
    Podcast Summary

    • Embrace growth and authenticityPurdue Global offers opportunities for career advancement, Amy Winehouse's biopic inspires self-authenticity, taking time for yourself is essential, and 'Magical Rewind' provides a nostalgic escape

      No matter what stage of life you're at, there's always an opportunity for growth and a comeback. Purdue Global offers a chance to earn a respected degree online for those looking to advance their careers, while Amy Winehouse's biopic, "Back to Black," serves as a reminder to be true to oneself and live authentically. Additionally, taking a moment for yourself is essential, and simple pleasures like Keebler Sandies can provide comfort and pause. Lastly, the new podcast, "Magical Rewind," offers a nostalgic escape to watch and discuss beloved childhood movies with familiar faces. In essence, there are various ways to make the most of life's moments and come back stronger.

    • Setting the Tone for a Difficult Year with Terrible CoffeeThe hosts' unusual coffee-making ritual symbolizes their expectations for a challenging year and introduces a little-known insurgency story

      The hosts of the upcoming podcast, which will be about their collective experience of the "worst year ever," plan to begin the show by making terrible coffee using stale bagels and expired Coffee Mate, found in a room previously used for poisoning experiments. This unusual act symbolizes the expectation of a difficult year ahead. The hosts usually begin their podcast by making light of the current holiday or situation before diving into their content. In this chapter of their upcoming podcast, they will discuss the little-known story of an insurgency led by Louis Beam, a Texan born in 1946. Beam, inspired by his father's military service during World War 2, enlisted in the army despite having a pregnant wife and a desire to avoid conflict. This chapter will shed light on a bloody and deadly insurgency that, with a few differences, could have led to widespread violence in the nation. The story of this insurgency, which is underreported in textbooks, starts with a single man and his desire for action.

    • Racial Tensions in the Military during the Vietnam WarDuring the Vietnam War, racial tensions led to segregation, extremist group membership, and violence among soldiers. The military eventually prohibited active duty members from joining such groups.

      During the Vietnam War, racial tensions between black and white soldiers reached a boiling point, with segregation and extremist group membership being common in the military. Louis Beam, a white supremacist and helicopter door gunner, expressed frustration at serving alongside black soldiers and hung Confederate flags in protest. Racial violence was rampant both in Vietnam and back home, with incidents including murders, lynchings, and cross burnings. The military did not yet prohibit active duty members from joining extremist groups. Beam, who went on to join the Klansman after his discharge, had a hardcore job as a door gunner but also struggled with PTSD. The war's end brought about positive changes, including the eventual prohibition of military service for extremist group members. It's alarming that a quarter of active duty US soldiers have encountered white supremacists during their service.

    • The Return of Soldiers from Vietnam Fuels Hate GroupsThe Vietnam War's aftermath saw a surge in hate groups, with figures like David Duke and Louis Beam gaining prominence, leading to violent clashes and tragic events like the Greensboro massacre.

      The return of soldiers from the Vietnam War to a divided America led to a surge in racial paranoia and fear of communism, resulting in a significant increase in the ranks of hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan. Charismatic figures like David Duke and Louis Beam rose to prominence, legitimizing these organizations in the public eye. Duke's campaign for political office and media appearances brought the Klan into the mainstream, while Beam's experiences in Vietnam fueled his hatred towards the left and communism. Violent clashes between these groups and counter-protesters led to tragic events like the Greensboro massacre in 1980, where five people were killed. This period of American history serves as a stark reminder of the destructive power of division and fear.

    • Greensboro Massacre: Police Complicity and Klan InfluenceThe Greensboro Massacre in 1979 highlighted the complicity of law enforcement in allowing hate group violence and the difficulty in holding perpetrators accountable. This event marked a surge in Klan activity and underscores the importance of standing up against hate and injustice.

      During the Greensboro massacre in 1979, the police were complicit in allowing the Klan to attack a protest without interference. An FBI agent embedded with the Klan did nothing to stop the violence. Despite this, none of the killers were found guilty in the subsequent criminal trial due to their claims of self-defense against perceived communist threats. Elsewhere, Louis Beam, a Klan figure, attempted to paint Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping during his U.S. visit in 1979, marking a significant moment for the Klan. In the 1970s, there was a surge of Klan activity, with Greensboro being a turning point. As for unrelated matters, Monopoly Go is a popular mobile game, and Mint Mobile offers affordable wireless plans. The takeaway from these historical events is that hate groups can gain momentum and influence, while the importance of standing up against injustice cannot be overstated.

    • Opportunities for savings with Mint Mobile and flexible education with Purdue GlobalMint Mobile offers affordable wireless plans, saving up to $600 annually. Purdue Global provides flexible degree programs for working adults, advancing careers with over 175 options.

      There are opportunities for significant savings on wireless bills with Mint Mobile, offering plans as low as $15 a month after an initial $45 payment. Meanwhile, Purdue Global provides working adults with flexible degree programs to advance their careers, with over 175 options in various fields. A lesser-known fact is that in the late 1980s, a paramilitary training camp, Camp Polar, was run by Louis Beam, the grand dragon of the Texas KKK, where Boy Scouts and Civil Air Patrol cadets were taught guerrilla warfare techniques, sparking controversy. This camp was not officially a Klan camp, but the leaders' affiliations raised concerns. While Mint Mobile and Purdue Global represent contrasting scenarios, they both offer significant impacts on everyday life and future prospects, respectively.

    • Failure to hold extremist groups accountable for their actions can lead to escalation of violenceNot holding extremist groups accountable for their actions can promote anti-democratic ideologies and lead to potential violence against marginalized communities.

      The lack of consequences for breaking the law can lead to the continuation and escalation of violent actions by extremist groups. This was evident in the case of Camp Puller, where the KKK members were not held accountable for their activities, and later went on to form militias that threatened violence to get what they wanted. This pattern continued with the Bundy standoffs in the late 1990s and the resurgence of militia movements in the early 2000s. The failure to hold these groups accountable for their actions can have serious consequences, including the promotion of anti-democratic ideologies and the potential for violence against marginalized communities. The historical example of the Puerto Rican terrorist group serves as a reminder of the importance of enforcing the rule of law and holding extremist groups accountable for their actions.

    • Tensions and Conflicts between Vietnamese Refugees and Native Population in Seadrift, TexasPrejudice and misunderstanding can escalate tensions and lead to violent conflicts between communities, as seen in the case of Vietnamese refugees in Seadrift, Texas, in the late 1970s.

      The arrival of Vietnamese refugees in Seadrift, Texas, in the late 1970s led to significant tensions and conflicts with the native population. The Vietnamese families were successful crab fishermen, but instead of being rewarded, they faced accusations of receiving government welfare fraudulently and smuggling gold. These rumors fueled hatred and violence, leading to attacks on their boats and homes. The situation escalated when the first Vietnamese immigrants earned their American citizenship, prompting arson, beatings, and shootings. The Klan even got involved, labeling the refugees as "boat people" and "riffraff," further stoking tensions. The situation became so volatile that it could have been the setting for a movie, with Roy Scheider as the sheriff trying to maintain order. Unfortunately, this is a real story that happened in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The incident serves as a reminder of the destructive power of prejudice and misunderstanding, and how quickly tensions can escalate when people are fearful and uncertain.

    • KKK targets Vietnamese shrimping community in TexasIn 1981, the KKK targeted a Vietnamese shrimping community in Texas with arson attacks and threats, forcing some families to flee. This incident underscores the dangers of hate groups enforcing their own laws and the importance of addressing such situations promptly.

      In January 1981, the Vietnamese shrimping community in Seadrift, Texas, was targeted by the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) with arson attacks and threats. The KKK held a rally in February, where they burned a boat named the USS Vietcong and threatened Vietnamese fishermen to leave by May 15th or face consequences. Armed patrols ensued, causing several families to flee. The broader image of a squadron of armed and uniformed racists enforcing their own laws on American soil is a disturbing and dangerous situation. The lack of complaints from the affected communities due to fear of reprisals highlights the power dynamics at play. This incident serves as a reminder of the potential dangers of hate groups enforcing their own laws and the importance of addressing such situations promptly.

    • New challenges, rewards, and events in Monopoly Go and empowering education with Purdue GlobalMonopoly Go offers endless fun with new features, while Purdue Global empowers working adults to advance their careers with flexible education

      Monopoly Go offers endless fun and excitement with new challenges, tournaments, rewards, and events, making it a must-download mobile game. On the other hand, Purdue Global provides flexible degree programs for working adults to advance their careers and earn recognition. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily keeps the Detroit black community informed and empowered with authentic perspectives. An intriguing court case from the past involved the Southern Poverty Law Center helping Vietnamese fishermen against the Ku Klux Klan, with infamous leader Louis Beam wearing a gun to his trial and advocating for maximum violence. Despite the setback, the trial acted as a catalyst for resistance against the Klan's escalating use of force. These stories remind us of the importance of standing up for justice and pursuing opportunities for personal growth.

    • The 1980s: A Resurgence of Far-Right Extremist Groups in the USThe 1980s witnessed a rise of far-right extremist groups like the Posse Comitatus, KKK, and Neo Nazis, who believed in creating autonomous communities, were heavily armed, and used violence to defend their beliefs against a perceived illegitimate federal government.

      The 1980s saw a resurgence of far-right extremist groups in the United States, despite some legal efforts to curb their activities following incidents like the Greensboro massacre and the Seadrift riots. The white power movement, including the KKK and Neo Nazis, as well as groups like the Posse Comitatus, grew significantly in size and influence during this period. The Posse Comitatus were a militant anti-government group that believed the county sheriff was the only legitimate power and saw the federal government as part of a Jewish conspiracy. They were known for their violent tendencies and their belief in hanging those who did not conform to their views. The first Posse Comitatus cell was formed in Portland, Oregon in 1969, and the group gained national attention in 1983 when a member named Gordon Kahl engaged in a series of shootouts with authorities after being arrested on parole violations. The Posse Comitatus movement and other far-right groups saw a trend towards creating autonomous communities and were heavily armed and willing to use violence to defend their beliefs. By the end of the 1980s, these groups had metastasized into a network of isolated, white supremacist, Christian identity communities that saw the federal government as illegitimate.

    • Far-right groups in the 1980s combined survivalism and white supremacy beliefsDuring the 1980s, some far-right groups integrated survivalist movement with white supremacy ideologies, forming self-sufficient communities and stockpiling weapons, leading to violent acts in the present day.

      During the 1980s, various far-right groups, including the Aryan Nations and Elohim City, were influenced by Christian identity beliefs and the nascent prepping movement. These groups saw American society as decadent and beyond salvation, leading them to form self-sufficient communities with weapons stockpiles. Some, like William Pierce and Louie Beam, sought to infuse white racial consciousness into the survivalist movement and turn it into a revolutionary force. Beam even wrote about his hoped-for headlines, which eerily resembled real-life events, such as mass gun confiscations and assassinations of politicians. This trend continued into the present day, with the 2019 shooting of a German politician by a Neo-Nazi terrorist being a chilling example. It's important to note that promoting violence and hate speech is not condoned or supported. Instead, we should strive for understanding, unity, and peaceful coexistence.

    • Evolution of white supremacist groupsDespite efforts to combat hate and bigotry, white supremacist groups continue to evolve and pose a persistent threat, with a shift towards decentralized structures and the persistence of racist attitudes among certain law enforcement officers and the broader population.

      The history of white supremacist groups shows a persistent and evolving threat, with individuals and organizations continuing to seek power and influence through various means. One notable trend has been the shift towards decentralized, cell-based structures to avoid detection and infiltration. This was exemplified by the thinking of figures like Lewis Beam, who advocated for leaderless resistance in the 1980s. Despite the passage of time, the existence and evolution of such groups underscores the importance of ongoing efforts to counteract hate and bigotry. Another key insight gained from the discussion is the persistence of racist attitudes and actions among certain law enforcement officers and the broader population. Despite the belief that things have improved, the data and stories shared in the conversation suggest that this is not the case. The percentage of racist cops may not be as high as it once was, but it remains a significant issue. Additionally, the roles that such individuals gravitate towards can be particularly dangerous, as seen in the Dominica plot and other historical examples. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of remaining vigilant against the continued presence and evolution of hate groups and the importance of addressing the root causes of racism and bigotry within society.

    • Merging of Two White Supremacist IdeologiesIn the 1980s, Louis Beam and William Pierce's ideologies merged under Robert J. Matthews' vision, leading to the acceptance of cell-style organizations and the use of computer networks for leaderless resistance, and the proposal to fund their insurgency through armed robberies.

      In the mid-1980s, two opposing ideologies within the white supremacist movement, led by Louis Beam and William Pierce, began to merge under the vision of Robert J. Matthews. Matthews, a former John Birch Society member and tax protestor, had grown disillusioned with the US military's stance on war crimes and turned to violent extremism. He joined the National Alliance led by Pierce and became enamored with the idea of a white revolution. At the 1983 Congress of White Power Leaders, Beam and Pierce's theories collided, leading to the acceptance of two key conclusions: the importance of using computer networks to organize and coordinate leaderless resistance, and the value of cell-style organizations. However, to fund their insurgency, they needed significant resources. Miles proposed robbing armored cars to acquire the necessary funds for computer equipment and military-grade weapons. This marked a significant shift from propaganda and theory to action, as the white supremacist movement aimed to make the fantasies of the Turner diaries a reality.

    • Speakers discuss their plans and regrets during podcast recording sessionSpeakers shared their excitement for the next chapter, regrets about past choices, and plans for a dream playground with wine, waves, redwoods, and ski slopes. They also engaged in lively banter and interacted with their Twitter followers.

      During a podcast recording session, the speakers discussed various topics including their regret about smoking pot earlier, their excitement for the next chapter, and their plans to throw items, specifically sunflower seeds and paper towels. They also mentioned their social media presence, specifically their Twitter account, and shared some interactions they had there. Additionally, they mentioned their desire for a playground with a wine country, waves for surfing, a redwood forest, and ski slopes. They also joked about inventing California. Despite some distractions and interruptions, they were focused on their recording and engaged in lively banter with each other. The podcast provided an authentic and entertaining perspective on their experiences and interactions.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Watch the Unwavering book trailer and see this episode's complete show notes here.

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    Connect with Unwavering, Judy, and Taylor:

    • Unwavering book website: https://www.unwaveringbook.com
    • X, Facebook, and Instagram as @Unwaveringbook
    • Linked in: Judy Silverstein Gray, Taylor Kiland

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    A big thank you goes out to this month's show sponsor, Motor City Munitions. Use promo code TALESOFHONOR for 5% off of your online order today! All your firearm related needs with service so fast it can only come from the Motor City: https://www.motorcitymunitions.com

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