
    Part One: Jerry Falwell: Founder of the Religious Right

    enDecember 03, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Opportunities for Growth and EntertainmentPurdue Global offers online degrees for adults, Michigan Chronicle empowers the black community, NFL schedule brings excitement, Leesa provides quality mattresses, and safe handling of ancient items is essential.

      There are opportunities for personal growth and comebacks in various aspects of life. Purdue Global offers a chance to earn a respected degree online for working adults. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily keeps the black community informed and empowered with authentic perspectives. The NFL season schedule is anticipated with excitement. Leesa provides quality mattresses for restful sleep. And, sometimes, unexpected items like ancient weaponry can make for entertaining conversations. However, it's important to remember to use such items safely and not cause damage to others or property.

    • Jerry Falwell's Role in Religion and Politics in AmericaEvangelical Christian leader Jerry Falwell influenced the politicization of religion in America, advocating for conservative values and limiting rights for women and LGBTQ+ community.

      Jerry Falwell, a prominent American evangelical Christian leader, played a significant role in the politicization and intersection of religion and politics in the United States, leading to the limitation of rights for women and the LGBTQ+ community. Falwell's influence began in the 1970s and 1980s when various Christian groups came together to advocate for conservative values. Falwell was born in Lynchburg, Virginia, and his father, Cary Falwell, was a successful businessman who started a grocery store and later opened service stations. Falwell's career was marked by controversial statements and actions, including his opposition to women's reproductive rights and LGBTQ+ rights. Despite the constitutional separation of church and state, Falwell and other religious leaders have held significant influence over national discourse, leading to the current state of religion and politics in America.

    • Pioneering the Gas Station Market IndustryCarey Falwell's innovation of adding stores or restaurants to gas stations led to the creation of a popular chain, but his involvement in illegal activities resulted in his family's social exclusion.

      Carey Falwell, a successful businessman in Lynchburg, Virginia, innovated by adding small stores or restaurants to his gas stations, leading to the creation of a popular chain. However, his personal life was far from admirable, as he was involved in illegal activities such as cockfighting and dogfighting, and later, bootlegging. Despite his wealth and business acumen, his involvement in these illegal activities led to his ostracization from high society. Falwell's success in the fuel industry eventually led him to start a new company distributing oil and gas to 16 counties in Virginia. Meanwhile, Jerry Falwell, Carey's son, grew up in affluence but faced challenges in his own life. Carey's illegal ventures made it difficult for the Falwell family to mix with the elite, despite their wealth. Carey's involvement in the gas station industry was a pioneering move, and he can be considered one of the pioneers of the gas station market industry. However, his personal life was marked by illegal activities, which led to his family's social exclusion.

    • Carrie Falwell's disturbing pranks and family tragediesCarrie Falwell's alcoholism, violent outbursts, and cruel pranks led to the deaths of his daughter and son in 1931.

      Carrie Falwell, the father of Jerry Falwell, had a disturbing habit of playing cruel pranks on those around him. One of his most infamous pranks involved killing and skinning a worker's cat, putting it in a stew, and sending it to his home. This behavior, along with his alcoholism and violent outbursts, contributed to a tumultuous family life. The worst year of their lives was 1931, when Carrie's daughter, Rasha, died of appendicitis due to his refusal to take her to the hospital. A few months later, Garland, another son, was killed by Jerry in a drunken altercation. These events showcased the destructive and dangerous consequences of Carrie's reckless and cruel behavior.

    • Jerry Falwell's controversial past and tragic endJerry Falwell's life was marked by scandals, gunfights, and isolation from society, leaving behind a complex and controversial legacy

      Jerry Falwell's turbulent life came to a tragic end, leaving behind a legacy of scandals and isolation from mainstream society in Lynchburg. His career of terrorizing the police and populace, including a gunfight with his brother, led to his death, which was met with relief and indifference from some. Jerry grew up with a nanny, David Brown, who was a significant figure in his life but was treated unfairly due to his race. Jerry's father, Cary, was an atheist, further isolating the family. Jerry's mother, Helen, was religious, but Jerry took after his father in his early years. He was a good student but also a prankster, starting with letting a snake loose in his classroom. These events shaped Jerry's life and set the stage for his future, including the founding of his evangelical ministry. Despite his troubled past, Jerry's ambition and energy propelled him forward, leaving a complex and controversial legacy.

    • Jerry Falwell's troubled childhood and teenage yearsDespite a challenging childhood and questionable teenage behavior, Jerry Falwell later attributed his conversion to God as a turning point in his life.

      Jerry Falwell's challenging childhood experiences, including his father's alcoholism and death, may have influenced his behavior as a teenager. He formed a gang, the Wall Gang, and engaged in pranks and physical fights. However, his pranks became more brutal in his late teens, including setting a neighbor's house on fire and abusing teachers. Falwell later claimed these actions helped him understand cause and effect. Despite his questionable behavior, he seemed to regret his actions later in life and attributed his conversion to God as a result. Interestingly, many high-profile figures in the evangelical Christian community often share tales of dark pasts, which are often exaggerated or fabricated, to emphasize the power of God's grace. Falwell's early life story, as told by him, fits this pattern.

    • The Confusing Nature of Moral RedemptionSome individuals may disregard empathy and morals in pursuit of wealth and power, but it's important to recognize that actions have consequences and true moral growth comes from treating others with respect and compassion.

      Wealth and power can lead some individuals to disregard empathy and morals, resulting in harmful actions towards others. This was evident in the case of Jerry Falwell, who reportedly engaged in various morally questionable acts before finding religion. The speaker finds it confusing when such individuals claim to have found empathy only after experiencing certain life events. It's important to recognize that actions have consequences and that it's not right for individuals to learn their morals at the expense of others. During an ad break, the speaker mentioned the podcast "Private Parts Unknown," which discusses love and sexuality around the world, and encouraged listeners to sign up for an Audible membership to access various audiobooks about infamous historical figures.

    • High school prank leads Falwell to church and spiritual awakeningA high school prank denied Falwell the chance to speak as valedictorian, leading him to attend church and ultimately discovering Jesus, starting his own ministry, and building a media empire.

      Jerry Falwell's life was significantly influenced by a prank gone wrong in high school, leading him to attend church and ultimately discovering Jesus and starting his own ministry. The prank involved stealing lunch tickets worth $1,000, which resulted in Falwell being denied the opportunity to speak as class valedictorian. This consequence led him to attend church in search of the "pretty girls" mentioned by a friend, where he met his future wife Maycel Pate and found a deeper spiritual calling. Falwell's experience at the church and the impact of his mother's radio preacher inspired him to start his own ministry, the Thomas Road Baptist Church, in 1956. This event marked the beginning of his career as a televangelist and his dedication to building a media empire based on his preaching. Despite the initial setback, Falwell turned a negative experience into a positive one, leading him to a fulfilling and impactful life.

    • Jerry Falwell's Early Racist Beliefs and Later Change of HeartOnce an advocate for segregation, Jerry Falwell later changed his stance and dedicated efforts to opposing it, showcasing the complexity and evolution of historical figures' beliefs.

      Jerry Falwell, an influential American evangelical leader, built a successful religious and educational empire, but his early teachings included racist beliefs in favor of segregation. Falwell saw the Supreme Court's decision to end legal segregation as a threat to God's plan and argued that the true Negro was better off among their own race. He believed this stance was in line with God's will due to the biblical example of the chosen people, the Jews. These views were prevalent during the most challenging years of the civil rights movement. Later in life, Falwell changed his stance on segregation and devoted years to preaching against it. This shift was not mentioned in the provided text, but it's essential to acknowledge the evolution of his beliefs. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexity of historical figures and the importance of understanding the context of their actions and beliefs.

    • Jerry Falwell's Encounter with His Black Shoe ShinerJerry Falwell's interaction with his black shoe shiner, Lewis, led him to challenge his own racism and eventually open his church to black members, contributing to the civil rights movement.

      Jerry Falwell's conversion on the issue of racial segregation in his church was significantly influenced by a personal interaction with his black shoe shiner, Lewis. This encounter left Falwell speechless and confronted him with the reality of his own racism. However, the timing of this interaction and Falwell's subsequent change raises questions about the authenticity of his internal revelation versus external pressures from the civil rights movement. Despite these doubts, it is undeniable that Falwell eventually opened his church to black members, marking a significant shift in his beliefs. Whether driven by moral courage or the changing social climate, Falwell's actions contributed to the advancement of civil rights. Nonetheless, the debate persists about the extent to which Falwell's change was genuine and self-motivated or a response to external factors.

    • Jerry Falwell's Reaction to Roe v Wade and its Impact on Evangelical ChristiansJerry Falwell's opposition to Roe v Wade marked a turning point for evangelical Christians, leading to a shift in their stance on abortion. Prior to 1973, there was little vocal opposition. Falwell's fear and reaction sparked a new era of activism.

      Jerry Falwell's Lynchburg Baptist College, later renamed Liberty University, provided religious higher education to generations of evangelical Christians despite heavy debt and reliance on donations. However, Falwell's life was forever changed in 1973 when the Supreme Court ruled on Roe v Wade, establishing a woman's right to get an abortion. This event sparked a shift in American evangelical Christians' views on the issue. Prior to 1973, there were few vocal oppositions to abortion. Falcon's fear and reaction to the ruling marked a turning point for the evangelical Christian community. Additionally, the discussion touched on various topics such as the importance of education, empathy towards women, and cost-effective alternatives like Mint Mobile for wireless plans.

    • Religious conservatives were galvanized by Roe v Wade decision in 1973The Roe v Wade decision led to increased political activism among religious conservatives on issues like abortion, gay rights, and women's liberation, which they saw as threats to the traditional family structure.

      The Roe v Wade decision in 1973 served as a wake-up call for religious conservatives, including Jerry Falwell, to become more politically active. This decision, which legalized abortion on demand, was seen as destructive and offensive to many, and it led to increased activism on related issues such as gay rights and women's liberation. For Falwell and others, these issues were closely tied to the traditional family structure and threatened the nuclear family as they knew it. The Michigan Chronicle, on the other hand, is a digital news platform that aims to elevate black voices and stories in the Detroit community. It offers subscriptions for those who want to stay informed, empowered, and connected. Meanwhile, Mint Mobile is an affordable mobile phone service that requires an upfront payment of $45, equivalent to $15 a month for the first three months. It offers flexible degree programs for working adults at Purdue Global, allowing them to earn a degree and create opportunities for themselves and their families.

    • The Moral Majority's true motivationThe Moral Majority, despite popular belief, was more concerned with segregation than abortion in its early days.

      The Moral Majority, a political action group formed in 1979 to lobby for fundamentalist Christian morality as law, is often mythologized as having been primarily motivated by opposition to abortion. However, historians like Randall Balmer argue that segregation may have been a more significant inspiration. Abortion was not a major concern for most Christians, including evangelicals, prior to the late 1970s. The Moral Majority's focus on abortion as a rallying cry came later, in the context of the 1969 tax dispute over segregated private schools. Evangelical Protestants had previously been more concerned with maintaining segregation in the face of desegregation efforts.

    • The IRS investigation of racially discriminatory schools sparks the Christian Right's political awakeningThe denial of tax-exempt status to discriminatory private religious schools galvanized evangelical leaders, fueling their entry into politics and the rise of the Christian Right as a powerful force in American politics, rooted in opposition to desegregation.

      The birth of the private religious school system's tax-exempt status denial in America, as seen in the case of Greene versus Kennedy, played a significant role in the rise of the Christian Right as a political movement. This event, which excluded black people, captured the attention of evangelical leaders like Jerry Falwell when the IRS began investigating racially discriminatory schools, including Falwell's own Lynchburg Christian School. Falwell and other religious leaders were outraged, and this perceived assault on their moral values and institutions fueled their desire to enter politics. Bob Jones University, a fundamentalist college in South Carolina, was particularly resistant to desegregation and even took in a single black student to maintain their tax-exempt status, but he dropped out shortly after. This incident, along with others, highlights the strong connection between the Christian Right's political emergence and the desire to maintain segregation in schools.

    • Moral Majority's Campaign Against ERA in Late 70sThe Moral Majority effectively mobilized evangelicals against the Equal Rights Amendment by framing it as a threat to traditional family values, despite it not being a major concern for them at the time.

      The Moral Majority, led by Paul Weyrich and Jerry Falwell, organized evangelicals against abortion in the late 1970s by framing their opposition as a defense of the traditional family. This strategy effectively turned liberals into enemies of the family in the eyes of millions of voters. The Moral Majority's opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment was their first major test, as they believed it could lead to the sanctioning of homosexual marriage, mothers in combat, and the injury of the traditional family. Despite the fact that abortion and opposition to women's rights weren't major issues for evangelicals at the time, the Moral Majority successfully rallied supporters by appealing to their desire to protect traditional family values. The Equal Rights Amendment, which aimed to ensure equality under the law regardless of sex, was portrayed as a threat to these values.

    • Conservative Activists Opposed ERA Due to Fears of Challenging Traditional Gender RolesDuring the 1980s, conservative activists opposed the Equal Rights Amendment due to concerns it would lead to government-funded daycare, paternity leave, and a challenge to traditional gender roles, which they believed would undermine the family unit and societal values.

      During the 1980s, conservative activists like Jerry Falwell and Phyllis Schlafly opposed the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) due to fears that it would lead to government-funded daycare, paternity leave, and a challenge to traditional gender roles. They believed these changes would undermine the family unit and lead to societal decline. Schlafly went as far as labeling the ERA the "first anti-family amendment" and creating the acronym "STOP ERA" to rally opposition. Despite the broader cultural trends towards sexual liberation and civil rights, these conservatives sought to push back against these changes and restore traditional values. Their efforts, while perceived as "nerdy" or outdated by some, reflected deep-seated anxieties about societal change and the role of women in society.

    • Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority Movement Unites Christians for Political ChangeJerry Falwell's Moral Majority Movement united Christians of various denominations to advocate for shared values, setting the stage for religion's role in American politics.

      Jerry Falwell's ability to unite different Christian groups together, despite their historical differences, marked a significant turning point in American politics. Falwell's "moral majority" movement brought Catholics, Protestants, and various other Christian denominations together to advocate for shared values, such as opposing abortion and promoting prayer in schools. This alliance, which was once considered unusual, set the stage for the involvement of religion in politics and continues to shape American political discourse today. Falwell's message that the family is the fundamental building block of society and its continued health is essential for a prosperous nation resonated with many Americans, leading them to organize and advocate for their beliefs collectively. While some may view this as an overreach of religious influence, it remains an influential force in American politics.

    • Moral Majority's Influence on 1980 ElectionThe Moral Majority, led by Jerry Falwell, raised over $1 million and gained 83,000 new addresses in a year, influencing the 1980 election for Ronald Reagan through documentaries, voter registration drives, and political donations.

      The Moral Majority, led by Jerry Falwell, used documentaries, voter registration drives, and political donations to influence the 1980 election in support of Ronald Reagan. They raised over $1 million and gained 83,000 new addresses for their mailing list in just a year. Falwell declared they would change the country, and the Moral Majority officially endorsed Reagan before the election. In the next episode, we'll discuss Falwell's reaction to the AIDS crisis, the Moral Majority under Reagan, and how a certain fire grip brand reacted to 9/11. We'll also talk about Larry Flynt, who will be the hero of the next episode. If you're a fan of our podcast, Bastard's Pod, and Sofia's podcast, Private Parts Unknown, we challenge you to blast an episode into Jerry Falwell's grave if you live near his burial site. And you can find Sofia on Twitter and Instagram as @Sofia. Also, check out our website behindthebastards.com for merchandise and other podcasts. Stay informed and connected with the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily for the authentic perspective on black voices, culture, and stories in our community. The NFL schedule release is coming in May, and Leesa offers exceptional comfort and support with free delivery and 100 nights to try out their mattresses. Good sleep is essential for mental, physical, and emotional health.

    • Discover California's adventures and relax with a mattress dealExplore California's diverse attractions and save up to $750 on select mattresses at Lisa.com with additional discount and free pillows.

      California is being promoted as the ultimate playground, offering a variety of experiences from wine country and surfing to Redwood Forests and ski slopes. To add to the excitement, there's a limited-time offer for saving up to $750 on select mattresses from Lisa.com, along with an additional discount and free pillows. So, whether you're looking for adventure or relaxation, California has it all, and you can start your journey with a good night's sleep. For more details on the mattress offer, visit lisa.com/iheart. And for more information on California's attractions, go to visitcalifornia.com.

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    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
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    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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