
    Part One: A Complete History of the Illuminati

    enFebruary 21, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Building Strong Communities: Neighbor to Neighbor and BeyondConnect with neighbors through initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor, engage in shared experiences, and learn from historical figures through podcasts like 'Behind the Bastards' for personal growth and community resilience.

      Despite the uncertain world and potential disconnections within communities, there are initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor that encourage and facilitate meaningful social bonds. This California volunteer's network emphasizes the importance of relying on one another, not just for social growth but also for preparedness during natural disasters. On a lighter note, people can also connect through shared experiences, such as playing online games like Chumba Casino. The podcast "Behind the Bastards" provides an example of exploring historical figures and their impact on various aspects of culture. The Bavarian Illuminati, a topic discussed on the podcast, has been a subject of controversy and misinformation, but it's essential to approach such topics with accurate and unbiased knowledge. Overall, these examples illustrate the power of community, connection, and learning.

    • The origins of modern conspiracy theories can be traced back to the Illuminati, an 18th-century European secret society.The Illuminati, a historical secret society, unintentionally laid the groundwork for modern conspiracy theories through their actions.

      The origins of modern conspiracy theories can be traced back to the Illuminati, an enigmatic European secret society that existed during the 18th century. The Illuminati, despite common misconceptions, were not inherently evil but rather individuals who made choices that have had far-reaching consequences throughout history. Their influence extends to the development of the first "uber conspiracy," which intertwines various beliefs, such as government control over raw milk or vaccines, lizard people, and elite blood rituals. This syncretic nature of modern conspiracy theories can be traced back to the Illuminati, who unintentionally caused it through their recklessness. The concept of secret societies, however, predates civilization. An example of one of the earliest known secret societies is the Chumash people, who have inhabited the California coast for approximately 15,000 years. Their advanced canoe-making skills, known as tomols, required specialized knowledge and significant time investment, making the knowledge valuable and leading to the formation of a secret society among those who possessed it. This early society's power and wealth were derived from their unique knowledge, which granted them military and economic advantages. The term "secret society" has a long and rich history, dating back to pre-civilization times.

    • Secret societies as gatekeepers and preservers of knowledgeAdvanced knowledge led to class distinctions, political elites, and secret societies that preserved and guarded important information, creating both inequality and preservation.

      The creation of advanced knowledge, in this case, the building and piloting of tomols by the Brotherhood of the Tomol among the Chumash people, led to the emergence of class distinctions and a political elite. This exclusive access to knowledge created both inequality and preservation of important information. Secret societies, as seen in ancient Chumash society and continuing into modern times, serve as both gatekeepers and preservers of knowledge. This complex dynamic, with its positive and negative impacts, is a recurring theme throughout human history. Anthropologists have identified the existence of secret societies as a common phenomenon in Neolithic societies as they progress from wandering hunter-gatherer bands to more complex communities.

    • Emergence of Secret Societies during Civilization TransitionSecret societies emerged around 10,000 years ago, allowing individuals to form groups based on shared talents, facilitating knowledge exchange, wealth accumulation, and diplomacy. Male-dominated, they offered a means for men to build social networks and exert power, with rituals, initiations, and magico-religious aspects enforcing isolation for members.

      Secret societies emerged during the transition from nomadic communities to settled civilizations, around 10,000 years ago. These societies allowed individuals to form groups based on shared talents and vocations, often transcending tribal and family lines. They provided a means for knowledge exchange, wealth accumulation, and diplomacy between tribes, even during times of conflict. Secret societies were characterized by rituals, initiations, and a magico-religious aspect, often enforcing isolation for members. They were predominantly male-dominated and served as a means for men to build social networks and exert power. The practice of matrilineal descent and men moving in with their partners' families contributed to the formation of these societies. Secret societies played a significant role in the development of stratification in ancient societies and continued to exist throughout history, including during the late Roman Empire, where they offered the elite a space for socializing and organizing out of public view.

    • The Power and Endurance of Exclusivity and Difference in Religious and Social GroupsHistorically, exclusive and different religious and social groups, such as the Knights Templar and conservative Catholic regions, have formed and endured due to their unique beliefs and traditions, despite facing challenges from mainstream society.

      Throughout history, there have been various secret societies and religious groups that have gained popularity due to their exclusivity and differences from the mainstream. One such example is the Knights Templar, an organization founded by crusade veterans in the 12th century, initially to protect pilgrims. Over time, they expanded into banking and became deeply entwined in European society. Their power and influence threatened traditional elites, leading to their eventual downfall in 1307 in an orgy of violence. During the 1600s, Europe underwent a religious and intellectual revolution, with the rise of Protestantism and the Enlightenment. In conservative Catholic regions like Bavaria, this change was more controversial, leading to the preservation of Catholic traditions. Massimo Introvigne, an Italian sociologist, noted that Bavaria, a predominantly Catholic duchy, remained a stronghold of the Catholic reformation and baroque age in Europe. Overall, these historical examples demonstrate how exclusivity and difference can lead to the formation and endurance of various religious and social groups throughout history.

    • Bavaria's resistance to the enlightenmentBavaria, during the 18th century, was a conservative region that opposed the enlightenment wave. The Catholic church and ruling dukes worked together to preserve traditional values, resulting in secret societies like the Florida Illuminati to spread enlightenment ideas. Despite this, influential thinkers like Leibniz emerged from Bavaria.

      During the 18th century in Europe, Bavaria stood out as a conservative region opposed to the progressive enlightenment wave sweeping through the rest of Germany. The Catholic church and the ruling dukes worked together to preserve traditional values and suppress enlightenment ideas. This resistance was most noticeable in the universities, where professors and students formed secret societies, like the Florida Illuminati, to spread enlightenment values. Despite Bavaria's resistance, the region produced influential thinkers such as Leibniz. The life of Adam Weishaupt, who later founded the Illuminati, is an example of how the conservative environment shaped the education and experiences of individuals in Bavaria during this period. Weishaupt, born to a Catholic family of converts, was educated by monks and experienced personal loss early in life. His education continued under the Jesuits, who were under scrutiny during the enlightenment. These experiences likely influenced Weishaupt's later commitment to enlightenment values and his role in the Illuminati.

    • Exploring New Games, Community Connections, and Affordable PlansMonopoly Go brings excitement, Neighbor to Neighbor fosters community, and Mint Mobile offers savings on wireless bills.

      Monopoly Go offers endless fun and excitement with its constantly changing challenges, wild mini games, and numerous rewards. Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of building connections within your community, while Mint Mobile encourages saving money on wireless bills with affordable plans. The Jesuits, a historical secretive order, have been a subject of various conspiracy theories, but can be simply described as nerdy Catholics dedicated to teaching and spreading their faith. Spring cleaning can bring unexpected clarity and savings, like discovering more affordable wireless plans.

    • Jesuits attempt to suppress Adam Weishaupt's enlightenment ideasJesuits tried to suppress Adam Weishaupt's promotion of enlightenment ideas, such as secularism, by withholding his paycheck.

      Adam Weishaupt, a brilliant and quick-learning student with a Jesuit education, excelled academically and spoke multiple languages fluently by his adolescence. He went on to study ancient Greek, Latin, and Italian, and was admitted to university at an early age. Despite his achievements, his promotion to assistant instructor at the University of Ingleshot angered the Jesuits due to his promotion of enlightenment ideas, such as secularism, which they considered banned topics. This led to a confrontation, with the Jesuits attempting to withhold Adam's paycheck until he complied with their principles. Adam's defiance and promotion of these ideas angered the Jesuits and led to conflict.

    • A young man named Adam turns to the Freemasons for support during religious and political conflictDuring times of religious and political conflict, secret societies like the Freemasons offered support, community, and benefits such as life insurance and discounts to those resisting oppressive structures.

      During a time of religious and political conflict, a young man named Adam sought support from a secret society, the Freemasons, after facing opposition from the Jesuits. Rousseau's philosophy of never submitting influenced Adam's decision to resist. The Freemasons, similar to other secret societies, offered benefits like life insurance and discounts, as well as a sense of community. They emerged organically from various independent groups in the early 1700s and had spread throughout Europe by the late 1700s. Despite the benefits, Adam was turned off by the Freemasons' occult rituals and preferred to focus on sharing and trading knowledge. The Freemasons served as a source of support and community for those seeking to resist oppressive religious and political structures.

    • Rituals heightened sense of camaraderie among membersAnthropologist Janet Burke described Masonic initiation rituals as traditional rites of passage that heightened the sense of friendship based on virtue among members, integrating newcomers into the group as full members through seclusion, knowledge imparting, and oath-taking.

      The Masonic rituals, despite appearing cringey and reminiscent of high school theater props, served an important purpose in creating a sense of hidden camaraderie and friendship among members. Anthropologist Janet Burke described these initiation rituals as traditional rites of passage that heightened the sense of friendship based on virtue among members. The seclusion, imparting of knowledge, and oath-taking were all elements designed to dramatically change the consciousness of the candidates and integrate them into the larger group as full-fledged members. While the speaker may have found the rituals and artifacts amusing, they held significant meaning for those who participated in them.

    • The Founding of the Order of the Bavarian IlluminatiDespite noble intentions, secret societies can lead to misconceptions and misunderstandings when kept hidden from the public

      Ryan, while sharing his love for fun and casinos, led us to the story of Adam Weishaupt, who was unsatisfied with existing secret societies and sought to create a perfect one. This society, named the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati, aimed to promote morals, scientific progress, and the acceptance of the scientific method over religious dogma through a network of secret wisdom schools. Despite the society's noble goals, it gained infamy due to its founding in the seemingly uneventful year of 1776 and became the basis for countless conspiracy theories. So, the takeaway is that even with the best intentions, the pursuit of knowledge and progress can lead to misconceptions and misunderstandings when kept hidden from the public.

    • Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati: A Secret Society for Feeling SpecialIn the late 1700s, Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati, a secret society disguised as a mystic organization, to make people feel special and counteract dominant cults. The society adopted a wreath-and-owl symbol.

      During the late 1700s, Adam Weishaupt, a German philosopher, recognized the human desire for feeling special and separate from the masses. To achieve this goal and counteract the influence of dominant cults like the Jesuits, he established the Illuminati, a secret society disguised as a mystic organization. The Illuminati drew inspiration from the concept of fraternity, which was valued in the enlightenment era and offered a sense of exclusivity and secret understanding. Weishaupt's first official meeting consisted of five young law students, and they adopted a wreath-and-owl symbol. This symbol, featuring a wide-eyed owl, can be seen in various modern contexts, such as Bohemian Grove, a secretive gathering of the rich and powerful. The owl image has been passed down through the years, contributing to various conspiracy theories.

    • The Illuminati's secretive objectivesThe Illuminati, founded for human values, evolved into a secret society advocating for secularism, atheism, and republicanism. Members were kept engaged with rituals and false promises to reveal future teachings, allowing committed individuals to rise to power.

      The Illuminati, founded by Adam Weishaupt in the late 18th century, had objectives that included fostering human values, supporting virtue, promoting progress, and helping the educationally deprived. However, as Weishaupt's ideas evolved, he became increasingly radical, advocating for secularism, atheism, and even republicanism. Due to the illegality of these ideas, the Illuminati created a false history and strict hierarchy to maintain secrecy. The core teachings, which included the promotion of voting and secularism, were only revealed to higher-level members. Weishaupt believed that by keeping most followers engaged with rituals and the promise of future revelations, the most committed individuals would eventually rise to the top. This historical example serves as a reminder of the enduring use of secrecy and hidden agendas in the face of censored information and suppressed ideas.

    • The Illuminati's Deceptive Book TradeThe Illuminati used deception to attract wealthy individuals and fund their illegal book trade, promising access to secret knowledge and alchemy, while in reality conning them out of their money.

      The Illuminati, an enlightenment-era secret society, used deception to attract wealthy individuals and fund their illegal book trade. Weishaupt, the founder, promised these individuals access to secret knowledge and alchemy, even though it was all a lie. In reality, they were being conned out of their money to support the society's activities. This use of deception and the pursuit of forbidden knowledge, even at the risk of one's health, were key components of the alchemical process in the society's eyes. Furthermore, the Illuminati's tactics showcase the practicality and humor behind the human desire for hidden knowledge and exclusivity. Members were promised access to higher initiations where the true mysteries would be revealed, creating a sense of anticipation and intrigue. Fast forward to today, and we can still find parallels in our fascination with secret societies and forbidden knowledge. Whether it's through books, podcasts, or role-playing games, people continue to seek out and share information that may be considered taboo or exclusive. As for plugs, Margaret recommends checking out her book "Escape from Insel Island" and the live play of the role-playing game based on it, which can be found on Tangled Wilderness or through the Strangers in the Tango Wilderness podcast. Garrett recently wrapped up a series on the Defend the Atlanta Forest and Stop Cop City movement, which can be found on Cool Zone Media.

    • Exploring resources for community connections and unexpected eventsListen to the It Could Happen Here podcast, build relationships through Neighbor to Neighbor, play games on Chumba Casino, and enjoy Boar's Head barbecue for community connections and unexpected event preparedness

      There are various resources and initiatives available to foster community connections and prepare for unexpected events. The It Could Happen Here podcast, which covers recent social and political issues, serves as an example of engaging content that sheds light on important matters. Neighbor to Neighbor is another initiative that encourages building relationships with neighbors to create a more connected community and prepare for emergencies. Additionally, there are entertaining and engaging platforms like Chumba Casino, which offers over 100 casino-style games, providing an opportunity to unwind and potentially win prizes. Lastly, enjoying delicious, slow-roasted barbecue chicken from Boar's Head is a simple pleasure that can bring people together and add joy to daily life.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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