
    Podcast Summary

    • Finding Connection in Unexpected PlacesBuild relationships with neighbors, connect through shared interests, appreciate self-expression, and engage with independent bookstores.

      Community and connection can be found in unexpected places, whether it's through volunteering with neighbors or sharing a common interest like playing online casino games. Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of building relationships with those around us, while Chumba Casino offers a fun and accessible way to connect with others. Meanwhile, Amy Winehouse's "Back to Black" invites us to appreciate the power of self-expression and self-care, while enjoying a moment of comfort with a Keebler Sandy's cookie. Lastly, Robert Evans' "After the Revolution" invites us to explore thought-provoking ideas and engage with independent bookstores. Overall, these examples remind us of the value of connection, whether it's with our community, our interests, or ourselves.

    • Henry Kissinger: The Master Manipulator Behind Global ConflictsHenry Kissinger, a charismatic and persuasive figure, influenced global conflicts through his ability to navigate between ideologically opposed groups and manipulate those in power to carry out horrific acts, regardless of their political leanings.

      Henry Kissinger, despite not holding formal political power, was a master manipulator who influenced some of the worst events in the 20th century by convincing those in power to allow him to carry out horrific acts. He was a "behind-the-scenes" figure who was present in many photos of war crimes, and his ability to discuss ideas like a philosopher made him an effective persuader. Kissinger's ideological beliefs may not have been deeply held, but rather, he used ideas as weapons to achieve his goals. He was able to navigate between different ideologically opposed groups and get them to agree to his plans. Despite his controversial role in history, Kissinger was equally adept at influencing both liberal and conservative figures. His charm and persuasive abilities were key to his influence, and his presence can be traced in many significant global events.

    • Heinz Kissinger's upbringing in Firth shaped by democracy and social justice, but also the rise of NazisKissinger's early life in Firth, a city known for tolerance, was influenced by democracy and social justice but also the rising threat of the Nazi party, ultimately leading to his family's displacement.

      Heinz Alfred Kissinger's upbringing in the chaotic world of the early 1920s, specifically the left-wing and Jewish community, in the city of Firth, Germany, played a significant role in shaping his life. Born during a time of political instability, Firth was a haven for democracy and social justice, but also faced the rising threat of the Nazi party. Kissinger's father, Louis, was a patriotic and religious Jewish man who believed in German identity and saw the rise of intolerance as a temporary setback. Despite this optimism, the family's rejection of the Zionist movement and their disbelief that they would ever have to leave Germany ultimately proved to be a tragic mistake. The city's reputation for tolerance and tolerance itself proved to be a watchword for a generation, but the rise of the Nazi party ultimately led to the displacement and persecution of Jews like the Kissingers.

    • Henry Kissinger's conflicting childhood in Firth, GermanyHenry Kissinger's childhood in Firth, Germany, was marked by both integration and conflict, shaping him with a love for soccer, a disdain for religious education, and a magnetic attraction to women.

      Henry Kissinger's childhood in Firth, Germany, was marked by both integration and conflict. Despite attending integrated public and private schools, Kissinger's family adhered strictly to orthodox Jewish practices, leading to a disdain for his early religious education. Instead, Kissinger found solace and passion in soccer, excelling in strategy and leading his team with unconventional tactics. However, his love for soccer often clashed with his father's emphasis on education, leading to tension and conflict. Additionally, Kissinger was magnetically attracted to women from a young age, which would continue to be a significant aspect of his life. Despite the challenges, Kissinger's experiences in Firth shaped him into the complex and influential figure he would later become.

    • Henry Kissinger's Childhood Experiences Did Not Shape HimHenry Kissinger downplays the impact of his turbulent childhood on his life and political beliefs, despite potential long-term effects on development according to some psychologists.

      Henry Kissinger's childhood experiences, including being labeled a "skirt chaser" at a young age and being regularly targeted by Nazi thugs, did not leave a lasting impact on him according to his own accounts. Despite the economic instability and violence during this time, Kissinger has maintained that these experiences did not shape his life or influence his political beliefs or actions. He has also emphasized that he was not consciously unhappy during this period. However, it is important to note that some psychologists argue that early childhood experiences can have profound effects on a person's development, and it is possible that Kissinger's experiences may have influenced him in ways that he is not aware of or chooses not to acknowledge.

    • The impact of unaddressed childhood trauma on adulthoodUnaddressed childhood trauma can lead to detrimental consequences in adulthood, as shown in the case of Heinz Kissinger, who grew up during the rise of the Nazi party and later became a 'monster' due to suppressed emotions.

      The traumatic experiences of childhood, if left unaddressed, can lead to detrimental consequences in adulthood. This is exemplified in the case of Heinz Kissinger, who grew up in Firth during the rise of the Nazi party. He survived his traumatic childhood by suppressing his emotions, but this led him to become a "monster" who, according to him, would have committed atrocities regardless of his background. Meanwhile, in Firth, the political situation grew increasingly dire in the late 1920s, and the Nazi party gained popularity as the Great Depression hit. The economic collapse made people more receptive to the fascist message, and the Nazis' electoral successes continued to escalate, leading to their consolidation of power in 1933. During this time, Kissinger and his family were forced to flee Germany due to the persecution of Jews. Three months after their departure, the synagogue in Firth was burned down during Kristallnacht, and many members of Kissinger's family perished in the Holocaust. This traumatic experience had a profound impact on Kissinger, who later acknowledged its influence on him. The story of Heinz Kissinger serves as a reminder of the devastating consequences of unaddressed childhood trauma and the dangerous political climate that can allow hate groups to gain power.

    • Longing for the past and stabilityPeople often yearn for a simpler time, even when things weren't ideal, due to disruptions to our sense of security and stability. Adapting to change and building strong connections can help us navigate uncertainty.

      Significant disruptions to our sense of stability and security, no matter how small or large, can lead to widespread insecurity and longing for the past. This was a common theme in the discussion, with references to historical events and personal experiences. The speaker noted that people often express a desire to return to a supposedly simpler time, even when things were not actually ideal. This desire for stability and order can be particularly strong when early childhood experiences of security are disrupted. The discussion also touched on the influence of pop culture, with the example given of nostalgia for the 1990s. Despite the challenges and chaos that come with change, it is important to remember that progress and growth often follow. The speaker also mentioned the importance of community and connection in times of uncertainty. In essence, the discussion highlighted the human tendency to cling to the past and long for stability, but also the importance of adapting to change and finding ways to build strong connections with others.

    • Henry Kissinger's Early ChallengesDespite facing poverty, discrimination, and cultural adjustments, Henry Kissinger persevered through education and soccer, eventually leading to a distinguished diplomatic career. For budget-conscious wireless users, Mint Mobile provides affordable plans with essential features.

      Henry Kissinger's early years in the United States were marked by significant challenges, from adjusting to a new culture and dealing with discrimination, to living in poverty and working in labor-intensive jobs. Despite these difficulties, Kissinger found support from his community and focused on his education and soccer. He held ambitions of getting a "nice job," but his historical interests were not yet fully developed. However, his life took a dramatic turn with the outbreak of World War 2, which would eventually lead him to a distinguished career in diplomacy. In the meantime, for those looking to cut their wireless bills, Mint Mobile offers affordable plans starting at $15 a month with unlimited talk, text, and high-speed data.

    • Henry Kissinger's military service disrupted his plans and led to a life of historical importanceHenry Kissinger's draft into the US army during WWII disrupted his plans, leading him to excel academically and form a lifelong friendship. Despite drill sergeant torment, his intelligence shone through.

      Henry Kissinger's draft into the US army during World War II significantly altered the course of his life. Initially, he had no desire to serve, but when he received his draft notice in 1943, he complied and joined the military. This experience disrupted his plans for a quiet, boring life and led him to become a figure of historical importance. While in training, he excelled academically and earned entrance into a special program that sent bright soldiers to college. However, his time in this program was cut short due to the approaching D-Day invasion. During basic training, he was tormented by drill sergeants but stood out due to his intelligence. A chance encounter with a German refugee, Fritz Kramer, during this time left a lasting impression on Kissinger and marked the beginning of a lifelong friendship. These experiences shaped Kissinger's perspective on war and its meaning, and ultimately, contributed to his future success.

    • Fritz Kramer's influence on Henry Kissinger's worldviewHenry Kissinger's military service and encounter with a concentration camp shaped his conservative beliefs and emphasis on humanitarian aid

      Henry Kissinger's formative years were significantly influenced by Fritz Kramer, a Prussian conservative with strong convictions and a complex political stance. Kramer's influence led Kissinger towards a more conservative worldview and reinforced his natural inclination towards the political center. Despite Kramer's hatred for both the Nazis and communists, there were questionable aspects to his beliefs. Kissinger, who was a back-ranker in the army during World War II, found the power and authority he experienced during his military service intoxicating. The liberation of a concentration camp left a profound impact on Kissinger, as he was faced with the stark reality of the horrors of war and the instinct to help those who were barely recognizable as humans. This experience may have influenced Kissinger's later stance on the importance of providing aid to those in need, rather than focusing solely on preventing war.

    • Reflections on Freedom and Power in a German VillageExploring the complexities of power and freedom through the lens of Henry Kissinger's wartime experiences, and the importance of community connection in creating resilient and meaningful relationships.

      Power and control can be alluring, even in the aftermath of horrific events. During World War 2, Henry Kissinger, a Jewish soldier, found himself in control of a small German village. In the essay he wrote about the experience, he pondered over who was truly free - the man celebrating his freedom or the dead buried in the ground. Kissinger's musings were a reflection of the bleak reality of the 20th century. Although his actions, such as enjoying power and appropriating Nazi possessions, may seem problematic, it's understandable given the circumstances. However, it's important to remember that these actions would later contribute to Kissinger's controversial political career. Moving on, there are positive ways to connect with your community. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, believes that neighbors are the best resource for creating meaningful social bonds and preparing for emergencies. By helping each other out, we can build stronger, more resilient communities. Lastly, there are fun and exciting ways to connect with others, like playing social games. Chumba Casino offers a variety of free casino games that can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere. And for those with a sweet tooth, Trolli Sour Gummy Rooms offer a burst of unexpected flavors to brighten up your day. So, in summary, the power of connection, whether it's through community building or fun experiences, can bring light to even the darkest of times.

    • Henry Kissinger's early life in Germany and his efforts to distance himself from his Jewish identityDuring WWII, Kissinger distanced himself from his Jewish identity to maintain an objective ruler image, while advocating for strict surveillance and banning communists, shaped by societal context and personal experiences.

      Henry Kissinger, during his time in Germany after World War II, worked to distance himself from his Jewish identity to avoid perceived revenge and maintain a more objective ruler image. Simultaneously, he advocated for strict surveillance and the ban of communists. This complex behavior, influenced by the societal context and his own experiences, led him to make choices between justice and disorder, ultimately shaping his ideology. Despite his intense studies and academic success at Harvard, he formed no lasting friendships and remained defensive about his trauma. This period significantly influenced his future actions and decisions.

    • Henry Kissinger's Worldview Shaped by Realpolitik and French ExistentialismKissinger's worldview was influenced by realpolitik and French existentialism, shaping his belief in moral indeterminacy and the pursuit of power and freedom above morality.

      Henry Kissinger's worldview was shaped by his admiration for historical figures who advocated realpolitik, a political philosophy emphasizing power and state interests over morality. He saw history as a series of meaningless incidents shaped by human will, rather than a story of liberal progress or moral principles. Kissinger's undergraduate thesis, titled "The Meaning of History," reflects this perspective, which was influenced by French existentialist philosophers like Jean-Paul Sartre. While Sartre believed that morality is determined by actions and creates the possibility of individual and collective responsibility, Kissinger believed in moral indeterminacy, allowing for the possibility of acting above morality to achieve power and freedom. This philosophy, shaped by his mentors and historical figures, would guide Kissinger's actions and decisions throughout his political career.

    • Henry Kissinger's Experiences and Historical Context Shaped His BeliefsHenry Kissinger's beliefs, including moral relativism and support for ruthless actions, were influenced by his experiences and the historical context of the mid-20th century, shaping his controversial role in foreign policy.

      Henry Kissinger's intellectual development and beliefs, particularly his moral relativism and support for ruthless actions, were shaped by his experiences and the historical context of his time. This includes his early life and interactions with mentors, as well as the geopolitical events unfolding during the mid-20th century, such as the Korean War and increasing US involvement in Southeast Asia. Kissinger's ideas, which some argue justify the actions of psychopaths in certain situations, were controversial and controversial even among his supporters. Despite his influential role in foreign policy, his moral relativism and willingness to make tough decisions, regardless of the human cost, remain contentious issues.

    • Theories of Civilizational Decline and Leadership ChoicesHenry Kissinger, influenced by Spengler, acknowledged the reality of decay but rejected determinism, believing leaders could make choices to shape their people's future, rather than succumbing to inevitable wars of imperial conquest.

      According to Spengler's theory in "The Decline of the West," civilizations go through stages of growth and decay, and when they lose their purpose, they may engage in disastrous wars of imperial conquest in search of meaning. Henry Kissinger, who was influenced by Spengler's ideas, accepted the critique of past civilizations but rejected Spengler's determinism. He believed that while decay was a fact, it was not inevitable, and that statesmen could make choices to shape their people's destiny. Kissinger saw containment as a failed strategy and believed that war with the Soviet Union was inevitable, but he did not advocate for indiscriminate violence. Instead, he believed that leaders could use their intuition and perseverance to choose a path that would shape history.

    • Henry Kissinger's Controversial Start in PoliticsHenry Kissinger started a journal to connect with powerful people, published controversial figures, and faced backlash, marking his controversial start in politics.

      Henry Kissinger's early political ambitions were evident as he started a journal called Confluence, ostensibly for international discussion, but critics claimed it was a networking tool for him to connect with powerful people. He faced controversy for publishing controversial figures, including a right-wing German writer with Nazi sympathies, which upset the Ford Foundation. Despite the backlash, Kissinger defended his actions, believing his readers were mature enough to make their own judgments. This incident marked the beginning of Kissinger's reputation as a controversial figure in liberal circles.

    • Henry Kissinger's Controversial Ideas on Nuclear PolicyHenry Kissinger's unconventional ideas on nuclear policy during the Eisenhower administration, despite being controversial, earned him attention and set the stage for his future political rise.

      Henry Kissinger's career began with disagreements over nuclear policy during the Eisenhower administration. Despite his unconventional ideas, Kissinger's critiques of the administration's "massive retaliation" policy earned him attention, leading to a job offer from the Council on Foreign Relations. However, Kissinger's perspective was controversial, as many in power saw his advocacy for tactical use of nuclear weapons as extreme. Despite facing resistance, Kissinger's ideas influenced the national conversation on nuclear policy, setting the stage for his future rise to power. It's fascinating to see how a controversial idea can propel someone into the political spotlight.

    • Connecting and Building CommunitiesExplore podcasts, volunteer work, and online platforms to connect with others. Support local businesses and consider trying new products or services. Engage in activities for social bonds and disaster preparedness.

      There are various ways to connect and build communities, whether it's through shared experiences like listening to a funny podcast or volunteering in your neighborhood. Robert Evans encouraged listeners to preorder his novel for a signed copy and to support independent bookstores. Neighbor to Neighbor emphasized the importance of building relationships with neighbors for social bonds and disaster preparedness. Ryan suggested checking out Chumba Casino for entertainment and potential cash prizes. Straight Talk Wireless offers affordable family plans with reliable 5G network and unlimited data. For smokers or dippers looking to quit, Zen nicotine pouches provide an alternative with a 10-day trial and simple ingredients. Overall, these messages encourage listeners to engage in various activities and build connections in their personal and community lives.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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