
    Part One Joe Pyne: The Man Who Invented Right Wing Talk Radio

    enOctober 12, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Building Stronger Communities and Finding JoyVolunteer, connect with neighbors, play social casino games, watch inspiring movies, prioritize health, stay informed, and explore different perspectives to build stronger communities and find joy in the little things.

      Despite the uncertainties and disconnections in the world, there are initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor that aim to build stronger communities. Through volunteering and connecting with neighbors, we can create meaningful social bonds and be better prepared for emergencies. On a lighter note, there are also ways to brighten our days, such as playing free social casino games on Chumba Casino or watching inspiring movies like Back to Black. It's important to remember that we all need a break from the mundane and to find joy in the little things. Additionally, taking care of our health is crucial, especially during the RSV season. Stay informed and talk to your doctor about vaccination options. Lastly, it's always fascinating to explore different perspectives, whether it's through podcasts like Behind the Bastards or collaborative projects like Gamefully Unemployed.

    • Early right-wing media figures laid the groundwork for today's divisive voicesFrom Rush Limbaugh to Tucker Carlson, early right-wing media figures set the stage for today's controversial and inflammatory personalities, including the spread of conspiracy theories like 'Great Replacement'.

      The rise of right-wing media personalities like Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, and Steven Crowder can be traced back to early right-wing media figures who prepared the ground for today's divisive and extremist voices. These early figures, including Rush Limbaugh, paved the way for the modern media landscape that has given rise to numerous controversial and inflammatory figures. One concerning development is the increasing use of conspiracy theories, such as the "Great Replacement" theory, which has been espoused by both Tucker Carlson and the Christchurch shooter. This theory alleges that Democrats aim to change the population of the country to maintain power. The end result of this media evolution is a relentless, well-funded right-wing media machine that pushes for a violent civil conflict and spreads divisive and dangerous ideas.

    • From Fringe to Mainstream: The Rise of White NationalismThe story of Joe Pyne, a white nationalist media figure, illustrates how hateful ideologies can spread and gain acceptance in American society, highlighting the dangerous trajectory of white nationalism.

      The ideology of white nationalism, which was once considered a fringe idea, has gained significant mainstream attention and acceptance through right-wing media figures like Joe Pyne. Pyne, who was born in Pennsylvania in 1924, grew up with a difficult childhood marked by a stutter and bullying. He joined the marines in 1942 and fought in some of the worst battles of World War 2, earning multiple awards for valor. However, after the war, Pyne's radio career took off, and he became a prominent figure in right-wing media, promoting white nationalist views. His show's audience grew exponentially, and his ideas, which were once considered extreme, became more mainstream. This shift from fringe to mainstream is alarming and highlights the dangerous trajectory of white nationalist ideology in American society. Pyne's story serves as a reminder of how quickly and insidiously hateful ideologies can spread and gain acceptance.

    • Joe's journey to revolutionize radioJoe's determination and unconventional approach led him to revolutionize radio by engaging listeners and incorporating their opinions into broadcasts

      Joe's determination to overcome his speech impediment and become an entertainer, despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, ultimately led him to revolutionize radio by incorporating listener interaction and opinion into his broadcasts. Using his GI Bill, Joe attended drama school and tirelessly practiced to overcome his stutter. Despite initial failures to find success in radio, he persisted and eventually found a job at WLIP where he broke new ground by engaging with listeners about current events and politics. This was a departure from the standard disc jockey role, which focused on introducing and playing records with minimal fanfare. Joe's unconventional approach to radio paved the way for future broadcasters and demonstrates the power of perseverance and innovation.

    • The Birth of Call-In Radio and Joe Pine's Unconventional ApproachJoe Pine's innovative call-in radio format led to conflicts with employers due to his unconventional methods and strong opinions, but marked the beginning of a new era in broadcasting.

      Joe Pine, a radio DJ in Kenosha, Wisconsin, is credited with inventing call-in radio in 1949 by holding a phone up to the microphone during a contentious exchange with a caller about labor unions. However, his unconventional approach to radio, which included defending the right to unionize, clashed with his boss's desire for a more conventional format focused on playing music and reading ads. This led to frequent conflicts and eventual firings, despite Pine's innovation. The birth of call-in radio marked the beginning of a new era in broadcasting, but Pine's tenure in the industry was marked by turmoil and disagreements with his employers. Despite his contributions to the medium, his unorthodox methods and strong opinions often put him at odds with those in charge.

    • Joe Pine's Radio Show 'It's Your Nickel' and His PastDespite a history of job hopping and potential PTSD, Joe Pine revolutionized radio talk shows with 'It's Your Nickel'. Human connection and resilience are crucial in overcoming adversity.

      Joe Pine, the inventor of the call-in radio talk show, had a history of job hopping and relationship instability. Despite this, he managed to create a groundbreaking radio show called "It's Your Nickel," which became a popular format for radio talk shows. However, it's worth noting that Pine's inability to form lasting relationships could potentially be linked to PTSD from his experiences in World War 2. Additionally, the use of lead in everyday products during that time period may have contributed to behavioral issues and violence. The discussion also touched upon the importance of community connections and the role of initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor in fostering social bonds. Monopoly Go, a mobile game, was also highlighted for its ability to bring people together through various in-game activities. Overall, the conversation underscored the significance of human connection and resilience in the face of adversity.

    • Learning about Chamba Casino and SYNBOTICA offersEnjoy free social casino games at ChambaCasino.com or try natural supplements from SYNBOTICA.com with code iheart for discount and free shipping

      We learned about two exciting offers for the audience. The first is Chamba Casino, where you can enjoy over 100 social casino style games for free, with new games added weekly and daily bonuses. Sign up now at chumbacasino.com. The second offer is from SYNBOTICA, providing all natural supplements made with premium plant-based ingredients, free from seed oils, fillers, or artificial additives. Try them out and feel the difference at symbiotica.com, using code iheart for 15% off and free shipping on subscription orders. Additionally, we discovered Tom Ryman's unique ability to recall movie trivia like a human IMDB. The podcast hosts shared fond memories of their time living together and the entertaining movie conversations with Tom. Lastly, we delved into the history of Joe Pine's radio talk show, where he dedicated his program to the free exchange of ideas and had no qualms about hanging up on listeners who went off-topic or made no sense. Despite his abrasive style, Pine's shows were known for tackling various topics, including sex, religion, and politics, and his arsenal of insults became legendary.

    • Pioneering Radio Host Joe Pyne's Controversial TacticsJoe Pyne, a 1950s radio host, used shocking language and extreme allegations to generate controversy, but also respectfully engaged with radical perspectives. His influence on talk radio and media is undeniable, with his provocative tactics and long-term shift to the right still debated.

      Joe Pyne, a pioneering radio host in the 1950s, was known for his ability to connect with the lowest common denominator in US politics. He believed that radio was geared towards 13-year-old kids and that most Americans were politically apathetic and easily persuadable. Pyne used shocking language and extreme allegations to get people talking and generate controversy, but he wasn't always the hate monger his critics claimed him to be. He sometimes respectedfully engaged with those bringing up radical perspectives. In 1957, after six years on air, Pyne left his comfortable job at WILM due to dreams of bigger opportunities. He moved to California and had a short-lived TV show, but eventually returned to WILM. Despite his controversial methods, Pyne's influence on talk radio and media is undeniable. His long-term shift to the right and use of provocative tactics to fuel ratings continue to be debated.

    • A trailblazing radio and TV host's provocative style attracted massive following and controversyJoe Pyne's controversial talk show style, featuring debates with polarizing figures, earned him a massive following and significant financial success despite ethical concerns.

      Joe Pyne was a trailblazing radio and television talk show host who embraced controversy to captivate audiences during the 1960s. Despite facing criticism and backlash for inviting polarizing guests, Pyne's provocative style earned him a massive following and significant financial success. He moved from local broadcasts in Wilmington to major networks like KABC, KLAC, and NBC Radio Network, eventually becoming the most popular talk show host in the second largest market in the US. Pyne's on-air debates with various controversial figures, including Nazis and members of the Ku Klux Klan, attracted both outrage and intrigue, leading to his nickname "Fist in the Mouth Radio." Despite the ethical concerns surrounding his methods, Pyne's influence paved the way for future shock jocks and provocative media personalities.

    • Joe Pyne's Influential and Engaged AudienceJoe Pyne's smaller TV audience and 200+ radio outlets had an influential and engaged audience through provocative interviews and intense audience engagement, shaping media with a blend of serious and controversial topics.

      Joe Pyne, despite having a smaller television audience than Johnny Carson, had an influential and engaged audience through his syndicated TV show and 200 plus radio outlets. Pyne's on-air persona was often described as provocative and even sadistic, but his interviews were known for their intensity and unpredictability. Pyne's interviews with guests, including those advocating for controversial topics like free love and vegetarianism, often led to heated exchanges and even physical altercations. Pyne's broadcasting style was subtler than his modern-day shock jock reputation suggests, starting from a calm and witty demeanor before flipping out in unexpected ways. Pyne's coverage of the civil rights movement and his advocacy for bombing North Vietnam further showcased his provocative and polarizing style. Pyne's impact on media can still be felt today, with his blend of serious and controversial topics, unpredictable interviews, and intense audience engagement.

    • Pyne's Unconventional Interviewing StyleJoe Pyne's interviews in the late 1960s were surprising, congenial, and allowed guests to speak freely, contrasting modern shouting debates.

      The late 1960s interview style of Joe Pyne, a controversial and polarizing talk show host, was markedly different from what is seen on TV today. Pyne, who came from an era where political figures could admit to learning something and changing their opinions, conducted surprising interviews with individuals he despised, such as Paul Krasner, a left-wing magazine publisher. Despite his disdain for Krasner, Pyne's interviews were not shouting debates but rather congenial exchanges, with Pyne asking provocative questions and allowing his guests to speak freely. Pyne's interviews with women and minorities were more polite than towards men and white people, respectively. One famous exchange involved Pyne asking Krasner about his deodorant use, highlighting that even the president of the United States is human and uses everyday products like deodorant. Pyne's interviews often took unexpected turns, making for compelling television that likely attracted a diverse audience.

    • New challenges, tournaments, rewards, and social interactions in Monopoly Go, Neighbor to Neighbor, SYNBOTICA, and Jumbacasino.comDiscover new experiences in community building, health supplements, and gaming platforms while connecting with others and potentially winning prizes.

      Monopoly Go offers endless fun and excitement with new challenges, tournaments, rewards, and social interactions. Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of building community connections in today's world. SYNBOTICA provides all-natural supplements that actually work and taste good. Jumbacasino.com offers an escape and a chance to win prizes. Lastly, an unexpected find was an old interview between Jill Pine and Christine Jorgensen, discussing transgender issues in 1966, showcasing an open and accepting conversation that was ahead of its time.

    • A surprising conversation about transgender individuals in 1967Despite societal norms, 99% of transvestites are heterosexual, challenging preconceived notions and promoting open dialogue and learning opportunities

      During a 1967 television interview, Joe Pyne, a right-wing talk show host, had a surprising conversation with Dr. Money from Johns Hopkins about transgender and transvestite individuals. Contrary to societal norms, Dr. Money shared that 99% of transvestites are heterosexual. Pyne was surprised by this information, and it challenged his preconceived notions. This interaction highlights how the understanding of transgender issues was less politicized at the time, allowing for open dialogue and learning opportunities. Pyne's genuine curiosity and respect for individuals, regardless of their presentation or background, played a role in this open-minded conversation.

    • Perceptions and Biases Shape Our Treatment of IndividualsRecognize the complexity of individuals beyond their appearances or labels to challenge our biases.

      Our expectations and biases, shaped by societal norms, can influence how we perceive and treat individuals. Joe Pyne, a controversial radio host from the 1960s, provides an interesting example. Despite his extreme views, Pyne's upper-class demeanor and refined speech earned him a level of respect and regard, even from those who disagreed with him. Contrastingly, Anton LaVey, a counterculture figure, was mocked and dismissed due to his unconventional appearance and beliefs, despite his intellectual depth and charisma. This discussion highlights the importance of challenging our biases and recognizing the complexity of individuals beyond their outward appearances or labels.

    • Joe Pine's Unique Approach to Radio BroadcastingControversial radio host Joe Pine defied expectations by engaging contrasting views and connecting on personal levels, becoming a trailblazer in radio broadcasting. Despite his personal struggles, he continued hosting his show from home and left a lasting impact on the medium.

      Joe Pine, the controversial radio host, was an intriguing figure who defied expectations. During an interview with Harlan Ellison, a legendary sci-fi author known for his misanthropic nature, Pine demonstrated his unique approach to broadcasting. Despite their contrasting views, Pine managed to engage Ellison in a conversation that went beyond politics. Elliot was curious about the LSD experience, treating it as a personal interest rather than a political issue. Pine's ability to connect with people on various levels made him a trailblazer in radio broadcasting. Later in his life, Pine was diagnosed with lung cancer, a condition he had jokingly referred to as "coffin nails" throughout his life. Despite his promise to never quit smoking, he did so after receiving his diagnosis. Pine continued hosting his show from home, becoming the first to do so during that time. Tragically, he died at the young age of 45, leaving behind a legacy as a groundbreaking broadcaster. Despite his heavy smoking habit, which aged him prematurely, Pine's spirit and unique approach to radio left a lasting impact on the medium.

    • Pioneering Controversial Talk Radio with Barry Pine and Bob GrantBarry Pine, a shrewd and hostile radio host, paved the way for future controversial figures like Sean Hannity and Vice President Mike Pence, providing listeners with a sense of connection and calm during turbulent times.

      The influential figure of Bob Grant, a pioneer of controversial opinionated talk radio, followed in the footsteps of his mentor, Barry Pine, in Los Angeles before making a name for himself in New York. Pine, known for his shrewdness and hostility, created a unique niche in radio that paved the way for future controversial hosts like Sean Hannity and even Vice President Mike Pence. Despite his polarizing politics, Pine's ability to provide a sense of connection and calm to his listeners, even during their own turbulent times, set him apart from the more vilifying hosts that came later. If you're interested in exploring more content, check out our podcasts on Patreon, Collider, and other platforms. And remember, if you find yourself in a challenging situation, just like Pine's listeners did, you too can find comfort and connection in your community through networks like Neighbor to Neighbor.

    • Explore community, entertainment, and financial planningNeighbor to Neighbor promotes kindness and assistance, chumppacasino.com offers gambling fun, Xumo Play provides free live content, Iheart radio offers nineties music, and Letsmakeaplan.org offers financial guidance

      There are various ways to get involved in your community and entertainment world. Neighbor to Neighbor encourages community building through acts of kindness and assistance. Meanwhile, The Godfather slot at chumppacasino.com offers a chance to test your luck in a shadowy, yet intriguing world. On the entertainment front, Xumo Play provides a vast selection of free live channels, movies, and TV series, while Iheart radio offers a trip down memory lane with nineties music. Lastly, when it comes to financial planning, certified financial planner professionals at letsmakeaplan.org are dedicated to acting in your best interest. Overall, these opportunities offer unique experiences and benefits, whether it's through community involvement, entertainment, or financial planning.

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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