
    Part One: Rudolf Steiner: The Racist Who Invented Organic Farming and Waldorf Schools

    enSeptember 24, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Connecting with Neighbors and Building CommunityNeighbor to Neighbor encourages community connections, Chumba Casino offers entertainment, NBA playoffs represent excitement, and Rudolf Steiner's legacy is complex due to his educational impact and ties to Nazi ideology

      Building and strengthening community connections can bring about positive change and provide support during uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of connecting with neighbors and preparing for emergencies. Meanwhile, Chumba Casino offers an entertaining way to pass the time and potentially win prizes. Elsewhere, the NBA playoffs represent the excitement and intensity of community spirit. In a less serious note, the discussion touched upon the intriguing yet controversial figure, Rudolf Steiner, who founded Waldorf Schools, which have a reputation for progressive education. Despite his influence on the educational system, Steiner's connection to the Nazi ideology adds complexity to his legacy.

    • Waldorf Education: A Holistic Approach to Learning Based on Rudolf Steiner's PhilosophyWaldorf education emphasizes the development of students' intellectual, artistic, and practical skills in a holistic manner, rooted in Rudolf Steiner's philosophical ideas, including the importance of internal perception over external reality.

      Waldorf education, or Steiner education, is a unique educational philosophy based on the ideas of Rudolf Steiner, who also founded anthroposophy. This approach to education aims to develop students' intellectual, artistic, and practical skills in a holistic manner, with a strong emphasis on imagination and creativity. However, the mention of anthroposophy might raise eyebrows, as it's an esoteric spiritual movement that has been associated with some controversial beliefs and practices. Rudolf Steiner was born in a Croatian village during the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which was a culturally diverse melting pot. He showed an early interest in mathematics, physics, and natural history, eventually enrolling in the Technical University in Vienna. There, he was influenced by Franz Brentano's theory of perception, which emphasized the importance of internal perception over external reality. This idea had a significant impact on Steiner's philosophical development. However, it's important to note that not all aspects of Waldorf education or anthroposophy are controversial. The educational approach has been successful for many students, and the movement's followers include people from various backgrounds and beliefs. Still, it's essential to be aware of the historical context and potential connections to controversial ideas when discussing Waldorf education and anthroposophy.

    • Steiner's Spiritual Awakening and New BeliefsRudolf Steiner's life changed dramatically after a spiritual experience, leading him to believe he could communicate with the spiritual world and lecture on various topics, positioning him in the midst of the emerging concept of ethnic-based countries.

      Rudolf Steiner's life took an unexpected turn when he had a profound spiritual experience around the turn of the 20th century. Before this experience, Steiner was a relatively unknown figure, working as a tutor and encyclopedia writer. However, after his spiritual awakening, he became convinced that he could communicate with the spiritual world and began lecturing on history, literature, and the art of speaking to various audiences. This newfound belief led him to gain prominence among certain German associations. Prior to this period, the concept of countries based on ethnic groups was emerging, marking a significant cultural shift from the old empires. Steiner's background and experiences positioned him in the midst of this transition, leading him to write articles promoting the idea of Austria joining the new German state. Despite his earlier involvement in the pan-German movement, Steiner's spiritual beliefs and subsequent lectures on history, literature, and the art of speaking set him apart from the more extreme nationalist ideas of the time. However, his belief in communicating with the spiritual world ultimately led him to join the Theosophical Society, which was associated with Helena Blavatsky, a well-known figure in the occult world.

    • Helena Blavatsky's Influence on Philosophical MovementsHelena Blavatsky's ideas about root races, spiritual masters, and karmic necessity influenced Nazism, modern Satanism, and New Age spirituality. Her authoritarian Theosophical Society presented a facade of intellectual freedom but was hierarchical, with Blavatsky and Annie Besant holding the keys to secret truths.

      Helena Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophical Society, had a profound influence on various philosophical movements, including Nazism, modern Satanism, and New Age spirituality. Her ideas about root races and spiritual masters laid the groundwork for the racist ideologies of the Nazis, who adopted the term "Aryans" from her writings. Blavatsky's beliefs in karmic necessity and the extinction of certain races were also influential in justifying genocide. Additionally, Blavatsky's ideas impacted figures like Aleister Crowley and L. Ron Hubbard, who developed modern Satanism and Scientology, respectively. Blavatsky's Theosophical Society presented itself as a group of free-thinking intellectuals, but it was fundamentally authoritarian, with power concentrated in Blavatsky and her chosen successor, Annie Besant. Despite the potential for anyone to access the Akashic records, the indestructible tablets of astral light holding the entirety of human knowledge, the society's actual organization was hierarchical, with Blavatsky and Besant holding the keys to the secret truths.

    • Belief in the Akashic record and astral projection in late 19th and early 20th centuriesThe Akashic record, a theoretical collection of all human knowledge and experiences, was believed to be accessible through astral projection during this time, but it was not publicly accessible and could only be interpreted by trained occultists, often associated with wealth and suspected drug use.

      The Akashic record, a theoretical collection of all human knowledge and experiences, was believed by some to be accessible through astral projection during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. However, due to its intangible and spiritual nature, it was not publicly accessible and could only be interpreted by trained occultists. This belief was akin to the idea of Joseph Smith's golden tablets, which were also claimed to exist but were never physically produced. The people who believed in the Akashic record were often seen as wealthy and eccentric, and their practices were suspected to involve drug use, such as cocaine. Despite the skepticism, some believed that these sessions could lead to spiritual awakenings or even produce ectoplasm, which was often debunked as cheesecloth or congealed mucus. Today, the concept of the Akashic record continues to intrigue people, and it remains a topic of interest in spiritual and metaphysical circles.

    • Exploring Connections and Making Informed DecisionsExplore various ways to connect with people and communities, make cost-effective choices, and learn from intriguing historical figures.

      There are various ways to connect with people and communities, whether it's through mobile games like Monopoly Go or volunteer networks like Neighbor to Neighbor. Another takeaway is the importance of making cost-effective choices, such as switching to affordable wireless plans like Mint Mobile. Lastly, there are intriguing historical figures, like Rudolf Steiner, who made significant contributions to their fields despite unconventional methods. In the case of Steiner, he rose through the ranks of the Theosophical Society by leveraging his spiritual investigations as a unique selling point. However, his theories about human evolution and self-fructification are considered nonsense by modern standards. Overall, these discussions highlight the value of exploration, connection, and making informed decisions.

    • Steiner's esoteric beliefs and the founding of Anthroposophical SocietyRudolf Steiner, a prominent theosophist, founded the Anthroposophical Society, promoting European esoteric traditions and unique spiritual revelations, influencing medicine, music, and more, despite criticisms and skepticism due to his racist views.

      The beginning of the human race, according to Rudolf Steiner, was marked by his belief in the superiority of European esoteric traditions, leading him to found the Anthroposophical Society and deviate from mainstream theosophy. Steiner's spiritual revelations also influenced his beliefs about medicine, leading him to propose that good health is achieved when the physical organism is properly aligned with three non-physical bodies: the etheric body, astral body, and the ego. These beliefs, which are still practiced today in anthroposophical medicine, are distinct from mainstream medical practices and have been met with skepticism and criticism. Despite Steiner's racist views towards non-European peoples, some of his ideas, such as his influence on progressive rock music, continue to resonate with certain subcultures. Overall, Steiner's legacy is complex and multifaceted, with impacts on various aspects of society and culture.

    • Belief in diseases as spiritual purification can hinder medical helpSome spiritual beliefs suggest diseases serve as spiritual purification, potentially hindering medical intervention, and can lead to disregard for others' health

      According to certain spiritual beliefs, diseases can serve as a means of spiritual purification, and medical intervention may hinder this process. Some followers of this belief system, such as anthroposophists, believe that individuals choose their parents and life circumstances before birth, and illnesses or disabilities are a result of the individual's own choices. This belief can lead to a justification for not helping those in need, as they are believed to be going through their own spiritual journey. Despite this, there are actual medical doctors who practice anthroposophic medicine, which combines conventional medical treatments with natural and holistic remedies. This belief system, rooted in the idea that those who are wealthy or powerful are favored by the universe, has been prevalent throughout history, including in early Christianity. While this belief may not be explicitly anti-medical, it can lead to a disregard for the health and well-being of others.

    • Anthroposophic Medicine: Unique Beliefs and Controversial PracticesAnthroposophic medicine, founded by Rudolf Steiner, incorporates unique beliefs like reincarnation, disease as part of karma, and the existence of dark wizards creating evil medications. Steiner's unproven claims, such as denying the heart's function as a pump or the brain's role in thought, remain a point of contention in the medical community.

      Anthroposophic medicine, as founded by Rudolf Steiner, holds unique beliefs that differ significantly from conventional medicine. Steiner's philosophy includes ideas like reincarnation, the belief that disease is part of a patient's karma, and that vaccines can hinder spiritual growth. He also believed in the existence of dark wizards creating evil medications. These beliefs have led to a controversial approach to healthcare, with anthroposophic doctors using a combination of conventional and unconventional treatments. However, Steiner's claims, such as denying the heart's function as a pump or the brain's role in thought, are not supported by scientific evidence. Despite claims that anthroposophical doctors use all available treatments, Steiner's ideas, particularly his stance on vaccines, remain a point of contention in the medical community.

    • Anthroposophical medicine's lack of scientific evidence and potential harmAnthroposophical medicine, inspired by Rudolf Steiner, lacks scientific evidence and may cause harm through ineffective treatments and undiagnosed food intolerances

      Anthroposophical medicine, inspired by Rudolf Steiner, raises concerns due to the lack of scientific evidence for its effectiveness and potential harm caused by reliance on ineffective treatments. For instance, anthroposophical doctors do not conduct controlled experiments, and their success stories are difficult to verify. This was evident in Robert Smith Hall's account of his childhood, where he was force-fed foods that made him sick and given ineffective treatments like horsetail tea. These practices can have serious consequences, such as undiagnosed food intolerances going untreated. The founding of the first Waldorf School in 1919, funded by a cigarette factory, led to the growth of the Waldorf movement, but the questionable medical practices associated with anthroposophy continue to raise eyebrows.

    • Wealth and Idleness: The Cigarette Factory School and Waldorf SchoolsBe cautious of unconventional ideas and practices, especially when it comes to the health and well-being of children. Always do thorough research and consult credible sources before making decisions.

      Wealth and idleness can sometimes lead to unconventional ideas and actions, even if they may not have the best outcomes. The discussion revolves around a wealthy businessman who, with nothing better to do, decides to start a school based on his belief in the health benefits of cigarettes. This anecdote is contrasted with the excitement and innovation surrounding the mobile game Monopoly Go. However, the conversation takes a more serious turn when the topic shifts to Waldorf Schools, which were founded by the same philosophical movement as the cigarette factory school. Despite having a reputation for excellence in the arts, some Waldorf Schools have been linked to controversial practices, such as the use of anthroposophic medicine, which involves unconventional and sometimes ineffective treatments. The takeaway here is that it's important to be aware of the potential downsides of unconventional ideas and practices, especially when they involve the health and well-being of children. It's crucial to do thorough research and consult credible sources before making decisions that could have significant impacts on our lives or the lives of others.

    • Waldorf Schools' Hidden Spiritual PracticesDespite a modern facade, Waldorf Schools can conceal controversial beliefs and practices from parents and students, shaping education with subtle spiritual influences and even racist teachings.

      Waldorf Schools, which are known for attracting famous actors and musicians, can hide controversial practices and beliefs from parents and students. The spiritual beliefs of Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy, were often kept hidden from students, who were instead exposed to a supposedly progressive and modern learning environment. However, this spiritual vibe was pervasive and shaped the education of students in subtle ways. In some cases, teachers openly expressed racist beliefs, presenting different races as standing at different levels of moral development. These beliefs were not presented as overt religious teachings but were instead woven into lessons on biology and botany. These hidden beliefs, which were often at odds with modern values, highlight the importance of transparency and open communication in educational institutions.

    • Steiner's Problematic Beliefs About RaceSteiner's teachings, while appearing respectable, contained deeply problematic beliefs about race, including the belief that certain races were inferior and evolving into apes, and the concept of Volksgeist, which shared similarities with Nazi ideology.

      Rudolf Steiner, despite having a relatively unremarkable public life, held deeply problematic beliefs when it comes to race. While above the surface, his teachings seemed respectable, below that lies a disturbing worldview where certain races were deemed inferior and closer to animals than others. Steiner believed that native Americans, Aboriginal people, and most non-white races were descended from lower root races and were evolving into apes. He held more positive views towards Japanese, Mongolian, and Inuit people, but the Aryan race was considered the best. Steiner's concept of Volksgeist, or the national spirit of a racial people, is a belief that shares similarities with Nazi ideology. While Steiner himself was not a Nazi, his teachings provided a foundation for the racist beliefs that would later fuel the Nazi regime. Steiner's ideas, along with those of other thinkers, helped prepare the intellectual ground for the rise of Nazism. It's important to remember that Steiner's beliefs were not unique at the time, but they were a dangerous and harmful part of the larger cultural context that led to the horrors of the Nazi era.

    • Waldorf Schools' Racist OriginsDespite denials, Rudolf Steiner's racist beliefs influenced Waldorf Schools' origins, with some institutions carrying traces of these problematic ideologies.

      Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy and the Waldorf educational movement, held deeply racist beliefs, which have had an impact on some aspects of Waldorf Schools. Steiner propagated racist myths about people of color, believing they were less evolved and incapable of spiritual development on their own. He warned against the immigration of blacks to Europe and even suggested that white women should avoid reading Negro novels during pregnancy to prevent having mulatto children. These beliefs, while not overtly taught in modern Waldorf Schools, have influenced some institutions and continue to resurface. In response to allegations of racism, the Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship, an umbrella group representing the community of Waldorf Schools, maintains that these racist beliefs do not appear in the educational writings. However, Steiner's anthroposophical impulse is a requirement for Waldorf Schools, and his racist writings cannot be completely separated from the movement's origins. Despite the decentralization of Waldorf Schools and the variance between institutions, it's important to acknowledge and address the presence of these problematic beliefs in the movement's history.

    • Waldorf School's philosophical roots criticized for promoting racist beliefsThe Waldorf School system, based on Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy, has faced criticism for promoting racist and discriminatory beliefs through documented incidents and lectures.

      While there may be benefits to attending a Waldorf School, the philosophical underpinnings of the education system, rooted in the anthroposophy of Rudolf Steiner, have been criticized for promoting racist and discriminatory beliefs. This is evident from documented incidents and lectures that emphasized essential racial differences and disparaged certain races. Despite some arguing that Steiner was a product of his time, these views are unacceptable and should not be codified into a school system. It's crucial for parents to be aware of the origins and beliefs of the educational philosophies they choose for their children.

    • Beliefs in Anthroposophy that transcend time and spaceAnthroposophy's belief in Akashic records means accepting controversial beliefs of its founder, like race science, for their supposed divine origin.

      While it's important to consider the context of an individual's beliefs and ideas, especially those from the past, there are some beliefs that transcend time and space, and cannot be excused or explained away by the person's upbringing or societal norms. Anthroposophy, as a belief system, holds that its founder, Rudolf Steiner, was reading from the Akashic records, which are supposed to transcend time and space. Therefore, if anthroposophists truly believe in the divine nature of these records, they must also accept Steiner's race science and other controversial beliefs, as they are supposedly written in the records. This belief system, which is prevalent in Waldorf Schools, has been criticized for its cult-like nature and its emphasis on spiritual maturation stages, humoral theory, and reincarnation. The impact of these beliefs on famous Waldorf graduates, such as Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux, is a subject of much curiosity and speculation.

    • Controversies and Scandals in Waldorf SchoolsDespite controversies and scandals, Waldorf Schools continue to operate, with thousands of students enrolled in their anthroposophy-based curriculum. However, anthroposophy, the philosophy at the core of the schools, has been criticized for its problematic beliefs.

      The Waldorf Schools, despite their popularity and continued operation, have faced controversies and scandals involving unconventional beliefs and practices. For instance, a Waldorf School in England was shut down due to safety issues, while another in Long Island nearly faced the same fate due to a student's alleged ability to communicate with spirits. This led to significant changes in the school's policies and the resignation of some teachers. However, it's important to note that not all faculty and students subscribe to these beliefs, and some have criticized the schools for their controversial past. Additionally, despite these controversies, Waldorf Schools continue to operate in various parts of the world, with thousands of students enrolled in their anthroposophy-based curriculum. It's also worth noting that some Waldorf Schools even receive public funding. However, anthroposophy, the philosophy at the core of the Waldorf Schools, has been criticized for its racist and other problematic beliefs, which were espoused by its founder, Rudolf Steiner, during his influential academic career in Germany before and during World War 1.

    • Rudolf Steiner's Theory of Social ThreefoldingRudolf Steiner proposed a theory for post-war societal organization called social threefolding, which includes state, economy, and cultural sphere, and believed cultural sphere should be administered by corporations with individual freedom

      Rudolf Steiner proposed an alternate theory for post-war societal organization called the tripartite structuring of the social organism or social threefolding. This theory, which resembles both fascist and semi-feudal corporatist models, includes the state, political, military, and police functions; the economy; and the cultural sphere. Steiner believed this threefold structure was naturally ordained and that the cultural sphere, which encompasses all judicial, educational, intellectual, and spiritual matters, should be administered by corporations with individuals free to choose their schools, churches, courts, etc. Steiner's economic and political views were criticized for their naivete, with some seeing similarities to modern conservative ideologies, such as the belief in individual achievement and the idea that capitalism can be spiritualized. Some contemporary political figures, like Betsy DeVos, may have been influenced by Steiner's ideas. However, it's important to note that Steiner's history with the Nazis and the role he played in inventing organic farming will be discussed in a future episode.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
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    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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