
    Part One: The Founding Father of Fake Cancer Cures

    enMarch 03, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Connecting with Community: Building Bonds and Finding SupportEngage in community initiatives, strengthen neighborhood bonds, find joy in social activities, and embrace positivity during challenges

      Building connections in your community can bring both personal growth and preparedness for unexpected events. Doctor Laurie Santos introduced Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network that encourages people to help each other and strengthen their neighborhood bonds. Meanwhile, Ryan shared his enthusiasm for Chamba Casino, a place for free social casino games and daily bonuses. Navy Federal Credit Union was highlighted for its mission to help the military community grow financially, while Consumer Cellular offers affordable wireless service with reliable coverage. Robert Evans from Behind the Bastards discussed the upsides of cancer, emphasizing that even in difficult situations, there can be positives. Overall, these messages encourage us to engage with our communities, have fun, and find the bright sides in life's challenges.

    • The Tragic Reality of Cancer Cures: A History of DeceptionUnscrupulous individuals have exploited people's fear of cancer to sell bogus cures, with Harry Hoxsey being a notable example of a 'Cancer Con Man' in history.

      Despite advancements in medicine, cancer remains a formidable challenge, leaving many people in desperate situations. This creates an opportunity for unscrupulous individuals to exploit their fear and sell bogus cancer cures. Harry Hoxsey, born in Illinois in 1901, is one such figure. He was the son of a veterinarian who, due to a grandfather clause, was able to continue practicing medicine without a formal medical license. Harry Hoxsey became infamous for inventing the modern fake cancer cure industry, using the moniker "Cancer Con Man." His business card read "Harry Hoxsey, Cancer Con Man." This man's story serves as a reminder of the tragic reality that while some people aim to help those with cancer, others prey on their vulnerability for personal gain.

    • The value of unconventional healing methodsUnconventional methods, rooted in folklore or otherwise, can hold significant value and effectiveness in healing. An example is the Hoxie family's use of herbs, inspired by a horse's self-healing, which proved effective in treating various illnesses in their herd and later humans.

      Unconventional methods and natural remedies, even those rooted in folklore, can hold significant value and effectiveness in healing. The story of the Hoxie family, as shared in the discussion, illustrates this idea. John Hoxie, a veterinarian by law but not by profession, claimed that his family's knowledge of healing arts went back to the 1800s. He discovered a horse that healed itself from a massive cancerous lesion by consuming certain shrubs and plants. Inspired by this, John began using the herbs he called "horse scents" to create a salve, which proved effective in treating various illnesses in his herd. The success of the salve led others to seek out his help, and eventually, John's son, Harry, carried on the tradition of using the family's miracle cure on humans. While some practices may seem unorthodox, as seen in the use of tobacco spit, these methods have proven effective throughout history, and it's essential to keep an open mind when exploring alternative healing methods.

    • Harry Hoxie's Father's Alleged Cancer Cure was a LieBusiness owners should avoid promoting fake cures, especially for serious conditions like cancer, as it's unethical and dangerous.

      Harry Hoxie's story of his father's alleged horse sense cancer cure was a lie. Despite Harry's claims that his father had discovered the cure in 1908, the story changed significantly over the years, leaving out crucial details like the cause of his parents' deaths. It's now believed that Harry quit school at 15 to become a coal miner and later sold insurance before starting his own business. The incident that led him to promote his father's fake cancer cure was a meeting with a desperate Civil War veteran who had cancer of the lip. Despite not having a medical license, Harry was inspired by the veteran's words and began selling the cure, despite knowing it was ineffective. It's important to remember that while it's understandable for business owners to embellish their stories, promoting a fake cancer cure is not only unethical but also dangerous.

    • Marketing an unproven cancer cureEffective marketing can make people believe in unproven remedies, despite inconsistent formulas and questionable origins.

      Hoxie's father may not have actually used a proven cancer cure, but Hoxie capitalized on the belief in his father's remedy and marketed it effectively, despite its inconsistent formula and questionable origins. The formula, which varied greatly and included compounds like bloodroot and licorice, had been used for a long time and was not unique to the Hoxie family. The focus on sales and marketing, rather than the actual product, was a defining characteristic of Hoxie's business. The story of the drowning men serves as a reminder of the dangers of unproven remedies and the power of persuasive marketing.

    • Hoxie Institute: False Promises of Cancer HealingThe Hoxie Institute, despite ethical claims, offered destructive and potentially deadly treatments, causing harm rather than healing, emphasizing the importance of trusting medical professionals' expertise and being cautious of unproven treatments.

      The Hoxie Institute, run by a charismatic con artist named Hoxie, advertised ethical cancer treatments in the old headquarters of the Order of the Moose in Taylorville, Illinois. Interested parties, mostly cancer patients or their relatives, flocked to the institute, but soon reports of deaths and destructive treatments began to surface. One patient, for instance, had a tumor on his cheek treated with a compound similar to black salve, which caused necrosis and the destruction of his malar bone, leading to his death. The institute's treatments, which involved burning off skin, were not targeted specifically at cancer cells and could potentially destroy healthy tissue and even bones. Despite the ethical claims, the Hoxie Institute was a dangerous place that caused harm rather than healing. It's important to be cautious of unproven treatments and to trust medical professionals' expertise.

    • Outdated cancer treatments and community connectionsModern medicine offers safer alternatives to corrosive cancer treatments. Stay connected and prepared for life's challenges, including affordable wireless plans from Mint Mobile.

      The use of corrosive chemicals as treatments for cancer, such as Hoxie's escharotic, is outdated and risky due to the potential damage to healthy tissue. Modern medicine has moved towards safer alternatives, like surgery and advanced treatments supported by companies unrelated to the individuals promoting them. Another takeaway is the importance of community connections and preparedness, as highlighted by the Neighbor to Neighbor volunteer network and the reminder to reevaluate and switch to more affordable options, such as Mint Mobile's wireless plans. Overall, these discussions emphasize the importance of progress, safety, and community in various aspects of life.

    • Harry Hoxie's Legal Battle with the AMADespite being fined for practicing medicine without a license, Harry Hoxie continued to challenge the medical establishment and sell controversial cancer treatments, inspiring future charlatans

      Harry Hoxie, a medical charlatan, infamously sued the American Medical Association (AMA) for libel after they criticized his cancer treatment methods. Despite the legal battle, Hoxie continued to establish ways to challenge the medical establishment and sell his controversial treatments. The case, which lasted several years, ultimately resulted in a $100 fine for practicing medicine without a license. This did not deter Hoxie, who quickly founded another cancer institute and continued his controversial practices, even managing to gain support from a small town's chamber of commerce. This pioneering approach to defying the medical establishment set a precedent for other charlatans to follow.

    • The Power of Charisma in Promoting Unfounded BeliefsCharismatic figures, like Harry Hoxie, can gain significant followings despite criticism from the establishment, and their beliefs, even if unfounded, can persist due to their persuasive abilities.

      Harry Hoxie, an eclectic healer from Indiana, gained a following for his cancer treatment despite criticism from the medical establishment. The speaker at his rally praised Hoxie's selfless service to the world, contrasting him with rulers like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Hoxie, in turn, criticized real doctors for being money-hungry and unwilling to prove his treatment was fake. The American Medical Association (AMA) chose to let Hoxie continue his practice, assuming the public would eventually realize his treatment was worthless. However, Hoxie continued to evade authorities and moved his clinic to Iowa, where he was eventually banned from treating cancer patients. Hoxie's story illustrates the importance of not underestimating the power of charisma and the lengths some people will go to promote their beliefs, even if they are unfounded.

    • The Complex Motivations of Medical Con ArtistsMedical con artists, like Harry Hoxie, are driven by both greed and a belief in their ability to heal, leading them to break the law and face persecution from the medical establishment.

      Harry Hoxie, a notorious medical con artist, faced constant persecution from the medical establishment as he traveled across various states setting up cancer clinics. Despite the challenges, Hoxie's ego and need to practice medicine drove him to continue, even in the most lawless cities like Dallas, Texas. He turned to homeopathic, osteopathic, and eclectic doctors to help him spread his horse medicine to dying people, but his deep-rooted need to get his hands in the work led him to break the law repeatedly. Ultimately, Hoxie was caught practicing medicine without a license and received a significant fine and jail sentence in Dallas. Despite the consequences, Hoxie's story highlights the complex motivations of medical con artists, driven by both greed and a belief in their ability to heal.

    • Harry Hoxie's Controversial Medical Practice in TexasDuring the 1930s, Harry Hoxie practiced medicine in Texas without a license due to the American Naturopathic Association granting him an honorary doctorate. This highlights the complex relationship between the free market and alternative medicine during a time of lax regulations and the chemotherapeutic revolution.

      Harry Hoxie, a controversial figure in the history of alternative medicine, was able to establish a medical practice in Texas despite not having a medical license, by securing an honorary doctorate from the American Naturopathic Association. This occurred during the 1930s when naturopathy, a form of alternative medicine that rejected conventional medical practices, was popular in Texas and the Southwest. The term "naturopathy" was coined by John Scheele in 1895 and was used to found the American Naturopathic Association in 1901. However, most states did not grant naturopaths licenses, and the practice faced a collapse in the 1940s. Despite this, it remained prevalent in the Pacific Northwest and the Southwest. Hoxie's ability to practice medicine without a license in Texas, where the attitude towards regulation was lax, highlights the complex relationship between the free market and alternative medicine during this period. The chemotherapeutic revolution was also underway, bringing hope to cancer sufferers but also introducing unpleasant treatments. The AMA played a crucial role in regulating the medical field during this time, trying to prevent dangerous practices like Hoxie's.

    • Desperate cancer patients turned to unconventional treatmentsHistorically, cancer patients have sought alternative treatments out of desperation, leading to a complex narrative around unconventional therapies. Today, advanced treatments exist, but the human desire for connection, relief, and escape continues to drive us to explore new possibilities.

      The harsh realities of ineffective cancer treatments in the past drove desperate patients to seek alternative solutions from practitioners like Harry Hoxie, who used horse medicine. While some of these treatments may have provided minimal relief or even worsened their conditions, the desperation of patients led them to try anything. Today, we have more advanced treatments like chemotherapy, but it's important to remember the historical context that shaped the narrative around unconventional cancer treatments. In a different context, the concept of "capitalism therapy" was mentioned as a metaphor for the financial burden of healthcare. Meanwhile, community initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor aim to foster meaningful connections and support during uncertain times. Ultimately, the human desire for connection, escape, and relief drives us to seek out new experiences, whether it's through games, music, or alternative treatments.

    • Harry Hoxie's Unconventional Cancer TreatmentPioneering grifter Harry Hoxie's unproven cancer treatment involving herbs, water, and laxatives gained popularity despite lack of evidence, setting precedent for modern alternative medicine and distrust of mainstream medicine.

      Harry Hoxie, a pioneering grifter, claimed to have a cancer treatment involving a mix of herbs, water, and laxatives, which he believed restored the body's chemical balance and killed cancerous cells. His methods, which included the use of Pepto Bismol and a "cleanse" involving excessive defecation, gained popularity despite the lack of scientific evidence for their efficacy. Hoxie's marketing strategy involved discrediting conventional medicine rather than promoting his own treatment, which was a 50% success rate at best. His approach was a precursor to modern alternative medicine and the distrust of modern medical science that exists today, fueled in part by the internet and the proliferation of misinformation. Hoxie's legacy continues to influence the alternative medicine industry, which thrives on people's distrust of mainstream medicine and their desire for quick, easy solutions to health problems.

    • Convincing Alternative to Mainstream MedicinePeople's belief in unproven treatments can lead to thriving businesses, but scientific scrutiny is crucial to protect public health.

      The success of Harry Hoxie's alternative cancer treatment business relied on presenting a convincing alternative to mainstream medicine while maintaining a doctor's office appearance. He used his own medical professionals to discredit mainstream medicine and convinced patients with a similar diagnostic process. However, the dangerous treatments began after a cancer diagnosis, which was given to almost all patients. Despite a questionable success rate, Hoxie's business thrived. Surprisingly, he even attempted to gain support from Congress, backed by believing congressmen, but the National Cancer Institute remained skeptical and established criteria to filter out ineffective treatment methods. The story highlights the persistent issue of people's willingness to believe in unproven treatments and the importance of scientific scrutiny.

    • Hoxie's Refusal to Provide Evidence for His Cancer CureQuacks selling unproven treatments should provide solid evidence to back up their claims, or face criticism and legal action.

      Hoxie, a quack selling horse medicine as a cancer cure, refused to provide sufficient evidence to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to prove the efficacy of his treatment. The NCI requested detailed information, including the formula, techniques, and records of at least 50 cured patients. However, Hoxie only sent 60 case studies, which were found to be insufficient and undocumented. Instead of complying with the NCI's requests, Hoxie accused them of being compromised by the American Medical Association. He then sought help from a senator, who held a hearing with selected patients who testified to the effectiveness of Hoxie's treatment. Despite promising to submit his medicine for testing, no test ever followed. Hoxie published the transcripts as proof of his treatment's efficacy and used it to deflect criticism, claiming that the NCI and the AMA were the real quacks. Despite lawsuits against him, Hoxie continued to evade providing concrete evidence for his treatments. This episode illustrates the importance of transparency and providing solid evidence to support claims, especially in the field of medicine.

    • The Hoxie vs FDA case: Ethical dilemmas of alternative cancer treatmentsThe Hoxie vs FDA case illustrates the importance of scientific rigor and ethical considerations when evaluating alternative cancer treatments. Misleading survival rates and unqualified practitioners can harm patients and undermine trust in the healthcare system.

      The legal case of Hoxie versus the FDA in the 1950s highlights the complexities and ethical dilemmas surrounding alternative treatments for cancer. Hoxie, who claimed to have a miraculous cure, sued the FDA for trying to stop him. Despite the judge's belief in Hoxie's claims and the fact that Hoxie presented supposedly cured patients as witnesses, the FDA's investigation revealed that many of these patients had never had cancer or had died despite taking Hoxie's treatment. The judge, however, ruled in Hoxie's favor, citing his high patient survival rate. This survival rate was misleading, though, as it primarily reflected Hoxie's treatment of people with non-cancerous conditions or those who had already undergone conventional cancer treatment. The case also raised questions about the qualifications and motives of Hoxie's medical director, who made diagnoses without proper training or evidence. The situation underscores the importance of scientific rigor and ethical considerations in evaluating alternative treatments and the potential harm they may cause if promoted as cures for serious conditions.

    • Harry Hoxie's Controversial Cancer TreatmentsDespite legal challenges and setbacks, Harry Hoxie's unconventional cancer treatments, which relied on testimonials and questionable methods, gained a large following and made him a wealthy man. His tactics, such as denying father's cancer diagnosis and falsifying death certificates, are still used by modern quacks.

      Harry Hoxie's treatment methods, despite his claims, were not significantly different from a real cancer doctor's placebo effect. However, his unconventional methods and charismatic personality led to a large following, and he was able to continue his practice, even after being barred from shipping his medicines across state lines. Hoxie's tactics, such as using testimonials and hiring shady doctors, are still used by modern quacks to sell questionable treatments. Despite the legal challenges and setbacks, Hoxie's net worth was estimated at $1.5 million in 1956, and he saw over 8,000 patients that year. His autobiography, "You Don't Have to Die," was published in 1956, and it was during this time that he began denying his father's cancer diagnosis and claiming that the AMA had falsified his father's death certificate. The battle against mainstream medicine was at the core of Hoxie's actions, leading him to make controversial claims and take unconventional steps to promote his treatments.

    • Harry Hoxie's End in Rosarito, MexicoThe show Neighbor to Neighbor highlights the story of notorious character Harry Hoxie, who ended his days in Rosarito, Mexico. The hosts frequently tour and offer online resources for mental health support, entertainment, and nicotine satisfaction.

      The notorious character Harry Hoxie's story came to an end in Mexico, specifically in Rosarito. Despite the show's focus on the worst people in history, the most commonly referenced town is Tijuana. The episode's hosts, Billy and Robert, frequently tour and can be found on their website bwdtour.com. Neighbor to Neighbor is a California volunteer network that aims to help communities grow stronger. BetterHelp provides online therapy for mental health support. Chumba Casino offers free social casino-style games for entertainment. ZYN nicotine pouches offer nicotine satisfaction anywhere, anytime, without the hassle of smoking. Remember, ZYN contains nicotine, which is an addictive chemical.

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    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    • 42:41 - Freddie's testimonial (It's an exciting time to be alive.)
    • 47:21 - What does it mean to be beautifully broken?
    • 48:41 - A question to take with you on your healing journey

    Connect with AmpCoil:

    • Check out their website - https://www.ampcoil.com/
    • See AmpCoil’s backstory - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsgfTCSRwCc&t=4s

    About me:

    I’m Freddie Kimmel, a Functional Health Coach, Reiki Healer, Certified Personal Trainer, Gut Health Specialist, and proud cancer survivor. I help men and women eliminate brain fog, bloat and belly fat through gut health.

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    Connect with me:

    • Check out my website - https://freddiesetgo.com/
    • Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/freddiesetgo/
    • Read my Favs - https://freddiesetgo.com/freddies-favorites/
    • Podcast - https://freddiesetgo.com/beautifully-broken-podcast/
    • Amp Coil - https://www.ampcoil.com


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    At Rosie Fund, we encourage you to make a difference in a shelter dog's life. You can do just that by purchasing one of our “We save each other” t-shirts on our page at Bonfire.com. All proceeds go toward supporting our mission to help senior and harder-to-adopt dogs have a better life.

    Visit RosieFund.org for links to all of our social media, including our free YouTube channel. Please subscribe to our channel (Have you seen the service dogs training in their new boots?) to help us secure the Rosie Fund URL.

    Music for this episode is provided by alternative string duo, The Wires. Visit them at TheWires.info. Learn fiddle and cello-fiddle online — even if you've never played before — from Laurel Morgan Parks and Sascha Groshang at FiddleLife.com. Also ask them about their Valentine’s specials that include a professionally arranged and recorded love song of your choice for your sweetheart.

    Make a donation at RosieFund.org or through our Facebook page. You can contribute by making a purchase from the store on our website or buying a t-shirt at Bonfire.com. Also check out our page on BarkYours, the online mall with gifts for people who love their dogs.

    Rosie Fund online:

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