
    Podcast Summary

    • Rediscovering joy in offline activitiesStepping away from screens and prioritizing offline activities can lead to a more fulfilling and mindful existence.

      Breaking the cycle of constant connectivity and productivity can lead to a more fulfilling and mindful existence. Jenny Odell, author of "How to Do Nothing," shares her perspective on the importance of redirecting attention towards the people and places around us, rather than being consumed by the hyper-connected world. The title of her book is not about doing nothing in a literal sense, but rather resisting the attention economy and finding fulfillment in offline activities. Odell's experiences, as an artist and nature lover, offer a unique perspective on the value of stepping away from screens and finding joy in the simple things. The 2016 election served as a catalyst for Odell to write the book, as she sought to understand why spending time in nature felt so different from the rest of her day. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of prioritizing offline activities and finding fulfillment beyond the digital world.

    • Exploring the importance of doing nothingPracticing 'doing nothing' involves engaging in activities that don't yield immediate results but contribute to personal growth and well-being, despite the demands of the attention economy.

      The concept of "doing nothing" goes beyond just idleness or literal inactivity. It encompasses various forms of care, maintenance, and introspection that don't fit into the traditional productivity-focused value system. The attention economy, with its constant demand for reactions and engagement, can make it difficult to practice doing nothing. The speaker's experience in the garden and the subsequent book, "How to Do Nothing," explore the importance of stepping back, gaining perspective, and engaging in activities that don't yield immediate results but contribute to personal growth and well-being.

    • The constant use of social media and digital technology can lead to feelings of unease and dissatisfaction, similar to a hangover effect.Recognize the potential downsides of always being connected and find balance in our use of technology to avoid feelings of unease and dissatisfaction.

      The constant use of social media and digital technology can lead to feelings of unease and dissatisfaction, similar to a hangover effect. The speaker, who taught digital art at Stanford during the rise of social media, shares how she felt compelled to keep using it despite feeling bad, just like how one might keep playing a video game even when they start feeling uneasy or drained. She recalls how her friend described the iPhone as a device that would prevent boredom, but now recognizes the potential downsides of always being connected. The speaker's experience with a jeweler's loop, which allows for intense focus on small details, illustrates the contrast between being bored and doing nothing, highlighting the importance of finding balance in our use of technology.

    • Comparing Microscopes and Social MediaBoth microscopes and social media reveal new perspectives, but microscopes foster wonder while social media can cause negative emotions and anxiety due to constant engagement.

      While microscopes and social media serve different purposes, they both have the power to reveal new perspectives. However, the experience with a microscope is grounded in the physical world and fosters wonder, while social media can lead to negative emotions like dread, shame, and anxiety due to its constant engagement-driven business model and the prevalence of outrage and shaming language. The comparison between social media and sleep deprivation tactics highlights the detrimental effects of being constantly connected to news cycles, leading to a state of perpetual anxiety. Despite these concerns, the desire for connection and information keeps people coming back to social media, driven by both a desire to know what's happening and to be seen and heard.

    • Embrace your natural curiosityInstead of trying to learn how to be bored, apply curiosity to meaningful pursuits like nature observation or ethical consumption.

      Our constant need for new information and updates may not be a problem in itself, but rather the context in which we seek it out. According to the speaker, this desire to learn and pay attention to changes is a natural part of being alive. However, when this curiosity is exploited by social media platforms, it can lead to a never-ending loop of checking for new information. The speaker suggests that instead of trying to learn how to be bored, we should embrace our natural curiosity and apply it to meaningful pursuits. For instance, being a nature enthusiast and observing changes in the natural world can be a fulfilling way to engage our attention. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of considering the ethical and sustainable aspects of the products we consume, such as Cariuma's vegan and recycled winter boots. Overall, the speaker encourages us to harness our curiosity in a way that enriches our lives and contributes positively to the world.

    • Magic Spoon cereal: A healthier and customizable breakfast optionMagic Spoon cereal offers zero sugar, high protein, low carb options with flavors for every taste preference. Customizable bundles and a 100% happiness guarantee make it a convenient and healthy breakfast choice.

      Magic Spoon cereal is a great option for those looking to eat healthier or save time in their morning routine. With flavors like peanut butter, cocoa, and cookies and cream, there's a variety to suit every taste preference. Each serving contains zero grams of sugar, 13-14 grams of protein, only 4 net grams of carbs, and 140 calories. Magic Spoon is also keto friendly, gluten free, grain free, soy free, and low carb. You can build your own custom bundle on their website, and they offer a 100% happiness guarantee. In a different vein, Franco Bifo Berardi, a theorist, made a distinction between connectivity and sensitivity. Connectivity can be thought of as ports in a computer, either compatible or not. Information goes through smoothly if compatible. Sensitivity, on the other hand, is more like two oddly shaped entities communicating. It's a process where both parties might change and the information might change in the interaction. A simple example would be a deep conversation between two people with differing opinions. In the episode, Magic Spoon was discussed as a sponsor, highlighting its health benefits and customizable options. Helix mattresses were also mentioned, emphasizing their customization and compatibility for various sleep preferences and needs. The distinction between connectivity and sensitivity was explored in a theoretical context, providing food for thought on the nature of communication and interaction.

    • The decline of meaningful conversations in the digital ageThe digital world often discourages deep, respectful conversations and can lead to fear, defensiveness, and a culture of disengagement. Engaging in thoughtful, face-to-face discussions can lead to personal growth and change.

      Meaningful conversations and the exchange of ideas, which can lead to personal growth and change, are increasingly rare in the digital age. Social media platforms, with their focus on numerical metrics and quick, surface-level interactions, often discourage the kind of respectful, nuanced discussions that can truly challenge and educate us. The speaker shares an example of a deep conversation she had with someone, which led to both parties changing their perspectives, and laments the lack of such opportunities in the online world. She believes that fear and defensiveness are common responses to social media interactions, and that the "mic drop" effect, where people make bold statements and then leave, contributes to a culture of disengagement and lack of meaningful dialogue. The speaker's admiration for Obama's appreciation for the book stems from its message encouraging us to engage in more thoughtful, face-to-face conversations.

    • The importance of intentional communicationValuing and prioritizing one-on-one conversations and focused engagement over social media can lead to deeper connections, meaningful exchange, and collective action.

      While social media can reach a large audience, it often lacks the depth and meaningful connection that comes from one-on-one conversations or intentional, focused engagement. The speaker argues that this erodes our capacity for deep listening and collective action, which are essential for a functioning democratic society. They suggest that we should value and prioritize these more intentional forms of communication, which can lead to substantive impact and meaningful exchange. The speaker also reflects on the challenges of practicing "doing nothing" during the pandemic, despite the forced stillness, as many people found themselves more connected to their screens than ever before.

    • Breaking the negative feedback loop of social mediaFind alternative sources of meaning, belonging, and connection to resist the attention economy and create a positive feedback loop, reducing reliance on social media.

      We can resist the attention economy by breaking the cycle of negative feedback loops created by social media. This can be achieved by finding alternative sources of meaning, belonging, and connection. The negative feedback loop, where we go to social media for validation and end up feeling more lonely and anxious, is self-reinforcing. However, by intentionally disconnecting and seeking out other sources of stability, we can create a positive feedback loop that reduces our reliance on social media. This could involve setting boundaries with technology, engaging in hobbies, or building meaningful relationships. It's not about completely abandoning social media, but rather regaining control of our attention and redirecting it in a way that benefits us as individuals and as a society.

    • Intimate online groups and personal growth investmentsSmall online communities offer fulfilling connections and personal growth investments in areas like hair loss prevention or fitness lead to noticeable improvements and overall well-being.

      Meaningful connections can be found in small, intimate online groups, providing a more fulfilling experience compared to social media feeds. The speaker has noticed a significant decrease in desire to engage with social media, preferring instead the interactions in these smaller online communities. Additionally, investing in personal growth areas like hair loss prevention with Keeps or fitness with Future can lead to noticeable improvements and overall well-being. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of redirecting attention towards real-life interactions and nature for a more enriching experience. Keeps offers convenient, effective hair loss treatments, while Future provides personalized workout plans and unlimited access to a fitness coach. Both services can help individuals prioritize their health and wellness in the new year.

    • Observing nature provides therapeutic benefits and shifts perspectiveEngaging with nature can help reduce anxiety, broaden perspective, and remind us of the interconnectedness of systems in the world

      Engaging with nature and observing the interconnectedness of different ecosystems can provide therapeutic benefits and help shift perspective, offering a respite from the hyperstimulation and ego-centric focus of social media. The realization that we are not the only intelligent beings in the world, and that there are complex relationships and systems at play, can lead to a greater appreciation for the world around us and help us see things from a more complex and nuanced perspective. Additionally, the fluidity and interconnectedness of ecosystems can serve as a reminder that boundaries and identities are not always clearly defined, and that there is value in exploring different contexts and perspectives. Ultimately, taking time to observe nature and reflect on these lessons can help reduce anxiety and provide a more holistic understanding of the world.

    • The Importance of Engaging with the Physical WorldDespite constant online presence, it's crucial to explore and learn about the physical world around us. Use technology intentionally for exploration and balance it with real-life experiences.

      While technology and the internet offer countless opportunities for connection and learning, it's essential to remember the importance of engaging with the physical world around us and the history and culture of the places we live. The speaker shares how she moved to LA and was surprised by her lack of knowledge about the place despite being online constantly. She also emphasizes that technology can be used as a tool for exploration and learning, but it's crucial to use it intentionally and not let it consume all our time and attention. Additionally, the speaker touches on the issue of time affordances and how some people struggle to find the time to do nothing due to societal expectations or lack of resources. The recent trend of the "great resignation" could potentially be linked to this idea of reevaluating priorities and seeking more temporal autonomy. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of striking a balance between technology use and real-world engagement.

    • Following intuition for a fulfilling lifeThe pandemic has highlighted the importance of reassessing work situations and seeking more fulfilling pursuits through intuition. Unplugging, such as observing nature or going on daily walks, is essential for maintaining a healthy balance in life.

      The pandemic has served as a wake-up call for many people, prompting them to reassess their work situations and consider how they want to spend their one life. The constant connectivity of social media and the hyperawareness of mortality have combined to create a sense of unease and dissatisfaction, leading some to leave jobs or seek new ways to redirect their attention. Intuition plays a crucial role in this process, guiding individuals towards more fulfilling pursuits. Jenny Odell, the author of "How to Do Nothing," shared her own experience of following her intuition and finding joy in simple activities like observing nature through a loop or going on daily walks. Unplugging, whether through nature or other means, is essential for maintaining a healthy balance in life. Odell currently finds her favorite way to unplug through the use of a loop, a small magnifying lens for observing details in her daily surroundings.

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    Access FREE Well-being Guide here.
    It includes 7 ways to improve your well-being in 10minutes or less.

    Ruth is a qualified Forest Therapy and Natural Mindfulness guide and  founder of Forest Clouds Nature Therapy based in Essex, England.

    COMMUNITY, CONNECTION and COMPASSION are important values that she brings to the work she does. They are also strong themes in our wide ranging conversation, which starts off with Ruth sharing a story about how she landed up in ICU a few years ago. 

    She shares her story of recovery which included visits to a woodland she explored as a child. You will hear how that woodland rekindled her connection to nature and helped give her a new found appreciation for its healing power.

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    We talk about the various experiences of lockdown and the impact it has had, we talk about POLARISATION a term that we hear a lot more these days. One of the antidotes to this state in society is Reciprocity, a core principle in Shinrin Yoku, Ruth shares her thoughts on what it means and how to go about developing a reciprocal relationship with nature. 

    She also shares some great tips on how to go about maintaining human and nature connection and why it is important for us to do so.

    Ruth believes that through community and the human connection that it creates, we can find more meaning, purpose and lead a more fulfilled life.

    If you are anywhere near essex in England make contact and join Ruth on one of her forest bathing sessions, take a photo and tag @awakentonature :)


    If you are feeling inspired to find out more about Ruth and what she has to offer, please check out the links below:






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    #692: Arthur C. Brooks — How to Be Happy, Reverse Bucket Lists, The Four False Idols, Muscular Philosophies, Practical Inoculation Against the Darkness, and More

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    Arthur C. Brooks (@arthurbrooks) is the Parker Gilbert Montgomery Professor of the Practice of Public and Nonprofit Leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School and Professor of Management Practice at the Harvard Business School, where he teaches courses on leadership and happiness. He is also a columnist at The Atlantic, where he writes the popular “How to Build a Life” column. Brooks is the author of 13 books, including the 2022 #1 New York Times bestseller From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life and his newest Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier with co-author Oprah Winfrey. He speaks to audiences all around the world about human happiness and works to raise well-being within private companies, universities, public agencies, and community organizations.

    Please enjoy!


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    [07:10] The reverse bucket list.

    [13:00] Intention without attachment.

    [14:49] Writing Thích Nhất Hạnh’s obituary.

    [17:30] Buddhist views through a Catholic lens.

    [20:43] Blood occlusion training and physical fitness over 40.

    [24:22] Arthur’s semi-mystical teenage experiences in Mexico.

    [30:30] Arthur’s academic dad on complex vs. complicated.

    [33:35] Happiness hygiene for genetically baseline gloominess.

    [36:19] Happiness and unhappiness: hand in hand.

    [39:31] Being effective with one’s affects.

    [42:53] The three macronutrients of happiness.

    [51:21] Identifying (and learning to live with) our idols.

    [1:03:48] Secularly securing transcendent perspective.

    [1:10:32] Money doesn’t buy happiness — it lowers unhappiness.

    [1:15:17] Tithing and adoption.

    [1:18:43] How Arthur and his wife met, and how their values aligned over time.

    [1:25:58] Advice for seeking love in the modern world.

    [1:33:06] Death meditation.

    [1:42:54] Finding personal purpose and meaning.

    [1:56:50] Four fundamental micronutrients of happiness.

    [1:59:53] Translating a need for change into action.

    [2:07:13] Aristotle’s secrets to happiness.

    [2:11:57] Real friends help us put the kibosh on self-deception.

    [2:19:13] Reflecting on the repercussions of living for the mirror’s approval.

    [2:22:46] Collaborating with Oprah on Build the Life You Want.

    [2:28:14] The point Arthur hopes people don’t miss in Build the Life You Want.

    [2:31:54] Reading recommendation: The Noonday Demon.

    [2:33:32] Exposure therapy: making pain part of one’s medicine.

    [2:38:15] A practical way to be grateful for life’s bad things.

    [2:41:12] Parting thoughts.


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    Chuck Wisner - Conscious Conversations: The Key to Deepening Relationships & Fostering Understanding | STM Podcast #168

    Chuck Wisner - Conscious Conversations: The Key to Deepening Relationships & Fostering Understanding | STM Podcast #168

    On episode 168, we welcome Chuck Wisner to discuss the importance of conscious conversations in building deeper connections and understanding between people, the role of active listening in conscious conversations, how it can transform our relationships and interactions, strategies for cultivating empathy and compassion during conversations, why these qualities are essential for effective communication, how ego and internal storytelling disrupt relationships, how practicing mindfulness can improve our ability to communicate with others, the ways in which conscious conversations can be used to address difficult topics, examples of conscious conversations in action, creativity from collaboration and why it shouldn’t matter who gets credit, practical tips and exercises for developing the skills and habits needed for conscious conversations, how readers can apply these strategies in their daily lives, and what Chuck learned from meeting the Dalai Lama.

    Chuck Wisner is president of Wisner Consulting. His client list includes companies such as Google, Rivian, Apple, Tesla, Harvard Business School, Ford, and Chrysler. Wisner was a senior affiliated mediator with the Harvard Mediation Program and was among the first to be certified through the Mastering the Art of Professional Coaching program at the Newfield Institute. He was also a specialist in organizational learning and leadership as an affiliate with MIT’s Center for Organizational Learning. His new book, available now, is called The Art of Conscious Conversations: Transforming How We Talk, Listen, and Interact.


    | Chuck Wisner |

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