
    Ollie Ollerton: Former SAS Solider, TV Star & Author of Break Point [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]

    en-GBJuly 07, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing challenges with new ways in business and lifeDisruptive entrepreneurship involves taking risks, seeing problems as opportunities, and using unique talents to create something new and profitable.

      Disruptive entrepreneurship means going beyond the ordinary, embracing challenges with new ways, and being profitable. Ollie Ollie Ollie, a disruptive entrepreneur and bestselling author, shares his experiences of disrupting the status quo in business and personal life. He has faced struggles with alcoholism and depression but has pivoted his career into new areas, becoming a media sensation. Disruptive entrepreneurship involves taking risks and not being afraid to shake things up. It's about seeing problems as opportunities and using your unique talents to create something new and profitable. Ollie's latest book, "Breakpoint," is a testament to his disruptive spirit and has reached the second spot on the Sunday Times bestseller list. Remember, if you don't take risks, you risk everything.

    • Neglecting health and fitness impacts mental wellbeingTransitioning to new circumstances can lead to unhealthy habits, negatively impacting both physical and mental wellbeing.

      Neglecting health and fitness can lead to a downward spiral in mental wellbeing. The speaker shares his personal experience of leaving the military and feeling a void in his life without the structure and camaraderie he was used to. He also lacked a clear sense of purpose, leading him to turn to unhealthy habits like overeating, lack of exercise, and excessive drinking. This experiment brought back memories of a dark period in his life and reminded him of the importance of maintaining good health for both physical and mental wellbeing. It's a reminder that even those who have lived disciplined lives need to be mindful of the potential pitfalls when transitioning to new circumstances.

    • Chasing Death: The Speaker's Darkest MomentsNegative thought patterns and reckless behavior can lead to dangerous situations, emphasizing the importance of self-reflection and positive choices.

      The speaker's darkest moments were marked by extreme negativity, lack of motivation, and a destructive path, which he describes as chasing death subconsciously. He shares examples of defying authority and challenging the status quo, which gave him a sense of control and a high, but also put him in dangerous situations. Despite not being reprimanded for these actions, he eventually questioned his behavior and realized the importance of making positive choices. The speaker's experiences highlight the importance of self-reflection and the potential consequences of negative thought patterns and reckless behavior.

    • Embracing uncertainty for personal growthChallenging authority and seeking alternative solutions can lead to personal growth and success, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone. Staying true to oneself and being persistent in the face of challenges can help discover new opportunities and possibilities.

      Challenging authority and forging your own path can lead to personal growth and success, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone. This was a theme that emerged during the conversation with the interviewee, who shared his experiences of defying orders in the military and later reinventing himself in his career. He emphasized the importance of looking for alternative solutions and being open to change, even when faced with obstacles. While this mindset may not be suitable for everyone, it can be a powerful tool for those seeking to make an impact and find fulfillment in their personal and professional lives. The interviewee's journey also highlights the importance of taking calculated risks and being persistent in the face of challenges, as these are often necessary for growth and progress. Overall, the conversation underscores the value of staying true to oneself and being willing to embrace uncertainty in order to discover new opportunities and possibilities.

    • Lessons from a chimp attack and military lifeRecognize when to make changes, even if it means making things worse initially. Be open to new challenges and adaptable, and leverage local resources for success.

      Sometimes, even when something seems right or exciting, it may not align with reality, and it's essential to recognize when it's time to make a change. The speaker's experience with being attacked by a chimp at a young age taught him the importance of taking action when necessary, even if it means making things worse in the short term. This lesson applied to his decision to leave the military, which he initially saw as his dream but later realized was not the reality. In civilian life, he faced new challenges, including the realization that he was not invincible. His experiences in Iraq, where he managed infrastructure projects, further reinforced the importance of adaptability and the value of local resources. Ultimately, the speaker's story underscores the importance of being open to change and the potential rewards that come with taking calculated risks.

    • The allure of money in high-risk professionsThe importance of passion and purpose over monetary gains was realized after experiencing the challenges of a high-risk career and the difficulties of transitioning back to civilian life.

      The allure of money can be deceptive, especially when it comes to high-risk professions like war zones. The speaker shares his personal experience of being drawn in by the financial incentives but ultimately realizing the importance of passion and purpose over monetary gains. He calls this phenomenon "fool's gold." Despite the significant risks and the lack of insurance, the camaraderie and adrenaline of the job kept him coming back. However, the transition back to civilian life was challenging due to the contrasting priorities and the seemingly insignificant problems that felt overwhelming. This experience taught him to focus on what truly matters and not get bogged down by minor issues. Eventually, he transitioned into a career in television, using his unique experiences to build a following and share his story with a wider audience.

    • Embracing Change for Personal GrowthBe open to change, follow dreams despite challenges, and consider military processes for corporate productivity

      Personal growth and fulfillment sometimes require drastic changes. The speaker in this discussion shares his experiences of leaving a dangerous situation, trying various jobs, and eventually returning to the UK to start his own company, Breakpoint. Despite initial reservations, going back to the UK opened up new opportunities and allowed him to pursue his long-term passion. The speaker's story illustrates the importance of being open to change and following one's dreams, even when faced with challenges and roadblocks. Additionally, his experiences highlight the potential benefits of applying military processes and mindset to corporate structures for improved synergy and productivity.

    • Applying pressure to handle raw emotionsPressure and self-discovery lead to positive mindset change through writing a contract and daily affirmations

      To change the way people think and build camaraderie within an organization, it's essential to take individuals out of their comfort zones and apply pressure to help them deal with raw emotions. Breakpoint, for instance, uses workshops and scenarios to put people under pressure and teach them how to handle it, leading to self-discovery and the elimination of ego. The change in mindset begins by altering the subconscious blueprint, which can be achieved by writing a contract to oneself and consistently reinforcing the desired change through daily affirmations. This process, as strange as it may seem, is effective in helping individuals transform from a negative mindset to a positive one.

    • Two months to notice new habit change, follow a processConsistency and self-awareness are key to changing habits and mastering emotions. Emotions can be controlled, and understanding past experiences helps manage reactions.

      Changing habits and mastering emotions requires consistency and self-awareness. According to the speaker, it takes around two months to notice a significant difference in a new habit, and it's essential to follow a process rather than relying on emotions. Special forces soldiers are trained to be emotional chameleons, able to observe and control their emotions, especially their ego. Emotions can be contagious and often stem from past painful experiences, leading us to react based on memory rather than the present situation. Life mastery, in the speaker's opinion, involves understanding and managing emotions effectively.

    • Understanding the human tendency to fit new experiences to old onesRecognizing and overcoming the tendency to apply past experiences to new situations can lead to personal growth and a more meaningful life.

      Our brains have a tendency to recall past experiences and apply them to new situations, which can limit our ability to fully experience the present. This mental pattern, referred to as a mental detox, can be challenging to master but is essential for living a meaningful life. Our brains are full of images and try to fit every new situation to an old one, leading us to miss out on new experiences and potentially live a life that feels meaningless. Understanding this human tendency and learning to observe our emotions and thoughts can lead to significant personal growth and self-awareness. It took the speaker 26 years to realize this, but once he did, he was able to break free from his limited perspective and live a more fulfilling life.

    • Finding happiness from withinInvesting in personal growth and following passions can lead to true happiness and success

      True happiness and fulfillment often come from within and investing in oneself, rather than external factors like money or success. The speaker shared his personal journey of finding this realization after years of working in dangerous jobs and chasing after material possessions. He emphasized the importance of cutting away distractions and focusing on what truly matters, which in his case was pursuing his passion for creating Breakpoint. The turning point came when he reunited with an old friend and they shared their similar aspirations, leading him to fully commit to making his dream a reality. Despite initial challenges, such as lack of resources and credit, he persisted and ultimately found success. The speaker also touched upon the importance of visualization and believing in oneself, as he had predicted and even welcomed being attacked in Iraq to secure a contract and save his job. Overall, the key takeaway is that investing in personal growth and following one's passions can lead to true happiness and success.

    • Visualizing success and positive thinkingVisualization and positive thinking can help manifest desires and overcome challenges by influencing the subconscious mind and attracting similar energy.

      The power of visualization and positive thinking can significantly impact our lives. The speaker shares his personal experience of using this technique to pass special forces selection and achieve his goals. He emphasizes that visualizing the desired outcome and putting all energy into it can make it a reality, even if it seems unbelievable at first. He also explains that this process works by planting thoughts in the subconscious mind, which influences our decision-making and attracts similar energy. The speaker encourages everyone to try this method, despite any skepticism, as it is a natural way to manifest our desires and overcome challenges. He also acknowledges that survival and safety are important, but not the only aspects of life mastery. Understanding the difference between real danger and perceived threats is crucial to living a fulfilling life.

    • Overcoming opposition and seizing unexpected opportunitiesStaying true to your vision and utilizing unexpected opportunities can help propel your business forward despite opposition and doubts from loved ones.

      During the early stages of starting Breakpoint, the founder faced opposition from family and peers who wanted him to abandon his unconventional business venture and return to a stable career. However, a call from Foxy offering an opportunity to appear on a TV show provided the exposure the founder needed to kickstart his business and make it successful. The willingness to take risks and step out of the norm, despite the doubts and concerns of loved ones, ultimately paid off. This story illustrates the importance of staying true to your vision and utilizing unexpected opportunities to propel your business forward.

    • Growth from a well-trained team and TV exposureFinding the silver lining in difficult situations and focusing on personal growth can lead to significant personal and professional development.

      Having a well-trained team and the exposure from a TV show can lead to significant personal and professional growth. The speaker emphasized the importance of delegation and creativity that comes with working with a talented team. He also highlighted the hard work and dynamic nature of the show, but acknowledged the massive exposure and purpose it brought to his brand and mission. The speaker's book, "Breakpoint," was written to inspire others and help them understand their ability to do extraordinary things, focusing on the importance of mental and emotional growth over physical appearance. Through his experiences, he emphasized the need to find the silver lining in difficult situations and use it to pull oneself out of negativity. The book aims to be the first step for readers in their personal growth journey.

    • The importance of self-belief and determinationBelieving in oneself and having self-confidence can lead to great achievements. Proper technique, setting goals, and consistency are key to success.

      Believing in oneself and having self-confidence can lead to great achievements. This was emphasized during a discussion about press up competitions, where the importance of proper technique and determination were highlighted. A military officer named Bagsey Baker once gave advice to Matthew Holoton, encouraging him to believe in himself and consider joining special forces. This advice significantly impacted Matthew's life, leading him to believe that he had the potential to accomplish great things. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the importance of setting goals and striving to improve, even if it means challenging oneself against others. The discussion also emphasized the significance of proper technique in various fitness activities, as well as the importance of consistency and dedication. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of self-belief and determination in achieving personal goals.

    • Challenging limiting beliefs for personal growthTo reach full potential, individuals must challenge limiting beliefs and mental processes, seek out new experiences, and conquer personal challenges.

      Individuals should challenge limiting beliefs and mental processes, as they can hinder personal growth and prevent individuals from reaching their full potential. This concept can be compared to a "live positioning system" that keeps people within their comfort zones and prevents them from exploring new possibilities. Additionally, having the ability to conquer personal challenges, such as quitting a habit or adopting a new lifestyle, can serve as a catalyst for growth and self-discovery. To break free from these limitations, individuals should seek out new experiences and challenges, even if they involve some level of danger or discomfort. Ultimately, pushing beyond one's comfort zone can lead to a more fulfilling and adventurous life.

    • Focusing on one thing at a time for therapeutic benefitsFocusing on one task at a time can bring peace and productivity, while disruptive thinking fosters growth and innovation.

      Focusing on one thing at a time, whether it's climbing a mountain, playing pool, or practicing meditation, can bring therapeutic benefits and help us avoid unwanted distractions. Disruptive thinking, which involves being a pioneer and breaking the status quo, is essential for growth and innovation. Ollie's company, Break Point, embodies these principles, and you can find them online at breakhyphenpoint.co.uk. His book, also called Breakpoint, is available on Amazon, Audible, and Kindle. Connect with Ollie on Instagram (@ollie_ollieton), Twitter (@Ollie_Ollieton), and Facebook for more insights and inspiration.

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    "The best way to get people to hate you is to be successful doing something you love."

    "Would I want to be stood next to this person at two o'clock in a February cold, dark, windy night in a gale in a North Atlantic fishing boat when everything was going wrong?"

    "How long does it take to take the stone out of your shoe?"

    "If you're not happy in a job, if you're not happy in a company, amazing, you're an individual, you've got free will, leave."

    "Unless you're going to disrupt an industry, just stick with your idea. Like, don't do it. Like, the only success is if you're going to disrupt something."






    Episode Sponsor - AG1

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    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “The Disruptive Entrepreneur”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”



    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979


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    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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    "Death is life isn’t it”

    “Everything in the universe is growing or dying, nothing stays the same”

    “We see what is coming but there is so much positivity that I feel”

    “Body positivity…that’s all over”

    “If you feel horrid about yourself you aren’t going to be as happy as you can be”

    “I now have people who support me and outwardly love what I do”

    "The law is whatever those powerful people decide on the day"






    Episode Sponsor - AG1

    Claim your exclusive offer of AG1 at the link below



    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “The Disruptive Entrepreneur”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”



    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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     "We should say you identify as a Christian. You're not a gay Christian, not a gay Brit, whatever. You're a Christian and then your sexuality is something you're working on."

    "I think anyone with a brain knew what I was saying. Which is, any man that finds himself entangled with a woman like that is gonna have a miserable life."

    "The whole purpose of Christianity is striving towards holiness, is trying to be Christlike."

    "My regret is that I didn't love myself enough... I tortured myself way more than they tortured me. And so I've battled my whole life with people pleasing and conflict avoiding."

    "The worst thing you can do to children is put them in a single parent family. I mean that's literally a crime."

    "We get wrapped up in our own ego that we think we can contribute, we can make a difference. And we might we to make a big difference or a small difference. Or we might do loads of stuff and all of it come to nought."






    Episode Sponsor - AG1

    Claim your exclusive offer of AG1 at the link below



    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “The Disruptive Entrepreneur”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”



    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.



    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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    "The Money Matrix is the hidden financial system where a few powerful people and banks control the money in the world."

    "If you don't risk anything, you risk everything. So, everything you want on your life is the other side of fear."

    "So if you're rich, you create products. If you're broke, you are the product. So most people are the product for the bank."

    "I travel a lot because I was demoralized from back in 2013 14 that what's happening here, like in terms of, I didn't feel, I didn't feel."

    "The fear of getting hit in the face is worse than getting hit in the face."






    Episode Sponsor - AG1

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    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “The Disruptive Entrepreneur”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”



    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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    • Why death, negativity and evil are necessary parts of a successful life
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    • How to guide yourself back to authenticity and homeostasis.
    • Why AI is a necessary part of human evolution



    "The purpose of marriage is to help two people become authentic, where they maximise their potential to contribute to this world."

    "Depression is a comparison of your current reality to a fantasy you're addicted to. The fantasy is a pleasure without a pain. The depression is a pain without a pleasure. And they're both poles of a magnet to letting you know that you're imbalanced in your perception and you've got a subjective bias in your interpretation of reality."

    "Your values come from your voids. Your voids come from anything that you're too proud or too humble to admit that you see in others inside you."

    "ADHD is a label from pharmaceutical companies to, And from counsellors and psychologists and teachers who aren't aware of how to communicate in kids values. Who are therefore what, just lazy teachers who aren't not intentionally lazy. Or maybe not inspired teachers. They're just not educated. "

     "The real you, authenticity, is seeing both sides simultaneously and embracing them equally."

     "Burnout and boredom are feedback that you're not authentic. They're giving you feedback."

     "Eternal change is constantly changing forms. The master lives in a world where it sees the new forms, dances in the new forms."







    Episode Sponsor - AG1

    Claim your exclusive offer of AG1 at the link below



    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “The Disruptive Entrepreneur”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”



    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

    en-GBJune 17, 2024

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    “1st amendment is your right to free speech”

    “From 2030 the United Kingdom with introduce central bank digital currency”

    “The banks are stopping you putting money in crypto”

    “The cashless society advanced hugely during the lockdown”






    Episode Sponsor - AG1

    Claim your exclusive offer of AG1 at the link below



    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “The Disruptive Entrepreneur”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”



    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

    en-GBJune 14, 2024

    Red Carded by the BBC: Mark Lawrenson Talks About Shocking Exit and Life Before and After Football

    Red Carded by the BBC: Mark Lawrenson Talks About Shocking Exit and Life Before and After Football

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    Mark Lawrenson Reveals:

    • Why the BBC Sacked him
    • The differences between male and female football
    • Why TV and the country has gone ‘too soft’
    • What it was like to play for Liverpool
    • Why being told he couldn’t play football drove him to his ultimate success
    • The negative impact of big money and finance on football
    • A shocking story surrounding Maxwell's alleged murder by Mossad



    “Really good [football] commentary makes a huge difference”

    “The country is knackered”

    "Bob Paisley comes down from upstairs, takes him a couple of minutes and everything. Walks in. Complete hush, respect... Where's Alan Kennedy? And one of the lads had gone, 'Oh, he's over here.' So, Bob strolled over and looked at him, and he said, 'Do you know what, Alan? They shot the wrong fucking Kennedy.'" 

    "I'd get slaughtered sometimes, fair enough, doesn't particularly bother me. And then I'd meet somebody and then they say to me, 'Oh you're completely different from what you, when you're commentating,' and I go, 'No I'm not. I'm just the same.'" 

    "One of the problems with the BBC was that they don't really understand things like you've been a footballer and sometimes you get left out. And you get taken off the pitch. And it's as though they can't tell you the bad news." 

    "My biggest disruption was my mum leaving us... We never knew. My mum always said to us, 'You, I'll never tell you what happened, but you would have done the same thing.'"

    "Robert Maxwell owns Derby, Kevin Maxwell owns Oxford... He looked at me and he said, 'What's your problem?' I imagine that, and it just all came out, and I called him every name under the sun. And he looked at me, and he went, 'I quite like you actually.'”






    Episode Sponsor - AG1

    Claim your exclusive offer of AG1 at the link below



    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “The Disruptive Entrepreneur”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”



    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

    en-GBJune 10, 2024

    Rob’s Supercars: Proving the Haters Wrong!

    Rob’s Supercars: Proving the Haters Wrong!

    For the first time ever, Rob is revealing his entire supercar collection. From the fastest to his ultimate favourite, he talks through each car, revealing what he loves and proving to the haters and trolls what he really owns and drives!

    Rob Reveals:

    • The fastest car he owns
    • How many supercars he owns
    • How much he paid for his supercars
    • Why he loves the pursuit of owning supercars


    “This kind of car is going to be good for our filming when we go and visit our guests”

    “It’s impossible for me to get all my cars in one place”

    “This car either makes people orgasm, scream with excitement or panic and nearly have a heart attack”

    “It’s not owning the nice things that’s the pleasure, it’s getting and attaining them”






    Episode Sponsor - AG1

    Claim your exclusive offer of AG1 at the link below



    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “The Disruptive Entrepreneur”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”



    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

    en-GBJune 07, 2024

    The Mad Max Prophecy: Dan Pena's Dire Warning for Humanity

    The Mad Max Prophecy: Dan Pena's Dire Warning for Humanity

    Rob interviews the unapologetically controversial Dan Pena. Brace yourself for a wild ride as Pena, an ex-war veteran and successful entrepreneur, unleashes his unfiltered opinions on the world's dire state. From the decline of masculinity to the impending economic tsunami, Pena fearlessly tackles taboo topics with his signature approach. Prepare to be shocked, informed, and inspired by this unforgettable conversation!

    Dan Pena Reveals:

    • The world is devolving, not evolving
    • Why humanity's best days are behind us,
    • What is contributing to the downfall of society
    • The real risks of AI
    • Why confrontation is necessary for success
    • Money is the key to happiness
    • The tactics of the rich in this economic crisis
    • Why governments and media are liars


    "The world is soft. It just is. I predicted in 1980, when the wall came down, 1989-90, I said we're gonna go back to Mad Max. Mel Gibson movie, that's where we're headed. Apocalypse."

    "I went out of my way to be around super smart people. I went out of my way to listen to them."

    "The truth always hurts. You mean it hurts yourself, hurts other people? Other people."

    "Money's not the only thing in life, but it's the only one of the only things they keep track of."

    "The secret to your success will be, going from this day forward, how you differentiate K N O W with N O. Knowing when to say no, or if to say no."






    Episode Sponsor - AG1

    Claim your exclusive offer of AG1 at the link below



    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “The Disruptive Entrepreneur”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”



    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

    en-GBJune 03, 2024

    Would You Choose Rolex or Cash? Or Risk it for more? Competition Winner Reveal!

    Would You Choose Rolex or Cash? Or Risk it for more? Competition Winner Reveal!

    Rob reveals the winner of his most recent competition but there's a twist. It was agreed that the winner could choose a Rolex or cash but Rob then reveals to the competition winner Sara, that she could risk half of the cash for a chance to walk away with more cash! See how she fares for a bit of fun and learn a few money facts too!


    "For half a Rolex, what is my middle name?”

    “Now you’ve put me on the spot!”

    “The word Salary derives from what word?”






    Episode Sponsor - AG1

    Claim your exclusive offer of AG1 at the link below



    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “The Disruptive Entrepreneur”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”



    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

    en-GBMay 31, 2024

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    Key Takeaways

    How has the attack defined you and your work now? There are so many things that have defined me. I am a different person now to the woman I was in my 20s. I always think that there is a good thing around the corner even when the shit really hits the fan. I’ve always been self-employed and know the stress and excitement of being self-employed. I trained as a beauty therapist, and worked harder and harder, longer hours to make a bit more money. The attack changed me in a second, but the stress I experienced before prepared me to become more resilient


    What does your week look like? No day is the same, which is why I want this path. I thought I was stupid at school, but I realised I just wasn’t academic. When I was childless and single I said yes to everything and that has led to burnout. But nowadays I say no to more things, and I do work for free doing things. I’m a massive believer in creating passive income, and I want to spend more time with my kids. My charitable things have helped my commercial ventures as well.


    What do you do for free? That would be on a case by case basis, and I get hundreds of enquiries every day. If I think I can help, I’ll say yes, but if it means I will miss my kid's bedtime for the third night in a row then I would say no. You can set up a business and not pay yourself but it’s an asset for the future like my podcast. I’m interested in investing in property, because in the media the income can be up and down month to month. Progressive gave me the confidence to invest in property. I try and not put all my eggs in one basket.


    Katie was a stage name. Before I got attacked I wanted to have a stage name. In the hospital, I saw a psychologist every day and they asked me to write things down. This helped me process those deep and dark thoughts. I decided to put these together in a manuscript and sent it off to publishers. I was rejected for one year. I would post it off every Friday and got rejected a lot. After my documentary, I gained a platform and was able to gain a publishing contract for my autobiography. I’ve been writing ever since.


    How do you become more confident? I don’t think it is a fixed thing. I’m confident in some areas of my life, and not so much in others. A lot of people want to have consistency in confidence. Confidence is often associated with appearance a lot of the time but this can sometimes be momentary and not sustained. Confidence is about acceptance about how the world is. You should always try and learn more things and gain confidence that way. In the modern world with social media, it can be easy to end up envying others, and believing in a facade.


    I want to show my kids what the world is really like. I’m really honest with my kids about stuff and treat her like an edited adult. I like people to treat me honestly in life, and it’s easier to deal with rejection that way. If we stop talking about these things then they become a negative bigger thing.


    Getting things done has real satisfaction. This changes when you have staff though. I went through a period with my business where we had people leaving all the time. Not everyone works in that way, and it can be difficult. It’s hard to understand when everyone doesn’t want to get stuff done in your way. You have to realise that you need different skills in a team, and you need people different from you.


    I get nervous, and a little bit of self-doubt before I go on TV. That responsibility is good. That nervousness is something that you can embrace. When that stops you have gone flat. It’s like reviews however where they are really individual opinions. You can be the best version of you and do the best speech you’ve ever done but some people will always hate what you’ve done.


    If you do care about people you can’t empty your cup because then you can’t help anyone. In Britain, we don’t always tell the truth. When we ask each other, ‘how we are?’ we don’t always tell the truth. You have to take this on a case by case basis however, you don’t have to tell the truth all the time. You can have a facade sometimes to protect yourself but other times it’s good, to tell the truth.


    Money does rule me because I associate money with security. Money gives me opportunity and choice. I accumulate money but I don’t really spend it. I don’t really spend money on designer labels, I wear Topshop, and rent a designer dress for the day to go on TV. If I did a job different to mine then I might have spent my money differently. I send my most money on food, I always cook from scratch. It’s in the £100’s of pounds for seven days. I want to live long and I don’t want my injuries to shorten my life.


    What does disruptive mean to you? It’s about being unapologetically you. When I was younger people put limits on what I can do. I would put a picture of myself without make-up one but a lot of people will not like that. That might not always turn out well, but that doesn’t matter what people think. It’s about being accepting of who you are.


    Best Moments

    • ‘What happened to me was a very small snapshot.’
    • ‘If you’re a victim you didn’t survive.’
    • ‘I’ve always known that struggle and have to have a work ethic’
    • ‘When I was in my twenties my job was connected to my aesthetic.’
    • ‘I always think that I experienced something that people experience in their 70’s.’
    • ‘I was like a toddler in my twenties.’
    • ‘I learn in a different way.’
    • ‘I’m a big believer in charities, as they helped me so much.’
    • ‘I don’t carry guilt if I’m working hard.’
    • ‘Private healthcare can’t stop you from dying.’
    • ‘I’ve become less interested in money, and have a less traditional relationship with money.’
    • ‘It never really is working for free.’
    • ‘I want to put good stuff out there.’
    • ‘I am a controlled risk-taker.’
    • ‘Life is unpredictable.’
    • ‘My book was in the number 1 bestseller Times list.’
    • ‘With self-help, a lot of it is recycled.’
    • ‘I don’t always believe in no, just no right now.’
    • ‘Confidence is about acceptance.’
    • ‘Online you can start envying a facade.’
    • ‘Sales don’t define books.’
    • ‘Nothing is as catastrophic as you think it is.’
    • ‘It’s hard to understand when everyone doesn’t want to get stuff done in your way.’
    • ‘Don’t judge people on your own standards.’
    • ‘Ego is also not asking for help.’
    • ‘Depression isn’t a choice.’
    • ‘To be vulnerable is scary but you can develop your resilience.’
    • ‘The purpose of a critic is to keep us in balance.’
    • ‘Sometimes people put you on a pedestal and it isn’t always helpful.’
    • ‘I invest in my health more than my clothes.’
    • ‘I got criminal money and then didn’t do anything with it for two years.’
    • ‘Some of our judicial systems is not fit for purpose.’
    • ‘Don’t oversell a product, be real.’
    • ‘I was forced to be me, after being disfigured.’

    About the Guest

    Katie Piper is a best-selling international author, inspirational speaker, TV presenter and charity campaigner. Katie made the decision to share her story in a remarkable film for the Cutting Edge strand on Channel 4 called ‘Katie: My Beautiful Face’ which was watched by over 3.5million viewers and nominated for Best Single Documentary at the BAFTA Television Awards in 2010.

    In 2009 she set up a charity The Katie Piper Foundation to help people with burns and scars to reconnect with their lives and their communities. Simon Cowell supported Katie by becoming the patron and remains actively involved to date. The charity’s vision is a world where scars do not limit a person’s function, social inclusion or sense of well-being. In addition to her charity and writing commitments, Katie is also a TV presenter.

    Contact Method

    Website: https://www.katiepiperandyou.co.uk

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/KatiePiper_

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/katiepiperofficial/?fref=ts

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katiepiper_/

    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979


    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com