
    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected sources of community and connectionCommunity and connection can come from various sources like shared experiences, volunteering, and even unexpected places like online casino games. However, it's important to hold leaders accountable for their actions and consider the ethical implications.

      Community and connection can come from unexpected places, whether it's through shared experiences like playing online casino games or volunteering with neighbors. But it's important to remember that not all leaders and actions are positive. Rodrigo Duterte, the president of the Philippines, has taken drastic measures in his country's drug war, resulting in over 20,000 deaths. While Duterte's actions were promised to the people and supported by some, they raise ethical concerns and highlight the importance of holding leaders accountable for their actions. Meanwhile, there are opportunities for individuals to make a difference in their own communities through organizations like Neighbor to Neighbor. Additionally, taking care of one's health, whether it's quitting smoking or protecting tooth enamel, can lead to a better quality of life. So, whether it's through building relationships with neighbors, having fun with online games, or prioritizing personal wellness, there are ways to connect and make a positive impact.

    • The Philippines' dark history as a Spanish colony shapes its current drug war under DuterteDespite human rights violations, Duterte's drug war gains support due to complex societal dynamics rooted in the Philippines' Spanish colonial past and the influence of the Catholic faith.

      The Philippines, under President Rodrigo Duterte, is experiencing a mass slaughter of civilians as part of his war on drugs. This intentional campaign, led by Duterte himself, has resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, making it the greatest mass slaughter of civilians in Asia since the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. Duterte's rise to power can be traced back to the country's history as a Spanish colony, with the introduction of the Catholic faith leading to a complex societal dynamic. Duterte gained support from figures like Manny Pacquiao, despite his controversial policies and human rights violations. The extrajudicial killings are carried out by armed groups, who have gained a cool reputation and even a patch. The context of Spanish colonialism and the impact of the Catholic faith on the Philippines provide crucial context to understanding the circumstances that allowed for Duterte's rise and the implementation of his brutal drug war.

    • The US colonized the Philippines despite Filipino self-ruleThe US gained control of the Philippines from Spain but disregarded Filipino self-governance, leading to an insurgency and harsh military response

      During the Spanish-American War, the US helped the Filipinos gain control of their own country from Spain but then chose to colonize the Philippines themselves, despite the Filipinos having already established their own government. The US and Spain negotiated a deal for the Spanish to surrender Manila, but the US staged a fake battle to make it seem like they had fought for the city. After the US took control, they believed the Filipinos were incapable of governing themselves and chose to annex the islands. The Filipinos, who had just gained their freedom from Spanish rule, were not happy about this and an insurgency ensued. The US military struggled with guerrilla warfare and responded with harsh measures, including the use of concentration camps and massacres of civilians. The insurgency lasted for several years before being suppressed. This episode in history highlights the complexities and moral ambiguities of colonialism and the impact it can have on the colonized population.

    • U.S. involvement in the Philippines: A complex history of power, religion, and human rights abusesThe U.S. occupation of the Philippines from 1898-1946 was marked by significant loss of life, economic growth, and instances of sexual abuse by Catholic priests against children, shaping the country's social and political landscape.

      The history of the U.S. involvement in the Philippines, particularly during the Philippine-American War, was marked by a complex and often troubling legacy. The war resulted in significant loss of life among American, Filipino insurgents, and civilians. The U.S. maintained control of the country until 1946, during which time it served as a military base and experienced economic growth. However, this period also saw instances of sexual abuse by Catholic priests against Filipino children, including future President Rodrigo Duterte when he was 14. Duterte's experiences led him to publicly criticize the Catholic Church and Pope Francis in 2015, which sparked controversy given the majority of Filipinos are Catholic. The history of U.S. involvement in the Philippines, therefore, reveals a complex interplay of power, religion, and human rights abuses that continue to shape the country's social and political landscape.

    • Duterte's Tumultuous Childhood and Its Impact on His Anti-Catholic BiasDuterte's childhood marked by conflict with the Catholic church, harsh discipline, fascination with guns, and nocturnal habits may have shaped his unconventional behavior and anti-Catholic bias as an adult. His government's actions against the Catholic church and human rights abuses have sparked controversy.

      Rodrigo Duterte's tumultuous childhood, marked by conflict with the Catholic church and harsh discipline from his mother, may have contributed to his anti-Catholic bias and unconventional behavior as an adult. Duterte, who grew up with privileges but also faced brutal punishment, developed a fascination with guns and adopted a hoodlum persona. His nocturnal habits and erratic behavior, including frequent absence from home, are similar to those of historical dictators. Despite his challenging upbringing, Duterte's government's actions against the Catholic church and human rights abuses have sparked controversy and criticism.

    • Unique Perspective and Political ManipulationHaving a unique perspective, particularly one that challenges the status quo, can be an asset in manipulating political structures. Duterte's disregard for rules and willingness to use force demonstrated his ability to respond to societal unrest and gain support from the Filipino people.

      Having a unique perspective, especially one that is different from the majority, can be an asset, particularly in manipulating political structures. This was evident in the case of Rodrigo Duterte, who grew up during a time when the political system in the Philippines was struggling with social inequality and corruption. Duterte's biographer, Michael W. Duterte, shares anecdotes about Duterte's teenage years, where he used to scare off his sister's boyfriends with a gun. This behavior hints at Duterte's disregard for the rules and his willingness to use force to get what he wants. During the 1960s, the Philippines was grappling with the end of a 15-year economic boom, and the problems inherent in the system became more evident. The US-style judicial system failed to address injustice and crime, and private weapons were widespread. The democratic patronage system inhibited the removal of corruption and incompetent civil leaders, leading to a political system with only the very poor and the very rich. Duterte's rise to power as mayor of Davao City, where he was known for murdering criminals, can be seen as a response to the social and political unrest of the time. While Duterte's methods were extreme and violent, they resonated with the Filipino people's frustration with the ineffective political system. This example illustrates how having a unique perspective, even one that involves breaking the rules, can be an effective tool for manipulating political structures.

    • Finding joy, connection, and meaning in various aspects of lifeMonopoly Go offers endless entertainment, Neighbor to Neighbor builds stronger communities, Chumba Casino provides a fun escape, Meaningful Beauty enhances confidence, and leadership can bring change, but power grabs can lead to controversy

      There are various ways to find fun, connection, and meaning in different aspects of life. Monopoly Go offers endless entertainment with new challenges and rewards in a mobile game. Neighbor to Neighbor empowers individuals to build stronger communities through volunteering and helping neighbors. Chumba Casino provides a fun escape with a chance to win prizes. Meaningful Beauty offers effective skincare products that enhance one's confidence. In the past, the Philippines faced economic and political unrest, leading to debates over independence and leadership. Ferdinand Marcos, wanting more direct control, engineered a constitutional convention, but the length of the interim period became a contentious issue. Ultimately, Marcos sought to extend his power indefinitely, leading to controversy and eventual unrest. In summary, finding joy, connection, and meaning can be found in various aspects of life, whether through games, community involvement, personal care, or leadership.

    • Political elite's corruption led to Marcos' martial law declarationMarcos declared martial law due to political elite's corruption and opposition, with CIA and Reagan admin support despite human rights abuses

      During the rise and fall of Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines, the political elite were so corrupt that they were easily swayed by personal pressures and valid accusations of felony. When Marcos threatened to investigate their misdeeds, they voted to extend his interim period, leading to the declaration of martial law. Martial law was used as a justification to suppress opposition and silence critics, even though there were only about 800 communist insurgents in the country at that time. One notable figure during this period was Rodrigo Duterte, who missed his law school graduation due to an incident where he shot a fellow student. Despite Marcos' corruption and human rights abuses, he enjoyed the support of the CIA and the Reagan administration, who saw him as a freedom fighter in the struggle against communism.

    • The Marcos regime in the Philippines and the rise of methamphetamineThe Marcos regime in the Philippines, known for human rights abuses and brutal martial law, saw the emergence of methamphetamine as a major problem, contributing to the country's growing drug issue.

      The Marcos regime in the Philippines, led by Ferdinand Marcos, was marked by brutal martial law, human rights abuses, and the introduction of methamphetamine, which came to be known as "shabu." Marcos, who was seen as a hero by some, including U.S. President Ronald Reagan, ruled from 1965 to 1986 and was responsible for the execution of over 32,000 people and the torture of over 34,000. During this period, meth became a major problem in the Philippines, which had previously had a relatively mild drug culture. Paul Manafort, a future Trump campaign manager, represented Marcos to the U.S. government during this time and even helped him flee to Hawaii when he was overthrown in the People Power Revolution. After Marcos' downfall, Rodrigo Duterte, who was known for his tough stance on crime and drugs, was elected mayor of Davao City in 1988 and instituted harsh laws to combat shabu use. In the 1980s, shabu had become popular among certain groups in the Philippines, and its use contributed to the country's growing drug problem.

    • Duterte's War on Drugs in Davao CityDuring his mayorship of Davao City, Duterte implemented strict crime policies, focusing on the drug war. The Davao death squad, linked to over a thousand murders, carried out killings at his urging, mainly targeting petty criminals, drug users, and dealers. The signature weapon was the 45 caliber handgun.

      During Duterte's mayorship of Davao City in the Philippines from the late 1980s to the late 1990s, he instituted strict policies against crime, but his focus on the drug war became more intense in the mid to late 1990s. The Davao death squad, which was tied to hundreds to over a thousand murders, was active during this time. Off-duty police officers carried out the killings at Duterte's urging, and he often referred to them as "vigilantes." The victims were mostly petty criminals, drug users, and dealers. The 45 caliber handgun, a weapon with a significant history in the Philippines, was the signature weapon used by the death squad. Duterte has denied organizing the death squad, but several killers have come forward to confirm his involvement. The murders were officially attributed to unknown vigilante killers. Despite his denials, Duterte's strong stance against drug addiction and crime was evident during his mayorship.

    • Exploring the Complexities of Human Thought Processes and BeliefsPeople's attitudes towards various aspects of life can be contradictory, emphasizing the intricacies of human thought processes and beliefs. The importance of community and connection was also highlighted, as well as the value of products and services that offer meaningful experiences.

      People's attitudes towards various aspects of life can be quite complex and contradictory. For instance, in the discussion, we heard about a person who enjoys discussing the idea of murder but dislikes speed limit signs. Another person, despite rejecting religion, holds a seemingly religious stance against drug use. These contradictions highlight the intricacies of human thought processes and beliefs. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the importance of community and connection. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer's network, was introduced as a platform that helps individuals build stronger bonds within their neighborhoods. This notion of community was further emphasized when Ryan shared his experience of connecting with a stranger over a shared interest in playing a mobile game. Lastly, the conversation showcased various products and services, such as Monopoly Go, Chumba Casino, and Meaningful Beauty, which aim to provide value and enjoyment to their users. Overall, the discussion offered insights into the complexities of human nature, the importance of community, and the value of meaningful experiences.

    • Duterte's Diagnosis and Controversial Actions as MayorDuterte's diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder, controversial actions, and reputation for being tough on crime contributed to his popularity as mayor and later as president.

      Rodrigo Duterte, the former mayor of Davao City in the Philippines and now the country's president, was diagnosed with a narcissistic personality disorder by a clinical psychologist during his mayoral tenure. This diagnosis is supported by his actions and behavior, such as his tendency to demean, humiliate, and violate others' rights. One of his most famous incidents involved confronting a tourist smoking in a no-smoking zone and threatening to shoot him or make him eat his cigarette butt. These actions and his reputation for being tough on crime contributed to his popularity. However, the veracity of some of these stories is debated, and Duterte himself has confirmed some of the more extreme accounts. Despite controversy and allegations of human rights abuses, Duterte's narcissistic personality and penchant for making people "eat their crimes" resonated with many Filipinos, earning him the nickname "Duterte Harry."

    • Duterte's Controversial Mayoral Tenure and Extrajudicial KillingsDuring his time as mayor of Davao City, Duterte's unconventional approach to crime and justice resulted in over 1,400 deaths through extrajudicial killings, drawing criticism but also support from some.

      Rodrigo Duterte's tenure as mayor of Davao City was marked by a controversial approach to crime and justice. He publicly named individuals on a watchlist and offered cash rewards for information leading to their arrests, which resulted in extrajudicial killings of suspected criminals, including children. This period saw the death of over 1,400 people, according to various estimates. Duterte's actions drew criticism, but he defended them, stating his preference for criminals to be dead rather than innocent victims. He also responded harshly to perceived insults, leading to the murder of a radio personality who made fun of his son. Despite the controversies, Duterte was nominated for a World Mayor Award but declined it, stating his actions were for the people's expectations. In 2016, he ran for and won the presidency of the Philippines. It's important to note that these events took place over a decade before Duterte's presidency and should be considered in the context of his political career as a whole.

    • Societal norms and power structures evolveIn the 1800s, children worked at a young age and women married early. In contrast, during Duterte's presidency in the Philippines, a death squad executed people, including children, with little public backlash.

      Historical perspectives and societal norms vary greatly from one era to another. In the 1800s in Germany, children as young as 12 were expected to work and women were married off at a young age. Contrastingly, in the Philippines during the 21st century, under the leadership of Rodrigo Duterte, a death squad operated, employing ghost workers to funnel money for murders. This squad consisted of former communist assassins, police officers, and contract killers. They targeted various individuals, from petty criminals to drug lords, and executed them at a quarry. One tragic incident involved the killing of an entire family, including a 4-year-old boy, while sparing the family's son. Las Canas, a hitman who confessed to being part of this squad, testified about these atrocities during Duterte's presidency, but it did not significantly impact his popularity. This stark contrast between the past and present, and the ruthless actions of the death squad, serves as a reminder of the evolution and complexities of societal norms and power structures.

    • Duterte's Tough Approach to Crime as Mayor of Davao CityDuterte's methods as mayor of Davao City reduced crime but increased violence and human rights abuses, leading him to promise a tough approach as president.

      Rodrigo Duterte, the former mayor of Davao City in the Philippines, gained a reputation for reducing crime in his city, but this came at a cost of increased violence and murders. During his tenure as mayor, the crime rate rose significantly before dropping again in recent years. Despite this, Davao City remains the murder capital of the Philippines. Duterte ran for president in 2015, promising to be a tough leader who would take out the "bad guys." He was known for his blunt and often violent rhetoric, vowing to kill drug dealers and fill the morgues with corpses. His campaign was marked by his honesty and his promise to make God weep with the amount of corruption he would address. While many politicians focus on improving lives and protecting people, Duterte offered a different approach, promising to deal with crime through force. This approach, while effective in reducing crime, came at a cost of increased violence and human rights abuses.

    • Supporting creators and shows can bring joy and perksEngaging with creators, shows, community initiatives, self-care, and media broadens horizons and fosters connections

      Supporting your favorite content creators or shows can bring you not only enjoyment but also additional perks, such as merchandise or a sense of community. Doritos, used as an example, are not to be seen as dictators, but rather as a means to support a show and its host. Similarly, joining initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor can help build stronger connections within your community. Moreover, taking time for yourself is essential, and simple pleasures like playing social casino games or enjoying a Keebler Sandy's cookie can provide moments of relaxation and comfort. Additionally, staying informed and entertained through various media, such as podcasts or movies, can broaden your horizons and offer new perspectives. In essence, engaging with various aspects of life, from community building to personal enjoyment, can lead to a more fulfilling and connected existence.

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    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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