
    Podcast Summary

    • Embrace opportunities for growth and changeExplore resources and options for personal growth, embrace unconventional passions, and never stop learning and improving.

      No matter what stage of life you're at, there's always an opportunity for growth and change. Whether it's furthering your education with Purdue Global, saving money on wireless service with Consumer Cellular, updating your wardrobe at JCPenney, or exploring new ideas through podcasts, there are resources and options available to help you make a comeback and improve your situation. And sometimes, that means embracing the quirks and passions that make us unique, even if they seem unconventional. Like Jordan Peterson, who may have an devoted following, but also faces personal challenges. So, don't be afraid to take a leap and make your mark, in your career, your family, and your life.

    • Fear of Marxism and Communism fueled conspiracy theories like Judeo-BolshevismThe late 1800s and early 1900s saw the spread of conspiracy theories, like Judeo-Bolshevism, which falsely accused Jewish people of spreading communism as part of a plan to destroy Western civilization.

      The fear and paranoia surrounding Marxism and communism in the late 1800s and early 1900s, particularly among fascist groups, led to the spread of conspiracy theories, such as Judeo-Bolshevism. This conspiracy theory claimed that Jewish people were spreading communism as part of a covert plan to destroy Christianity and Western civilization. Although some of the early Bolsheviks were Jewish, it's important to note that many were not, and the Soviet Union was not a great place to be Jewish during this time. Additionally, there were significant anti-Semitic policies and massacres under the Czarist regime. The Nazi movement in Germany later seized upon these conspiracy theories and used them to fuel their propaganda against Jewish people and other marginalized groups, accusing them of promoting degenerate art and weakening German culture as part of a communist plot.

    • Jordan Peterson's upbringing shaped his skepticismPeterson's upbringing fueled his curiosity and critical thinking, leading him to question religious and political ideologies and pursue studies in psychology and political science.

      Jordan B. Peterson's upbringing and experiences shaped his intellectual pursuits and skepticism towards religious and political ideologies. Growing up in a small Canadian town, he was exposed to various beliefs and ideas, leading him to question the literal truth of religious creation stories and seek explanations for societal insanity and evil. Disillusioned with religion and socialism, he turned to political science and psychology to understand the world. This intense curiosity and critical thinking would later define his career as a professor and public figure. Despite his controversial views, it's essential to remember his background and how it influenced his worldview.

    • Jordan Peterson's Early Experiences and Orwell's InfluencePeterson's early reading shaped his disillusionment with the intellectual left and admiration for Orwell, but he disagrees with Orwell's belief that socialism changes the world through people, instead focusing on corrupt systems.

      Jordan Peterson's early experiences as a voracious reader during the Cold War era shaped his political beliefs, particularly his disillusionment with the intellectual left and his admiration for George Orwell. Peterson was initially drawn to Orwell's analysis of the motivations of the intellectual middle class socialist, concluding that their resentment towards the rich drove their desire to change the world. However, Peterson disagrees with the idea that socialism aims to change the world by first changing people, instead believing that corrupt and unjust systems need to be changed. Orwell, a committed socialist and working-class man, is often misinterpreted by reactionaries like Peterson, who overlook his criticisms of intellectual lefty academic political types and focus on his criticisms of socialism itself. Peterson's childhood during the Cold War, marked by constant anxiety over nuclear apocalypse, contributed to his nightmares and fear of total war, which can be seen as a form of PTSD.

    • Young Peterson's Unhealthy Ambition for PowerRecognizing unhealthy ambition for power in youth and considering alternative paths to happiness and fulfillment is important.

      The desire for immense power and control, as expressed by Jordan Peterson at a young age, can be a sign of unhealthy ambition. Peterson, who came close to being elected vice president of the NDP at age 14, later recognized that seeking political power was an unhealthy obsession. He grew into a young man with an appreciation for Carl Jung and his theories, particularly the concept of the collective unconscious. While it's natural for young people to dream of greatness, it's important to recognize the potential downsides of such ambition and consider alternative paths to happiness and fulfillment.

    • Jordan Peterson's Influences: From Mythology to FascismJordan Peterson's intellectual development was shaped by thinkers who explored concepts of collective unconscious, archetypes, and mythology, but some held problematic beliefs co-opted for fascist ideologies.

      Jordan Peterson's intellectual development was significantly influenced by a variety of writers and philosophers, many of whom were also part of the intellectual landscape that contributed to the rise of fascism in Europe. Figures like Carl Jung, Mircea Eliade, Joseph Campbell, and others explored concepts of collective unconscious, archetypes, and mythology that resonated with Peterson. However, it's important to note that these thinkers held problematic beliefs, such as racial chauvinism and Aryan mysticism, which influenced the development of fascist ideologies. While not all of these intellectuals were fascists themselves, their ideas were co-opted and mixed with pseudo-scientific notions of race and evolution to create new mythologies for totalitarian regimes. Peterson's fascination with these ideas contributed to his adult mindset and influenced his work today.

    • Recognizing Influence vs. EndorsementWhile influential ideas and philosophers don't make someone or their ideas fascist, it's crucial to critically engage with their contributions and reject problematic aspects.

      While certain ideas or philosophies, such as Darwinism or the works of thinkers like Mircea Eliade, Carl Jung, and Joseph Campbell, have had a significant impact on various figures and movements throughout history, it's important to recognize that their influence does not inherently make them or their advocates fascist. However, it's also crucial to acknowledge the problematic beliefs and associations of some of these figures, such as Eliade's alignment with Romanian Nazis and Campbell's antisemitism. Ultimately, it's essential to engage with these intellectual figures critically, learning from their contributions while also acknowledging and rejecting their problematic aspects.

    • Jordan Peterson's Personal Life and InfluencesJordan Peterson's life and influences, including his academic background, personal relationships, and controversial figures like Carl Jung, have shaped his work in psychology. His teaching style captivated many students, but it's crucial to acknowledge the complexities and nuances of influential figures' lives and beliefs.

      The lives of influential figures, like Jordan Peterson, are complex and multifaceted. Peterson's academic background and personal experiences, including his romantic relationships and family life, have shaped his work in psychology. However, it's important to note that some of the figures Peterson admired had controversial beliefs. For instance, Carl Jung, who explored ancestral memories and archetypes, also had Nazi-adjacent beliefs. Peterson's early career was marked by a move from McGill University to Harvard, where he taught for six years, and then to the University of Toronto, where he became a beloved professor. His personal life included a romantic relationship with Tammy Roberts, and they had two children together. Despite some controversies surrounding Peterson's work and associations, his impact on students has been significant. His teaching style offered a sense of certainty and captivated many young people. However, it's essential to acknowledge the complexities and nuances of influential figures' lives and the potential influence of their beliefs, both positive and negative.

    • Peterson's Respected Colleague's PerspectivePeterson was respected for his family values and engaging lectures, but concerns arose over his presentation of conjecture as facts. His work explores belief, hero myths, and the balance between order and chaos.

      Jordan Peterson, the controversial professor and author, was deeply respected by his colleague Michael Schiff, who once hosted Peterson and his family during a house renovation. During this time, Schiff saw Peterson as a devoted family man and an engaging lecturer, captivating his students with his eclectic teachings. However, Schiff later regretted not giving sufficient concern to some of Peterson's teaching tactics, which involved presenting conjecture as facts. Peterson's obsession with belief and the investigation of why people hold strong beliefs, particularly in the context of authoritarianism, is a central theme in his work, as evidenced in his first book, "Maps of Meaning." This book showcases Peterson's interest in the hero myth, the collective unconscious, and the balance between order and chaos. Despite some concerns regarding Peterson's teaching methods, Schiff acknowledges Peterson's great influence on his students and his important contributions to understanding the human psyche.

    • Jordan Peterson's Controversial Style and BookPeterson's confident speaking style and exploration of myths' role in morality and politics divide opinion, with some praising and others criticizing.

      Jordan Peterson's rhetorical style and the content of his book "Maps of Meaning" have been subjects of much debate among professionals in various fields. Peterson's practice of only speaking when he is certain of his beliefs led to a forceful and deliberate speaking style, which has been praised for its captivating nature. However, some critics argue that his emphasis on religious myths and heroic individuals provides a poor understanding of the origins of totalitarianism and an inadequate guide to overcoming its evils. The book is considered dense and long, with some finding its arguments on the universality and importance of myths in morality and politics persuasive, while others disagree. Ultimately, Peterson's work is a complex exploration of the role of myths in human understanding and behavior, and its impact continues to be debated among scholars and the public.

    • Growth and Success for Members and ClientsNavy Federal Credit Union empowers members financially, Snagajob connects businesses with top talent, and Jordan Peterson's self-authoring suite aids personal growth.

      Both Navy Federal Credit Union and Snagajob prioritize the growth and success of their members and clients respectively. Navy Federal Credit Union offers various savings and investment options to help its members grow their finances, while Snagajob serves as a platform for businesses to hire high-quality employees. In the realm of personal development, Jordan Peterson's self-authoring suite aims to help individuals assess their lives, outline their goals, and integrate different aspects of their personality to create a better future. While the effectiveness and rigorous testing of the self-authoring suite are debatable, it has gained a significant following due to its affordability and positive reviews. Overall, these entities and approaches emphasize the importance of growth, whether it be financial, professional, or personal.

    • Focus on personal growth before helping othersPrioritize personal stability for effective aid and societal change, without neglecting helping others or societal improvement

      Focusing on personal growth and order in one's own life is essential before attempting to help others or make larger societal changes. However, this idea should not be taken as an excuse to avoid helping others or improving society, but rather as a reminder to prioritize one's own safety and stability first to effectively provide aid and make a positive impact. Additionally, Jordan Peterson's perspective on life as a constant struggle between chaos and order can be seen as a useful metaphor for personal growth, but the emphasis on chaos as an inherently feminine trait raises concerns about potential underlying biases.

    • Jordan Peterson's fundamental beliefsJordan Peterson's rigid views on fundamental human categories limit his ability to engage with nuance and adapt to new realities.

      Jordan Peterson believes that certain fundamental categories, such as chaos being associated with the feminine, cannot be changed without fundamentally altering human nature. He sees these categories as deeply ingrained and essential to our understanding of the world. Peterson's perspective, as portrayed in a New York Times article, comes across as frustratingly rigid and unwilling to consider nuance, particularly when it comes from women. Additionally, Peterson's views on societal structures and evolution suggest a resistance to change and an unwillingness to adapt to new realities. Despite his extensive study of humanity, his rigidity in holding onto these beliefs may limit his ability to effectively engage with and understand the complexities of the world around him.

    • Jordan Peterson's RadicalizationJordan Peterson's intense personality and fascination with fringe beliefs led him to become increasingly radicalized, fixated on political correctness, and interested in authoritarianism, alternative health treatments, and shamanic healing.

      Jordan Peterson's intense personality, combined with his deep fascination with various fringe beliefs and alternative practices, led him to become increasingly radicalized over the years. He grew particularly fixated on political correctness, seeing it as a threat to natural hierarchies and individual freedom. This obsession was fueled by his experiences with clients and the broader cultural climate, which he saw as overly focused on equality and inclusivity at the expense of individual expression and free thought. His growing interest in authoritarianism, alternative health treatments, and even practicing shamanic healing himself, further solidified his radicalized views. Despite his struggles with depression and the side effects of his medication, Peterson continued to be a prolific and forceful figure, presenting his ideas as absolute truths and overwhelming those who challenged him. His extreme views and behavior, which were evident in both his professional and personal life, made him a divisive and controversial figure.

    • Understanding the Complexity of Political CorrectnessJordan Peterson and Christine Brophy identified two forms of political correctness: PC Egalitarianism and PC Authoritarianism, emphasizing the need for open dialogue and respectful conversations among diverse perspectives.

      The ongoing debate surrounding political correctness and its impact on society involves complex perspectives and nuanced meanings. Jordan Peterson, a professor known for his criticism of political correctness, conducted a study with Christine Brophy to understand the phenomenon. They identified two forms of political correctness: PC Egalitarianism and PC Authoritarianism. While PC Egalitarians advocate for democratic governance and equality, PC Authoritarians, also known as social justice warriors, have a high degree of compassion that can lead to difficulty in assessing right from wrong. However, some of the questions in their study, such as those regarding safe spaces and banned items, seem designed to elicit authoritarian responses. It's important to note that not everyone who supports safe spaces or disagrees with certain cultural practices believes they should be banned. The debate around political correctness is multifaceted and requires thoughtful consideration and open dialogue. It's crucial to remember that words and terms have multiple meanings and can be interpreted differently by various individuals. Labeling someone or something as politically correct or incorrect doesn't necessarily provide a clear understanding of the underlying issues. Instead, we should focus on fostering respectful conversations and promoting understanding among diverse perspectives.

    • Exploring the Dangers of Essentialist BeliefsBe cautious of language and ideas that oversimplify individuals or groups, potentially justifying discrimination and going against human rights and dignity.

      The use of language and labels, such as "cancel culture" and discussions around personality traits and biology, can lead to dangerous and divisive ideas. The article explores Jordan Peterson's beliefs on compassion, personality traits, and biology, which some argue lean towards biological essentialism and could potentially justify discrimination. It's crucial to consider the potential consequences of such ideas and to challenge them when they go against human rights and dignity. Additionally, it's important to remember that individuals and groups are complex, and reducing them to labels or traits oversimplifies their experiences and identities.

    • Balancing individual freedoms and societal inclusivityRecognizing and respecting people's chosen pronouns promotes inclusivity, but some argue it infringes on free speech. Finding a balance is crucial for creating a respectful and inclusive society.

      The debate surrounding the use of preferred pronouns and the impact on individual freedoms and societal inclusivity is a complex issue. On one hand, recognizing and respecting people's chosen pronouns contributes to creating an inclusive and respectful society where everyone can live their lives freely. On the other hand, some argue that this infringes on their freedom of speech and expression. The case of Jordan Peterson, a professor who refused to use preferred pronouns, led to a heated public debate and attracted a large following. Peterson's stance was seen as a stand for free speech, but his actions also created a hostile learning environment for some students. Ultimately, finding a balance between individual freedoms and societal inclusivity is essential. It's important to remember that everyone deserves respect and dignity, and small acts of recognition and acceptance can go a long way in enriching people's lives.

    • Respecting Preferred Pronouns in Professional SettingsUsing someone's preferred pronouns is a basic act of respect and consideration, not an infringement on freedom of speech or a promotion of alternative beliefs.

      The debate surrounding the use of preferred pronouns for transgender and non-binary individuals in professional settings is not about promoting an alternative hypothesis, but rather about basic decency and respect. This issue has been addressed in laws like C16 in Canada, which has not led to significant infringements on freedom of speech or riots. Jordan Peterson's opposition to this issue has been criticized for being myopic and inconsistent, as he has previously acknowledged the evolution of cultural norms and understanding of gender. Ultimately, using someone's preferred pronouns is a simple act of respect and consideration that does not require agreement on one's beliefs about transgender or non-binary identities. It is a matter of common sense and common decency in professional and educational environments.

    • Jordan Peterson's stance on gender identity issuesPeterson's beliefs prioritize order and masculinity over chaos and femininity, leading him to resist acceptance of non-binary identities and attack those whose choices don't fit his definition of healthy.

      Jordan Peterson's stance on gender identity issues, particularly trans and non-binary identities, is rooted in his belief that order and masculinity are superior to chaos and femininity. He is resistant to change in his worldview, which he sees as being challenged by the increasing recognition and acceptance of non-binary identities. Peterson's obsession with what he perceives as other people's health and wellbeing is a significant concern, as it leads him to attack those whose identities or choices don't fit his definition of healthy. This was evident in his reaction to the incel-related terrorist attacks, where he proposed enforcing monogamy as a solution to prevent such attacks. However, it's important to note that Peterson's understanding of radicalization and its causes is limited, as evidenced by his proposed solution to the issue.

    • The role of personal responsibility and monogamy in preventing societal harmJordan Peterson advocates for personal responsibility and monogamy to prevent societal harm, but critics argue that addressing toxic communities and environments may be more effective.

      Jordan Peterson, a well-known public figure, advocates for the importance of personal responsibility and the stabilizing influence of monogamy on society. He believes that efforts to enforce equality at outcomes can lead to negative consequences, including potential violence from single men. Peterson suggests that promoting monogamy culturally, rather than through laws, could help prevent mass murders and other harmful actions. However, critics argue that focusing on personal responsibility is not a solution to the root causes of violent behavior and that addressing the toxic communities and environments that radicalize individuals may be more effective. Peterson himself, despite promoting personal responsibility, does not consistently follow his own advice in his own life. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexities of addressing societal issues and the importance of considering multiple perspectives.

    • Affordable mental health support and summer funBetterHelp offers flexible and affordable online therapy, while Cedar Point's summer pass grants unlimited visits and perks

      There are convenient and affordable options for mental health support through BetterHelp, and for entertainment, Cedar Point offers a summer pass with exciting perks. BetterHelp, an online therapy platform, provides flexible and affordable access to licensed therapists, making mental health care more accessible than ever before. On the other hand, Cedar Point's 2024 Summer Pass offers unlimited visits, free parking, and thrilling experiences, all for a reasonable price. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily also stands out as an essential resource for staying informed and connected to Detroit's black community, elevating black voices, culture, and stories. Overall, these offerings provide opportunities for mental well-being, entertainment, and community engagement. For more information, visit betterhelp.com, cedarpoint.com, and michiganchronicle.com, respectively.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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