
    Part One: The Bastards of Reality Television

    enApril 05, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Cherishing Community, Celebrating Achievements, and Finding HumorBuilding community connections brings hope and support, celebrating achievements can be done through various means, and finding humor in unexpected places is essential for well-being.

      Even in uncertain times, building strong community connections can bring hope and support. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer's network, emphasizes the importance of connecting with neighbors and preparing for emergencies together. Meanwhile, when it comes to winning, there are various ways to celebrate, like Chumba Casino's social casino games offering cash prizes. Additionally, the NBA playoffs highlight the excitement and intensity of playoff mode. It's essential to appreciate the humor in unexpected places, like a one-star review, and recognize the effort put into past "shit posts." Lastly, David Bell, aka the speaker in this discussion, seems to have mixed feelings about reality TV. Overall, these diverse topics remind us to cherish community, celebrate achievements, and find humor in unexpected places.

    • Exploring the appeal of reality TVDespite its reputation, reality TV provides entertainment value for many and has a place in modern media.

      Reality TV, despite having a reputation for being infectious and potentially gross, is a form of entertainment that people enjoy despite its perceived lack of value or intellectual merit. The speaker acknowledges that it's not new and can be compared to junk food, but also recognizes that everyone has their preferences and that there's a place for it in entertainment. The speaker shares their personal experience of enjoying reality TV during their time in Iraq and emphasizes that this episode is not about condemning reality TV or its viewers, but rather sharing the most extreme and disturbing incidents that have occurred within the genre.

    • Early Reality TV: Desert Adventures and Family DramasThe early days of reality TV featured groundbreaking shows like desert adventures with contrived accidents and the first documented family's divorce, paving the way for the genre's focus on unscripted life moments and heightened drama.

      The early days of reality TV were marked by groundbreaking and often bizarre shows. One such example is a Middle Eastern TV show where a host would take wealthy guests on desert adventures that would end in contrived accidents, with the host sometimes appearing as a komodo dragon to attack them. Another early reality show was "An American Family" which documented the lives of an upper-middle-class family in Santa Barbara, and their eventual divorce, which was broadcasted in 1973. This show is considered the first reality show in history and is notable for featuring the world's first openly gay TV star, Lance Loud. The success of "An American Family" led to imitations like "The Family" by the BBC. These early reality shows set the stage for the genre as we know it today, with its focus on unscripted life moments and the intrigue of watching the lives of others. The question of whether the divorce would have happened if they weren't on camera remains unanswered, but it's clear that reality TV has the power to make mundane life feel like a TV show and possibly even heighten drama.

    • From novelty to cultural phenomenonReality TV evolved from a dismissed genre to a significant cultural force, impacting various forms of media and bringing positive changes like increased representation.

      Reality TV, which began with shows like "An American Family" on PBS and BBC, was initially dismissed as a novelty. However, anthropologist Margaret Mead recognized its significance, comparing it to the invention of drama or the novel. The genre evolved, with shows like MTV's "The Real World," which brought together young adults in a house to create more engaging content. Reality TV's influence can be seen in various forms of media, from TikTok to Jack Ryan movies. Despite potential negatives, it has also brought positive changes, such as increased representation. It took about 20 years for reality TV to reach its full potential, similar to the evolution of found footage films with The Blair Witch Project. Overall, reality TV's impact on culture is undeniable and will continue to shape media for years to come.

    • Paving the way for reality TV dominanceFox executive Mike Darnell's innovative approach to reality TV, focusing on human drama and repurposing content, paved the way for the industry's dominance in late 1990s and early 2000s. 'Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionaire?' ignited this trend with its massive viewership and new form of engagement, the 'hate watch'.

      The success of early reality TV shows, such as those produced by Fox executive Mike Darnell before 2000, was not enough to revolutionize the industry on its own. However, Darnell's innovative approach to reality TV, which included repurposing content and focusing on human drama rather than mean-spirited commentary, paved the way for the dominance of reality TV in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The show that truly ignited this trend was "Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionaire?" which aired on Fox in 2000 and attracted over 23 million viewers. Despite its horrifying premise of auctioning off brides to a wealthy bachelor, the show's success demonstrated the power of reality TV to captivate audiences and create a new form of viewer engagement, known as the "hate watch."

    • Media Controversy and Advertising RevenueMedia controversies can generate buzz and revenue through strong reactions and intense debate, while community connections and cost savings are essential for navigating modern life.

      The success of a television show or any media content is not solely determined by its artistic merit or social impact, but also by its ability to generate buzz and attract advertisers. This was evident in the discussion about a controversial reality show that drew comparisons to Roots and sparked intense debate. The producers, Mike Fleiss, knew that the show would be controversial and even hated by some, but they saw it as an opportunity to create something that would capture the public's attention and generate revenue. The appeal of the show was its ability to provoke strong reactions and generate buzz, which in turn attracted advertisers. Another takeaway is the power of community and connection in times of uncertainty. Dr. Laurie Santos introduced Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network, which empowers individuals to build stronger communities and support each other in times of need. This is especially important in a world that can sometimes feel uncertain and chaotic. Lastly, the importance of finding value and cost savings in everyday life was highlighted through the mention of Mint Mobile's affordable phone plans. It's essential to question the status quo and explore alternatives that can help us save money and live more efficiently. Overall, these discussions underscore the importance of resilience, community, and cost-effectiveness in navigating the complexities of modern life.

    • Save money, have fun, make ethical choicesSwitch to Mint Mobile for affordable wireless plans, enjoy free games at Chamba Casino, and consider backgrounds before making decisions

      Consumers can save money on their wireless plans by switching to Mint Mobile, which offers unlimited talk, text, and high-speed data for $15 a month. Additionally, individuals can have fun for free at Chamba Casino, which offers over 100 social casino style games. However, the entertainment industry has faced ethical concerns, as seen in the unraveling of a TV show that involved a wealthy contestant with a history of violence against women. It's essential to be aware of the background of the people and companies we engage with, and make informed decisions based on accurate information. In summary, saving money, having fun, and making ethical choices are all important aspects of modern life.

    • Reality TV producer's exploitation of a spousal abuser contestantReality TV production ethics questioned as producer exploits spousal abuser for ratings, raising concerns about morality and decency in entertainment industry

      The producer of a reality TV show, despite the controversy surrounding a contestant's past actions, saw it as an opportunity for more publicity rather than a cause for shame or concern. The contestant, a spousal abuser, was given a platform on the show, and the producer saw it as a chance to profit from the situation. This raises questions about the ethics of reality TV production and the responsibility of casting and vetting contestants. The producer's lack of shame in exploiting such a situation highlights the potential consequences of prioritizing ratings and entertainment over morality and decency. It also sheds light on the culture of reality TV and the often problematic individuals it attracts.

    • The Controversial Origins of Reality TV and Its Dominance in US MediaReality TV's rise to dominance led to decreased investment in scripted programming, limiting opportunities for unions, and ethical concerns, but its popularity among young demographics continued to grow, with Fox promoting its producer despite a scandal

      The scandal surrounding the controversial reality show "Who Wants to Marry a Multimillionaire?" led to the creation of "The Bachelor," and the rise of reality TV as a dominant force in US media. Fox, despite promises to the contrary, continued to invest heavily in reality shows, leading to a decrease in quality scripted programming and limiting opportunities for union represented actors, writers, and crew. The Dutch show "Big Brother," which inspired the American version, highlights the trend of ideas being imported and adapted across borders. Despite controversies and ethical concerns, the popularity of reality TV continued to grow, particularly among the coveted demographic of 18-49 year olds. Fox, instead of distancing themselves from the scandal, promoted the show's producer, Mike Darnell, to a high-ranking position in alternative programming. This shift towards reality TV had significant implications for the television industry and labor unions.

    • Creating Controversial Reality Shows to Circumvent Labor CostsMike Darnell, a visionary producer, produced controversial reality shows to bypass labor costs, pushing boundaries and creating a new genre of TV.

      Mike Darnell, a high-level producer in the early reality TV era, found ways to circumvent unions and labor costs by creating controversial shows with intriguing premises. Some of these shows included "Temptation Island," where couples were separated and tempted into infidelity, "Joe Millionaire," where women dated a man they believed was a millionaire only to discover he wasn't, and "The Swan," where women underwent plastic surgery to compete in a beauty pageant. Darnell's shows often lacked morals and were criticized for exploiting people, but they were also groundbreaking and entertaining. For example, "Mr. Personality" featured a woman dating men with masks, and the season finale was hosted by Monica Lewinsky. Despite the controversies, these shows showcased Darnell's creativity and ability to come up with unique concepts. He pushed boundaries and created a new genre of television that continues to be popular today.

    • The Importance of Connection and CommunityFrom Kirkland branded parties to Monica Lewinsky reality shows and mobile games like Monopoly Go, the speaker emphasized the value of connection and community in various forms.

      The speaker was discussing the concept of a seemingly wealthy but not excessively so group of people, comparing it to an "eyes wide shut party" with Kirkland branded food. He also mentioned Monica Lewinsky and a reality TV show featuring her, which failed due to lack of viewer interest. The speaker then transitioned to talking about the mobile game Monopoly Go, expressing his enthusiasm for its constant new features and rewards. Lastly, he introduced Neighbor to Neighbor, a volunteer network aimed at building stronger community bonds. Overall, the speaker jumped between topics, but the common thread was the importance of connection and community, whether it be through shared experiences, social bonds, or community engagement.

    • From intelligent to sensational reality TVReality TV has shifted from culturally significant content to exploiting personal struggles for entertainment value, similar to bullying tactics.

      The entertainment industry, particularly reality TV, has evolved over the years from intelligent and culturally significant content to sensationalism and controversy for the sake of generating reactions and views. Amy Winehouse's life story was once documented in a complex and intelligent way, but reality TV soon became a formula for casting unstable individuals and exploiting their personal struggles for entertainment value. This shift towards sensationalism and hate clicks is reminiscent of how bullies operate, seeking reactions to gain power. Meanwhile, in a different realm, Picasso offers an alternative to the stresses of everyday life by making it easy to co-own a luxury vacation home, providing a place for building family traditions and being your best self.

    • Reality TV's Obsession with Celebrities and MillionairesDespite potential dangers, networks continue to produce reality shows featuring celebrities and millionaires without thorough background checks, fueled by public fascination.

      The reality TV industry in the early 2000s saw a surge in popularity for shows featuring celebrities and millionaires, with VH1's "Megan Wants a Millionaire" being a prime example. The show, which aimed to find Megan Hauserman a millionaire husband, drew controversy due to the unconventional casting process and lack of thorough background checks. One millionaire contestant, Ryan Jenkins, had a criminal record that went undiscovered, leading to tragic consequences. The incident highlighted the importance of rigorous casting and background checks in reality TV production. Despite the potential dangers, networks continued to produce such shows, capitalizing on the public's fascination with celebrities and wealth.

    • Reality TV romance can be unpredictableEncounters on reality TV can be full of unexpected twists, with deceitful intentions and outcomes that are far from guaranteed

      The reality TV show experience can be full of unexpected twists and turns, as demonstrated by the encounter between Meghan Hauserman and Ryan Jenkins on "Million Dollar Matchmaker." Although Meghan was initially drawn to Ryan's charm, his crude behavior and deceitful intentions ultimately led to his elimination. Despite the disappointment, Meghan remained in contact with Ryan, only to learn that he had moved on and even appeared on another reality show in pursuit of financial gain. This experience underscores the complexities and unpredictability of romantic pursuits on reality TV, where appearances can be deceiving and outcomes are far from guaranteed.

    • Failure to conduct thorough background checks in reality TV leads to tragic consequencesReality TV production companies must implement stricter background checks to prevent violent incidents and maintain accountability to viewers

      The reality TV industry's lack of thorough background checks led to a tragic and violent event involving a contestant on a popular show. Mark Cronin, co-founder of 51 Minds Entertainment, shared stories of a contestant named Jenkins, who was obsessive, jealous, and had a dark past. Jenkins' wife was later found dead, and it was revealed that his criminal record, including an assault charge, was not uncovered during the background check. The incident led to increased scrutiny and stricter background checks for reality TV production companies. The industry's failure to properly vet contestants resulted in a collective shame and a larger conversation about accountability. While the threat of sketchy violent individuals getting through vetting is no longer the main concern, the industry and viewers must continue to hold themselves to a higher standard.

    • Building strong community connectionsConnecting with neighbors fosters social bonds, prepares for disasters, and supports mental health through networks like Neighbor to Neighbor and online therapy platforms like BetterHelp, while finding joy in free games at Chumba Casino enhances everyday life.

      Building strong connections within your community can bring numerous benefits, from creating meaningful social bonds to preparing for natural disasters. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer's network, is an excellent example of how individuals can come together to build a more connected community. Meanwhile, mental health challenges can affect anyone, and having access to mental health support is crucial. BetterHelp offers online therapy, providing flexible and affordable options for individuals to connect with licensed therapists. Lastly, finding joy in everyday life is essential, and Chumba Casino offers free social casino-style games to help brighten up your day. Remember, it takes a neighborhood to build strong connections, and everyone deserves access to mental health support and simple pleasures.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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