abrams joins Jon, Jon, Tommy, and Dan, live in Brooklyn, to talk about what we can learn from the 2020 debates, and what would constitute a win for Biden on Thursday night. Then, Strict Scrutiny’s Melissa Murray joins the hosts to break down the latest from the Supreme Court and what’s still to come this term, and Run for Something co-founder Amanda Litman talks with Dan about why it’s so important to have progressive candidates running in local races.Democracy or Else is out now! 


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    This Is Your Debate on Drugs

    This Is Your Debate on Drugs

    Donald Trump vows to cut education funding by half, throws his support behind displaying the Ten Commandments in public classrooms, and offers a new, anatomically specific theory for how Joe Biden gets his pre-debate uppers. With Biden holed up in debate camp, his campaign works to set expectations, and marks the second anniversary of the end of Roe v. Wade with a blistering new attack ad and waves of surrogate events around the country. Plus, it’s publication day at last: Democracy or Else: How to Save America in 10 Easy Steps is out now! Head to your local bookstore or www.crooked.com/books to order your copy.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

    Jon is joined by Carlos Odio and Stephanie Valencia, founders of Equis Research, the nation’s leading polling and research firm focused on the Latino electorate, to talk about what Democrats can do to win back the Latino voters who left the party for Trump in 2016 and 2020. Why are some of them leaning towards Trump? How did they react to Biden’s border actions? And what issues are they most focused on in 2024? Jon, Carlos, and Stephanie dive into the focus groups to answer these questions and Leo Murrieta, Director of Make the Road Nevada, joins to talk about his trip to the White House and offer his advice for the Biden campaign.

    Take action with Vote Save America: Visit votesaveamerica.com/2024  

    Pre-order Democracy or Else: How to Save America in 10 Easy Steps at crooked.com/books or wherever books are sold. Out June 25th.

    Pod Save America
    enJune 23, 2024

    Trump Loses It Over Fox News Poll

    Trump Loses It Over Fox News Poll

    Joe Biden heads to Camp David to prepare for next week's debate, Donald Trump bungles the expectations game, and both sides prepare for the post-broadcast clip war. Meanwhile, a new Fox News poll shows Biden ahead, and Trump lashes out at the betrayal. Then, former White House Counsel Bob Bauer stops by to talk about playing Trump in debate prep in 2020, the Supreme Court, and his new book, The Unraveling: Reflections on Politics without Ethics and Democracy in Crisis. 


    To pre-order Democracy or Else, out June 25th, visit www.crooked.com/books 


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    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

    Joe Biden makes a big new move on immigration, and Democratic governors and progressive groups quietly make plans to fight back against the second-term agenda that Trump is promising, from mass deportations to bans on medication abortion and gutting the civil service. Strict Scrutiny's Kate Shaw joins Jon and Lovett to talk about the legal challenges in store for both Trump and Biden, the Supreme Court's dangerous decision on bump stocks, and what else we can expect from the justices with so many opinions yet to drop.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Biden Campaign Unloads on Trump's Conviction

    Biden Campaign Unloads on Trump's Conviction

    The Biden campaign puts big money into a new ad slamming Trump as a convicted felon, fraudster, and sexual predator, and painting Biden as a fighter for working families. Trump courts the Black vote in front of a mostly white audience in Detroit, and CNN announces the final rules for next week’s debate. Plus: Jon, Lovett, and Tommy talk about who’s up and who’s down in the race to be Trump’s VP.To preorder you copy of Democracy or Else, visit http://crooked.com/booksFor tickets to upcoming live shows and book events, visit http://crooked.com/events

    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Trump Returns to the Scene of the Crime

    Trump Returns to the Scene of the Crime

    Trump returns to the Capitol for the first time since January 6th and receives a hero’s welcome from House and Senate Republicans—where he calls Milwaukee a “horrible city,” refers to the Justice Department as “dirty bastards,” and complains about Taylor Swift not endorsing him. Meanwhile, the same Republicans attempting to overturn Trump’s conviction are instead trying to prosecute Attorney General Merrick Garland. Plus, SCOTUS affirms legal access to abortion medication, Biden takes voters’ cost of living concerns head on, and Trump tries to woo CEOs with more tax cuts.

    The GOP Meltdown Over Hunter's Conviction

    The GOP Meltdown Over Hunter's Conviction

    Dan and The Bulwark’s Sarah Longwell break down the chaotic Republican response to the Hunter Biden news and what the conviction might mean for the Biden campaign, which of Donald Trump’s rumored VP picks scare them the most, and the latest from Tuesday’s primaries.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    Border Nights356, puntata 356 (Francesca Occhionero, Nicola Bizzi, Carlo Corbucci 16-06-2020)
    Trentottesima puntata della stagione 2019-2020 di Border Nights – La notte ai confini in diretta dalle 22 su Web Radio Network e poi in podcast su Spreaker, YouTube, Spotify, Itunes. Ospiti della puntata Francesca Occhionero per parlare dello scandalo EyePiramid, Nicola Bizzi su quello che potrebbe accadere in Italia e Carlo Corbucci ospite di Archè. Ad aprire la puntata l’opinionista Riccardo Rocchesso e la consueta copertina di Pietro Ratto.


    Prima ospite della puntata sarà Francesca Occhionero, dipinta dai giornali come Lady Hacker. Venne arrestata insieme al fratello Giulio in occasione dell’operazione EyePiramid. Ha raccontato la sua esperienza nel libro “Una stagione nell’inferno di Rebibbia”. (Aracne) ” Il volume, attraverso una sorta di monologo interiore, racconta un fatto realmente accaduto. Nelle intenzioni non fu scritto per essere dato alle stampe, ma per aiutarmi a sopravvivere, per darmi la forza di svincolarmi da quell’ambiente terribile che è il carcere, un posto che mi era completamente estraneo sino alla fatidica data del 9 gennaio 2017. Quella del carcere è un’esperienza che non auguro a nessuno, che, se sei fortunato, non ti lascia nessun segno esteriore, ma una profonda cicatrice per ricordarti lungo tutta la vita che quel passato è esistito davvero. Io nell’inferno di Rebibbia ho passato ben nove mesi, e tuttora non mi spiego come sia sopravvissuta alle malattie, alle liti, alle botte e alla depressione; quello che so con certezza è che per il caso EyePyramid, in cui sono rimasta coinvolta, non si è trattato di un errore giudiziario ma di un complesso disegno progettato molto tempo prima e che ha visto coinvolti più soggetti, da esponenti di primo piano delle forze dell’ordine a quelli della magistratura, fino, forse, a soggetti appartenenti ai servizi di sicurezza della Repubblica. Questo non vuole essere solo un libro sulla sofferenza e sugli accadimenti, ma anche un libro di denuncia contro uno strumento, quello della carcerazione, fin troppo abusato in Italia, le cui misure restrittive sulla libertà personale dovrebbero essere applicate solo laddove strettamente necessarie e vengono invece utilizzate quale mezzo di coercizione per ottenere prove (o presunte tali), confessioni e patteggiamenti. Vorrei che ciò che è successo a me e a mio fratello Giulio non capitasse mai più a nessun altro, ma so che questa è una mera utopia”. Cosa rimane di questa operazione di cui nessuno parla più? Quale reale verità si nasconde dietro gli hackeraggi e lo spionaggio dei potenti?


    Secondo ospite della puntata sarà Nicola Bizzi che di recente ha profetizzato l’arrivo di una seconda Tangentopoli in Italia, stavolta non per sovvertire il sistema politico come accaduto nel ’92 ma per lo scopo opposto: lottare contro il deep state. Nicola Bizzi ha fondato e dirige la casa editrice Aurora Boreale. Ecco il profilo che ne traccia LibreIdee: ” Storico indipendente e originalissimo, Bizzi ha firmato volumi di estremo interesse, come il recentissimo “Atlantide e altre pagine di storia proibita”, e “Ipazia di Alessandria e l’enigma di Santa Caterina”, usciti nel 2018. All’anno precedente risale il saggio-denuncia “La crisi della Repubblica dei partiti. Dal crollo del Muro di Berlino a Tangentopoli”. Sempre nel 2017, Bizzi ha pubblicato il primo volume della spettacolare ricerca “Da Eleusi a Firenze”, nella quale rivela la sopravvivenza “clandestina”, fino ai nostri giorni – e con epicentro nel Rinascimento italiano – dell’antichissima tradizione dei Misteri Eleusini. In quella che Bizzi chiama “eleusinità”, espressione risalente al II millennio avanti Cristo, si riverbera la mitica creazione di un’umanità primigenia, quella degli Egei cretesi, la cui origine è attribuita ai Titani, divinità benevole che si opposero ai successivi dèi dell’Olimpo, fino allo “scontro di civiltà” simboleggiato dalla Guerra di Troia, da cui poi anche la fondazione di Roma per opera del profugo troiano Enea“

    “Che cos’è l’esoterismo?”: questo il titolo della quinta puntata di “Arché”, la rubrica curata da Salvo Milazzo e Gianluca Marletta, che in questa occasione avranno ospite Carlo Corbucci, esperto di cultura islamica e medioorientale e studioso di dottrine esoteriche e spirituali, autore, tra l’altro, dei volumi “Renè Guenon e Ibn Arabi” e “Islam: sunnismo e sciismo. Dalla prospettiva metafisica e iniziatica dell’esoterismo integrale”, entrambi pubblicati da Irfan Edizioni. Si parlerà dei vari aspetti delle dottrine esoteriche nelle tradizioni cristiana e islamica cercando di far luce su alcuni equivoci che, specie in epoca recente, hanno minato la comprensione di ciò che hanno rappresentato le vie iniziatiche nell’arco della storia umana.

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    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

    Producer: Laura FitzPatrick

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: Rory Symon & Arvind Badewal

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