
    Part One: Jeffrey Epstein: Pimp to the Powerful

    enMarch 19, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Building Community Connections in Uncertain TimesStrengthen social bonds, prepare for disasters, find relaxation, learn history, and stay informed within communities.

      Building and strengthening community connections is essential in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer's network, emphasizes the importance of relying on the people around us for social bonds and disaster preparedness. Meanwhile, there are also opportunities for fun and relaxation, such as Chumba Casino's social casino games or the deals at DDS Discounts. Zyn nicotine pouches offer a convenient and discreet option for those seeking nicotine. And, sometimes, it's important to learn about the darker sides of history, as explored in the Behind the Bastards podcast. But remember, not all surprises are pleasant, as shown by the story of Edgar Madison Welch and the Pizzagate conspiracy theory. Overall, it's crucial to engage with our communities, have fun, and stay informed.

    • A reminder of Epstein's heinous acts despite his promising backgroundDespite a promising background, individuals can still commit despicable acts, as seen in the case of Jeffrey Epstein

      While the conspiracy theory about a child rape and sex slave ring involving the Clintons and John Podesta is largely debunked, there have been instances of powerful individuals being involved in child molestation scandals, such as the case of Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein, a financier and registered sex offender, was born in Brooklyn and raised in a middle-class family that saw education as the way out for him. He showed early academic promise, studying physics and mathematics in college but never completing a degree. Despite his intellectual potential, Epstein's lack of focus led him to leave higher education without a degree. However, it's important to remember that the vast majority of people from similar backgrounds do not engage in such heinous acts. The Epstein case serves as a reminder that no matter one's background or perceived potential, individuals can still commit despicable acts.

    • Jeffrey Epstein's early career was marked by an insider trading scandal at Bear StearnsDespite an insider trading scandal, Epstein's mathematical skills and teaching abilities impressed Wall Street executives, leading to his recruitment by Bear Stearns, but his tenure was short-lived

      Jeffrey Epstein's rise to power and wealth in the financial industry was not as meteoric as previously reported. Contrary to popular belief, Epstein was actually forced out of Bear Stearns in 1981 due to an insider trading scandal. Despite this, his early years at Dalton School and subsequent transition to Wall Street were portrayed in glowing terms in various media outlets. Epstein's mathematical background and teaching skills impressed Wall Street executives, leading to his recruitment by Bear Stearns. However, his tenure at the firm was cut short due to his involvement in the insider trading scandal. The true story of his time at Bear Stearns was not fully revealed until much later, and the media's initial coverage focused on his brilliance and connections rather than his past controversies.

    • Jeff Epstein's rise from insider trading to managing billionaires' financesThe Epstein case underscores the importance of transparency and accountability for the wealthy and powerful, as well as the potential dangers and immense responsibility that comes with managing their finances.

      The Jeff Epstein story is a reminder of how the lines between the rich and powerful, and those involved in questionable activities, can blur. Epstein went from being forced out of Bear Stearns for insider trading to managing the finances of billionaires within less than a decade, but no one seems to know how. His claims of being the only person bold enough to work for billionaires didn't hold up under scrutiny, but journalists still ran with the story for decades. Epstein's power and responsibility as a wealth manager for the ultra-rich were immense, and it's a reminder of the burden and potential dangers that come with great wealth. The Epstein case highlights the importance of transparency and accountability, especially for those in positions of power and influence.

    • Jeffrey Epstein's mysterious past as a billionaire financierDespite appearing as a financier for billionaires, Epstein's past involved recovering stolen money for clients, earning him the nickname 'bounty hunter'.

      Jeffrey Epstein's rise to becoming a billionaire financier was not as straightforward as it seemed. While some credit his friendship with billionaire Lex Wexner for his rise, there are questions about the validity of this narrative. Reporter Vicky Ward's investigation with Vanity Fair uncovered evidence that Epstein's business during the 1980s and 1990s was not just for billionaires, but also for recovering stolen money for clients. He was even referred to as a "bounty hunter." Epstein's background was enigmatic, and even those close to him admitted that there was more to him than met the eye. Ward's investigation also revealed that Epstein threatened journalists who wrote about him, adding to the mystery surrounding his past. The complexities of Epstein's past highlight the challenges of uncovering the truth behind the facade of wealth and power.

    • Epstein's early financial success potentially linked to Ponzi schemeJeffrey Epstein's early financial success may have been tied to his involvement in a Ponzi scheme run by Stephen Jude Hoffenberg, raising questions about the source of his wealth.

      Jeffrey Epstein's early financial success may have been linked to his involvement with a Ponzi scheme run by Stephen Jude Hoffenberg. Epstein, who was once ousted from Bear Stearns and struggling financially, was hired by Hoffenberg as a consultant for Tower Financial Corporation. However, the true nature of Epstein's role in the company is unclear. What is known is that Tower Financial was a massive Ponzi scheme, and Hoffenberg was later charged with running it, resulting in a 20-year prison sentence. Epstein has more recently claimed that he was the architect of the scheme, but escaped prosecution. Despite this, Epstein went on to amass a considerable fortune, leading to questions about the source of his wealth. The discussion also touched upon Epstein's sexual crimes and potential connections to his philanthropy and continued wealth. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complex and often questionable ways in which some individuals amass great wealth.

    • Connecting with people and communities through various meansMonopoly Go offers new challenges and rewards, Neighbor to Neighbor builds social bonds and helps others, Chumba Casino provides free daily-bonus games, investing in a Leesa mattress supports a cause, be aware of schemes like Jeff Epstein's 'sexual pyramid scheme' but not all are equal

      There are various ways to connect with people and communities, whether it's through fun and engaging games like Monopoly Go, volunteer programs like Neighbor to Neighbor, or even social casinos like Chumba Casino. Each offers unique experiences and rewards. In the case of Monopoly Go, it's the constant new challenges and rewards. For Neighbor to Neighbor, it's the opportunity to build meaningful social bonds and help others. And with Chumba Casino, it's the free, daily-bonus games that can brighten up your day. Additionally, investing in a good night's sleep with a natural hybrid mattress from Leesa not only benefits your health but also supports a greater cause. However, it's important to remember that not all schemes are equal. Jeff Epstein's activities were described as a "sexual pyramid scheme," but it's crucial to understand that this is different from a Ponzi scheme. Regardless, it serves as a reminder to be aware of our surroundings and the people we trust. So, whether it's through games, volunteering, or simply getting a good night's sleep, there are always opportunities to make a positive impact on our lives and communities.

    • Jeffrey Epstein's Preference for Underage GirlsJeffrey Epstein recruited underage girls for lewd conduct, some as young as 12, and pimped out one victim. His preference for young girls was an open secret, but he and his associates seemed unfazed, suggesting a culture of acceptance.

      Jeffrey Epstein, with the help of several individuals, recruited underage girls, many of whom were between 12 and 16 years old, to travel to his home in Palm Beach for lewd conduct in exchange for money. Some of the conduct involved topless or nude massages while Epstein masturbated, while others escalated to full sexual intercourse. One notable case is Virginia Roberts, who was abused and pimped out by a sex trafficker before being recruited by Epstein. Epstein's preference for young girls was an open secret, with many young women attending his parties and being seen at his home. Despite this reputation, Epstein and those associated with him seemed unfazed, suggesting a culture of acceptance of his behavior. The full extent of Epstein's crimes dates back to the early 2000s, but the human stories of the young girls who were exploited provide a chilling reminder of the devastating impact of his actions.

    • Jeffrey Epstein's pattern of abuse involved underage girls and power dynamicsJeffrey Epstein exploited underage girls, manipulated power dynamics, and recruited girls for his friends' sexual encounters.

      Jeffrey Epstein's pattern of abuse involved bringing young girls to his homes, where they were asked to give him massages that often led to sexual encounters. Epstein's abuse of Virginia Roberts, who was 16 at the time, was defined as rape due to Florida's age of consent being 18. Epstein's friends and acquaintances were also reportedly provided with girls for sexual encounters, as Epstein sought to have power over them. Epstein's recruitment of girls for his friends continued even after Virginia Roberts turned 19 and was no longer of interest to him. The evidence collected by prosecutors included instructions Epstein had given Virginia for bringing a teenage Thai girl into the United States for his use. Epstein's behavior is a chilling reminder of the power dynamics and manipulation that can occur in abusive situations.

    • Epstein's involvement in child trafficking explained his rise to powerEpstein's facilitation of child sexual exploitation enabled him to amass wealth and influence, despite lacking a clear business model.

      Jeffrey Epstein's rise to power and wealth in the late 80s and 90s, which was met with confusion and bafflement in the finance industry, can now be understood in a different light. Epstein was involved in trafficking children to be sexually exploited by the rich and powerful, who in turn provided him with favors and access. Many of the businessmen associated with Epstein during this time, including Mort Zuckerman, Louis Ranieri, Ronald Perelman, Leon Black, Nathan Meyerbould, Tom Pritzker, and Donald Trump, are mentioned in articles from the time, but the true nature of their relationships with Epstein was not known. Epstein's ability to amass wealth and influence despite the lack of a clear business model is now understood to be linked to his role as a facilitator of child sexual exploitation. The relationship between wealth and power and disturbing sexual tastes is a complex and debated topic, but it appears that for some individuals, access to children may have been seen as a valuable commodity.

    • Wealth and power can lead to detachment and impulsive behaviorWealth and power can create a world where consequences are ignored, leading to impulsive actions and potential dangers

      Wealth and power can significantly alter an individual's perspective and behavior, leading to a sense of detachment from the consequences of their actions. This detachment can result in impulsive behavior, which has been compared to the effects of a head injury. The abundance of resources and lack of accountability can create a world where age becomes irrelevant, and people are brought things without question. This does not necessarily mean that all wealthy and powerful individuals engage in illegal or immoral activities, but it does create an environment where such behaviors may be more likely to occur. The case of Jeffrey Epstein and his associates serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the potential dangers of unchecked wealth and power.

    • Exploring various forms of entertainment and community engagementMonopoly Go offers fun and constant evolution, Neighbor to Neighbor builds stronger communities, Chumba Casino provides casino-style games and prizes, Lisa ensures better sleep, and authentic connections are essential

      There are various forms of entertainment and community engagement that can bring joy and connection. During the discussion, Monopoly Go was highlighted as a fun and constantly evolving mobile game, while Neighbor to Neighbor was introduced as a volunteer network empowering people to build stronger community bonds. Chumba Casino was mentioned as an option for those seeking casino-style games and the chance to win prizes. Lisa, the sleep expert, was discussed as a brand offering exceptional comfort and support for better sleep. Furthermore, the conversation touched on the idea that even the wealthy and powerful, like Doritos, can sometimes miss opportunities for connection and engagement. A humorous anecdote about Doritos' past connection with the speakers was shared, emphasizing the importance of recognizing opportunities and maintaining authenticity. Additionally, a quote from Jeffrey Epstein's famous friend from before his public disgrace served as a reminder of the importance of looking beyond appearances and seeking out meaningful connections in life.

    • Former Presidents Trump and Clinton's Relationships with Jeffrey EpsteinDespite allegations of underage trafficking, Trump and Clinton had close relationships with Epstein. Trump described Epstein as a 'terrific guy', while Clinton flew on his plane over a dozen times, raising questions about their involvement.

      Former Presidents Donald Trump and Bill Clinton had close relationships with Jeffrey Epstein despite allegations of his involvement in trafficking underage girls. During a 2002 interview, Trump spoke fondly of Epstein, describing him as a "terrific guy" who "enjoys his social life," but failed to acknowledge the disturbing allegations against him at the time. Clinton's association with Epstein is even more significant, as he reportedly flew on Epstein's private plane over a dozen times between 2001 and 2004, with Epstein, Maxwell, and unnamed women. The lack of transparency surrounding these flights raises serious questions about their nature. The release of Epstein's pilot's logbooks through civil lawsuits has shed light on these associations, but it remains unclear what exactly transpired on these flights. The revelation of these associations has added to the controversy surrounding both former presidents.

    • The Epstein case raises complex questions about consent, power dynamics, and high-profile associationsThe Epstein case underscores the importance of transparency, ethical behavior, and accountability for individuals in positions of power, particularly when associated with controversial figures or alleged crimes involving minors.

      The Jeffrey Epstein case raises complex questions about the nature of consent, power dynamics, and the company kept by individuals who have been accused of heinous crimes. While some passengers on Epstein's plane may have engaged in consensual activities, the repeated association of high-profile individuals with Epstein, particularly Bill Clinton and Alan Dershowitz, has led to significant public scrutiny. The presence of these individuals on Epstein's plane, and their potential involvement with underage girls, has caused widespread outrage and calls for accountability. The Epstein saga also highlights the importance of transparency and ethical behavior, particularly for those in positions of power or influence. The case serves as a reminder that actions and associations, even if they may not be illegal, can have serious consequences for one's reputation and public standing.

    • Jeffrey Epstein's criminal behavior despite wealth and connectionsDespite wealth and intellectual connections, Epstein's criminal actions were exposed, highlighting the need to support organizations that help victims of exploitation

      Jeffrey Epstein, despite his significant financial resources and connections to the intellectual elite, was involved in the exploitation and abuse of young girls. Epstein's ability to identify and fund cutting-edge research did not prevent him from engaging in criminal behavior. Gerald Adelman, a Nobel Prize winner, described Epstein's intelligence, but his actions belied his supposed brilliance. Epstein's targeting of local high school students for sexual encounters led to investigations and ultimately, his conviction on sex offenses. It's a stark reminder that wealth and intelligence do not shield individuals from engaging in heinous acts. The episode also highlighted the work of Children of the Night, a nonprofit organization dedicated to rescuing children from prostitution. It serves as a reminder of the importance of supporting organizations that help those in need.

    • Building community connectionsInvest in community bonds, prepare for emergencies, enjoy games with rewards, and prioritize good sleep for a well-rounded lifestyle.

      Building strong connections within your community can bring about numerous benefits, especially during uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network, encourages people to form meaningful social bonds with their neighbors and prepare for emergencies together. Meanwhile, for those seeking entertainment and potential rewards, Chumba Casino offers a variety of social casino style games with real cash prizes. Lastly, ensuring good sleep is crucial for overall health, and Leesa's mattresses offer exceptional comfort and support with free delivery and a 100-night trial period. Overall, investing in your community, having fun, and prioritizing rest are essential aspects of a well-rounded lifestyle.

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    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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