
    Part One: The Rush Limbaugh Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins

    enMarch 09, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Building Meaningful Connections and Unexpected LuckDespite uncertainty, opportunities exist to build bonds with neighbors and experience unexpected luck, from mundane places to creative pursuits.

      No matter how uncertain or disconnected the world may feel, there are opportunities to build meaningful connections within our communities. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on neighbors and forming social bonds. Meanwhile, unexpected luck can strike anywhere, even in the most mundane places, as shown in a Luckyland Casino promotion. For those seeking a change, ZYN nicotine pouches offer a smoke-free alternative, and a new journey can begin with the ZYN10 challenge. Lastly, the power of creativity and art, as exemplified by voice actor Paul F. Tompkins, can evoke strong reactions, including hatred towards figures like Rush Limbaugh, whose impact on society remains a topic of debate.

    • Rush Limbaugh's conservative upbringing and family legacyRush Limbaugh, influenced by his conservative upbringing and family legacy, became a polarizing figure in American politics through his radio show, instilling strong conservative values in many Americans.

      Rush Limbaugh, despite being a controversial figure, had a significant impact on American politics and society. He grew up in a conservative household where his parents listened to him regularly, instilling in him a strong sense of conservative values. Limbaugh's radio show became a platform for expressing these views, which resonated with many Americans and contributed to the growing polarization in the US. His influence cannot be overestimated, as evidenced by the strong reactions to his death. Limbaugh's family name, Rush, has been passed down through generations, and his grandfather, also named Rush Limbaugh, was a lawyer and Republican politician who fought against FDR and the New Deal. Limbaugh's grandfather's political stance was deeply embedded in the family line, setting the stage for Limbaugh's own influential career.

    • Rush Limbaugh's father's influence on his conservative viewsRush Limbaugh's father's military background and conservative politics shaped his rhetorical style and career as a broadcaster

      Rush Limbaugh's upbringing played a significant role in shaping his conservative views and his future career as a broadcaster. His father, Big Rush, was a powerful orator and a World War 2 combat pilot who maintained a military crew cut and became an attorney. Big Rush's influence on Rush Limbaugh was evident in his passionate speeches about conservative politics and his disdain for liberals. Rush Limbaugh, born in 1951, grew up listening to his father's rants against liberals and communists and developed a similar rhetorical style. Despite his harsh taskmaster approach to his sons, Big Rush provided a financially comfortable upbringing for Rush and his brother, David. David also became an attorney but remained in Cape Girardeau and had a more traditional family life. While Big Rush's wealth influenced their upbringing, it was his influence on politics and rhetoric that had the most lasting impact on Rush Limbaugh.

    • Rush Limbaugh's upbringing shaped his viewsRush Limbaugh's childhood in a racially divided town, influenced by his Republican father's experiences in India during US economic dominance, likely shaped his views on American exceptionalism, capitalism, and potentially, race relations.

      Rush Limbaugh's upbringing during the Eisenhower era in a racially divided town in Missouri deeply influenced his perspective on American exceptionalism, capitalism, and potentially, race relations. His father was a Republican politician who helped establish India's legal system during a time when the US was a global economic powerhouse. Growing up, Rush was captivated by the power of radio DJs, who played a significant role in introducing new music to audiences before the rise of streaming services. However, the town where he grew up, Cape Girardeau, was deeply divided over racial matters, with resistance to school integration and even the burning down of a black school. While we don't have explicit information about what Rush's father said about race, it's clear that the town's racial tensions would have been impossible for him to ignore. This complex background likely shaped Rush Limbaugh's political views and commentary in significant ways.

    • Rush Limbaugh's childhood experiences shaped his political viewsRush Limbaugh's upbringing, including his father's abuse and his own insecurities, likely influenced his development into a conservative political commentator

      Rush Limbaugh's upbringing, while not particularly unusual for a wealthy kid of his era, may have contributed to his development into a conservative political commentator. His father, who was abusive and disapproving of his son's ambitions, may have influenced Rush's political views. Rush was also an awkward teenager who experienced humiliation during a game of spin the bottle, which may have added to his insecurities. Despite this, it's important to note that many people have embarrassing experiences in their past without becoming destructive figures. Rush's father, a prominent figure in their town, wanted his son to follow in his footsteps and do something respectable, which may have influenced Rush's desire for success and gravitas. Overall, Rush's childhood experiences likely played a role in shaping his political commentary, but they do not fully explain his controversial actions and beliefs.

    • Rush Limbaugh's Father's Complex Relationship with His Radio DreamsRush Limbaugh's father initially disapproved of his radio aspirations but eventually supported him, paying for him to attend a radio engineering course and helping him get a job. However, their relationship was strained due to Rush's desire to pursue radio full-time.

      Rush Limbaugh's passion for radio, which began in his teenage years, was both supported and contested by his father. Despite his father's initial disapproval and frustration, he ultimately helped Rush get a job at the local radio station and even paid for him to attend a radio engineering course. However, Rush's ambition to pursue a career in radio full-time was met with resistance from his father, leading to tension in their relationship. Rush's early radio experiences, influenced by his idol Larry Lujack, shaped his comedic style and helped him gain popularity in high school. Despite the challenges, Rush remained dedicated to his dream of a career in radio, eventually becoming a famous conservative talk show host.

    • Rush Limbaugh's Indifference to Major Events During His YouthDespite having privilege, Rush Limbaugh disconnected from major political and social events during his youth, focusing instead on his radio career. His indifference to the civil rights movement and assassinations of MLK Jr. and RFK is a reminder of privilege.

      Rush Limbaugh, during his teenage years and early twenties, showed a remarkable lack of interest or engagement with the significant political and social events unfolding around him, despite having the privilege of being a white, middle-class American. He was more focused on the business of radio broadcasting than the news itself. His indifference to major events, such as the civil rights movement and the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy, is a stark reminder of the privilege that allowed him to disconnect from the turmoil of the time. His early radio career was marked by a series of jobs and name changes, with his on-air style evolving from prankster to the precursor of his later conservative commentary. Despite his impressive voice and ability to deliver factual information, Limbaugh's later transformation into a polarizing political figure was not evident in his early broadcasts.

    • Finding Joy in Professional CompetenceRush Limbaugh found satisfaction in mastering the technical aspects of radio and embraced his professional competence, inspiring us to find joy in our own skills and dedication to our crafts.

      Rush Limbaugh found joy and satisfaction in his professional competence, even when his job wasn't glamorous or lucrative. During his early career in Pittsburgh, he mocked religious grifters on the radio, but later in life, he became a wealthy man by embracing the same type of evangelical preachers. Rush's love for radio extended beyond his on-air persona, as he enjoyed mastering the technical aspects of the job. However, his attitude towards women in the industry was problematic, as he made sexist comments about their ability to become DJs. Despite these issues, Rush's dedication to his craft and ability to find joy in professional competence is a reminder that everyone, regardless of their job, can find satisfaction in being good at what they do. The conversation also touched upon the idea that women can challenge the systems that limit them, such as the radio industry, by engaging positively and participating in capitalism.

    • Exploring Ways to Connect and Build CommunitiesMonopoly Go offers unique digital experiences, Neighbor to Neighbor fosters local volunteerism, and Rush Limbaugh revolutionized talk radio through engagement.

      There are various ways to connect with people and build communities, whether it's through playing games like Monopoly or joining volunteer networks like Neighbor to Neighbor. In the digital world, Monopoly Go offers unique features like rare stickers, delightful emojis, and new discoveries with every play. Meanwhile, Neighbor to Neighbor is a California volunteer's network that encourages people to help their neighbors and build stronger communities. In the physical world, one can find inspiration in the story of Rush Limbaugh, who started the era of insult comedy and talk radio by engaging with listeners and creating a comedy-based entertainment format. These examples show that there are numerous opportunities to connect with others and strengthen communities, whether online or offline. So, don't forget to download Monopoly Go for free, visit caneighbors.com to learn how to help build a more connected community, and tune in to talk radio to engage in conversations with broadcasters.

    • Rush Limbaugh's Transition from DJ to Insult ComedianDespite claims of non-racism, Rush Limbaugh made racist comments and used insult comedy to gain success in radio.

      Rush Limbaugh, in the early stages of his career, transitioned from being a traditional DJ to an entertainer and insult comedian due to changing industry trends. He discovered he had a talent for insulting people, but felt uneasy about it and didn't directly insult callers on the air. However, he was not averse to making racist comments about black people throughout his career, despite claiming to be the least racist person. This contradiction highlights the performative nature of some people's claims of not being racist. Rush's early years in radio were not particularly successful, and he left the industry to work for a baseball team before returning to radio and achieving great success.

    • Rush Limbaugh's Career Started as Satire, Later Became Genuine BeliefRush Limbaugh began as a satirical radio host imitating left's caricature of right-wingers, but his satire turned genuine, leading to a successful career despite controversies and multiple firings.

      Rush Limbaugh's career as a controversial radio host began as satire, imitating what he perceived as the left's caricature of right-wing commentators. However, over time, his satire became his genuine belief, leading to a successful and influential radio show during the 1980s when shock jocks were gaining popularity. Despite facing controversies and being fired multiple times, Limbaugh's provocative style resonated with audiences and solidified his place in broadcasting history. This early era of radio saw the rise of shock jocks, with figures like Jewel Pine paving the way for Limbaugh's success despite facing backlash in the 1950s and 1960s when America was not yet ready for such conservative commentary.

    • Rush Limbaugh's early career was marked by controversy and racismRush Limbaugh's early radio career was successful due to his controversial and racist remarks, which were tolerated by radio stations despite their claims of wanting authenticity.

      The early days of Rush Limbaugh's radio career were marked by controversy and racism, which proved to be profitable for radio stations. When Morton Downey Junior was fired from KFBK for making a racist on-air joke, the station saw an opportunity to replace him with a less extreme, but still racist, right-wing talk show host. Rush Limbaugh filled that role, and his controversial remarks, including the use of the term "nappy headed hoes" in reference to a women's basketball team, gained him popularity and acceptance. However, the station's acting program director, Norm Woodruff, told Limbaugh that they wanted controversy but not fabricated, and they would back him up if he truly believed in what he was saying. This was a clear lie, as the station never pushed back on Limbaugh's bigotry. Despite this, Limbaugh's career took off, and he became a successful right-wing shock jock, with billboards around town encouraging people to "punch Rush Limbaugh." This early success set the stage for Limbaugh's future as a polarizing figure in American politics.

    • Rush Limbaugh's Impactful WordsRush Limbaugh's exaggerated beliefs and comedic approach led to significant impact, from mocking the religious right to causing panic over backward messages and inciting actions during protests.

      Rush Limbaugh's success in Sacramento as a right-wing radio host was significant, leading to a lucrative career, public speaking engagements, and celebrity status. However, his approach to entertaining his audience was not always clear-cut. He deliberately exaggerated his beliefs for comedic effect, even when it came to mocking the evangelical religious right. This tactic proved to be addictive for him as he reveled in the power of making people take his absurdities seriously. The impact of his words was evident during the satanic panic period when he joked about a backwards message in Slim Whitman's recording, leading many listeners to destroy their albums. Similarly, during the Portland protests, Limbaugh's comment about the "sacred fence" went viral, resulting in numerous attempts to tear it down. The power of words and their impact on people was both intoxicating and concerning for Limbaugh.

    • Rush Limbaugh's Rise to Fame Sparked by Passionate Responses in Charged SituationsRush Limbaugh's controversial personality and fearless self-promotion ignited passionate responses from conservative audiences in California, fueling his rise to fame and transforming him into their voice against liberal policies.

      Words have the power to ignite passionate responses, especially in charged situations. This was evident in Rush Limbaugh's career, which took off during a rafting trip in Sacramento, California, despite the state's reputation for liberal politics. Limbaugh's domestic life was less than joyful during this time, with his wife, Michelle, hating the work she did as his assistant. However, Limbaugh's personality, which included a fear of the outdoors and a narcissistic need for attention, played a significant role in his rise to fame. His self-inflicted nicknames and grandiose claims resonated with conservative audiences in California, who felt marginalized by liberal policies. The anger and frustration of these conservatives provided fertile ground for Limbaugh's message, and he became their voice, launching his radio career into the stratosphere.

    • Rush Limbaugh's Radio Career Takes Off in CaliforniaRush Limbaugh's provocative style and aggressive personality resonated with a large audience in California, fueling his determination to dominate the airwaves and leading to a successful national career.

      Rush Limbaugh's radio career took off in California, where his radical right-wing views resonated with a large audience. He became their voice, relentlessly attacking liberal policies and activism. His provocative style and aggressive personality, as showcased in this 1991 recording, helped establish him as a dominant radio presence, eventually leading to a national audience and a successful career. The LA Times' criticism only fueled his determination to dominate the airwaves. Limbaugh's distinctive phrases, such as "half my brain tied behind my back," can be seen as reminiscent of the repetitive, memorable language found in epic poems like The Iliad and The Odyssey.

    • Rush Limbaugh's Repetitive Phrases and TacticsRush Limbaugh's use of repetitive phrases and tactics, like branding and cult leadership, helped him build a massive following. However, his insensitive AIDS update segments demonstrated that these tactics extended beyond satire.

      Rush Limbaugh, like other influential figures, used repetitive descriptive phrases and tactics, such as branding and cult leadership, to build a massive following. This was evident in his consistent use of phrases to introduce Achilles in spoken stories and his use of impulse insults, like "Crooked Hillary" and "Sleepy Joe." Limbaugh's tactics were effective in getting his message across and creating a strong association between his image and his audience. However, his use of these tactics extended beyond satire, as seen in his insensitive and tasteless AIDS update segments. Despite the controversy surrounding these segments, Limbaugh's following remained loyal, demonstrating the power of branding and cult leadership in influencing public opinion.

    • Rush Limbaugh's Controversial Early Career and BehaviorRush Limbaugh's provocative radio segments, including divisive comments about AIDS victims and homosexuals, gained widespread attention in the late 1980s and early 1990s. His behavior towards a female news anchor on C-SPAN was threatening and sexually harassing. Despite this, his radio show's popularity and impact on the political landscape is undeniable.

      Rush Limbaugh's controversial radio segments from the late 1980s and early 1990s, including his remarks about AIDS victims and militant homosexuals, were popular but also sparked outrage. This was a reflection of the evolving political climate at the time, with Limbaugh's provocative style helping to shape the modern conservative movement. During an appearance on C-SPAN in 1990, Limbaugh's behavior towards a female news anchor was both threatening and sexually harassing, showcasing his controversial and often divisive personality. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, Limbaugh's radio show gained widespread attention, with the New York Times publishing a full feature on him in 1990. In the article, Limbaugh defended his views on wealth and success, arguing that hard work and opportunity were the keys to prosperity. While some criticized him for being a paid advocate for the rich, Limbaugh saw himself as a promoter of the American way of life. Regardless of one's political stance, Limbaugh's impact on the political landscape is undeniable.

    • The Complexities of Wealth and Success: Privilege, Luck, and InheritanceWealth and success are not solely self-made achievements, as access to resources and opportunities often play a significant role, including inherited wealth or family support.

      The success stories of wealthy individuals, such as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates, are often presented as self-made achievements, but their access to resources and opportunities, often inherited or supported by their families, played a significant role in their financial success. Meanwhile, Rush Limbaugh, an influential conservative talk radio host, used his platform to criticize liberal values and art, and even expressed ambiguous views on censorship. This discussion highlights the complexities of wealth and success, and the importance of acknowledging the role of privilege and luck in individual achievements. Additionally, it sheds light on the cultural debates surrounding censorship and free speech that continue to shape political discourse.

    • Reflecting on Rush Limbaugh's Impact and Finding BalanceDespite differing opinions on Rush Limbaugh, remember community connections, prioritize self-care, and find enjoyment in entertainment.

      Learning from this discussion about Rush Limbaugh is that while some may see his passing as an opportunity to reflect on his controversial impact on society, others may find joy in his death due to his past insensitive remarks. Regardless of personal feelings, it's essential to remember the importance of community connections and helping neighbors in times of need, as highlighted by the Neighbor to Neighbor volunteer network. Furthermore, it's crucial to prioritize self-care and take moments for oneself, as emphasized by the sponsor, BetterHelp, which offers accessible online therapy. Lastly, whether you're looking for entertainment or a chance to win prizes, platforms like Chumba Casino offer various casino-style games for enjoyment. In summary, this discussion touched on various topics, including community connections, self-care, and entertainment, reminding us of the importance of finding balance in our lives.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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