
    Optimize Your Gut to Fight Disease With Tim Spector

    enMay 22, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Plant Diversity and Gut HealthEmbrace a diverse range of plant-based foods for optimal nutrition and gut health. Leading experts, like medical professor Tim Spector, emphasize this holistic approach.

      Optimal nutrition is about more than just avoiding certain foods or focusing on one aspect of your diet. It's important to consider the holistic view and prioritize a diverse range of plant-based foods, as our gut health and the microbiome play a crucial role in our overall well-being. In this episode of the Rich Roll podcast, medical professor Tim Spector, a leading expert on gut health and diet, emphasizes the importance of plant diversity and discusses the future of food and microbiome science. Additionally, the podcast highlights the benefits of Momentous' plant-based protein, On's high-performance apparel, and Go Brewing's alcohol-free brews. These sponsors align with the episode's focus on health, performance, and well-being.

    • From bones and joints to the microbiome: Dr. Tim Spector's career evolutionDr. Tim Spector's career evolved from focusing on bones and joints to pioneering research in the microbiome, challenging fixed views on aging and disease through citizen science and genetics.

      Dr. Tim Spector, a world-renowned expert in the field of gut health and the microbiome, got his start as a doctor and epidemiologist, initially focusing on bones and joints. However, his interest in the genetic components of diseases led him to the groundbreaking Twins UK project, which discovered that many common diseases have a significant genetic component. This discovery opened up new avenues of research, leading him to explore the common chronic diseases of aging. An epiphany came when he realized that if a model worked for one area of study, it could be applied to others. This eventually led him to the microbiome, where he is now a pioneering researcher and advocate for citizen science. Throughout his career, Dr. Spector has challenged fixed views about aging and disease, proving that genetics play a larger role than previously believed. Today, he continues to innovate and expand our understanding of the microbiome and its impact on our health. To learn more, visit gobrewing.com and use the code RICHROLL for 15% off your first purchase.

    • From genetics to microbiome: A shift in disease understandingThe microbiome's unique chemical production influences health outcomes more than previously thought, challenging the belief that genetics alone determine health.

      Our understanding of disease and health has shifted from focusing solely on genetics to recognizing the importance of the microbiome and its role in producing unique chemicals in response to food. Identical twins, who share nearly identical genetics, have vastly different microbiomes and respond differently to the same food. This diversity in microbes and their resulting chemical production is a complex and infinite variable that can influence health outcomes, making it a potentially more significant predictor than genetics alone. The microbiome functions as a "mini pharmacy," converting food into unique chemicals that impact our immune system, brains, and overall health. This paradigm shift challenges the conventional perspective that our genetic makeup is the primary determinant of our health and opens up new avenues for understanding the complex relationship between food, microbes, and health.

    • The microbiome: A complex ecosystem in our bodiesThe microbiome, a community of microorganisms, is a vital organ responsible for immune signaling, neurotransmitter production, and metabolic functions.

      The microbiome, a community of microorganisms living in our bodies, particularly in our lower intestine, plays a crucial role in our health. It is a complex ecosystem, consisting of bacteria, archaea, fungi, yeasts, viruses, and parasites, which interact with our immune system and produce various chemicals that impact our body and brain. The microbiome is often referred to as a virtual organ, weighing around 2 kilograms, and is responsible for various functions, including signaling immune cells, producing neurotransmitters, and influencing metabolism. The importance of the microbiome as a vital organ for health was not fully understood until recently, as conventional wisdom focused on eliminating parasites and bacteria, and viewing the gut as merely a tube for toxin elimination and nutrient absorption. However, the advent of genetics and the ability to measure the microbiome accurately has led to a new understanding of its vast implications for health and disease.

    • Discoveries from twin research on genetics and healthTwin research over 30 years revealed heritability of back pain, fat distribution, cataracts, political views, belief in God, and vitamin D levels. It also explored epigenetics, the potential for genetic expression and inheritance of ancestral traits under certain circumstances.

      The research on twins conducted over the past 30 years has led to numerous discoveries about the genetic influences on various traits and conditions. Some of these findings include the heritability of back pain, fat distribution, cataracts, political views, belief in God, and even vitamin D levels. The research also explored epigenetics, which refers to the potential for genetic expression and the inheritance of ancestral traits that can be expressed under certain circumstances. The concept of epigenetics is often referred to as "soft inheritance," and it's believed to be an evolutionary adaptation that allows individuals to switch genes on or off in response to stress, helping them adapt to changing environments and survive. However, proving this theory in humans has been challenging, as the effects of epigenetic changes can last for only a few generations before fading away. Despite these challenges, the twin research has provided valuable insights into the complex relationship between genetics and various aspects of human health and behavior.

    • Mouse studies can be misleading when extrapolated to humansA diverse diet of 30 different plant types per week is crucial for optimal gut health, regardless of dietary restrictions or preferences.

      Extrapolating findings from mouse studies to humans can be misleading and confusing. This issue has been a recurring theme in various scientific fields, including microbiome research. Early studies on the microbiome were prone to exaggeration and flawed due to the significant differences between human and mouse biology. Mouse studies are often more plentiful and easier to conduct due to their lower cost and shorter timeframes compared to human trials. The American Gut Project and the British Gut Project, which involved collaborations between researchers in the US and the UK, were significant steps forward in understanding the link between diet, fiber intake, and gut health in both populations. The study found that consuming 30 different types of plants per week was the key to optimal gut health, regardless of dietary restrictions or preferences. This holistic approach emphasizes the importance of a diverse diet rather than focusing on specific foods or restrictions.

    • Maintaining a diverse plant-based diet is key to a healthy gut microbiomeAim for a colorful, polyphenol-rich diet with a variety of plant-based foods, and avoid ultra-processed items to support a healthy gut microbiome.

      Maintaining a diverse plant-based diet is the most effective way to support a healthy gut microbiome. This simple rule, which prioritizes consuming a variety of colorful, polyphenol-rich foods and avoiding ultra-processed items, is flexible, easy to follow, and has stood the test of time. While this focus on the microbiome was not widely accepted when the research began in 2014, it has since gained significant attention and acceptance. Initially, some colleagues and the nutrition profession were skeptical, viewing it as a passing fad. However, through perseverance and collaboration, the idea of personalizing food choices based on individual microbiome and blood test results emerged, leading to the formation of companies like Zoe, which aimed to make this a reality. Their mission was to combine microbiome analysis with continuous glucose monitoring to provide quantitative data on how individuals respond to different foods.

    • The Predict Study reveals unique responses to food based on individual microbiomesThe Predict Study showed that everyone processes food differently due to unique microbiomes, highlighting the importance of personalized nutrition and lifestyle habits.

      The microbiome, the community of bacteria in our gut, plays a crucial role in our health and nutrition. This was discovered through a groundbreaking study called the Predict Study, which involved feeding identical foods to 1,000 people, mainly twins, and analyzing their blood samples. The results showed significant differences in how people responded to the same food, revealing that everyone clears fat at different rates and has unique responses to sugar and insulin. This discovery provided the basis for understanding personalized nutrition and lifestyle habits, and the potential for predicting how individuals would respond to certain foods based on baseline tests. This realization that the microbiome is mutable and can be influenced by diet is empowering, as it shows that small changes to nutrition can have significant effects on our health. Understanding and prioritizing gut health and the microbiome is essential, as it is a complex and important aspect of our overall wellbeing, and getting it right is a challenging but worthwhile endeavor.

    • Exploring the complexities of the human microbiomeParasites like blastocystis can improve health, but understanding the microbiome requires massive data sets and advanced tools like AI, companies collect data for personalized nutrition, and citizen science and advanced tech enable large-scale experiments.

      Our understanding of the human microbiome and its role in health is still in its infancy, and we're only beginning to scratch the surface of the complex interactions between various microbes, parasites, viruses, and phages. For instance, a parasite called blastocystis, which is present in most ancient populations and some modern ones, can actually improve health by reducing visceral fat, lowering blood lipid levels, and decreasing blood pressure. However, the vast complexity of the microbiome requires massive data sets and advanced tools like artificial intelligence to make sense of it all. Companies like Zoe are now collecting data from thousands of stool samples to uncover the key ingredients of a healthy microbiome and link it to specific foods and health outcomes. This data analytics also opens up the possibility of personalized nutrition based on individual microbiome makeup. The advent of citizen science and advanced technologies is allowing for detailed experiments on a large scale, providing both detailed information and population studies, which is a game-changer in the field of microbiome research.

    • Revolutionizing Scientific Research with Technology and Citizen ScientistsDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, the Zoe app transformed from a nutrition platform to a tool for tracking outbreaks and identifying new symptoms using citizen scientists and real-time data, leading to faster discoveries and changes in diagnostic criteria worldwide.

      The use of technology and citizen scientists working together has revolutionized the way scientific research is conducted, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Zoe app, which started as a nutrition-focused platform, quickly pivoted to understanding COVID symptoms and became the number one tool in the UK for tracking outbreaks and identifying new symptoms. With millions of users sharing data in real-time, researchers were able to make discoveries much faster than traditional methods, such as waiting for grants or conducting studies over long periods. For example, the loss of smell as a symptom was identified through the app, which led to a change in criteria for COVID diagnosis around the world. Other discoveries included delirium in old people, different symptoms in children, and the link between diet quality and COVID severity. This new approach to science not only proved that technology is not just for the young but also demonstrated its power in making a significant impact during a global health crisis.

    • Using technology for health research: A COVID-19 tracking app repurposed as a health study toolRepurposing a COVID-19 tracking app into a health study tool allowed for the collection of data on various lifestyle factors from a large population, leading to the successful study of intermittent fasting and the potential for personalized lifestyle interventions based on individual data.

      The use of technology, specifically mobile apps, can significantly expand the scope and accessibility of health research studies. In this case, a COVID-19 tracking app was repurposed into a health study app, allowing for the collection of data on various lifestyle factors from a large population. One successful study focused on intermittent fasting, with over 140,000 participants. The app enabled users to report on factors like mood, sleep, appetite, and weight, and the results showed that 80% of participants managed to maintain a 10-hour eating window for at least 3 weeks. This study not only demonstrated the effectiveness of intermittent fasting but also highlighted the importance of understanding its practicality for the general population. The data collected also allowed for the exploration of variables like age, gender, and food choices, and the use of biometric data from devices added further insights. The next phase is to use this data to personalize lifestyle interventions and predict which interventions will be most effective for individual users. This approach can lead to more effective and sustainable health improvements, particularly for subjects that don't typically receive significant funding.

    • Personalized Nutrition: The Future of ResearchThe future of nutrition research focuses on personalized approaches, providing customized advice based on unique responses to foods, improving health outcomes, and extending beyond weight loss to manage energy levels, mood, and inflammation.

      The future of nutrition research lies in personalized approaches, where individuals receive customized advice based on their unique responses to different foods. This approach, which is already showing promising results in improving health outcomes, is more effective because people are more likely to believe and adhere to recommendations that are personalized to them. Randomized controlled trials are being conducted to provide scientific evidence for the effectiveness of personalized nutrition, and these studies are expected to show that individuals feel better when they consume foods that suit their specific needs. The benefits extend beyond just weight loss, as personalized nutrition can help individuals manage their energy levels, improve their mood, and reduce inflammation. The future of nutrition research is moving away from one-size-fits-all advice towards personalized approaches, and critics who cling to outdated methods will eventually be left behind. However, it's important to navigate privacy concerns and other issues as we continue to develop and refine personalized nutrition technologies.

    • Understanding Metabolic Health with CGMs: More Than Just a Numbers GameCGMs offer real-time insights into metabolic health, but should be used as part of a holistic approach to avoid unhealthy habits and ensure proper education.

      Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) are a valuable tool for understanding metabolic health, but they should be used as part of a holistic approach rather than an obsession. CGMs provide real-time insights into how the body processes food and can lead to interesting discoveries about lifestyle habits and dietary choices. However, without proper education, there is a risk of developing unhealthy eating habits based on an over-reliance on CGM metrics. For example, focusing solely on flattening the curve can lead to an unbalanced diet. CGMs are not perfect and have limitations, but studies have shown they can provide valuable predictive information beyond traditional blood tests. It's essential to use CGMs as one part of a comprehensive approach to metabolic health, considering factors like fat handling, gut microbes, and overall diet. By taking a more holistic view, CGMs can be a useful educational tool for understanding the body's response to food and making informed choices for improved health.

    • Monitoring metabolic health through blood glucose and triglyceride levelsRegular monitoring of blood glucose and triglyceride levels can reveal insights into overall health. Frequent spikes indicate insulin resistance, inflammation, and increased risk of chronic diseases. A diverse plant-based diet may improve metabolic health by enhancing gut microbial diversity.

      Understanding our body's metabolic health through real-time monitoring of blood glucose and triglyceride levels can provide valuable insights into our overall health. While some spikes in these readings are normal, frequent and prolonged spikes can lead to insulin resistance, inflammation, and an increased risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Additionally, there is a clear association between poor metabolic health and a lack of microbial diversity in the gut. Improving the quality of one's microbiome through a diverse plant-based diet may help mitigate insulin resistance and other metabolic issues. In the future, real-time monitoring of metabolic health may become more accessible through wearable technology, providing individuals with valuable information to make informed decisions about their health.

    • The role of gut health in preventing and managing chronic diseasesConsuming fermented foods can improve gut health and immune function within weeks, a healthy immune system is crucial for fighting off cancer cells, a diverse and balanced microbiome, fiber-rich diet, and positive aspects of the Mediterranean diet increase chances of survival, food is medicine.

      The health of our gut microbiome plays a significant role in preventing and managing various chronic diseases, including those related to inflammation and cancer. Studies suggest that consuming fermented foods can lead to noticeable improvements in gut health and immune function within a few weeks. In the case of cancer, particularly melanoma, a healthy immune system is crucial for fighting off cancer cells. Recent research indicates that the state of the gut microbiome can predict the success of immunotherapy treatments. A diverse and balanced microbiome, along with a diet rich in fiber and positive aspects of the Mediterranean diet, can increase the chances of survival. These findings challenge the traditional view of food as merely a source of nutrients and highlight the importance of considering food as medicine.

    • The role of gut microbiome during cancer treatmentStudies suggest gut microbiome plays a crucial role in cancer survival, especially during chemotherapy and radiation. Personalized medicine should focus on promoting healthy diets and understanding its role in overall health and disease prevention.

      The importance of maintaining a healthy gut microbiome, particularly during cancer treatment, cannot be overstated. While the role of diet in cancer treatment is not yet fully understood or widely discussed among oncologists, studies suggest that the gut microbiome plays a crucial role in survival, especially during chemotherapy and radiation. Hospitals like Sloan Kettering and MD Anderson are already preserving and returning patients' gut microbiomes after treatment to aid in recovery. The future of personalized medicine involves early detection and prevention through advanced scanning technology, but it's essential not to overlook the importance of diet and gut health in the present. Misconceptions about avoiding fermented foods during cancer treatment can harm patients, as these foods can actually boost the immune system when white blood cell counts are adequate. The future of medicine should focus on promoting healthy diets and understanding the gut microbiome's role in overall health and disease prevention.

    • Ultra processed foods linked to microbiome dysfunctionEmpower individuals with tools to navigate complex food landscape, shift focus from calories and macronutrients to personalized food pyramids, and address population level issues with ultra processed foods.

      The consumption of ultra processed foods is linked to microbiome dysfunction, and these foods should come with health warnings due to their negative effects on our health. Prevention is key, and individuals should be empowered with tools like personalized nutrition apps and devices to navigate the complex food landscape and make informed choices. The future of nutrition lies in personalized food pyramids and moving beyond the outdated concept of calories and macronutrients. The food industry's focus on these metrics has been exploited to sell unhealthy, artificial foods. It's time for a shift towards understanding the true impact of ultra processed foods on our health and taking action at a population level.

    • Focusing on calories and fat alone is misleadingPrioritize whole, plant-based foods and be wary of deceptive marketing. Understand that calories and fat are not equal and read labels carefully.

      Focusing solely on calorie and fat content when evaluating food is misleading and doesn't account for the quality and impact of different foods on our bodies. Calories and fat are not created equal, and foods labeled as low-calorie or low-fat can still be unhealthy. Instead, we should prioritize whole, plant-based foods and be aware of the addictive nature of ultra-processed foods. The food industry's use of healthy packaging and marketing tactics can be deceiving, and it's crucial to read labels carefully and understand the true nature of the food. The conversation around food education and making healthier choices needs to be ongoing, and it's essential to recognize the political challenges in implementing policies that promote whole foods and discourage the consumption of unhealthy alternatives. While it may seem overwhelming, simple steps like incorporating more fruits and vegetables into our diets, and being mindful of the hidden dangers in seemingly healthy alternatives, can make a significant difference.

    • Understanding the Quality of Frozen and Canned FoodsAvoid long-ingredient, artificial foods. Frozen berries, veggies, and nuts are nutritious. Ultra-processed meals and snacks should be avoided. Cook food lightly to release nutrients. Freezing and microwaving are efficient and nutrient-preserving methods.

      While frozen and canned foods can be nutritious and cost-effective, not all are created equal. It's essential to avoid those with long ingredient lists and artificial sources. Surprisingly, frozen berries and vegetables are often just as good as fresh, and nuts make for a healthy snack. However, ultra-processed foods, like ready meals and snacks, should be avoided due to their harmful effects on the immune system and gut microbes. Cooking food lightly to release nutrients and understanding the structure of food are crucial. Freezing and microwaving are also efficient and nutrient-preserving methods. The book emphasizes the importance of being open-minded about food preparation and packaging, as they significantly impact the nutrient value and environmental impact of our meals.

    • Impact of Food Preparation and Choices on Health and EnvironmentChopping garlic freshly enhances health benefits, avoiding plastic contact essential due to microplastics, ethical considerations important, eco-friendly choices may have health trade-offs, stay informed and prioritize transparency, every food purchase is a vote for the world

      The way we prepare and source our food can significantly impact both our health and the environment. Chopping garlic just before use can increase its health benefits, while avoiding plastic contact is essential due to the potential presence of microplastics. Ethical considerations, such as animal welfare and labor practices, are important when choosing food items. However, making eco-friendly choices can sometimes come with health trade-offs, like switching from dairy milk to oat milk. Balancing these factors can be challenging, and while there are efforts to provide consumers with more information, such as environmental scores, it's impossible to retain all the details. The complexities of food production and labeling make it crucial to stay informed and prioritize transparency. Ultimately, every food purchase is a vote for the world, and considering the health, ethical, and environmental implications of our choices can lead to a more mindful and sustainable approach to eating.

    • Pesticides in Food and Their Impact on Gut MicrobiomeStudies suggest that pesticides like glyphosate can harm our health, particularly our gut microbiome. While it's challenging to avoid exposure entirely, going organic is an option. Eating a diverse diet and avoiding processed foods can also support a healthy microbiome.

      The presence of pesticides like glyphosate in our food supply, even in small amounts, raises concerns about potential harm to our health, particularly our gut microbiome. Studies suggest that glyphosate, which is widely used in agriculture, can increase the risk of lymphomas and disrupt the gut microbiome in animals. It's challenging to avoid exposure entirely as glyphosate is found in many foods, including non-organic produce and breakfast cereals. While the epidemiological evidence is not yet definitive for the entire population, there are concerns that it may be harmful, especially for newborn babies and pregnant women. Going organic is an option for those who can afford it, but it's still important to eat fruits and vegetables, even if they contain pesticides, rather than avoiding them altogether. Additionally, microplastics, which are found in fish and other seafood, can also disrupt the gut microbiome. Overall, while more research is needed, it's clear that a healthy microbiome is crucial for overall health, and taking steps to support it, such as eating a diverse diet and avoiding processed foods, is important.

    • Maintaining a healthy gut ecology requires a diverse range of plants in our dietEating a variety of high fiber, prebiotic, and fermented foods supports a diverse microbiome for optimal health. A diet primarily consisting of meat may have short-term benefits but could lead to long-term health consequences due to less diverse gut microbes.

      A diverse range of plants in our diet is essential for maintaining a healthy and robust gut ecology. This includes high fiber, prebiotic, and fermented foods that support a diverse microbiome. While some people may find success with diets that are almost entirely meat-based, such as the carnivore diet, long-term health consequences could include a poorer immune system due to less diverse gut microbes. It's important to remember that our ancestors' diets were primarily plant-based, and their healthier gut microbes reflect this. The misconception that our ancestors ate a high-protein, high-fat diet is not supported by evidence. The Hadza tribe, a traditional hunter-gatherer community in Africa, is an example of a group with a robust microbiome due to their diverse plant-based diet. However, their way of life is under threat, and it's crucial to preserve and learn from their traditions to inform modern dietary choices.

    • Lessons from Traditional Communities on Health and WellbeingPrioritizing sleep, exercise, and a varied diet, along with living in an environment rich in microbes, can contribute to better health and wellbeing. The microbiome and fecal transplants are areas of ongoing research for various health conditions.

      Studying the habits and lifestyles of traditional communities, like those living in the San bushman camps, can provide valuable lessons about health and wellbeing. Contrary to popular belief, these communities don't burn many more calories than we do and aren't constantly active. Instead, they prioritize sleep, exercise, and a varied diet. They also live in environments rich in microbes, which contribute to their overall health. This discovery has led to the realization that the external environment and the microbes in it play a significant role in our health beyond just what we eat. The study of the microbiome and fecal transplants is an area of ongoing research, particularly in the treatment of certain conditions like recurrent C. difficile infections and ulcerative colitis. However, the hype around its potential as a cure-all for various health issues, including obesity, has not been fully realized. The future of fecal transplants lies in understanding the unique microbiomes of both the donor and recipient, and finding the optimal matching and factors for successful colonization.

    • The importance of a diverse plant-based diet and complex fermented foods for a healthy gut microbiomeEat a variety of plants for microbiome diversity and consume complex fermented foods regularly for prebiotics and probiotics to maintain a healthy gut microbiome

      While the importance of a healthy gut microbiome is widely recognized, the best ways to achieve it are still being researched. The diversity of plants in one's diet is crucial for a healthy microbiome, as probiotic microbes in fermented foods don't stay in the gut long-term but stimulate other microbes to produce helpful chemicals. However, the importance of fermented foods goes beyond just providing probiotics. Complex fermented foods like kefir, kimchi, and kombucha contain prebiotics, meaning the plants that nourish the microbes are also consumed, allowing them to hang around longer. It's essential to consume these fermented foods regularly in small portions to maintain a healthy microbiome. However, determining which products are effective can be challenging, as pasteurization processes can kill off beneficial cultures. Cancer research is showing promise in the field of microbiome therapy, and storing one's stool sample for potential future use is a possibility. Overall, the key to a healthy gut microbiome lies in a diverse plant-based diet and regular consumption of complex fermented foods.

    • Challenges in Ensuring Probiotic and Fermented Food Product EfficacyConsumers must critically evaluate probiotic and fermented food products for authenticity, consider individual microbiomes, consult trusted sources, and avoid artificial sweeteners for optimal gut health benefits.

      Consumers face challenges in ensuring the efficacy of probiotic and fermented food products due to the lack of clear labeling and testing requirements. While checking for pasteurization and looking for live cultures are important steps, consumers may need to conduct their own experiments to validate the authenticity of these products. Probiotics, particularly for those with specific health conditions, have shown potential benefits in various studies, but the effectiveness can vary greatly depending on the specific strain and individual microbiomes. The next generation of probiotics, based on new scientific discoveries, holds promise for more targeted and effective health benefits. However, it's crucial for consumers to approach these products with a critical eye and consult trusted sources for accurate information. Additionally, beware of artificial sweeteners, which can harm gut microbes, and opt for natural sweeteners or a slight increase in sugar content instead.

    • Exploring personalized approaches to improving your microbiome and healthFocus on a diverse diet rich in colorful, bitter, and whole foods. Practice time-restricted eating and eating more slowly. Understand your body's unique needs. Consider the environmental impact of food choices.

      When it comes to improving your microbiome and overall health, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Instead, focusing on a diverse diet rich in colorful, bitter, and whole foods, as well as practicing time-restricted eating and eating more slowly, can make a significant impact. Experimenting with different food choices and understanding your body's unique needs is crucial. Additionally, considering the environmental impact of your food choices can benefit both your health and the planet. Remember, the complexity of nutrition science means that clear-cut answers are hard to come by, but taking a personalized and adventurous approach to your diet can lead to positive changes.

    • Exploring the Impact of Ultra-Processed Foods on Human HealthResearch on the health effects of ultra-processed foods vs real food is ongoing, with potential for new probiotics, prebiotics, and medicines. Join the scientific exploration with resources like Tim's book 'Food for Life' and the ZOE app.

      While a large-scale study comparing the health effects of ultra-processed food against real food would provide valuable insights, it's a study that hasn't been conducted yet due to funding and ethical concerns. However, research in this area is evolving rapidly, with companies like ZOE introducing new features to provide personalized feedback and testing for gut microbiomes. The potential impact of these discoveries could be significant, potentially leading to new probiotics, prebiotics, and even medicines. The field of nutritional science is at the beginning of a transformative era, and it's an exciting time for those interested in human and planetary health. To learn more, check out Tim's book "Food for Life" and the ZOE app. Join the community and be a part of the scientific exploration.

    • Stay informed and support the team behind Rich Roll podcastSubscribe to Rich Roll's newsletter for updates, special offers, and valuable content, while supporting the team that brings you the podcast

      The importance of staying connected and subscribing to resources that align with your interests and goals. The Rich Roll podcast offers a variety of updates, special offers, and valuable content through its newsletter, which you can find on the footer of any page at richroll.com. The production of the podcast is a team effort, involving Jason Camiolo, Cale Curtis, Blake Curtis, Dan Drake, David Greenberg, Daniel Solis, AJ Akpodiete, Georgia Whaley, and music creators Tyler Pyatt, Trapper Pyatt, and Harry Mathis. By subscribing, you'll not only stay informed but also support the team that brings you this valuable content. So, don't miss out – sign up for the newsletter today and continue your journey towards personal growth and wellness.

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    Can Fasting Save Your Life? The Danger Of Visceral Fat & The Incredible Benefits Of Prolonged Water-Only Fasting With Dr. Alan Goldhamer

    Can Fasting Save Your Life? The Danger Of Visceral Fat & The Incredible Benefits Of Prolonged Water-Only Fasting With Dr. Alan Goldhamer
    Dr. Alan Goldhamer is a pioneering researcher, founder and director of TrueNorth Health Center, and a leading expert on water-only fasting. This conversation explores the science behind fasting and its potential to reverse chronic diseases. We examine Dr. Goldhamer’s groundbreaking research, which involves fasting patients for upwards of 40 days, their success stories, the importance of a whole-food, plant-based diet, and the challenges of integrating fasting into mainstream medical practices. Throughout our discussion, Dr. Goldhamer provides insights into the obesity epidemic, details the connection between fasting and longevity, and offers his thoughts on the future of healthcare. Dr. Goldhamer is a maverick, and this conversation is instructive for anyone seeking to optimize their health. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  On: Enter RichRoll10 at the checkout to get 10% OFF 👉on.com/richroll Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉eightsleep.com/richroll  AG1: Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs 👉drinkAG1.com/richroll  This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Listeners get 10% OFF 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enJune 17, 2024

    Sam Harris On Consciousness, Meditation, Misinformation, AI, & What Ails The Modern World

    Sam Harris On Consciousness, Meditation, Misinformation, AI, & What Ails The Modern World
    Sam Harris is a renowned neuroscientist, philosopher, bestselling author, and host of the wildly popular Making Sense podcast. This conversation explores the crisis of misinformation and the erosion of critical thinking in society. Sam shares his journey of understanding consciousness through meditation and psychedelics, and how recognizing the illusion of the self can lead to profound inner freedom.  We discuss the importance of reason, science, AI, and open conversations to navigate the challenges of our time and build a more rational, cooperative future. Sam's insights are thought-provoking and timely. This is a conversation not to be missed. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  LMNT: get a FREE Sample Pack with any drink mix purchase 👉drinkLMNT.com/RICHROLL ROKA: Unlock 20% OFF your order with code RICHROLL 👉ROKA.com/RICHROLL Go Brewing: Use the code Rich Roll for 15% OFF 👉gobrewing.com Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF your first subscription order of Protein or Creatine + 20% OFF 👉livemomentous.com/richroll Whoop: Unlock the best version of yourself 👉join.whoop.com/roll Waking Up: Get a FREE month, plus $30 OFF 👉wakingup.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enJune 10, 2024

    Roll ON: Journaling, Creativity & Process—Plus Transformative Books, Thoughts on Regenerative Agriculture & Remembering Swimming's Greatest Coach

    Roll ON: Journaling, Creativity & Process—Plus Transformative Books, Thoughts on Regenerative Agriculture & Remembering Swimming's Greatest Coach
    Mr. Adam Skolnick and I are back in the saddle for Roll On—ready to unpack all that’s transpired in our worlds and beyond!  Specific topics include the creative anxieties of book publishing (Adam finished his novel!), a recent podcast kerfuffle (i.e., Ozempic), my trip to India and meeting with the Dalai Lama, heading to Paris for the Olympics, paying respect to legends lost, book recommendations, and wading into the Sage Bistro regenerative farming debate.  Let’s make up for lost time, shall we? Put us in your earholes! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Peak Design: Get 20% OFF my favorite products 👉 PeakDesign.com/RICHROLL Inside Tracker: Enjoy 10% OFF the InsideTracker Subscription and any plan 👉 insidetracker.com/richroll On: Enter RichRoll10 at the checkout to get 10% OFF your first order   👉on.com/richroll  Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉eightsleep.com/richroll Squarespace: Use code RichRoll for a FREE trial + 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL AG1: REE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs 👉drinkAG1.com/richroll Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enJune 06, 2024

    Psychiatrist Phil Stutz Knows What’s Wrong With You & Has The Tools To Fix It

    Psychiatrist Phil Stutz Knows What’s Wrong With You & Has The Tools To Fix It
    Phil Stutz is a renowned psychiatrist, author, and the protagonist in the Netflix documentary “Stutz”. This conversation explores the intersection of spirituality and Phil’s iconoclastic perspective on personal growth, which emphasizes actionable tools over traditional talk therapy. We discuss Phil’s backstory, his therapeutic philosophy, the drivers of happiness, the importance of embracing reality and uncertainty, the role of faith, finding purpose through service and action, and many other topics. Along the way, Phil expertly psychoanalyzes me. Phil is a treasure. And this conversation is a gift. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF your first subscription order of Protein or Creatine + 20% OFF my favorite products 👉 livemomentous.com/richroll Bon Charge: Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF 👉 boncharge.com Waking Up: Get a FREE month, plus $30 OFF   👉wakingup.com/RICHROLL Brain.fm: Get 30 days FREE of science-backed sound 👉brain.fm/richroll This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Get 10% off your first month by visiting 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enJune 03, 2024

    Navigate Modern Dating & Create A Healthy Love Life: Relationship Coach Matthew Hussey on Breaking Destructive Cycles, Attracting Authentic Connections & More

    Navigate Modern Dating & Create A Healthy Love Life: Relationship Coach Matthew Hussey on Breaking Destructive Cycles, Attracting Authentic Connections & More
    This week, I’m joined by Matthew Hussey, the celebrated relationship expert and bestselling author, to discuss the intricacies of modern dating and to raise standards for authentic connections. With honest truths, he addresses embracing self-worth, setting boundaries, and cultivating a mindset that attracts an equal partnership based on decency, kindness, and respect. Exploring internal fears, anxieties, and the allure of chaotic relationship dynamics, Matthew discusses unreliable instincts and recognizing red, amber, and green lights. He provides a practical roadmap for breaking destructive cycles, navigating vulnerabilities, and nurturing healthy interdependence. Additionally, we examine gender differences in dating insecurities and societal pressures. Matthew emphasizes the importance of open communication, productive arguments, and empowering your partner’s growth. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Bon Charge: Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF 👉 boncharge.com Waking Up: Get a FREE month, plus $30 OFF   👉wakingup.com/RICHROLL Roka: Unlock 20% OFF your order with code RICHROLL 👉ROKA.com/RICHROLL Go Brewing: Use code Rich Roll for 15% OFF your first purchase 👉gobrewing.com  AG1: Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs 👉drinkAG1.com/richroll SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 27, 2024

    Ozempic: Weight Loss Miracle Drug or Something Darker? Johann Hari on The Benefits & Risks

    Ozempic: Weight Loss Miracle Drug or Something Darker? Johann Hari on The Benefits & Risks
    This week, I’m joined by Johann Hari, New York Times bestselling author, journalist, and speaker, to explore his journey into the world of the new weight loss drug phenomenon: Ozempic. Johann shares his surprising firsthand experience injecting himself weekly with the drug for over a year, leading to dramatic weight loss but also complex side effects. We discuss the staggering potential of these “magic pills” to curb the global obesity epidemic, but also the alarming risks like thyroid cancer, pancreatitis, and muscle wasting. Johann provides a nuanced look at the bigger picture—examining the role of pharmaceutical profit, societal pressures around body image, and whether medicalizing thinness addresses root causes. His investigation stretches from the science labs of Iceland to the food culture of Japan. This discussion ultimately confronts sobering philosophical questions about the ethics of pharmaceutical shortcuts versus growth through struggle. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: InsideTracker: Use code RICHROLL at checkout and enjoy 10% OFF the InsideTracker Subscription and any plan 👉insidetracker.com/richroll Seed: Use code RICHROLL25 for 25% OFF your first order  👉seed.com/RichRoll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF your first subscription order of Protein or Creatine, along with 20% OFF all of my favorite products 👉livemomentous.com/richroll Squarespace: Use the offer code RichRoll to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain 👉Squarespace.com/RichRoll  Peak Design: 20% OFF thoughtfully designed carry solutions 👉PeakDesign.com/RICHROLL SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 23, 2024

    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food

    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food
    This week, I’m joined by Dan Churchill, a performance chef redefining what it means to thrive in the culinary world. With a Master’s in Exercise Science, Dan is fueling plates and human performance. As executive chef of Osprey in Brooklyn’s 1 Hotel, a former restaurant owner, coach on Chris Hemsworth’s Centr app, and cookbook author—Dan is at the intersection of cuisine, fitness, and content creation. We talk about his unique background growing up in Sydney, how a passion for food connected his family, and his journey from appearing on MasterChef Australia to self-publishing cookbooks that launched his career in New York City. Dan shares insights from building respected brands like Charley Street, the harsh realities of the restaurant world, the importance of authentic relationships over transactional partnerships, and finding balance as an entrepreneur, athlete, and chef. We discuss his latest projects, eating with intention, properly fueling training, recovery, digestion, and more. We explore performance nutrition facts and myths, managing energy levels, and working with elite athletes like Chris Hemsworth and Lindsey Vonn. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉eightsleep.com/richroll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  AG1: get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase  👉 drinkAG1.com/richroll. Whoop: Unlock the best version of yourself👉join.whoop.com/roll Brain.fm: Listeners of the show can get 30 days FREE 👉brain.fm/richroll SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Listeners get 10% off their first month 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange.
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 20, 2024

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    #137 The Diversity Diet with Dr Megan Rossi

    #137 The Diversity Diet with Dr Megan Rossi

    The benefits of a diverse and colourful diet are huge, and here to talk with me about it today is my colleague and friend Dr. Megan Rossi. A registered dietician with an award-winning PhD in gut health and Research Fellow at King’s College London. Megan is currently investigating nutrition-based therapies in gut health, including pre- and probiotics, dietary fibres, the low FODMAP diet and food additives as well as running a gut health clinic in Harley Street.

    Her latest book “Eat more, Live Well” is a Sunday Times Bestseller for good reasons. It’s a brilliant resource for people wanting to learn more about the benefits of a happy gut, how it can improve mood, energy, weight and more. Plus, Megan has included some brilliant meal plans for different gut needs.

    Today we talk about a host of topics including:

    • The benefits of of a diverse diet
    • Why we should be eating 30 plant points a week
    • Training your taste buds to prefer plants
    • What a healthy microbiota looks like and the role of testing
    • Probiotics for immune support and skin conditions and skin aging
    • And how to reduce bloating when you’re eating more plants

    I’m doing a new thing which is our podcast recipe of the week, a recipe that reflects the topic of conversation on the pod! This week’s recipe is my easy ‘coconut chickpea daal’ which you can find on the app here: https://apple.co/3G0zC0Z (iphone only, android users please bear with me)

    You can download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free to get access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 7 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

    We would love to get your feedback on the subject matter of these episodes - please do let me know on our social media pages (Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) what you think,and give us a 5* rating on your podcast player if you enjoyed today’s episode.

    Check out the recipes and app here: https://apple.co/3G0zC0Z

    Join the newsletter and 7 day meal plan here: https://thedoctorskitchen.com/newsletter/

    Check out the socials here: https://www.instagram.com/doctors_kitchen/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Personalized Approach to Microbiome Health

    Personalized Approach to Microbiome Health

    Our special guest, Tom O’Bryan, DC, will discuss a personalized approach to microbiome health.
    Welcome to Humanized! Each week, we feature top experts in personalized health and functional medicine through engaging interviews and presentations. You’ll get practical advice on diet and nutrition, lifestyle, toxins and disease, hormone imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, inflammation, digestive health, mental health, the fast-changing world of genomics, and so much more.

    All presentations are available as videos, podcasts or transcripts – whichever form is most convenient and enjoyable for you!

    Visit us at: https://humanizedhealth.com

    Subscribe to get weekly updates at: https://omniform1.com/signup/v1/5e736dfb8a48f751fdd6aa8a_604bd3c799f0b7086d1de9a4.html

    RHR: The Microbiome Approach to Better Probiotics, with Colleen Cutcliffe

    RHR: The Microbiome Approach to Better Probiotics, with Colleen Cutcliffe

    Colleen Cutcliffe, CEO and Co-Founder of Pendulum Therapeutics, joins Chris on this episode of Revolution Health Radio to discuss how metabolic health is related to the gut microbiome, microbiome research, and probiotics. They’ll talk about the problem with current probiotics, the opportunities being presented by novel strains and formulations, innovations in understanding the gut–metabolic and gut–brain connections, and the challenges of bringing anaerobic probiotics to the marketplace.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    • The current probiotic marketplace—novel strains and formulations are starting to be discovered after not much new development since the 1970s
    • The difference between aerobic and anaerobic strains and the emerging biotherapeutic agent Akkermansia
    • How the gut microbiome influences everything about your health, and what Pendulum has discovered about these connections
    • The gut–brain neurotransmitter relationship and the potential of novel strains in the treatment and prevention of Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and autism
    • Results of clinical trials with Akkermansia showing significantly lowered A1C and stabilized blood glucose levels
    • The challenges to taking the microbiome approach, including the difficulty in manufacturing anaerobic strains and connecting microbiome science with actual health solutions
    • Recommendations for taking the Pendulum line of therapeutics

    Show notes:

    This episode of Revolution Health Radio is sponsored by Thrive Market and Paleovalley.

    As a member of our community, Thrive Market has a very special offer for you. Visit Thrivemarket.com/RevolutionHealth and join Thrive Market today to get $80 in free groceries!

    Paleovalley is also offering our listeners an exclusive offer. Head over to Paleovalley.com/Chris and use the code KRESSER15 to get 15% off your order.

    Add back in what the modern world has crowded out and feel and perform your best with the new line of Adapt Naturals supplements. Learn more and place your first order at AdaptNaturals.com.

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    This week we chat with Dr. Bruce Patterson, esteemed virologist and CEO/Founder of IncellDx Inc., a single cell diagnostic company committed to advancing Precision Medicine. With his breakthrough diagnosis and treatment options for Long Covid, Dr. Bruce is offering Long Hauler patients a great deal of hope for recovery.

    What The Func?! is produced by the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy. $2000 off with early enrollment until June 1.

    Go to getreds.com/FUNC to unlock your offer of a free Metabolic Greens with your purchase of Metabolic Reds!

    Use code FUNC for 20% off all products and lab tests at https://equi.life.

    Follow us on IG @whatthefunc 



    This week we chat with Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, board certified gastroenterologist and gut health expert. New York Times Bestselling Author of Fiber Fueled and The Fiber Fueled Cookbook (coming out May 17, 2022), Dr. B. walks us through why fiber is the missing link in our health, and why it's one of the most important tools for feeding our gut microbes. And of course we talk about our favorite topic, poop.

    On What The Health?!: Why are flamingos pink?

    What The Func?! is produced by the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy. $2000 off with early enrollment until May 18.

    Go to getreds.com/FUNC to unlock your offer of a free Metabolic Greens with your purchase of Metabolic Reds!

    Follow Dr. Will Bulsiewicz on IG @theguthealthmd 

    Follow us on IG @whatthefunc