
    Part One: Stockton Rush: Inventor of the Deathsub

    enJune 27, 2023
    What opportunities for growth are mentioned in the text?
    How did Benjamin Rush's actions contrast with his beliefs?
    What role did community play during the writers' strike?
    Who discovered the Titanic wreck and in what year?
    Why was the discovery of the Titanic significant historically?

    Podcast Summary

    • Embrace opportunities for growth and changeStay resilient, embrace unique perspective, and be open to new possibilities for growth and success. Communities can provide support and help individuals thrive.

      No matter what stage of life you're at, there's always an opportunity for growth and change. Whether it's going back to school with a respected institution like Purdue Global or pursuing a passion project, every experience can lead to new opportunities. Even during challenging times, like a writers' strike, there's potential for creativity and innovation. And sometimes, an unconventional idea, like a reality show involving a Super Soaker full of piss, could lead to unexpected fame and success. Ultimately, it's important to stay resilient, embrace your unique perspective, and be open to new possibilities. Additionally, the importance of community and support was highlighted in the discussion, whether it's the military community supported by Navy Federal Credit Union or the creative community during a writers' strike. These communities can provide a sense of belonging and help individuals thrive and grow. So, whether you're making a comeback in your career or pursuing a new passion, remember that there's always a chance for growth and success, and don't be afraid to embrace the unexpected.

    • Moral debates over billionaires' tragic sinking near TitanicDespite the tragic sinking of a billionaires' submarine, reactions on the internet range from sympathy to insensitivity, reflecting complexities of human emotions and media consumption.

      The tragic sinking of a submarine carrying billionaires to the Titanic wreck site has sparked intense debates about morality and media attention. While some find it inappropriate to laugh at the deaths of the wealthy, others argue that such reactions are not new to the internet. The discussion also highlighted how media attention is often drawn to events that are shocking and directly affect people, and how normalization can occur over time despite the magnitude of the tragedy. The speaker shared their personal perspective, expressing a reduction in sympathy for the billionaires involved and acknowledging the stark contrast between the attention given to their deaths and the hundreds of people who drowned in similar waters in the past. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the complexities of human emotions and media consumption in the context of tragic events.

    • Contrasting actions of historical figures' ancestorsHistorical figures' complex legacies require critical examination, as shown by the contrasting actions of Stockton Rush's ancestors, a slave-owning traitor and an abolitionist.

      Derision and exposing the truth about historical figures, even those with esteemed backgrounds, is an essential part of the marketplace of ideas. During a discussion about a notorious figure named Stockton Rush, it was revealed that he was a slave-owning traitor whose ancestors, Richard Stockton and Benjamin Rush, both signed the Declaration of Independence. While Richard Stockton owned slaves and may have promised them freedom but passed it on to his wife, Benjamin Rush was an ardent abolitionist who authored one of the first major pieces of abolition writing in the colonies. This contrast highlights the complexities and contradictions of history and the importance of critically examining the actions and legacies of historical figures.

    • Founding Father's Contradictory BeliefsBenjamin Rush, an abolitionist advocate, privately owned a slave for over a decade, revealing the complexity of historical beliefs and actions.

      Benjamin Rush, a founding member of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society, held contradictory beliefs about racial equality and slavery in his personal life. While publicly advocating for the intellectual and social capabilities of Black people, he privately owned an enslaved Black man named William Gruber for over a decade. Rush's hypocrisy was possibly motivated by societal norms and the desire to maintain his public image as an abolitionist. Despite manumitting Gruber in 1788, he did not free him until nearly a decade later. This complex history illustrates the intricacies of holding conflicting beliefs and the challenges of applying moral principles consistently in historical contexts.

    • The interconnected histories of the Stockton and Rush familiesTwo wealthy American families, the Stockton and Rush, have shaped the country's landscape and power structures through their descendants' influential roles in industries and arts, with notable figures like Ralph K. Davies and Richard Stockton Rush Jr.

      The interconnected histories of the Stockton and Rush families, two wealthy and powerful lineages in American history, have continued to shape the country's landscape and power structures, with their descendants holding influential positions in industries like oil and gas and the arts. One notable figure is Ralph K. Davies, who rose through the ranks of Standard Oil and became FDR's petroleum administrator during World War 2. After the war, Davies and his wife became major patrons of the arts in San Francisco, and their daughter Ellen married Richard Stockton Rush Jr., further intertwining the families. Rush also joined the Davies family's line of work and served as the chairman for Peregrine Oil and Gas Company and the Natomas Company. One intriguing connection is Rush's involvement with the Bohemian Club, an exclusive and controversial group where prominent figures like Henry Kissinger and Dick Cheney have been known to gather. Conspiracy theories have circulated about the Bohemian Grove, suggesting it's a secret meeting place for the world's power elite. While some may view these theories skeptically, it's clear that the interconnected histories of the Stockton and Rush families, and the influential figures they've produced, have left a lasting impact on American society.

    • The mysterious background of Stockton RushDespite his wealth and connections, the lack of transparency around Stockton Rush's background fuels speculation, reminding us to separate fact from fiction when forming opinions.

      The background of Stockton Rush, a wealthy individual who tragically died in the helicopter crash involving Kobe Bryant, raises questions about privilege and the perception of power. Despite his high-profile clientele and media attention, Rush was relatively unknown before the accident, with little information available about his birthdate or place of origin. His wealth was inherited and grew from his family's oil and gas fortune in Indonesia. The lack of transparency around his background, combined with his connections to the wealthy and famous, has led some to speculate about potential conspiracies. However, it's essential to separate fact from fiction and remember that Rush's background, while interesting, does not necessarily indicate any wrongdoing or nefarious activities. The discussion also touched upon the theory that the Titanic was sunk due to a conspiracy involving wealthy individuals, which is a common theme in conspiracy culture. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities of wealth, power, and the role of speculation in shaping public perception.

    • Questioning the Reliability of Information about Wealthy IndividualsBe skeptical of information about wealthy individuals with limited public records, question sponsors of podcasts, and look for ways to save money and streamline expenses while embracing new experiences.

      The reliability and accuracy of information available about a particular figure can be questionable, especially when it comes to individuals with high net worth or those who are notoriously private. This was discussed in relation to a specific individual, who's background is shrouded in mystery and whose written record is sparse. The speakers expressed their skepticism towards the information available about this person, suggesting that much of it may be lies or fabricated. They also cautioned against trusting sponsors of podcasts and encouraged listeners to be discerning consumers of information. Additionally, the speakers shared their personal experiences of discovering unexpected savings and improvements in their own lives, such as switching to more affordable phone plans or enjoying discounted theme park admissions. These anecdotes served as reminders to listeners to look for ways to save money and streamline their expenses. The conversation also touched on the excitement and thrill of trying new experiences, whether it be through gaming or theme park visits. The speakers emphasized the importance of seizing opportunities and making the most of life's offerings. In essence, the discussion highlighted the importance of questioning the information we consume, being mindful of our spending habits, and embracing new experiences.

    • From Childhood Fascination to Pilot: Stockton's Privileged Journey to SpaceWealth can provide unique opportunities and shape lives, but success based on privilege rather than merit can distort reality.

      Stockton Rush's privileged upbringing allowed him to pursue his dreams in an extraordinary way. As a child, his fascination with space travel was taken seriously, leading him to meet a real astronaut and eventually become a pilot himself. His parents' wealth enabled him to turn his passion into a career, even if it meant bending the truth about his accomplishments. This anecdote highlights the unique opportunities available to the ultra-wealthy and the potential for distortion when success is based on privilege rather than merit. Stockton's story is a reminder of the power and influence that wealth can have, shaping the lives and experiences of the fortunate few.

    • From Mowing Lawns to Flying for the Saudi Royal FamilyStarting small can lead to unexpected opportunities and experiences, even if initial dreams don't come true.

      Wealth and opportunity can open doors to extraordinary experiences and education, even if initial dreams don't come true. The man in this discussion, Rush, started by mowing neighbors' lawns as a kid, eventually working for the Saudi Royal Family as a pilot while studying aerospace engineering at Princeton. Despite his astronaut dreams being dashed due to poor eyesight, he went on to work for McDonnell Douglas and invest in tech companies. Initially drawn to space tourism, he lost interest when he realized he wanted to explore space as a captain rather than a passenger. The article suggests that Rush built on his family's wealth to achieve success, but it's important to note that this is not definitively proven. Culture, whether it's Saudi Arabian fast food reviews or TikTok cadence, can also bring people together in unexpected ways.

    • Richard Branson's Space Venture: Driven by Wealth and PassionBranson's space venture was influenced by both his wealth and passion for exploration, but his motivations were complex and multifaceted.

      Richard Branson's investment skills are questionable, and he may not have been wealthy enough to start his own space company without the help of his family's wealth. Branson's desire to explore space was not purely driven by a desire for discovery, but also by a desire to be seen as a wealthy and adventurous billionaire. Branson's choice to focus on the ocean instead of space was influenced by his love for diving and the belief that the market for space travel was becoming too crowded. He preferred the comfort of underwater exploration in a submersible, which he saw as a more enjoyable and less painful alternative to the harsh realities of space travel. Ultimately, Branson's path to becoming a space entrepreneur was facilitated by his wealth and his passion for exploration, but his motivations were complex and multifaceted.

    • Exploring the Depths and Heights: Space and UnderwaterSpace travel and underwater exploration come with unique challenges, but some see them as business opportunities rather than pure exploration.

      Space travel and underwater exploration come with unique challenges, and the idea of owning a private submarine or spacecraft might seem glamorous but is far from easy. The Apollo astronauts faced issues with waste management in space, while building a submarine from scratch requires significant resources and expertise. Rush Moore, inspired by the underwater world, saw it as a business opportunity rather than an exploration endeavor. He aimed to create small, affordable submersible vehicles, showing that some people view these adventures as a means to profit rather than for the sake of discovery. Despite the challenges, both space and underwater exploration offer breathtaking sights and experiences that few get to enjoy.

    • Private submarine industry's challengesDespite safety concerns and technological advancements, one entrepreneur remains committed to revolutionizing the private submarine industry and becoming a billionaire.

      The private submarine industry, which once provided essential services like carrying saturation divers for oil rig repairs and offering tourist rides, faced significant challenges due to safety concerns and technological advancements. The saturation diving market declined as oil and gas companies shifted towards using drones and robots for safer and more cost-effective repairs. Additionally, regulatory restrictions on taking passengers below 150 feet in submarines due to safety concerns further limited the potential market for tourist subs. Despite these challenges, the interviewee, Stockton Rush, remained committed to his vision of revolutionizing the industry and becoming a self-made billionaire. His unwavering belief in innovation over safety regulations, though controversial, reflects the spirit of libertarian entrepreneurship. However, the potential cost of disregarding safety regulations could be catastrophic, as the lives lost during these diving operations might outweigh the benefits in the long run.

    • Decline of Private Submarines IndustrySafety concerns and emergence of safer alternatives led to the decline of the private submarine industry, with tourist trips to view Titanic wreckage being the most successful use.

      The submarine industry, specifically the market for private submarines, faced a significant decline due to the inherent dangers of the jobs they were used for and the emergence of safer and more effective alternatives. Rush calls the safety prioritizations understandable but illogical. The most successful use of private submarines became tourist trips to view the Titanic wreckage. However, the Titanic sank in 1912, and the text mentions a friend's account of dangerous submarine encounters during the Cold War era. It's also important to note that Monopoly Go, Cedar Point's new thrill ride, and Purdue Global's flexible degree programs were also discussed in the podcast. Overall, the podcast touched on various topics, but the decline of the private submarine industry due to safety concerns and the emergence of safer alternatives was a notable point.

    • The Discovery of the Titanic and Controversial Treasure Hunt for Its ArtifactsOceanographer Robert Ballard discovered the Titanic wreck in 1985, sparking a controversial treasure hunt for its artifacts. Thousands were salvaged, leading to museums and sales, while some leased out submarines for tourists to visit.

      The discovery of the Titanic wreck in 1985 brought closure to those who doubted the ship's fate and sparked a controversial treasure hunt for its artifacts. Initially, skepticism about the ship's supposed demise led to a lack of interest in finding it. However, when oceanographer Robert Ballard was contracted by the US Navy to locate two missing subs, he also discovered the Titanic. Despite his potential financial gain, Ballard chose not to exploit the wreck for profit, as many others did during the following years. Thousands of artifacts were salvaged, and the resulting museum and sales sparked controversy. The Russian government, during the late 1980s and early 1990s, leased out submarines for tourists to visit the wreck, contributing to the commercialization of the tragic event.

    • Exploring the Titanic: A Billionaire's VentureEntrepreneur Victor Rush turned his passion for the Titanic into a lucrative business by building the first commercially available deep-sea submersible, the Cyclops, to take tourists to the wreck site.

      The sinking of the Titanic has continued to captivate people's imaginations for over a century, leading to a lucrative market for tourism to the wreck site. In the early 2000s, a company named Deep Ocean Expeditions offered trips to wealthy clients, but the market seemed to stall when the Russian-owned Mir submersibles were retired. However, entrepreneur Victor Rush saw an opportunity and began building his own deep-sea submersible, the Cyclops, to tap into this market. Rush's primary motivation was not exploration or expanding human knowledge but becoming a billionaire by catering to Titanic enthusiasts. Despite initial challenges in securing investors due to the technical difficulties of reaching the Titanic, Rush's persistence paid off, and his submersibles became the first commercially available vehicles to take paying customers to the wreck site. This success paved the way for further exploration and tourism opportunities in the deep sea.

    • Deep-sea exploration is not just about building subs, it's about the business model and logistics behind themDeep-sea exploration requires expertise and resources beyond just building a submersible, it involves effective business planning and execution.

      The achievement of deep-sea exploration is not solely dependent on the design and construction of submersibles, but rather on the business model and logistics behind them. Both the Jianglong and the Deepsea Challenger, two of the deepest diving subs on the planet, were built by individuals with no prior experience in submersible design. However, the misconception that they were built by amateurs overlooks the expertise and resources of the teams and governments behind them. For instance, the Chinese Xiaolong was developed by a professor of naval architecture, Zhu Jinquan, and a team of experts, while the Deepsea Challenger was a collaborative effort between James Cameron and a professional engineering firm, Acheron Project. The construction was headed by co-designer Ron Allom, a professional engineer who even invented a new kind of foam for the sub's pressure system. Therefore, the challenge lies not in building a sub that can withstand extreme depths, but in monetizing and executing the project effectively.

    • Stockton Rush's Risky Approach to BusinessDespite his wealth, Stockton Rush took excessive risks with his own money, setting him apart from typical tech bros who leverage others' funds and avoid personal risk.

      Stockton Rush, the founder of Ocean Gate Inc, stood out among tech bros due to his willingness to put his own money into his unconventional and risky ideas, despite his significant wealth. However, this overconfidence and disregard for potential risks or consequences, rooted in his privileged upbringing, ultimately led him to the brink of disaster with the development of the "death sub." Most tech bros, in contrast, leverage other people's money and avoid taking excessive risks to avoid death, injury, or embarrassment. Despite their overconfidence, they typically don't put their own resources on the line. This dynamic reveals Stockton as an outlier, who, while perhaps more respectable for his commitment to his ideas, ultimately succumbed to the corrupting influence of wealth.

    • Amplifying Black Voices and Staying Informed with Michigan ChronicleSubscribe to Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily for black community news, culture, and NFL schedule updates presented by Verizon.

      The Michigan Chronicle is more than just a news source – it's a platform that amplifies the voices, stories, and culture of the black community. Subscribing to the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily allows readers to stay informed, empowered, and connected to their neighborhoods. Additionally, football fans can look forward to the 2024 NFL season schedule release, presented by Verizon, which will be announced in May on NFL Network ESPN 2 and NFL Plus. This is an exciting opportunity to stay updated on every game, including rivalries, rematches, and rookie debuts. The Michigan Chronicle's authentic perspective and commitment to elevating black voices sets it apart from other news sources. So, whether you're a sports fan or community member, the Michigan Chronicle is the go-to destination for staying informed and engaged.

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    Links + Resources

    And if you can’t wait to start building your team’s resilience with our free tools, head to www.topfivemovement.com/tools to get started.

    Head over to www.probonoaustralia.com.au for all the latest sector news.

    To learn more about Save the Children, Australia's largest aid and development agency dedicated to helping children see: https://www.savethechildren.org.au/


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    Self Care and The Badassery Lifestyle

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    Show Notes:

    • Introduction of guest Samantha and Kathy, Founders of Badassery Magazine.
    • What is badassery? Living in Badassery is living true to yourself and helping bring others dreams to life.
    • Kathy and Samantha´s Book: Badassery Style Community: A Step-by-Step Guide to Planning your Way to an Ultra Engaged community
    • The magazine was originally published in print but that wasn´t serving them so they moved their magazine onto a new platform, Medium.
    • The new platform makes their articles more searchable.
    • It was a hard decision to switch from print to a digital platform which is a good decision in the long-term to share the message.
    • Digital print allows Badassery to get their message further.
    • It is easy to be passive about self-care and health, but essentially your body is the vessel you can go out and create in the world.
    • Both Badassery women shifted their self-care perspective after going to Chicago to see Tony Robbins.
    • Differentiating between self-medicating (to cover pain) and self-care can be difficult.
    • When differentiating between types of self-care, it helps to understand your desires and motivation.
    • Self-care shows up in their business.
    • Self-care is balance and a process. Being ok with ¨the now¨ is a process of falling out of it and then coming back in.
    • Samantha and Kathy are leading a trip to Bali in March of 2019
    • There is a leverageable power within unstructured time used for networking, connection, and idea creation
    • Samantha and Kathy put self-care stamps in their passports by being a tourist of their own town and giving themselves permission to shut off and disconnect.

    3 Key Points:

    1.     When you use self-care, it manifests not only in your life but also in your business.
    2.     Differentiating between self-medicating and self-care is important in being effective.
    3.     Self-care is a mix of balance and sticking with the process.


    Tweetable Quotes:

    - “Self-care is a balance and a process.” –Janae.

    - “The message is the important part not how it looks.” –Samantha.

    - “[Self-care] It is a daily thing but it becomes a little easier when you have the right tools.” –Kathy.

    - “As we grow as humans, the business grows with us.” –Samantha.

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