
    Part Four: Was Robert. E. Lee a Good General?

    enFebruary 22, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Emphasizing Community Connections and Entertainment in Uncertain TimesBuilding strong community bonds and seeking entertainment are vital in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor promotes social connections and disaster preparedness, while Amy Winehouse's biopic and Chumba Casino offer moments of joy. Unexpected topics, like celebrity penises and Robert E. Lee's horse, remind us of the power of stories and legends.

      Building strong community connections is essential in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on neighbors for social bonds and disaster preparedness. Meanwhile, entertainment can also provide a bright spot in our day, like the upcoming Amy Winehouse biopic "Back to Black." On a lighter note, Chumba Casino offers free, fun games to add excitement to mundane tasks. However, the discussion also touched on unexpected topics, such as celebrity penises and Robert E. Lee's horse, Traveler. While these topics may seem unrelated, they highlight the human fascination with stories and legends. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of community, entertainment, and history in our lives.

    • Robert E. Lee's Letter to Traveller: A Complex ConnectionLee's letter about his horse Traveler sparks debates about their relationship, highlighting his complex character and enduring mythology as a figure of the Lost Cause.

      Robert E. Lee's letter describing his horse Traveler in great detail has sparked debates about the nature of their relationship. While some interpret the passage as a simple description of the horse's physical attributes, others see it as a possible indication of a deeper connection. Regardless, Lee's personal nobility and military prowess are central to his mythology as a figure of the Lost Cause. Despite his reputation as a noble and great commander, Lee's personal character was complex, and he was known to have difficulty giving orders to his troops. Ultimately, Lee's legacy is a multifaceted one, with elements of both heroism and human flaw. The interpretation of his letters and actions continues to be a subject of debate and exploration in historical studies.

    • Losing wars doesn't diminish great commandersDespite losing wars, commanders like Lee and Hannibal are considered great due to impressive tactics and victories

      Losing a war does not diminish a commander's greatness in military history. General Robert E. Lee is a prime example, as he is consistently ranked among the greatest commanders despite losing the American Civil War. His impressive tactics and victories, such as the Battle of Cannae by Hannibal Barca, have left lasting impacts on military strategy. The consensus is that Lee was not a bad field commander, even though his historical reputation may be exaggerated. Ultimately, the complexities and unpredictability of war mean that a commander's performance cannot be solely judged by the outcome of battles. Hannibal Barca, who lost the Second Punic War against Rome, is another example of a commander who is universally regarded as one of the most talented and skilled field generals despite losing his war. The brilliance of their military strategies and tactics, as evidenced in their victories, continues to inspire military leaders to this day.

    • Myth of Lee's Military Genius DebunkedRobert E. Lee's early military career was marked by ignored advice and unsuccessful commands, contrary to popular belief

      Robert E. Lee, contrary to popular belief, did not display exceptional military genius during the early days of the American Civil War. Instead, his advice was ignored during the Battle of Bull Run, resulting in a Confederate victory under the command of P.G.T. Beauregard. Lee's first combat command came later when he was sent to counter a Union advance in West Virginia, where he ultimately lost the region for the Confederacy. The excitement surrounding Lee's military prowess was fueled by his reputation prior to the war and the media's need to highlight Union successes following their defeat at Bull Run. Despite Lee's eventual fame, his early military career was marked by a series of events where his advice was disregarded and his commands did not yield the desired results.

    • Lee's Appreciation for the World Amidst WarLee inherited a sickly army, lacked authority, and faced challenges carrying out orders, ultimately resulting in a failed first major attack.

      Robert E. Lee, while traveling with his army, expressed his appreciation for the beauty of the world but lamented the time and lives wasted on the ongoing Civil War. The Northwest Army he inherited was in poor shape, with many soldiers sick with measles, and Lee lacked the authority to command effectively due to Jefferson Davis's poor decision-making. Lee had to carry out reconnaissance missions himself because his orders were not being followed. Despite the excitement in Confederate media, Lee's first major attack failed, resulting in the death of one of his cousins. Overall, Lee faced numerous challenges in gaining command and achieving success in the Civil War.

    • Lee's struggles to command Confederate army during Civil WarLee's inability to effectively command the Confederate army during the Civil War resulted in the loss of West Virginia, criticism from the press, and even disappointment from his former student. Despite these challenges, communities like Rojava have shown resilience and independence in the face of adversity.

      General Robert E. Lee's inability to effectively command the Confederate army during the American Civil War led to disastrous consequences, including the loss of West Virginia and the questioning of his leadership abilities. This failure was particularly poignant for Lee as it involved the death of his cousin, who had been closely associated with him. The Confederate army, described as a "shit show," was unreliable and unresponsive to Lee's commands. The press began to criticize Lee, and even his former student, Jeb Stewart, expressed disappointment. In the aftermath of these failures, Lee and the Confederacy were forced to retreat, ultimately resulting in the creation of West Virginia. This period in Confederate history, marked by failure and despair, can be compared to the short-lived career of the grunge band Nirvana, which also experienced significant losses before disbanding. The people of Rojava, an autonomous region in northeast Syria, have managed to win a war against ISIS and maintain their independence despite having no industrial base, highlighting the contrast between the Confederacy's disorganization and the resilience of other communities.

    • Lee's Effective Leadership in the Confederate ArmyLee's organizational skills improved the Confederate army's provisioning, equipping, and effectiveness, resulting in six wins in ten battles and a total of 103,000 casualties inflicted.

      Robert E. Lee was an effective organizational leader and competent field commander for the Confederate army during the American Civil War. Despite facing a challenge with the disappearance of three militia regiments, Lee demonstrated his ability to formalize a chain of command and improve the overall quality of the Confederate army. His organizational skills were crucial for the Confederacy's military success, as they allowed the army to better provision and equip soldiers and keep them in the field effectively. Lee's record as a field commander was above average, with six wins in ten and a total of 103,000 casualties inflicted while sustaining 145,000. While he may not have been the best commander in history, Lee's competence in organizational leadership and military strategy were essential to the Confederacy's military dominance.

    • Assessing Lee's Military Career Beyond Individual BattlesLee's military career extends beyond individual battles, his strategic role in the Confederate war effort is crucial, and his potential for success is often overlooked.

      Evaluating General Robert E. Lee's military competence based solely on his record of wins and losses in individual battles is an oversimplification. His strategic role as the overall commander of Confederate forces, making decisions to try and secure a victory for the Confederacy, should also be considered. Lee's ability to orchestrate the Confederate war strategy, despite the eventual failure, is a crucial aspect of his military career. Had he been given a role that aligned better with his strengths, he may have had more success. The Confederacy's potential for victory is often overlooked, and Lee's strategies could have potentially shifted the outcome of the war. Historian B.H. Liddell Hart famously assessed Lee as a strategic genius, not just a field commander. It's important to acknowledge that the Civil War was not a video game, and public opinion played a significant role in its outcome. The belief that the Confederacy could not have won ignores the complexities of the war and the potential for different strategies.

    • The North and South's unique strengths influenced the Civil War's outcomeThe North's resources and the South's determination to resist shaped the Civil War's outcome. Both sides made strategic decisions, and the Union's use of black regiments and moral/political considerations proved decisive.

      The North's superior resources and the South's determination to resist played significant roles in the outcome of the American Civil War. The North faced the challenge of conquering the vast South, while the South could potentially win by outlasting its adversary. The involvement of black regiments in the Union army, despite the racism and ignorance of some, ultimately contributed to the Union's victory and swayed public opinion against slavery. However, it's important to note that both sides made crucial strategic decisions that influenced the war's outcome. The Confederacy had an effective industrial base, but lacked the manpower, and could have adopted a grinding defense strategy to bleed the Union white. Conversely, the Union, with its larger manpower, could have focused on a more aggressive offensive strategy. Ultimately, the war was won not only by military strategy but also by moral and political considerations.

    • Lee's Advance on Washington D.C. as a Grand StrategyGeneral Lee attempted to advance on Washington D.C. to draw federal troops and end the war, demonstrating his strategic understanding, but lack of communication and coordination with Confederate leadership led to high casualties and eventual failure.

      During the American Civil War, General Robert E. Lee had a strategic goal of advancing towards Washington D.C. with the hope of drawing federal troops away from other theaters and ultimately forcing an end to the war. However, this approach came with significant risks and potential for high casualties. Lee's actions were a result of his belief that consistently advancing would have a morale impact on the populace and help end the war. Despite the debate among historians as to whether this was the Confederacy's official grand strategy, Lee's actions demonstrate his understanding of grand strategy and his attempts to implement it, despite the lack of clear communication and coordination with the Confederate leadership. Ultimately, Lee's failure to effectively communicate and coordinate his strategy with the Confederate leadership, as well as the high cost of his offensive approach, can be seen as both his greatest strengths and weaknesses.

    • Building strong community connections is vital for personal growth and preparednessSuccess in personal life and military strategy relies on a well-planned strategy that considers long-term consequences, even if it means short-term losses.

      Building strong community connections is essential for personal growth and preparedness. Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of relying on those around us for help and support, especially during challenging times. Meanwhile, in military strategy, winning battles is not the only key to victory. A successful overall strategy can allow for losses in individual engagements, as long as it exacts a toll on the enemy and weakens their will to fight. Robert E. Lee's failure to understand this concept, as demonstrated during the Chancellorsville campaign, cost the Confederacy a significant portion of their army and ultimately hindered their chances of winning the war. In both personal and military contexts, a well-thought-out strategy that considers the long-term consequences is crucial for success.

    • The Battle of Gettysburg: A Turning Point in the American Civil WarLee's failed attempt to cut off Union supply lines resulted in significant Confederate losses, marking the end of his chance to win the war for the Confederacy

      The Battle of Gettysburg, which took place from July 1st to 3rd, 1863, was a turning point in the American Civil War. General Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia faced off against General George G. Meade's Army of the Potomac. Lee aimed to cut off the Union army from its supply lines, but his positioning was poor, and he failed to outmaneuver Meade. Despite having the high ground, it was a terrible position to attack from, as the Union army was dug in and prepared. Ignoring advice from his commander, James Longstreet, Lee ordered an attack, which proved disastrous. The Union army was able to concentrate its forces and repel the Confederate assaults, leading to significant losses for the Confederacy. This battle is known as Lee's greatest strategic failure and marked the end of his chance to win the war for the Confederacy.

    • Lee's Rash Decision at Gettysburg Weakened Confederate ArmyLee's reckless attack at Gettysburg, known as Pickett's Charge, resulted in the loss of a third of his army and significantly weakened the Confederate forces, denying them a potential victory and preventing them from regaining momentum.

      General Robert E. Lee's reckless attack at Gettysburg, known as Pickett's Charge, significantly weakened the Confederate army and ultimately hindered their ability to mount a serious offensive for the rest of the war. Despite Lee's tactical competencies, his decision to launch a frontal assault against superior forces, against the advice of his own generals, resulted in the loss of a third of his army. This devastating defeat not only denied the Confederacy a potential victory but also prevented them from regaining momentum. In contrast, Union General George G. Meade adopted a defensive strategy and effectively outmaneuvered Lee. Furthermore, Union General Ulysses S. Grant, often criticized for his brutal tactics, demonstrated strategic thinking by understanding the importance of destroying the Confederate industrial and agricultural base in the context of modern warfare. Lee's desperate attempts to prove his own worth led him to make unstable decisions, ultimately contributing to the Confederacy's downfall.

    • Romanticizing Lee's DefeatRobert E. Lee's defeat at Gettysburg, marked by his magnanimous demeanor and concern for his troops, ultimately led to the end of the Civil War. However, focus on his eloquence and stoicism overshadowed his strategic errors.

      Robert E. Lee, despite his magnanimous demeanor in defeat, is often romanticized by some for his actions during the American Civil War. However, his decisions, such as leading the disastrous charge at Gettysburg, resulted in tens of thousands of casualties and ultimately led to the Confederate defeat. Despite his losses, Lee's defenders focused on his eloquence and stoicism in defeat, rather than analyzing the strategic errors that led to their defeat. Lee's concern for his troops and his dignity led him to surrender rather than engaging in a guerrilla war. In the end, Lee's defeat marked the end of the Civil War, and despite some restrictions, he and other Confederate leaders were eventually pardoned and allowed to reintegrate into society.

    • The US government transformed Arlington into a national cemetery after purchasing it from Mary LeeMeiggs, out of spite, oversaw the burial of thousands of soldiers on Arlington, ensuring it would never return to the Lee family

      The US government purchased Arlington estate from Mary Lee after she lost it due to unpaid taxes. The property was then transformed into a national cemetery, with the first burial being a poor soldier named William Christmann. This was done out of spite by Montgomery Meiggs, who evicted officers from the mansion and installed military personnel to oversee the cemetery. The burial of thousands of soldiers, many of them immigrants, followed, symbolically encircling Mary Lee's garden. Meiggs' commitment to ensuring Arlington never returned to the Lee family was strengthened when his son was killed during the war. Lee, who was widely respected after the Civil War, never saw Arlington again, and his post-war advocacy for reunification is seen as a crucial period for the United States. Despite not receiving the justice he believed was deserved, Meiggs' actions ensured a form of vengeance against Robert E. Lee.

    • Robert E. Lee's Contrasting Public and Private Stances During ReconstructionRobert E. Lee publicly opposed insurgent attempts against Reconstruction but privately harbored racist views and encouraged others to sign letters opposing civil rights laws for blacks, revealing a deep-seated racism.

      Robert E. Lee's public statements during Reconstruction, which presented him as a uniter, contrasted sharply with his private actions and beliefs. Despite his public opposition to insurgent attempts to fight Reconstruction, Lee's heart had not changed. He complained about the use of force by the government, but he also harbored racist views and opposed laws granting civil rights to black people. Lee believed that the South should be left alone and that the North was provoking Southern hostility. He argued that the North was raising feelings of race and that laws in favor of blacks would keep bad blood alive against the North. Lee's activism was not private, as he actively encouraged other former Confederates to sign a letter complaining about the infringement of their rights and the need for black labor. Despite his claims of friendly relations between races, Lee's private comments reveal a deep-seated racism.

    • Struggle over Arlington Plantation after the Civil WarThe post-Civil War reconciliation process was complex and contentious, with deep-rooted attachment to land and heritage fueling tensions between the North and South.

      Despite Robert E. Lee's attempts to reclaim his family's plantation, Arlington, after the Civil War, he was met with resistance from the government. This struggle over the land, which included the presence of soldiers' graves on the property, highlighted the deep-seated tensions and division between the North and the South even after the war's end. Lee's words about the South improving under Union rule were met with skepticism, as the occupation of Arlington enraged his wife and family. Despite Lee's efforts to regain possession of the property, it remained in government hands, and the Lees were forced to come to terms with the loss. This story underscores the complex and contentious nature of the post-Civil War reconciliation process and the deep-rooted attachment to land and heritage that defined the experiences of many Americans during this period.

    • Mary Custis Lee's Controversial Attempt to Keep Arlington CemeteryMary Custis Lee's desire to keep Arlington Cemetery after her husband Robert E. Lee's death led to controversy and conflict, with Frederick Douglass criticizing Lee's heroic portrayal and Mary's attempt resulting in the symbolic consecration of the site as a military cemetery, ultimately leading to its significance in American history.

      The complex history of Arlington Cemetery is marked by controversy and conflict, particularly surrounding the desire of Mary Custis Lee to keep the property in her family after her husband Robert E. Lee's death. Frederick Douglass expressed frustration over the heroic portrayal of Lee in the media, while Mary's attempt to regain Arlington led to a symbolic consecration of the site as a military cemetery. Despite her efforts, the Lee family was not able to retain the property, and it remains a significant part of American history. This story highlights the enduring impact of the past on the present and the complexities of American history.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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