
    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing accountability and changing career narrativesAccountability and adaptability are crucial for career success. Wendy Sachs shares her experience of losing a job and pivoting by embracing her diverse experiences and changing her narrative.

      Accountability and the ability to adapt and change the narrative of one's career are key to staying relevant and employable. Wendy Sachs, author of "Fearless and Free: How Smart Women Pivot and Relaunch Their Careers," shares her personal experience of losing her job and struggling to connect the dots of her diverse career experiences to land a new job. Instead of blaming external factors, she took responsibility for her situation and embraced the idea that she was a storyteller, even if she didn't use that language before. By changing her narrative and embracing her past experiences, she was able to pivot and relaunch her career. This theme of accountability and adaptability is something that Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes and encourages in his audience. It's important to remember that everyone's career journey is unique, and it's essential to stay open to new opportunities and be willing to adjust and evolve in order to stay relevant in today's rapidly changing job market.

    • Presenting yourself authentically onlineCraft words carefully for engagement, understand societal norms, and evolve with changing times to effectively present yourself online

      The way we present ourselves, particularly online, plays a significant role in how we are perceived and the opportunities we attract. Gary Vaynerchuk shared his experience of adapting his language and branding to align with those in the jobs he wanted, emphasizing the importance of carefully crafting the words that accompany visual content. He noted that this is especially crucial on platforms like Instagram, where a single word can make the difference between engagement and being passed over. Vaynerchuk also acknowledged the importance of authenticity and understanding the unique ways in which different genders are perceived and consumed. He reflected on how his own approach, which was once seen as unacceptable, has evolved with changing societal norms. Ultimately, he emphasized the importance of owning one's brand and understanding the unique differences between genders in the context of marketing and content creation.

    • Understanding the context behind rejectionResilience, self-respect, and understanding that rejection is often not personal are key to overcoming the sting of being fired or rejected.

      Respecting the source of rejection can help mitigate the sting of it. The speaker shared her experience of being fired multiple times and how she learned to not let it define her or hurt her. She emphasized that organizations make decisions based on various factors and perspectives, and it's essential to understand that rejection is often not personal. The speaker also touched upon the idea that women express power differently than men, and she encouraged men to read her book on building confidence and taking risks, as it applies to everyone, regardless of gender. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of resilience, self-respect, and understanding the context behind rejection.

    • Embracing personal failures for growthCompetitive individuals should trust themselves, learn from losses, and build resilience to societal expectations for personal growth.

      Personal failures or disappointments can lead individuals to lean into themselves, trusting and liking their own company, which can ultimately result in growth and liberation. This is particularly important for competitive individuals, as it's crucial to maintain boundaries and not let external judgments dictate self-worth. Furthermore, societal expectations, such as raising girls to be perfect, can hinder growth by shielding them from failure. Instead, embracing losses and imperfections can help individuals learn valuable lessons and build resilience. The ongoing cultural shift towards raising strong, bold, and courageous children is essential in allowing them to experience and learn from failures.

    • Parents and Children: Unhealthy Connection to SuccessParents should focus on fostering resilience and self-reliance in their children instead of tying their self-esteem to their accomplishments.

      Many parents are unhealthily tying their self-esteem to their children's accomplishments, particularly in the context of private schools and sports. This can create unrealistic expectations and hinder children's ability to learn from failure and succeed independently. Parents need to recognize this behavior and focus on fostering resilience and self-reliance in their children instead. The speaker, Wendy Sachs, shared her personal experiences and insights from her book "Should I Shoot Him Now or Later?" published by the American Management Association, which explores this issue further. The book tour and podcast appearances have been significant in promoting the book's message. When asked about his definition of winning, Gary Vaynerchuk, a guest on the show, shared that he doesn't place a high value on winning itself but rather enjoys the pursuit and the process.

    • The love for the entrepreneurial journeyEntrepreneurship is about the journey, self-awareness, humility, and staying focused on the process, even in the face of losses and adversity.

      Entrepreneurship is about the journey and the process, not just the end goal or the rewards. The speaker expressed his love for the climb and the purity of the entrepreneurial journey, even in the face of losses. He also emphasized the importance of self-awareness and humility, which he sees as strengths that will contribute to his success. Additionally, the speaker reflected on how adversity can play a role in success, but acknowledged his own lack of significant adversity and sought insights from the group on this topic. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of staying focused on the process and developing personal strengths, even when facing challenges.

    • Essential traits for success: self-awareness, humility, and gratitudeFocus on self-awareness, humility, and gratitude to create opportunities and engineer serendipity. Leverage the Internet to build visibility and networks, and focus on what we can control to achieve success.

      Self-awareness, humility, and gratitude are essential traits for success and are not limited to any gender. These qualities can help individuals create their own opportunities and "engineer serendipity," rather than relying on luck. The Internet has democratized opportunities and leveled the playing field, allowing individuals to build visibility and networks despite challenging circumstances. It's important to focus on what we can control and create, rather than dwelling on what we cannot change or judging others' luck. The ability to set things in motion for ourselves and have gratitude for the opportunities we do have is empowering and can lead to success.

    • Leveraging multiple platforms for brand building and audience engagementConsistently create and promote content across various channels for effective brand building and audience engagement. Use platforms like Anchor for podcasting.

      Building a successful brand, especially in the digital space, requires consistent effort and a multi-faceted approach. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized the importance of having a presence on various platforms and regularly engaging with your audience. The brothers, who run a dental office in Beverly Hills, expressed their struggle with gaining traction and were seeking advice on launching a podcast. Gary suggested using Anchor as a platform to upload and distribute their podcast, and emphasized the importance of following through with consistent content creation and promotion across various channels. He also shared his experience of the long-term nature of building a personal brand, encouraging patience and perseverance.

    • Consistent effort and patience lead to successKeep going despite slow progress and fear of judgment, opportunities may arise through network and experimentation

      Success often comes through consistent effort and perseverance, even when progress seems slow or non-existent. As the speaker shared, he experienced little traction in the first few years of his endeavor, but continued to create and experiment. Eventually, he had a breakthrough. The key is to keep going and not get discouraged by the lack of immediate results. Additionally, building a network and trying new things can help lead to opportunities. For those starting out, it's important to take action despite fear of judgment and to keep pushing forward, even if progress seems slow. The speaker's story is a reminder that success often comes through consistent effort and patience.

    • Being prepared, confident, and tactful are key to successLearn from a woman's experience of being invited to a 20-show window despite being the least famous, emphasizing the importance of being prepared, confident, and tactful to succeed in various situations.

      Perseverance, confidence, and great tact are essential qualities for success, as exemplified by the woman in the conversation who was invited to be in a 20-show window despite being the least famous. Another important point is that on GaryVee's AskGaryVe Show, the guest gets to ask the question of the day. The woman in the conversation was unaware of this and missed her opportunity to ask her question, which could have been about the future of Virtual Reality (VR) and its potential as the next big trend. This conversation highlights the importance of being prepared, respecting the rules of the platform, and being confident in asking questions to gain valuable insights. The woman's grace and cadence during the conversation also demonstrate the qualities she aims to teach and talk about. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the significance of being prepared, confident, and tactful to succeed in various situations.

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    VeeCon 2023 Opening Keynote

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    23 Minutes of Life, Career & Business Advice

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    Why 99% Of People Can't Grow On Social Media

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    The Key To Descision Making As A CEO

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    Faster Decisions Crush the Pursuit of Accuracy

    Faster Decisions Crush the Pursuit of Accuracy

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    There are so many people racing to earn more money than they can even spend even if they have to sacrifice their happiness and livelihood to do so. The really disturbing part about this is that most of these people only want the money so they can be flashy and show off their overly expensive cars (that they don't even want) and other dumb things to other people. Happiness needs to be the Northstar that we strive towards. If we aren't aiming to be happy, then is it really worth having more money than you can spend and more cars than you can drive? —

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    It’s time to propel your own self-employment journey!


    (0:00:00) - Breaking Free From the Corporate Mold

    (0:09:57) - Resilience and Efficiency for Success

    (0:22:28) - Achieving Self Employment Success

    Chapter Summaries:

    (0:00:00) - Breaking Free From the Corporate Mold (10 Minutes)

    In this episode, we explore the journey of breaking free from the corporate mold and starting a law firm. Andrew, shares his story of transitioning from working in corporate to joining his wife Tracy in starting their own law firm. Andrew discusses the challenges they faced and the importance of creating a plan, setting milestones, and working in 30, 60, and 90-day sprints to achieve work-life harmony. He emphasizes the importance of taking risks and making tough decisions, and how this can lead to greater rewards and a more fulfilling life.

    (0:09:57) - Resilience and Efficiency for Success (13 Minutes)

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    (0:22:28) - Achieving Self-Employment Success (1 Minute)

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    Connect with Andrew Zihmer






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