
    Part One: Roy Cohn: The Man Who Made Donald Trump

    enDecember 08, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring opportunities for personal growth and comebacksEarn a proud degree online, stay informed on community matters, support military financial growth, and uphold ethical standards.

      There are opportunities for personal growth and comebacks in various aspects of life. Purdue Global, an online university backed by Purdue University, offers a chance for individuals to earn a degree they're proud of and make their career, family, and life count. Staying informed and connected to the community is essential, and The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily provides an authentic perspective on Detroit's black community. Navy Federal Credit Union is dedicated to helping the military community grow and flourish financially. Roy Cohn, a notoriously unpleasant and evil human being, serves as a reminder of the importance of treating others well and setting high ethical standards, even if one's actions may not seem as egregious compared to historical figures like Stalin or Hitler.

    • Notorious Political Fixer and Blackmail ArtistBorn into wealth and politics, Cohn manipulated situations to his advantage, mentored figures like Trump and Stone, and his Jewish background and family's role in the Great Depression likely influenced his ruthless approach to politics.

      Roy Cohn was more than just a lawyer. He was a notorious political fixer and blackmail artist, known for his loyalty to those he considered friends, even if they were morally questionable figures. Born into wealth and politics, Cohn learned early in life how to manipulate situations to his advantage. His legacy includes mentoring figures like Donald Trump and Roger Stone. Despite his wealth and connections, Cohn's family, including his uncle Bernard Marcus who headed the Bank of the United States, faced scrutiny and blame during the Great Depression due to their Jewish background and the bank's role in the stock market crash. This experience likely shaped Cohn's cunning and ruthless approach to politics. Trump's panicked cry for "Where's my Roy Cohn?" during the Mueller probe highlights the significant impact Cohn had on his career.

    • Bernard Marcus' imprisonment shaped Cohn's upbringingCohn's uncle's imprisonment during the Depression instilled a sense of being an outsider and a determination to challenge the establishment

      The experience of Bernard Marcus, a Jewish banker who went to prison during the Great Depression, left a profound impact on Roy Cohn's upbringing. Cohn, who grew up with the belief that wealth and class transcended religious differences, was shocked when his uncle's imprisonment led to public shaming and family secrecy. This event instilled in him a sense of being an outsider and a determination to challenge the establishment. Despite his father's connections and his own early political ambitions, Cohn's family's response to his uncle's downfall left a deep emotional scar. This experience likely contributed to Cohn's later development into a ruthless and controversial figure in American politics.

    • Cohn's upbringing shaped his relationshipsRoy Cohn's controlling mother and early social connections likely influenced his manipulative behavior and unhealthy relationships with powerful figures like Trump and the National Enquirer.

      Roy Cohn's upbringing in a loveless, overbearing family dynamic significantly influenced his behavior and relationships throughout his life. His mother's excessive control and interference extended well into his adulthood, keeping him from developing a normal childhood and fostering a deep sense of bitterness. This, coupled with his early exposure to New York's influential social and political circles, likely contributed to his manipulative and unhealthy relationships with older figures like Donald Trump. The National Enquirer's close ties to Trump can be traced back to Cohn's childhood friendships with its publishers.

    • Cohn's Early Influences and Career AmbitionsRoy Cohn's childhood experiences, intelligence, and determination shaped his future as a notorious political fixer, showcasing the impact of early influences and ambition.

      Roy Cohn, a notoriously shady political fixer, had a clear sense of his future career from a young age. His childhood friends, Richard Berlin and Bill Fugazi, grew up to inherit significant businesses, and Cohn traded gossip for favors from them and other popular kids during his teenage years. This early experience taught him the power of media manipulation and control. Cohn attended elite schools, graduated from Columbia Law School at an impressively young age, and began his career in law the same day he was admitted to the bar, thanks to his judge father's connections. His fascination with perceived Soviet threats led him to prosecute Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for espionage in 1951. Cohn's life demonstrates the power of early influences, intelligence, and determination in shaping an individual's future. Despite his questionable morals, he was a competent and loyal political fixer, leaving a lasting impact on American politics.

    • The Rosenberg Case: A Significant Event in the Cold WarThe Rosenberg case, involving Julius and Ethel's conviction for passing nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union, is an example of scapegoating and the darker aspects of human behavior, fueled by anti-communist sentiment and anti-Semitism.

      The Julius and Ethel Rosenberg case was a significant event in the history of the Cold War, with Julius Rosenberg being convicted of passing nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union. He was aided by his wife, Ethel, who was also charged and eventually convicted. The debate continues over the extent of her involvement, but both were executed in 1953. Roy Cohn, the prosecutor, saw this as an opportunity to make a name for himself and to distance himself from the shame of his Jewish heritage, which was linked to the Great Depression. The case is an example of scapegoating and the darker aspects of human behavior. Despite the debate over the significance of the information Julius provided, the timing of the Soviet Union's development of a nuclear bomb was a surprise to the US, leading to a belief that a spy had provided the necessary information. This belief, fueled by anti-communist sentiment and anti-Semitism, led to the conviction and execution of the Rosenbergs.

    • Roy Cohn's manipulation led to Ethel Rosenberg's executionRoy Cohn used his influence to secure the execution of Ethel Rosenberg based on her husband's testimony, despite a lack of solid evidence against her.

      During the trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg in the 1950s, Roy Cohn used his influence to secure the execution of Ethel, despite a lack of solid evidence against her. Initially, the prosecution attempted to get Ethel to testify against her husband in exchange for clemency, but she refused. With no hard evidence, Cohn turned to Julius' brother, David, and promised him and his wife lesser sentences if they falsely testified against Ethel. David lied on the stand, leading to Ethel's conviction. Despite public opposition to executions for espionage outside of war, Cohn, who wanted them dead, reportedly influenced Judge Kaufman's decision to execute both Julius and Ethel. This is a chilling example of the power of manipulation and the lengths some would go to during this era to enforce perceived notions of justice and loyalty.

    • Endorsing products with aligned valuesSpeakers prioritize working with sponsors whose values align with their own, valuing quality, innovation, and affordability in products and services.

      The speakers in this discussion have high standards for the products and services they associate with, drawing a comparison to the Julius and Ethel Rosenberg case. They emphasize that they only work with sponsors whose values align with their own. In a different context, the speakers share their excitement about Monopoly Go, a mobile game that offers new experiences every time you play, and Mint Mobile, an affordable wireless plan that can help you save money. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily and the film "Back to Black" are also highlighted for their unique offerings. Overall, the speakers value quality, innovation, and affordability in the products and services they endorse.

    • The Rosenberg Execution and International OutrageThe Rosenberg case sparked international controversy, with many believing the punishment didn't fit the crime or that the couple was innocent. It marked the start of anti-American sentiment and highlighted power dynamics and moral ambiguities during the post-WW2 era.

      The execution of the Rosenbergs during the post-World War 2 era caused significant international outrage and marked the beginning of one of the first major anti-American movements. The fear and paranoia surrounding the United States having the atomic bomb and using it as a threat led to a shift in global perception, with many people believing the Rosenbergs were innocent or that the punishment did not fit the crime. This event highlighted the power dynamics and moral ambiguities at play during this time, with figures like Roy Cohn leveraging their influence to shape public opinion and further solidify the divide. Ultimately, the Rosenberg case serves as a reminder of the far-reaching consequences of fear, power, and the complexities of international relations.

    • The Red Scare: Witch Hunt for Suspected Communists in HollywoodThe Red Scare was a time of political hysteria in the late 1940s and 1950s when the House Un-American Activities Committee targeted suspected communists in Hollywood, leading to ruined careers and public humiliation for many innocent individuals.

      During the late 1940s and 1950s in the United States, the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) led an irrational and unhinged investigation into suspected communists in Hollywood. This shift from targeting actual Nazi organizers to targeting left-wing activists led to the blacklisting of numerous actors and screenwriters, including Humphrey Bogart, Katharine Hepburn, and Dalton Trumbo. Roy Cohn, a right-hand man to Senator Joseph McCarthy, played a significant role in these investigations. The consequences were devastating for those named, leading to ruined careers and public humiliation. This period is often referred to as the Red Scare, and it serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of unchecked political hysteria and the damage it can cause to innocent individuals.

    • The Hollywood Ten and McCarthyism: A Time of Fear and DiscriminationDuring the late 1940s and early 1950s, the House Un-American Activities Committee targeted Hollywood figures for their alleged communist ties, leading to career-ending consequences and the beginning of McCarthyism, where Senator Joseph McCarthy hunted for communists and homosexuals in the US government, causing mass panic and widespread discrimination.

      During the late 1940s and early 1950s, the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) targeted and punished Hollywood figures, known as the Hollywood Ten, for their alleged communist ties. These individuals were subpoenaed, asked if they had ever been members of the Communist Party, and many refused to answer. As a result, they faced career-ending consequences, including prison sentences. This period also marked the beginning of McCarthyism, where Senator Joseph McCarthy hunted for communists and homosexuals in the US government. Roy Cohn, McCarthy's chief counsel, was likely gay himself, and during this time, he and McCarthy had a romantic relationship with one of their aides. The fear of being outed as gay was a significant concern during this era, and the hunt for communists and homosexuals in government created mass panic and widespread discrimination.

    • Manipulating Fear: Roy Cohn's Targeting of Gay People during the Lavender ScareRoy Cohn exploited the Red Scare to target and persecute gay individuals in the government, using McCarthy's investigation as a cover, and those who were perceived as 'trusted gays' were unfairly targeted.

      During the Red Scare era, Roy Cohn manipulated the situation to persecute gay people, including those in Congress, by accusing them of being communist infiltrators when McCarthy lacked proof against those on his list. Cohn, who was gay himself and the king of gossip, used his power to target and question these individuals during the Lavender Scare. Despite many knowing about Cohn's homosexuality, they did not punish him, creating a strange situation where those who were "trusted gays" were targeted instead. This tactic allowed McCarthy to save face during his investigation, which ultimately led to the Lavender Scare and the widespread fear and persecution of gay individuals in the government.

    • The Lavender Scare: A Decade of Fear and Discrimination Against the LGBTQ+ CommunityThe Lavender Scare was a period of widespread fear and discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community, leading to job losses, public shame, and even suicides for an estimated 20% of the US workforce. Roy Cohn, a key figure, falsely accused thousands based on their sexuality, with long-lasting consequences.

      During the 1950s, the Lavender Scare led to widespread discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community and even random straight people. Roy Cohn, a key figure in this period, used fear and intimidation to falsely accuse thousands of individuals of being homosexual, leading to job losses, public shame, and even suicides. This calamity affected an estimated 20% of the US workforce, with hundreds being investigated and interrogated based on their sexuality. Cohn, who was a government anti-gay attack dog during this time, ironically lived an openly gay life. This era was particularly harrowing for the LGBTQ+ community, who faced significant oppression and discrimination, even though it was not an easy time to be gay in the 1950s. The long-term fallout lasted more than 2 decades.

    • Roy Cohn's Homophobia and Mental GymnasticsRoy Cohn's refusal to accept his homosexuality led to harmful beliefs and actions during the Lavender Scare, emphasizing the importance of embracing one's identity and promoting acceptance within the LGBTQ+ community.

      Roy Cohn, despite engaging in sexual relationships with men every day of his life, refused to identify as gay due to his belief in his own superiority. He underwent mental gymnastics to justify his actions and even abused those questioned during Senate hearings regarding homosexuality. Cohn's influence led to the belief that not falling in love with sexual partners makes one not gay, which is a misconception. If a man exclusively has sex with other men, he is categorically gay, and it's important to embrace one's identity rather than causing harm to others. The damage caused by Cohn during the Lavender Scare was significant, and it's crucial to learn from history and promote acceptance and love within the LGBTQ+ community.

    • The Lavender Scare: Fear and Paranoia during the Red Scare eraThe Lavender Scare was a dark period in American history where fear and paranoia led to widespread spying on citizens, particularly those perceived as different, with disastrous consequences for innocent lives and careers.

      During the Red Scare era in America, led by figures like Roy Cohn and Senator Joseph McCarthy, fear and paranoia led to widespread spying on citizens, with those perceived as different being targeted. This period, known as the Lavender Scare, saw people accused of being gay or communist being subjected to investigations and ruined careers. Cohn, who helped carry out the Red Scare, also targeted those suspected of being gay due to the belief that being gay and communist were synonymous. The investigation shattered lives and careers, but what they didn't find were communist sleeper agents. The whole affair came to a disastrous conclusion in 1954, largely due to Cohn's own downfall. This dark period in American history serves as a reminder of the dangers of fear and the consequences of targeting marginalized communities.

    • McCarthy and Cohn's Obsession with Saving an Assistant from the DraftDuring the McCarthy era, Roy Cohn and Senator Joseph McCarthy attempted to intervene in the army draft process to keep Cohn's assistant, David Schein, from being sent to war. Their efforts were unsuccessful, leading to heated exchanges and public scrutiny.

      During the McCarthy era, Roy Cohn's obsession with his assistant, David Schein, led him and Senator Joseph McCarthy to attempt to intervene in the army draft process to keep Schein from being sent to war. Their efforts were unsuccessful, and the heated exchanges between Cohn and McCarthy during this time were well-documented. Witnesses testified to their volatile behavior, with Cohn becoming abusive and cursing both McCarthy and anyone who got in their way. The army investigation into their interference lasted two months, and the public became aware of the situation, with some even making light of Cohn's behavior due to rumors of his sexuality. The army spokesman referred to Cohn and McCarthy as "warm personal friends," to which Cohn responded, "he is one of my many good friends, sir." The transcripts from the investigation reveal the intensity of their obsession and the abuse they inflicted on those around them due to their failed attempts to save Schein from military service.

    • Abusive behavior between Roy Cohn and Joseph McCarthyThe transcript showcases McCarthy's escalating attacks on Cohn, with Cohn's vacillating response, highlighting the destructive power of abusive behavior.

      The transcript between Roy Cohn and Joseph McCarthy illustrates a textbook example of abusive behavior. The back-and-forth between the two men involved extreme abuse followed by periods of calm, with Cohn vacillating between friendliness and cruelty. McCarthy's attacks on Cohn escalated to the point where even an army officer, mister Adams, was alarmed by the violence. This complex understanding of an abusive personality was a nuanced observation for the time, and Adams' willingness to put himself in danger to try and find a resolution is commendable. Ultimately, McCarthy's attacks on Cohn went beyond mere words, and the transcript serves as a reminder of the destructive power of abusive behavior.

    • Exploring Roy Cohn's Disturbing Behavior in the 1950sThe episode delves into Roy Cohn's controversial behavior during the red scare era, setting the stage for his future impact on American politics.

      The recognition of Roy Cohn's disturbing behavior, even in the 1950s, which sets the stage for the rest of his controversial life. The discussion also hints at upcoming topics, including the conclusion of the red scare era, trains, Reagan, and Roy Cohn's later life. Both hosts express their excitement for these topics, and they encourage listeners to explore related media, such as an animated musical cartoon and a podcast about Portland protests. Additionally, they promote their personal projects and plug sponsors, including BetterHelp for mental health support and Granger for professional supplies. Overall, the episode promises a captivating exploration of Roy Cohn's life and its impact on history.

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
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    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
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