
    Part One: James O'Keefe: The Patron Saint of News Grifters

    enSeptember 03, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Building Strong Community ConnectionsConnecting with neighbors, preparing for emergencies, and co-owning luxury homes can foster positive change and bring people together during uncertain times.

      Building strong community connections can bring about positive change and help during uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of connecting with neighbors and preparing for emergencies. Meanwhile, Chumba Casino offers entertainment and potential rewards, and Amy Winehouse's Back to Black invites audiences to connect with her music and story. In a different realm, Picasso helps people co-own luxury vacation homes to bring families and friends together. Robert Evans, host of Behind the Bastards, shares insights on various historical figures, and despite his unusual hobbies, he values community and connection. While discussing dangerous objects, the conversation turned to cow chips, which can cause significant disruption in urban environments during civil unrest. Overall, the importance of community, connection, and preparation emerged as a common theme throughout the discussion.

    • From Arts to Journalism: James O'Keefe's Unconventional PathBorn with artistic aspirations, James O'Keefe's political awakening at Rutgers University led him to a career in investigative journalism despite his initial plans for Broadway.

      James O'Keefe, born in 1984 in New Jersey, had a conservative upbringing but leaned towards the arts. He dreamed of Broadway but ended up studying philosophy in college. Initially apolitical, his political views evolved after being surrounded by liberal professors and students at Rutgers University. This fueled his contrarian nature and led him towards journalism. Despite early dreams of a career in the arts, O'Keefe's unconventional path led him to become a controversial figure in the world of investigative journalism. His early life was marked by a contrast between his artistic aspirations and his father's pragmatic expectations. This tension, along with his experiences at Rutgers, shaped his political beliefs and eventually led him to a career in journalism.

    • James O'Keefe's College Journalism ExperienceDespite challenges, O'Keefe's determination led him to start his own student newspaper, showcasing the importance of free speech and resilience in campus journalism.

      James O'Keefe's experience as a conservative student journalist at Rutgers University highlights the complexities and nuances of campus politics and media bias. Although he faced challenges in getting his column published and faced criticism from faculty, O'Keefe's persistence and determination led him to start his own alternative newspaper, The Centurion. The circumstances surrounding the start of The Centurion are disputed, with some sources suggesting that O'Keefe was fired from Rutgers after a disagreement with a faculty member, while others claim that the column was not renewed. Regardless, O'Keefe's experience demonstrates the importance of free speech and the resilience of student journalists in navigating the often contentious and polarized campus environment. His story also underscores the ongoing debate about the role of ideological balance in higher education and the importance of open-mindedness and intellectual diversity.

    • James O'Keefe's Undercover Journalism Career Began at RutgersJames O'Keefe, a free-speech advocate, gained notoriety through undercover journalism, starting at Rutgers. His first target was Planned Parenthood in 2009.

      James O'Keefe, a self-proclaimed free-speech advocate, gained notoriety through his undercover journalism tactics, starting as early as his sophomore year at Rutgers University. In 2005, he staged a fake protest against the school selling Lucky Charms, which gained significant attention and was seen as an example of overly sensitive school officials. This experience solidified O'Keefe's belief in the power of video journalism and his ambition to be a journalist while indulging his passion for theater. His first undercover deal was a pretext for him to act in a way that wouldn't be criticized, as he understood the developing online right-wing media ecosystem. Despite refusing to leave Rutgers after graduating, O'Keefe eventually found a target outside of the campus – Planned Parenthood. In 2009, he collaborated with Lila Rose, a UCLA student, to expose the organization through undercover investigations. O'Keefe's tactics, though controversial, demonstrate his understanding of the media landscape and his determination to make a name for himself in journalism.

    • Undercover investigation at Planned Parenthood reveals varying reactions to helping a minor in potentially abusive situationPlanned Parenthood representatives had differing responses to helping a 15-year-old girl in an abusive situation, some suggested avoiding reporting it while others followed the law, resulting in over $1,000,000 in funding loss.

      During an undercover investigation, Planned Parenthood representatives showed varying reactions when asked about helping a 15-year-old girl who claimed to be pregnant by a 31-year-old man. Some suggested ways for the girl to avoid reporting the situation, while others followed the law and reported it to Child Protective Services. James O'Keefe and Lila Rose, the investigators, used empathy as a tactic to elicit reactions from the representatives, which led to some technically violating the law. This investigation resulted in the loss of over $1,000,000 in funding for Planned Parenthood in various states. However, it's important to note that the full context of the conversations and Planned Parenthood's behind-the-scenes actions are not fully known. This was James O'Keefe's first significant success in his investigative career. While the debate around Planned Parenthood's actions continues, consider supporting organizations that aim to build stronger communities, such as Neighbor to Neighbor.

    • Brightening lives and saving money through Chumba Casino and Mint MobileExplore free-to-play games at Chumba Casino for daily bonuses, and save on wireless plans with Mint Mobile's $15/month unlimited service

      People are always looking for ways to make their daily lives brighter and more affordable. Ryan shared his enthusiasm for Chumba Casino, which offers free-to-play social casino games with daily bonuses. Meanwhile, in the realm of spring cleaning, the clarity and cost savings that come after decluttering and finding more affordable alternatives, like Mint Mobile's $15/month unlimited wireless plans, can be transformative. However, ethical dilemmas can arise when individuals or organizations use deceptive tactics to achieve their goals, as seen in the case of James O'Keefe and Lila Rose's undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood. Their actions, while potentially effective in raising awareness, also raised legal concerns and had consequences for their careers. Ultimately, it's essential to consider the ethical implications of our actions and the potential impact on others.

    • Acorn Scandal: Undercover Operation Exposed Potential FraudThe Acorn scandal involved employees advising activists on how to falsify forms and hide illegal activities, leading to federal funding being cut and negative publicity, but the extent of the wrongdoing is debated.

      The Acorn scandal involved employees helping activists, posing as prostitutes, to secure public housing for a supposed brothel. The undercover operation, led by James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles, resulted in Acorn offices across several cities offering advice on how to falsify forms and hide illegal activities. The highly edited videos released by O'Keefe led to a media firestorm, resulting in federal funding being cut and widespread negative publicity for Acorn. However, the extent of the malfeasance uncovered is debated, with some critics arguing that the videos were edited to exaggerate the situation. Despite this, the scandal effectively destroyed Acorn. O'Keefe's methods and personal quirks, including his inability to handle daily living tasks, have been a subject of controversy. The scandal became a focal point for those refusing to accept the election of President Obama, with Acorn being wrongly accused of playing a significant role in voter fraud.

    • James O'Keefe's questionable journalistic practicesJames O'Keefe gained fame through misleading videos, but his distorted reporting harmed Acorn and biased political coverage.

      James O'Keefe's rise to fame in conservative media was built on questionable journalistic practices and outright lies. Politico, in its mission to be the ESPN of politics, reported on O'Keefe's undercover sting operations against Acorn without fully investigating the facts. O'Keefe's videos, which appeared to show Acorn employees engaging in illegal activities, were later found to contain misleading edits. When confronted with the evidence, O'Keefe failed to disclose this context, instead presenting a distorted image of Acorn's alleged wrongdoing. This approach not only harmed Acorn but also contributed to a right-wing bias in political reporting. Despite the controversy and O'Keefe's discomfort with the attention, he continued to embrace the limelight, while those involved in his operations, like Hannah Giles, distanced themselves from the conservative movement. Ultimately, O'Keefe's journalistic malpractice fueled his career, highlighting the importance of fact-checking and ethical reporting in media.

    • James O'Keefe's Controversial Journalistic PracticesDespite a history of deceitful and manipulative undercover journalism, James O'Keefe continues to engage in such practices, raising ethical concerns and questioning the validity of his work

      James O'Keefe, the founder of Project Veritas, has a history of questionable journalistic practices, including deceitfully entering federal buildings and attempting to sexually harass a CNN reporter. Prior to 2017, O'Keefe worked with the American Phoenix Foundation, where they unsuccessfully attempted to secretly record Texas state legislators. In 2010, O'Keefe was convicted for entering a federal building under false pretenses while trying to investigate Senator Mary Landrieu. Later that year, he planned to lure CNN reporter Abby Boudreaux onto a boat with the intention of sexually harassing her. Despite facing consequences for his actions, O'Keefe has not learned from his mistakes and continues to engage in undercover journalism with questionable methods. His tactics, which involve deceit and manipulation, raise ethical concerns and call into question the validity of his work.

    • Adapting to Different Rules in Politics and LifeSaul Alinsky's tactics may not always work in real life, but adaptability, innovation, and community connection remain essential themes.

      Rules in politics and life can be different from what we assume. Saul Alinsky's strategy of making opponents play by their own rules may not always apply in real life, especially when it comes to media or unexpected situations. Meanwhile, in a different context, the importance of planning and innovation shines through in various aspects of life, such as mobile games like Monopoly Go, volunteer networks like Neighbor to Neighbor, and technological advancements. For instance, Monopoly Go offers constant updates and rewards to keep players engaged, while Neighbor to Neighbor empowers communities to connect and help each other. Technologically, SceneScape's AI-driven capabilities showcase the potential for advanced tracking and automation in various industries. Overall, the importance of adaptability, innovation, and community connection emerges as key themes from the discussed topics.

    • Undercover journalist James O'Keefe's methods spark controversyJames O'Keefe's undercover journalism exposes perceived biases and unethical behavior, but his use of deceptive editing has led to backlash and criticism, with some praising him as a hero and others condemning him as a manipulator.

      James O'Keefe, an undercover journalist known for his controversial investigations, has a history of manipulating situations to expose perceived biases or unethical behavior. However, the methods he uses, which often involve deceptive editing, have led to significant backlash and criticism. For instance, in 2011, he released an edited video of NPR CEO Ron Schiller's comments, which appeared to show Schiller making disparaging remarks about conservatives. However, the full context of the conversation was later revealed, and Schiller was forced to resign. O'Keefe's tactics have been both praised and condemned, with some seeing him as a hero for exposing wrongdoing and others as a manipulator who undermines trust in journalism. Regardless, it's clear that his work continues to provoke strong reactions and shape public discourse.

    • Undercover investigations by James O'Keefe and Project Veritas fuel conservative narrativeJames O'Keefe and Project Veritas have not proven widespread voter fraud or systemic bias, but their undercover investigations have generated a narrative, raised funds, and influenced public opinion

      While James O'Keefe and Project Veritas have not provided concrete evidence of widespread voter fraud or systemic bias against conservatives, they have been successful in fueling a narrative and raising significant funds through undercover investigations. Their schemes, which have included false allegations against political figures, have garnered attention and support from the right-wing media and their followers. Despite numerous misses, O'Keefe's operations have remained well-funded, with a reported budget of $7,000,000 in 2017 and O'Keefe himself earning a salary of around $300,000. The effectiveness of their tactics, regardless of their accuracy, highlights the power of narrative and the influence of media on public opinion.

    • The Challenges Facing Journalism: Ethics and FundingJames O'Keefe, a controversial figure, uses large funds to engage in undercover journalism with questionable ethics, while many talented journalists face unemployment due to lack of funding.

      The journalism industry faces significant challenges, with many talented foreign correspondents and conflict journalists being forced to leave their profession due to lack of funding, while individuals like James O'Keefe, who have large sums of money, can engage in undercover journalism with questionable ethics. O'Keefe, who sees himself as a muckraker in the mold of Upton Sinclair, has had a significant impact on American politics and has received millions of dollars to fund his operations. He has a deep love for undercover journalism and considers himself an insurgent fighting against a corrupt media and government. However, he is known to be brutal on his employees and has been accused of sexually harassing a journalist. In 2016, O'Keefe attempted to take down George Soros by leaving a 7-minute voicemail for an employee of the Open Society Foundation, during which he was exposed for being O'Keefe himself. Despite his self-proclaimed journalistic prowess, O'Keefe's actions raise serious ethical concerns and highlight the need for transparency and accountability in journalism.

    • An undercover operation to infiltrate George Soros' network failed when the operative was exposed.An undercover operation to infiltrate George Soros' network, named Discover the Networks, was unsuccessful when the operative was discovered during a recorded conversation. Project Veritas, the organization behind the plan, has targeted mostly Democrats and liberal organizations with funding from major donors.

      During a recorded conversation, an individual named Keshe discussed a plan to infiltrate the operation of George Soros using an undercover operative. The plan, named Discover the Networks, involved posing as a potential donor to gain access to embarrassing activities. Keshe believed that Soros had thousands of organizations on the left under his control. He also mentioned that the money for the operation couldn't come from offshore British Virgin Island companies due to Soros' team's reluctance to accept such funds. However, Keshe accidentally revealed himself to the target during the call, and his team discovered this, leading to his embarrassment. Project Veritas, the organization behind the plan, has previously targeted mostly Democrats and liberal organizations, with significant funding from donors like Robert Mercer, Charles and David Koch, and Eric Prince. While some suspect that they were bribed to target certain individuals, there is no concrete evidence to support this claim. Despite their questionable methods and occasional incompetence, Project Veritas has managed to uncover significant information and cause damage to their targets.

    • Project Veritas' questionable methods and credibilityDespite Project Veritas' efforts to expose alleged wrongdoings, their methods and credibility have been questioned due to misrepresentation and use of questionable sources.

      Project Veritas, under the leadership of James O'Keefe, has been known for attempting to uncover alleged wrongdoings through undercover investigations. However, the effectiveness and credibility of their schemes have been questioned. During the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, some of their efforts against Hillary Clinton failed to make significant impacts. Later, they shifted their focus towards alleging anti-conservative bias in Silicon Valley. However, their methods have been criticized for misrepresentation and using questionable sources, such as in the case of Google whistleblower Zack Voorhees, who had a history of spreading conspiracy theories and anti-Semitic sentiments. These actions have raised concerns about the credibility and motives of Project Veritas' investigations.

    • Evaluating the credibility of sources and their potential biasesAssess the credibility of sources by considering their entire body of work and potential biases. Be aware of context when evaluating information.

      The source's credibility and legitimacy should be evaluated in the context of their entire body of work. In the case discussed, a source's allegations against Google involved anti-Semitic beliefs and accusations of a Jewish conspiracy. However, these beliefs were not mentioned during an interview with Project Veritas. Upon further investigation, it was found that the documents Veritas claimed as evidence of censorship were not related to censorship at all. Instead, they were random PowerPoint slides and papers from an email chain discussing diversity and bias. The source's anti-Semitic beliefs and past work should have been considered when evaluating the source's claims and the legitimacy of Project Veritas' reporting. It's essential to be aware of potential biases and context when assessing information from any source.

    • Emphasizing community connections and personal enjoymentInvesting in durable tools, joining volunteer networks, enjoying hobbies, and utilizing affordable communication options contribute to strong community connections, personal enjoyment, and overall well-being.

      Building strong community connections can bring about meaningful social bonds and help prepare for unexpected events. This was emphasized in the discussion about the importance of spending around $60-$100 on durable tools and the introduction of Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network that encourages community growth. Additionally, having fun and enjoying hobbies, like playing games at Chumba Casino or trying ZYN nicotine pouches, can also contribute to overall well-being. Lastly, family plans with Straight Talk Wireless offer affordable options for reliable communication. Overall, these various elements highlight the importance of community, connection, and personal enjoyment in everyday life.

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
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    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
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    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “The Disruptive Entrepreneur”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”



    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979


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    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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