
    Podcast Summary

    • Strengthening Community ConnectionsBuilding relationships with neighbors, participating in community events, and embracing inclusivity can lead to social bonds, personal growth, and unexpected opportunities.

      Building strong community connections can bring numerous benefits, including social bonds, disaster preparedness, and personal growth. Neighbor to Neighbor is an initiative that encourages people to connect with their neighbors and strengthen their communities. Meanwhile, engaging in activities like playing The Godfather slot at Chompacasino.com or attending AARP events can lead to unexpected opportunities and meaningful experiences. Additionally, JCPenney's inclusive fashion offerings can help individuals feel confident and stylish, regardless of body type. Lastly, unexpected connections can be drawn between seemingly unrelated individuals or entities, as demonstrated by the link between Josh Duggar, Joe Arpaio, and Steven Seagal.

    • Everyone has the power to make a differenceRegardless of resources, hope and action can be a form of power. Everyone can contribute through money, time, resources, or spreading awareness.

      No matter how small your resources may be, everyone has the power to make a difference. The concept of "fuck you money" often refers to the immense wealth that allows some individuals to exert control over others. However, the speakers on this podcast emphasize that having hope and taking action, no matter how small the contribution, can also be a form of power. Sean's decision to spend a significant amount of money to aid in the recall effort against Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler is an example of this. But the speakers also encourage that this power can come in various forms, such as signing up supporters, donating time or resources, or simply spreading awareness. This is a reminder that everyone has the ability to make an impact, regardless of their financial situation.

    • The Duggar family's conservative Christian beliefs and large family were rooted in the Quiverfull movementThe Duggar family's large family and conservative Christian beliefs were not just a personal choice, but part of the Quiverfull movement which advocates for large families and a belief in biblical submission, influencing their political views and public image

      The Duggar family, known for their large size and conservative Christian beliefs, gained fame through reality TV, but their background in a specific evangelical movement called Quiverfull, which advocates for large families and a belief in biblical submission, is often overlooked. This movement holds unique political views, such as the idea that the government should focus on defense and religious matters belong to Jesus. The term "separation of church and state" can be deceptively defined within this context, making it important to understand the historical and religious underpinnings of the Duggar family's beliefs. From 1999 to 2002, Jim Bob Duggar was a state legislator in Arkansas, and his large family gained media attention during his campaigns. Despite the initial portrayal of their family size as a quirky personal choice, the Duggars' conservative Christian beliefs and large family were rooted in the Quiverfull movement. Understanding this background provides valuable context to their public image and the larger cultural conversations surrounding family size, religion, and politics.

    • The Duggars' fame and political connections rooted in Dominionist beliefsThe Duggars' influence in Republican party politics stems from their deep-rooted Dominionist beliefs, advocating for Christians to assert control over various aspects of life, including government.

      The Duggar family's fame and political connections can be traced back to their deep-rooted beliefs in the Dominionist movement, which advocates for Christians to assert authority over various aspects of life, including family, religion, education, economy, arts, media, and government. This movement, while not new, has gained significant influence and prominence in recent years, as evidenced by its connection to political figures like Mike Huckabee, Marco Rubio, and Donald Trump. The Duggars' growing fame and wealth, which began around 2008, allowed them to become increasingly involved in Republican party politics, and their conservative values, while not openly discussed on their TV shows, are central to their faith and political affiliations.

    • The Duggar family and the Quiverfull movement: Building an army of GodThe Quiverfull movement, a Christian subculture emphasizing large families and withdrawal from secular society, has influenced American politics and culture through its origins in the homeschooling community and the rise of conservative Christian political power.

      The Duggar family served as the face of the Quiverfull movement, a specific Christian subculture with the belief that having a large number of children is a religious duty to build an army of God. This movement evolved from various strands of right-wing Christian culture, including the homeschooling community, which has been heavily dominated by the evangelical Christian community for decades. The practice of homeschooling has led to the widespread dissemination of Christian propaganda, making it difficult for secular families to avoid. The Quiverfull movement's emphasis on having a large family and withdrawing from secular society has contributed to the rise of conservative Christian political power, as seen in the current assaults on trans rights, voting rights, and the support for Donald Trump. Despite its origins in a specific subculture, the influence of the Quiverfull movement extends far beyond its fringes, shaping American politics and culture in significant ways.

    • The religious right's perspective on women's submission during the 1970s and 1980sThe religious right framed women's submission as a form of agency and a spiritual war against humanism during the 1970s and 1980s.

      During the 1970s and 1980s, the backlash against feminism and civil rights movements led to the birth of the religious right, with figures like Jerry Falwell and Howard Phillips advocating for women to submit completely to their husbands as part of a spiritual war against humanism. This idea, rooted in evangelical Christianity, framed submission as a form of agency and striking a blow against the devil. This perspective, while controversial, highlights the complex and nuanced ways that religious and political beliefs have shaped social movements and debates in American history. It's important to remember that perspectives and beliefs, even those that seem extreme or problematic to us today, have played significant roles in shaping our society and continue to influence our world today.

    • Building strong community connectionsEmbrace diversity and inclusivity to create harmonious communities, utilizing resources like Chumba Casino and Snagajob to facilitate connections and opportunities.

      Building strong community connections is essential for personal growth and preparedness. Whether it's through sharing experiences like playing online games or lending a helping hand to neighbors, the people around us play a significant role in our lives. Websites like Chumba Casino and Snagajob can help facilitate these connections and provide resources for hiring and entertainment. However, some philosophies, like complementarianism, advocate for traditional gender roles and view feminism as a curse from God. It's important to remember that everyone deserves respect and equal opportunities, regardless of their gender. By embracing diversity and inclusivity, we can create a more connected and harmonious community.

    • Antifeminist Christians saw women's liberation as a threat to civilizationDuring the late 20th century, some Christians believed feminism was a comprehensive lifestyle leading to social anarchy, prompting the rise of homeschooling as a means to shield children from secular influences. They created a vision for biblical womanhood as a counter to feminism, resulting in the Danvers Statement's release.

      During the late 20th century, there was a strain of evangelical culture that saw women's liberation as a threat to civilization. They believed that feminism, which they saw as a self-consistent system, would lead to social anarchy. This belief led to the rise of the homeschooling movement as a means to keep children free from secular influences. Mary Pride, a prominent figure in the homeschooling movement, saw feminism as a comprehensive lifestyle that had infiltrated every aspect of women's lives. She believed that Christians lacked a plan for women, which was why they were losing the cultural battle. Pride, along with other influential figures like John Piper and Wayne Grudem, helped create a vision for biblical womanhood as a counter to feminism. The Danvers Statement, released by the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood in 1987, was a rallying cry for conservative Christians to fight against egalitarian influences in the church and bar women from positions of authority. Despite their outsized perception of feminism's influence, these antifeminist Christians saw it as a significant cultural force and intended to root out its ideas and influences.

    • The Quiverfull movement's rise to mainstream influenceThe Quiverfull movement, emphasizing traditional family values, large families, and religious influence, gained significant influence in American society from the Southern Baptist Convention, infiltrating various sectors to establish a strong Christian presence, despite a sex scandal involving one of its leaders.

      The Quiverfull movement, a segment of the Christian right, gained significant influence in American society towards the end of the 20th century. Originating from the Southern Baptist Convention, this ideology emphasized traditional family values, large families, and the importance of religious influence in all aspects of life. The SBC's endorsement of these ideas brought them into the mainstream, making it clear that this was not a fringe ideology. The evangelical community saw political power as a means to achieve their goals, starting with Reagan's presidency. They began infiltrating various sectors of society, including education and local politics, to establish a strong Christian presence. One specific cult within this movement was the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP), founded by Bill Gothard. The IBLP was fundamentalist and male supremacist, with strict rules against dating, flirting, and women submitting to their fathers and husbands. However, the movement was rocked by a sex scandal involving Bill and his brother Steve's affairs with institute secretaries. Despite this, the Quiverfull movement's influence continued to grow, with families like the Duggars becoming prominent faces of this ideology.

    • Impact of Bill Gothard and IBLP on Quiverfull movement and DuggarsBill Gothard's Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP) significantly influenced the Quiverfull movement and the Duggars through their Advanced Training Institute (ATI) curriculum. Critics argue the teachings promote obedience to authority to the point of abuse, with limited sex education and disturbing discipline methods, raising concerns for child safety.

      Bill Gothard and his Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP) had a significant impact on the Quiverfull movement and the education of numerous families, including the Duggars. However, the IBLP's teachings, as outlined in their Advanced Training Institute (ATI) curriculum, have been criticized for promoting obedience to authority to the point of abuse, with shocking lessons in science and history, and disturbing methods of discipline, such as blanket training and beatings. The curriculum also contained limited sex education for young women, while encouraging strict rules for men to avoid temptation. These practices have raised concerns about the potential for child abuse within these communities.

    • Religious communities limiting sexual education leaving girls vulnerableLimited sexual education and communication in religious communities can make girls more susceptible to abuse, and limiting the vocabulary around sexuality can perpetuate blame towards victims

      The restrictive teachings and lack of sexual education in certain religious communities can leave young girls vulnerable to sexual abuse. This is due to the combination of a lack of sexual knowledge and deeply ingrained submissiveness. The limited vocabulary and communication around sexuality further exacerbate the issue. This concept can be compared to George Orwell's Newspeak, where limiting the vocabulary of a community limits their ability to express certain things and understand complex concepts. Unfortunately, this mindset can also lead to blame being placed on the victim, as seen in recent cases where the perpetrator believes the victim's immodesty was the cause of their actions. It's crucial for communities to prioritize open and honest conversations about sexuality to prevent such vulnerabilities and protect their members.

    • Connecting Communities and BusinessesExplore resources like Neighbor to Neighbor and Snagajob to build stronger relationships and prepare for emergencies, while businesses can access a large talent pool. Reality shows like the Duggar's can subtly promote movements, while simple solutions like Mint Mobile offer significant savings.

      There are organizations and resources, like Neighbor to Neighbor and Snagajob, that aim to connect and empower communities and businesses, respectively. Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of building strong relationships with neighbors and preparing for emergencies, while Snagajob offers an extensive talent pool for businesses looking to hire. Meanwhile, the Duggar family's reality show served as a subtle platform for promoting the Quiverfull movement and Bill Gothard's teachings, disguised as a quirky lifestyle choice. In contrast, simple cost-effective solutions, such as Mint Mobile's wireless plans, can lead to significant savings. By staying informed and aware of these resources and opportunities, individuals and businesses can thrive and build stronger connections within their communities.

    • Gradual Indoctrination by Religious or Ideological GroupsReligious and ideological groups use a gradual approach to attract members, introducing extreme beliefs and practices as they become more invested, potentially leading to abusive situations.

      Religious or ideological groups, whether it be Qanon, Mars Hill Church, or the Duggar family, use a gradual approach to attract and indoctrinate new members. They start by presenting a more palatable or appealing image, then introduce more extreme beliefs and practices as people become more invested. This can lead to abusive situations, as seen in the Duggar family's large household structure where older siblings are burdened with child rearing responsibilities, robbing them of their own childhood and leaving them in a position of power over younger siblings, which can result in instances of sexual abuse. The Qanon movement also uses a similar approach, starting with seemingly harmless conspiracy theories before leading members down a rabbit hole of increasingly extreme beliefs.

    • The Duggars' Unique Upbringing: Influenced by Miscarriage, Certainty, and ATIThe Duggars' extreme religious beliefs and large family were shaped by personal experiences, teachings of Bill Gothard's ATI ministry, and a desire for certainty in raising children. Their home life was criticized as cramped and dirty before fame, while their debt-free status was celebrated.

      The Duggar family's extreme religious beliefs and large family size were influenced by various factors, including a miscarriage they attributed to birth control, a desire for certainty in raising children, and the teachings of Bill Gothard's ATI ministry. Their home life before fame was described as cramped and dirty by outsiders, and Jim Bob's political aspirations for Josh contributed to his public profile. The Dallas Morning News article that brought them to wider attention failed to delve into the controversial aspects of their beliefs, presenting them as simple, born-again Christians who view children as blessings from God. However, their adherence to ATI's teachings, which view women as subservient to men, is a significant yet overlooked aspect of their beliefs. The family's debt-free status was also highlighted as a notable achievement in their community.

    • The challenges of debt-free living in the Quiverfull movementThe Quiverfull movement's emphasis on debt-free living can lead to financial instability and lack of access to essential resources for many families.

      The idea of living debt-free, which is promoted by some large families in the Quiverfull movement, can lead to significant challenges and limitations in accessing essential resources for proper care and stability. Many families in this movement live in poverty and build their homes in remote areas without access to basic amenities. The Duggars, who are financially well-off due to their reality TV show, present their debt-free lifestyle as achievable through financial discipline and community support, but this is not the reality for most families in the movement. This situation reinforces the Calvinist prosperity gospel, implying that financial comfort is a reward for following the right rules, while those who struggle financially are seen as deserving their circumstances. It's crucial to remember that most Quiverful families do not enjoy the same level of financial comfort as the Duggars.

    • The Duggars' TV success masks the darker realities of their fundamentalist cultThe Duggars' affluence and media portrayal hide the common struggles of cult members, including poverty and strict gender roles. Their response to Joshua Duggar's molestation scandal revealed problematic beliefs and practices regarding sexual abuse.

      The Duggar family's affluence, enabled by their reality TV deal, masks the more common realities of families in their fundamentalist cult, including poverty and strict gender roles. Despite the media portrayal of the Duggars as a quirky, relatable family, they are indeed members of a cult, and their TV success has disguised the darker aspects of their background. In 2002, when Joshua Duggar was 14, he molested his sisters, and the family's response involved sending him to a Christian training program run by Bill Gothard's ATI, which did not involve counseling for Joshua. This incident and the family's handling of it highlight the cult's problematic beliefs and practices regarding sexual abuse. The Duggars' large family and social network are rooted in their cult, and their success in media has allowed them to present a sanitized version of their lifestyle, obscuring the more troubling aspects of their beliefs and experiences.

    • ATI's Protocol for Handling Sexual Abuse Blamed VictimsThe Accountability Training Institute (ATI) placed blame on victims of sexual abuse instead of the abusers, as seen in their protocol and teachings.

      The Accountability Training Institute (ATI), led by Bill Gothard, had a protocol for handling sexual abuse, but it placed blame on the victims rather than the abusers. This is evident in a quote from a 2013 chart published by Recovering Grace, which suggested that victims' immodest dress, indecent exposure, and being out of their parents' protection were reasons for the abuse. This victim-blaming mentality was also reflected in a marriage guide for women, which advised them to testify and pray for their husbands to go to prison, but also to visit and encourage them while they were incarcerated. ATI's Girls Bible Study also emphasized the importance of being careful with what they said, wore, and did to avoid triggering boys. One former ATI member, Miss Smith, was molested by a staff member and reported the incident to Gothard himself. Instead of reprimanding the staff member or offering support to Miss Smith, Gothard asked intrusive questions about the details of the abuse. These incidents demonstrate the cult-like nature of ATI and the Quiverfull movement, which prioritized providing men at the top with a constant stream of helpless victims. The lack of a proper understanding of consent and the blame placed on victims allowed for a culture of abuse to thrive within ATI.

    • Focusing on incompetence of specific individuals while being nice to othersBuild connections within community, focus on positivity, and take action to bring people together.

      While it's important to address harmful ideologies, it's equally important to maintain kindness and community with those around us. In the discussion, the speakers emphasized the importance of focusing on the incompetence of specific individuals, such as Ted Wheeler and Bill Gothard, while being nice to others. They also highlighted the importance of building connections within one's community through initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor. Additionally, the speakers encouraged taking action, whether it be through volunteering or playing games like Lucky Lance Slots, to bring people together and create a more connected world. Overall, the message was one of finding ways to build up and support each other, rather than focusing on negativity and division.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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