
    Part One: Steven Seagal Is So Much Worse Than You'd Ever Imagine

    enOctober 16, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Finding Community in Unexpected PlacesConnect with neighbors, play online games, volunteer, protect tooth enamel, and explore dark histories to build resilient communities and improve overall well-being.

      Community and connection can be found in unexpected places, whether it's through shared experiences like playing online casino games or volunteering with neighbors. Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of building local connections to prepare for life's challenges and create a more resilient community. Meanwhile, Chumba Casino offers a fun and accessible way to connect with others through a shared love of gaming. Additionally, taking care of personal health is essential, and Pronamel Intensive Enamel Repair toothpaste and mouthwash can help protect tooth enamel, which is crucial for overall oral health. Lastly, Behind the Bastards podcast explores the darker side of history, revealing the disturbing truth behind seemingly ordinary figures like Steven Seagal, who despite his mediocre action films, is revealed to be a monster in real life.

    • Steven Seagal's Early Life and Martial Arts ClaimsSteven Seagal's public persona is filled with exaggerations and unverified claims, from his childhood asthma to his supposed martial arts expertise and musical tastes.

      Steven Seagal's public persona and personal life have often been subject to exaggeration and misrepresentation. While he claims to have been studying martial arts since a young age and even professed to his parents that he was from space, his mother reveals that he was actually born in Michigan and suffered from asthma as a child. His obsession with martial arts led him to Japan at some point in his youth, but the exact timeline is uncertain due to Seagal's habitual lying. In his movies, Seagal portrays himself as a badass action hero with no arcs or character development, while co-stars like Jean Claude Van Damme have more complex storylines. Despite his claims of a deep connection to the blues, Seagal's mother reveals that he was more into rock music as a child. Overall, Seagal's public image and personal life seem to be filled with exaggerations and unverified claims.

    • Steven Seagal's controversial past in JapanClaims of Seagal's past training and encounters with the Yakuza have been disputed, but his martial arts skills and Hollywood success remain undenied

      Steven Seagal's claims about his past, particularly his training under Morhei Uyeshiba and his encounters with the Yakuza, have been called into question. Seagal met his wife Miyako in Los Angeles in 1974, and they moved to Japan to get married and avoid the draft. He claimed to be the first Westerner to receive a black belt in Aikido, but this story has also been disputed. Seagal spent several years in Japan teaching martial arts and attracting the attention of the CIA. However, some of his stories, such as fighting the Yakuza, have been proven to be exaggerated or false. It's important to note that these revelations do not diminish Seagal's skills as a martial artist or his success as an action movie star, but they do raise questions about his honesty and the authenticity of some of his claims.

    • Steven Seagal's questionable reputationSteven Seagal's image as a real-life action hero was challenged by reports of exaggerated claims and marital infidelity, revealing a pattern of prioritizing personal desires over family commitments.

      Steven Seagal's reputation as a real-life action hero was questioned after reports surfaced of his exaggerated claims of working for powerful figures and doing special missions. His personal life also came under scrutiny, revealing a pattern of marital infidelity and abandonment of his former wives. The illusion of Seagal's badassery began to crack with the publication of a 1993 article that debunked his last name's origin and highlighted his failed attempts to open an Aikido dojo in Taos, New Mexico. Despite his promises to his first wife, he married another woman while still married and later met and quickly married actress Kelly LeBrock, all in pursuit of fame and publicity. These revelations paint a picture of a man who prioritized his own desires and public image over his commitments to his family.

    • Steven Seagal's friendships with former CIA operatives, mercenaries, and soldiers weren't just for show, but came at a cost.Steven Seagal's image as a tough action hero was partly based on real relationships, but his actions were questionable and sometimes morally dubious.

      Steven Seagal's image as a tough action star was not entirely fabricated, but it came at a cost. His friendships with former CIA operatives, mercenaries, and soldiers were not just for show, but he may have stolen their stories to bolster his own image. However, his actions were questionable at best. He reportedly arranged for a mercenary to steal Kelly LeBrock's Porsche for the insurance money and bragged about carrying out a hit for the mob, even if it was just a lie. His financial struggles and desperate attempts to get famous led him to make some morally questionable decisions. Despite his claims of danger and badassery, Seagal's actions were often reckless and could have gotten him hurt or even killed. It's a reminder that behind the glamour and action lies a complex and sometimes troubling reality.

    • Exploring new experiences and building connectionsDiscover new things through games like Monopoly Go, community involvement with Neighbor to Neighbor, potential wins with Chumba Casino, and affordable alternatives with Mint Mobile.

      There are various ways to engage in new experiences and build connections in our communities. Monopoly Go offers a fresh take on a classic game with new challenges and rewards, while Neighbor to Neighbor encourages community building through volunteering and helping neighbors. Chumba Casino provides an entertaining way to potentially win cash prizes, and Mint Mobile offers an affordable alternative to expensive wireless plans. Steven Seagal's film career had an unexpected start with the help of Michael Ovitz and Above the Law, but it's worth noting that his website may not provide the full story. Overall, there are numerous opportunities to discover new things and connect with others, whether through games, community involvement, or everyday life.

    • Steven Seagal's Aikido skills demonstration might be a mythDespite questionable martial arts skills and lackluster screen test, Seagal's career took off due to potential or behind-the-scenes influence

      The story of Steven Seagal's impressive Aikido skills, demonstrated to Warner Brothers executives in the late 1980s, is likely a fabrication. Mark Mikita, who participated in the demonstration, revealed that it was rehearsed and that Seagal couldn't toss him or anyone else without their consent. Furthermore, traditional martial arts like Aikido have been proven largely ineffective in real combat situations, as demonstrated by the rise of mixed martial arts. Despite Seagal's lackluster screen test and questionable charisma, Michael Ovitz continued to advocate for him, possibly due to his belief in Seagal's potential or potentially influenced by external factors. Ultimately, Seagal's Hollywood career took off, and it's unclear whether his success was earned or the result of behind-the-scenes influence.

    • Steven Seagal's early filmmaking career linked to mafia through friend Julius NassauSteven Seagal's close friendship with Julius Nassau, a man with mafia ties, and their financial dealings during Seagal's early filmmaking career raise suspicions

      There are credible allegations suggesting that Steven Seagal had connections to the mafia during his early filmmaking career. This is evident through his association with Julius Nassau, who had a history of selling pharmaceuticals to merchant boats and was later revealed to have participated in a bid rigging scheme with a mob boss. Seagal and Nassau were close friends, with Nassau serving as the best man at Seagal's wedding and co-owning his home. Additionally, several other individuals with mob ties appeared in Seagal's films. Seagal's financial dealings with Nassau during this time were also unclear, with Seagal claiming under oath that he did not know how much money he had or what he was paid per movie, and that Warner Brothers had a contract with Seagal and Nassau together. Nassau even walked around LA with a card claiming he was a Warner Brothers producer. While Seagal has never been charged with any criminal activity, these associations and financial dealings raise suspicions.

    • Steven Seagal's Business Partner's Mob TiesSteven Seagal's business partner, Anthony Naso, had ties to the Gambino crime family. They invested in Seagal's career, but their relationship turned sour, leading to extortion attempts and a reported meeting with mobsters. Seagal, despite his tough image, reportedly paid them $700,000.

      The relationship between Steven Seagal and Anthony Naso, who claimed to help sell Seagal's movies overseas, was more complex than it seemed. While Seagal claimed Naso was just a business partner, it was later revealed that Nasau was an associate of the Gambino crime family and they had invested in Seagal's career in the hopes of profiting from his success. This investment turned sour when Seagal and Nasau had a falling out, leading to extortion attempts and a reported meeting with mobsters. Despite Seagal's claims of being a tough action hero, he was reportedly intimidated and agreed to pay them $700,000. The situation raised questions about Seagal's past and his supposed mercenary background, as some of his associates, like Gary Goldman, were later found to have exaggerated his capabilities. Ultimately, the story highlights the murky world of Hollywood financing and the potential for organized crime involvement in the entertainment industry.

    • Steven Seagal's Military Background Under ScrutinySteven Seagal's military background was questioned after he was accused of lying and attempting to hire someone to kill his accuser. His struggles with essential skills for a Navy SEAL, like reading a compass or handling rough water, contrasted his on-screen image.

      Steven Seagal, a well-known action movie star, was accused by Gary Goldman of lying about his military background and being a coward during their treasure hunting adventure. Seagal, in response, attempted to hire someone to kill Goldman after a negative article was published about him. Goldman claimed that Seagal struggled in rough water and couldn't read a compass or a map, which are essential skills for a Navy SEAL. Seagal's inability to handle these situations, according to Goldman, was a stark contrast to the image Seagal portrayed as a Navy SEAL in his movies. Seagal's actions of trying to hire someone to kill Goldman and his history of lying about his military background raise serious concerns about his character and ethics.

    • Steven Seagal's Questionable BehaviorSteven Seagal, known for action roles, has been accused of making false claims, threatening behavior, and using derogatory language towards others. His alleged attempts at a sting operation and bizarre propositions led to legal disputes and anger.

      Steven Seagal, known for his action roles, has been accused of making false claims and threatening behavior towards others in real life. Seagal reportedly attempted to set up a sting operation against actor Alan Rickman, using derogatory language and proposing a hypothetical hit. When a security consultant refused, Seagal suggested a high price for a hypothetical hit and made a bizarre proposition. Seagal also lied about Rickman's height in a television interview and later used the consultant's life story without permission, leading to anger and legal action. These incidents highlight Seagal's questionable behavior and inconsistencies between his public persona and private actions. Bob Strickland, a former CIA contractor, was one of the people who dealt with Seagal's behavior the longest, leading to a legal dispute. Seagal's alleged threats and false claims have raised concerns about his character and integrity.

    • Hyundai Santa Fe's weekend escape featuresThe Hyundai Santa Fe offers adventure and convenience for weekend getaways with available all-wheel drive, three rows, and best-in-class cargo space.

      The all-new Hyundai Santa Fe offers adventure and convenience for weekend escapes, with available H-TRACK All-Wheel Drive, three rows, and best-in-class cargo space. Meanwhile, Steven Seagal's past actions have left a questionable legacy, as he was once invited to host Saturday Night Live but faced criticism from the cast for his unfunny demeanor and critical attitude towards their jokes. Despite his success in action films in the early '90s, Seagal's hosting stint was marked by controversy, with cast members recalling his poor reception and inappropriate sketch ideas.

    • Steven Seagal's SNL Hosting Gig and Allegations of Sexual MisconductSteven Seagal's SNL hosting gig was notorious for his inappropriate behavior and jokes, overshadowing his career success by allegations of sexual misconduct dating back to the 90s, including an encounter with Julianna Margulies.

      Steven Seagal's hosting gig on Saturday Night Live was infamous for being disastrous. While some may find his bizarre behavior and inappropriate jokes entertaining, others, including SNL creator Lorne Michaels, considered him to be the worst host in the show's history. Seagal's behavior off-screen was also problematic, with multiple reports of sexual misconduct dating back to the early 1990s. Despite his professional success during that time, Seagal's career was marked by allegations of harassment and assault. An encounter between Seagal and Julianna Margulis in the early 1990s is one of many examples of his inappropriate behavior towards women. Seagal's hosting gig on SNL serves as a reminder of the serious issues surrounding his personal conduct, overshadowing any potential comedic value.

    • Allegations of sexual harassment and inappropriate conduct against Steven SeagalMultiple women have accused Steven Seagal of leaving guns as intimidation, making unwanted advances during auditions, and alleged sexual assaults. Some women felt silenced due to fear of repercussions or career damage. It's essential to create safe spaces for individuals to speak up and hold perpetrators accountable.

      Steven Seagal's behavior towards women, as described by various women in multiple accounts, raises concerns of sexual harassment and inappropriate conduct. Stories include leaving a gun in plain sight to scare a woman, making unwanted advances during auditions, and even alleged sexual assaults. Despite these allegations, some women felt they couldn't speak up due to fear of repercussions or feeling that their careers might be negatively impacted. These incidents are not isolated, as multiple women have come forward with similar experiences. The culture of silence around Seagal's behavior is starting to crack, but it's important to remember that these stories represent only a fraction of the experiences of women in the entertainment industry and beyond. It's crucial to create safe spaces where individuals feel empowered to speak up and hold perpetrators accountable for their actions.

    • Allegations of Inappropriate Behavior by Steven SeagalSteven Seagal faces multiple accusations of sexual harassment and assault during auditions and on film sets, including requests for nudity and rape allegations. He has denied all claims and continues to work in the industry.

      The discussion revolves around allegations of inappropriate behavior by Steven Seagal towards women during auditions and on film sets. Ginny McCarthy shared an experience from 1998 where Seagal asked her to take off her clothes during an audition for "Under Siege 2," despite there being no nudity in the script. Regina Simmons, an 18-year-old extra, claimed that Seagal raped her during a wrap party for his movie "On Deadly Ground" in 1993. Seagal has denied all allegations and threatened legal action against those making them. These incidents are part of a larger pattern of accusations against Seagal, with multiple women coming forward with stories of sexual harassment and assault. Despite the controversy surrounding his behavior, Seagal continues to act and work in the entertainment industry.

    • An uncomfortable and disturbing audition experience with Steven SeagalPower dynamics and complicity in the entertainment industry can leave aspiring actors feeling violated and traumatized, highlighting the importance of creating safe and respectful work environments and holding abusers accountable.

      The entertainment industry can be a dangerous place for aspiring actors, as illustrated by the allegations against Steven Seagal. Dana Dettis shared her experience of an uncomfortable and disturbing audition with Seagal, where she was asked to meet him alone at a hotel, wear revealing clothing, and perform a catwalk and romantic scene. Despite feeling uneasy, she complied due to the industry norms and the pressure to secure work. However, things took a turn when Seagal allegedly groped her during the audition, with a bodyguard present in the room. The incident left Dettis feeling violated and traumatized. Seagal denies these allegations. This incident highlights the power dynamics and complicity that can exist in the entertainment industry, where some individuals may take advantage of aspiring actors' dreams and vulnerabilities. It serves as a reminder of the importance of creating safe and respectful work environments, and holding those who abuse their power accountable.

    • The Intersection of Controversial Figures: Seagal on InfowarsSteven Seagal, facing sexual misconduct allegations, appeared on Alex Jones' Infowars to deny claims, providing a platform for misinformation and controversy.

      The intersection of controversial figures like Steven Seagal and Alex Jones can lead to the spread of questionable narratives. Seagal, who has faced numerous allegations of sexual misconduct, appeared on Infowars in 2018 to deny these claims, labeling the accusers as paid liars. Meanwhile, Jones, known for spreading conspiracy theories, provided a platform for Seagal to share his perspective. Seagal's career had already waned by the early 2000s, but his appearance on Infowars served as a reminder of the power of misinformation and the potential harm it can cause. The allegations against Seagal, some dating back to the 1990s, were revived during the #MeToo era, with two women coming forward in March 2018. Despite this, Seagal chose to speak out on Infowars, further fueling the debate and controversy surrounding his actions. The intersection of these two figures highlights the importance of fact-checking and critical thinking in the face of misinformation.

    • The Complexities of Steven Seagal's CareerSteven Seagal's career transitioned from action movies to music and law enforcement, but was marred by allegations. The episode also emphasized the importance of community and trying new things.

      The early 2000s marked the end of Steven Seagal's career as a serious action movie star, but also the start of his diversification into new careers. While his films became less frequent and lower budget, Seagal also pursued music and law enforcement. However, his reputation took another hit with allegations of human trafficking. Despite his decline as an action star, Seagal's story serves as a reminder of the complexities and unpredictability of public figures' careers. Additionally, the podcast episode highlighted the importance of community and connection, as exemplified by the Neighbor to Neighbor volunteer network. The hosts also encouraged listeners to try new things, like Chumba Casino's social casino games or BritBox's British TV offerings. Overall, the episode offered a mix of entertainment, information, and inspiration.

    • An ape's journey for peace and coexistenceDespite tyranny and oppression, never give up on the hope for peace and coexistence. Use your voice, actions, and compassion to make a difference.

      Even in the face of tyranny and oppression, there is always hope for a better future. In the new film "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes," a young ape embarks on a journey to fight for the survival of apes and humans. The ruthless king, who is expanding his empire at the expense of the human race, sets the stage for an epic battle. This story reminds us that no matter how dire the circumstances, we must never give up on the possibility of peace and coexistence. This theme is particularly relevant today, as we face numerous challenges in our own world. Whether it's political unrest, environmental crises, or social inequality, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless. But just like the young ape in the film, we have the power to make a difference. We can use our voices, our actions, and our compassion to create a better future for all. Moreover, the film's use of IMAX technology adds an immersive and visually stunning experience, making it a must-see for moviegoers. So, this weekend, gather your friends and family and head to the theater to be a part of this inspiring journey. Get your tickets now and let the adventure begin!

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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