
    Part One: The Rise And Fall (And Rise) of Arch-Grifter Jim Bakker

    enMay 05, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing Opportunities for Personal GrowthFind inspiration in unexpected places, learn from past experiences, and never give up on personal development.

      There are opportunities for personal growth and comebacks, no matter the circumstances. Whether it's earning a degree, staying informed about your community, managing finances, or exploring unique interests, there are resources available to help individuals make a positive change. Vic Berger, a horror movie director, exemplifies this by focusing on the disturbing aspects of footage but adding a touch of humor for viewers. His fascination with Jim Bakker, a former televangelist, highlights Bakker's dual roles as a food salesman and a groundbreaking figure in religious broadcasting. Despite the darker aspects of Bakker's life, Berger's work showcases the potential for intrigue and learning from the past. Overall, these examples encourage us to embrace new opportunities and to find the unique perspectives within seemingly ordinary situations.

    • James Orson Baker's traumatic birth and neglected childhoodChildhood experiences marked by a lack of physical and emotional connection can significantly impact a person's development and shape their adult life, leading to stunted growth, poor test scores, and elevated stress hormones.

      James Orson Baker's traumatic birth and neglected childhood, marked by a lack of physical and emotional connection, significantly impacted his development and shaped his adult life. His parents' excessive caution due to his fragile health led to an absence of touch and emotional warmth, leaving him feeling small, slow, and not particularly bright. This lack of nurturing during infancy, as research suggests, can lead to stunted growth, poor test scores, and elevated stress hormones. Despite these challenges, Baker's childhood experiences influenced his perspective of himself and likely contributed to his unique personality and drive.

    • Jim Baker's upbringing felt impoverished, but was actually comfortableJim's childhood sense of poverty fueled his ambition for wealth, shaped by his strict religious upbringing and longing for entertainment.

      Jim Baker's upbringing, despite his perception of poverty, was actually quite comfortable due to the postwar US economy. However, Jim felt a deep sense of inferiority due to his family's boxy cement block house and his religious upbringing in the Pentecostal church. Pentecostals, a hardcore Christian denomination, had strict rules against various forms of entertainment and music, leaving Jim feeling isolated and longing for more. Jim's fear of a large picture of an eye in his Sunday school room further added to his sense of unease and discomfort. Despite these challenges, Jim's father, Raleigh, worked diligently at a piston ring plant for over 40 years and provided for his family, ultimately allowing them to move into a mansion when Jim was 15. However, Jim's perception of his own impoverishment shaped his perspective and ambition for more wealth, which would later play a significant role in his life.

    • The belief in speaking in tongues as a present reality for PentecostalsPentecostals believe speaking in tongues is evidence of the Holy Spirit's presence and filling, seen as a form of prayer or spiritual expression, not random gibberish.

      For Pentecostals, the biblical account of the Holy Spirit filling the disciples with power and enabling them to speak in tongues is not just a historical event, but a present reality. This belief, which originated in the Pentecostal movement that began in Los Angeles in 1906, is a core aspect of their theology. Speaking in tongues, characterized by ecstatic behavior and speaking in gibberish, is seen as evidence of the Holy Spirit's presence and filling. Scientific studies suggest that people speaking in tongues produce speech that follows the basic patterns of their native language, indicating that it is not random gibberish but rather a form of prayer or spiritual expression. Pentecostalism offers a more joyful and expressive faith experience compared to some other denominations, and for individuals like Jim, who grew up with less restrictive religious upbringings, the freedom to explore and embrace this aspect of the faith was an essential part of their spiritual journey.

    • The importance of emotional connection during childhoodNeglect during childhood can lead to complex emotions and long-term consequences, illustrated by Jim Baker's experience of molestation and subsequent emotional disconnection

      The lack of proper attention and emotional connection from adults during childhood can lead to devastating consequences. The story of Jim Baker illustrates this point tragically. In the 1950s, Jim, an 11-year-old boy, was lured away by a stranger who later molested him. Despite the abuse, Jim felt special and even proud due to the undivided attention he received. This continued for several years until Russell abandoned him. Jim's parents were oblivious to the situation, leaving him emotionally disconnected and unable to seek help. This experience left Jim with complicated and confusing feelings, which he never fully came to terms with. However, Jim's story is not all tragedy. At 15, he discovered a talent for DJing and found popularity, providing a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness of his past. The story underscores the importance of emotional connection and the potential long-term impact of neglect.

    • Jim's high school years: Popularity and potential as a performerJim's obsession with popularity and potential as a performer during high school shaped his future, despite a turning point incident with a car

      Jim, during his high school years, was deeply invested in popularity and the limelight. He organized and managed a large-scale vaudeville-style reality show featuring professional acts, which became a regular event at his school. The shows were popular and attracted a significant number of students. Jim's teacher recognized his potential as a performer and believed he could have had a successful career in theater or Hollywood. However, Jim's life took a dark turn when he hit a kid with his car. Despite this incident, Jim went on to have a successful career. The takeaway is that Jim's high school years were marked by his obsession with popularity and his potential as a performer, which ultimately shaped his future. The incident with the car was a turning point in his life but did not deter him from achieving success.

    • Evaluating options for savings and staying informedRegularly assessing different deals and subscriptions can lead to significant savings. Stay informed and connected to your community through reliable sources.

      It's important to regularly evaluate and compare different options to ensure you're getting the best deal. In the discussion, it was mentioned how discovering Mint Mobile's affordable phone plans made someone question how they had been affording expensive wireless bills. Similarly, subscribing to The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily was emphasized as a way to stay informed and connected to the black community in Detroit. Another notable point was the discussion about Jim Bakker's life story, specifically his account of running over a boy named Jimmy Summerfield, which he claimed led to his religious transformation. However, it was revealed that this event actually occurred before his high school graduation, and he continued his DJ career without any significant change in direction. This illustrates the importance of fact-checking and not accepting stories at face value, especially when they're used to explain significant life changes.

    • From puppeteers to televangelists: Jim and Tammy Baker's rise to fameDespite a troubled past and lack of formal education, Jim and Tammy Baker became successful evangelists by leveraging their talents and the rise of Christian television. Their unscripted, live style set them apart, attracting figures like Colonel Sanders and making them influential figures in televangelism.

      Jim and Tammy Baker, despite a troubled past and lack of formal education, became successful evangelists in the 1960s by leveraging their talents and the rise of Christian television. They started as children's puppeteers and later created the first Christian talk show. Their personal lives became part of the show's appeal, creating a sense of community among viewers. The Baker's unique style of unscripted, live television made them stand out from the radio-dominant evangelical preachers of the time. Their success attracted notable figures like Colonel Sanders, who became part of their extended family. Despite challenges, including Jim's lack of singing ability, their partnership proved effective, and they became influential figures in the world of televangelism.

    • The Bakkers' raw and relatable style of televangelism paved the way for modern media personalitiesThe Bakkers' unpolished, personal sharing on TV predicted the rise of authentic and relatable media personalities in modern culture

      PTL (Praise the Lord) ministry, led by Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, stood out in media history due to its raw and relatable nature. The host's detailed storytelling, like an old man recounting a miraculous healing of Colonel Harland Sanders, made viewers feel like they were part of a family. This style of unpolished, personal sharing has since become a dominant aspect of modern culture, with YouTube celebrities and podcast hosts amassing large followings by sharing their lives on camera. The Bakkers' influence extended beyond televangelism, predicting the modern trend of authentic and relatable media personalities.

    • From simple production to groundbreaking successThe Bakkers' authenticity, focus on real issues, inclusivity, and Jim's ability to connect with a vulnerable audience paved the way for reality TV through their groundbreaking Christian television show, PTL Club.

      Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker's PTL Club television show, which started as a simple production in the 1970s, evolved into a professional and extravagant affair that reached a large and dedicated audience through satellite broadcasting. The show's authenticity and focus on real issues resonated with viewers, particularly those in isolated areas, and helped pave the way for reality TV. Despite controversies surrounding their acceptance of donations and their views on homosexuality, the Bakkers were known for their inclusivity and acceptance of diverse audiences. Jim's ability to connect with the lonely and vulnerable audience, combined with his entrepreneurial spirit, made PTL a groundbreaking success in the realm of Christian television.

    • Faith-driven finances in PTL ministryBelieving God would provide, PTL ministry spent extravagantly, trusting in faith over financial means, leading to controversy and financial ruin.

      Jim Bakker's PTL ministry, during its period of rapid growth from 1974 to 1985, was characterized by a faith-driven approach to finances. Bakker believed that if his ministry was meant to succeed, God would make the numbers work, regardless of the financial means available. This belief led to extravagant spending, including building a large church complex and purchasing a private jet. Despite the financial risks, Bakker trusted in God's provision and encouraged his followers to do the same, even if it meant taking steps of faith without sufficient funds. This approach, while controversial and ultimately leading to financial ruin, was rooted in Bakker's particular brand of Pentecostalism and his belief in the power of faith over facts.

    • Trusting God with your finances: A dangerous beliefThe prosperity gospel, which encourages giving all your money to the church as a testament of faith, can lead to irresponsible financial decisions and potential scandals or criminal charges.

      Jim Bakker's financial advice to his followers was rooted in the belief that financial caution was a form of religious heresy. He encouraged them to trust in God and give all they had to him, even if they couldn't afford it. This idea evolved from the concept of "seed money," which was popularized by Oral Roberts. Seed money is the belief that by giving all your money to the church as a testament of faith, God will bless you with more. This idea is the foundation of the prosperity gospel, which is still prevalent today among some religious leaders and advisors to figures like Donald Trump. This approach can lead people to make irresponsible financial decisions, and in some cases, like with Bakker and Roberts, it has led to financial scandals and even criminal charges. It's important to remember that true financial security comes from responsible budgeting and saving, not from putting all your faith in the hands of a religious leader.

    • Discovering Authentic Experiences and StoriesStay connected to communities and their stories, embrace new experiences, and prioritize practical solutions for a richer life.

      There are unique discoveries and experiences to be had every time you explore new platforms, whether it's downloading a new app, reading a community newspaper, or watching a film. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily invites you to stay connected to Detroit's black community and their authentic stories. Meanwhile, Amy Winehouse's "Back to Black" film invites you to experience her music and story. In the realm of practicality, Columbia's fishing gear ensures comfort and protection on sunny days, making your fishing experience more enjoyable. Regarding the historical context discussed, the prosperity gospel, which originated from Oral Roberts, evolved from a religious enterprise into a fundraising scheme promising wealth and eternal life in exchange for donations. Jim Bakker's PTL club, which initially seemed legitimate, eventually became a grift, leaving some early supporters disillusioned. These stories remind us of the importance of authenticity, connection, and practical solutions in our daily lives. Whether it's discovering new experiences, staying informed about community stories, or ensuring comfort during outdoor activities, these takeaways invite us to embrace the richness of life.

    • Televangelist Jim Bakker's Corruption and Financial MismanagementDespite significant revenue and tax-exemption, televangelist Jim Bakker's inability to manage finances responsibly led to a multimillion-dollar debt due to extravagant plans and broken promises.

      Jim Bakker, a televangelist, let power and money corrupt his good intentions, leading him to call himself a prophet, amass a large fortune, and make extravagant plans for an amusement park, Heritage USA. However, his financial mismanagement resulted in a crisis, despite having significant revenue and operating tax-free. Despite his initial plans to create a Christian society with a university, day school, campground, hospital, and nursing home, he failed to secure the necessary funding and ended up owing millions to the construction company. This financial calamity was a result of Bakker's inability to stick to his promises and manage his finances responsibly.

    • Televangelists' Hidden FinancesTelevangelists Jim and Tammy Baker asked for donations while increasing their own salaries and spending extravagantly, despite claims of living simple lives and asking for financial miracles.

      Jim and Tammy Baker, the televangelists behind PTL, practiced extreme financial hypocrisy. While they asked their followers for donations and laid off employees, they increased their own salaries and spent extravagantly on personal items. They even went as far as asking for donations while using company money to buy a houseboat for themselves. This behavior continued despite their public pleas for financial miracles and their claims of living simple lives. The Baker's actions demonstrate a clear disconnect between their public image and their private financial dealings.

    • The human desire for abundance and comfortDespite societal norms, people yearn for comfort and luxury, even during hardships. Transparency about wealth can resonate with audiences, but excessive spending and unethical fundraising tactics can lead to financial instability.

      The human desire for abundance and provision, no matter the circumstances, can lead to extraordinary lengths. As illustrated in the story of Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, even in times of hardship and economic struggle, people yearn for comfort and luxury. This desire was amplified by the televangelists' openness about their wealth, which contrasted with the societal norms of the time. Despite potential backlash, the Bakkers' transparency about their possessions, including a swimming pool and a lake, resonated with their audience, who saw themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires. However, this desire for abundance came with a cost. Jim Baker's lack of self-control led to excessive spending and fundraising tactics that bordered on grifting, ultimately causing financial instability for PTL and its followers. This tale serves as a reminder of the power of human desire and the potential consequences of indulging in it without restraint.

    • Jim Bakker's Downfall: Fraud, Rape, and Media ScrutinyTelevangelist Jim Bakker faced legal consequences for overselling hotel partnerships and misrepresented investments, but his downfall was sealed when rape allegations surfaced, revealing a darker side to his operation

      Jim Bakker, a televangelist, engaged in various forms of fraud and even committed rape, leading to extensive media scrutiny and legal consequences. Bakker oversold partnerships for his hotel, offering false promises, and sold misrepresented investments like David and Goliath statues. He was exposed for these financial crimes by the Charlotte Observer, but it was later discovered that in 1980, he committed rape against Jessica Hahn, a church secretary. The incident involved not only Baker but also his employee, John Fletcher. This horrific crime was a turning point in Bakker's downfall, revealing the darker side of his operation.

    • Jim Bakker's Scandal and the Complexities of TraumaTelevangelist Jim Bakker paid hush money from church funds to silence allegations of rape, highlighting the impact of trauma on perpetrators and the system's failure to hold them accountable.

      The story of Jim Bakker, a televangelist who was involved in a scandal involving hush money and alleged rape, is a stark reminder of how those who have experienced trauma can inflict harm on others. Bakker, who had been grifting for years, paid Jessica Hahn, the woman involved in the scandal, over $1,000,000 in church funds to keep quiet. Although there were allegations of rape, no criminal charges were filed against Bakker, and Hahn eventually came forward in the media. Bakker's story illustrates the complexities of trauma and its impact on individuals and institutions. Despite the gravity of the situation, there seems to be a pattern in the United States that allows those in power to avoid consequences for their actions. For more insights on Jim Bakker and other grifters, check out Vic's content on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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