
    Part One: The Satanic Panic: America's First QAnon

    enOctober 27, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Building Connections and Understanding Historical ContextConnecting with neighbors and fellow community members can bring positive change and prepare us for unexpected situations. Historical context is essential for understanding past events and preventing misconceptions.

      Building connections in our communities can bring about positive change and help us prepare for unexpected situations. Doctor Joy introduced Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network that emphasizes the importance of neighbors helping each other. Meanwhile, Ryan shared his unexpected connection with a fellow Chumba Casino player. On a different note, ZYN nicotine pouches offer convenience and discretion, while Pronamel toothpaste and new mouthwash focus on tooth enamel repair. In a more serious note, Robert Evans and Jake Hanrahan discussed the historical context of the satanic panic, a belief in widespread networks of child abuse that doesn't exist. This topic is explored further in Jake's new podcast, Q Clearance. Overall, these discussions highlight the importance of community, connection, and understanding historical context.

    • Historical Pattern of Persecution: DemonologyThroughout history, certain groups have been labeled as evil, leading to persecution and violence. This pattern, known as demonology, involves accusations of child molestation and murder, fueled by fear. It's crucial to recognize this historical pattern to prevent future incidents.

      Throughout history, during times of social turmoil and moral crisis, societies have identified specific groups as the ultimate evil, leading to periods of persecution and violence. This phenomenon, known as demonology, has been observed in various cultures and religions, from ancient Rome's persecution of Christians to Europe's blood libel myths against Jews and the Salem witch trials. These myths often involve accusations of child molestation and murder, fueled by fear and a desire to protect the community from perceived external threats. Ultimately, these periods of persecution result in widespread accusations and violence against the targeted group, with everyone accusing each other in the heat of the witch hunt. It's essential to be aware of this historical pattern to prevent similar incidents from recurring in the future.

    • Historical pattern of accusing marginalized groups of child abuseThroughout history, false accusations of child abuse against marginalized groups have been used to manipulate public opinion and perpetuate harmful stereotypes.

      Throughout history, humans have consistently accused marginalized groups of murdering and molesting children as a form of demonization. This trend can be traced back over a thousand years and was particularly prevalent in the United States during the 1800s with the infamous witch hunts against Catholics. During this time, false accusations of Satanic rituals and child sacrifice became a lucrative business for ex-priests and nuns who toured the country sharing these lurid stories. This pattern continued into the 1950s and 1960s with the rise of cults like the Manson Family, whose grisly murders were described as ritualistic and fueled the satanic panic in the 1980s. This trend shows the power of fear and misinformation to manipulate public opinion and perpetuate harmful stereotypes.

    • The Satanic Panic: A Time of Fear and MisconceptionsThe 1970s saw widespread fear and misconceptions about Satanism due to real-life cult crimes, sensationalized media, and false claims, leading to a moral panic and targeting of innocent individuals.

      During the 1970s, a period marked by high-profile cult activities and the rise of organized Satanism, mass hysteria ensued. The satanic panic, fueled by real-life cult murders, the popularization of Satanism through books like the Satanic Bible, and sensationalized media like The Exorcist, led to widespread fear and misconceptions. False claims of Satanic rituals involving ritual murders, child abuse, and mass rape became common, despite a lack of evidence. Mike Warnke, a self-proclaimed former Satanist, contributed significantly to this hysteria with his book Satan Seller, which detailed his supposed involvement in Satanic crimes. Despite the lack of evidence and the small size of the Satanic community, the satanic panic reached mainstream America, leading to a moral panic and the targeting of innocent individuals.

    • The Power of Storytelling and Separating Fact from FictionComedian Geraldo Atkins, also known as Darrell Warnke, gained fame in the late 1980s by combining outrageous satanic claims with Christian comedy. His stories were taken seriously, but later found to be lies. The incident highlights the power of storytelling and the importance of fact-checking.

      The line between entertainment and reality can be blurred, as seen in the case of comedian and self-proclaimed former satanist, Geraldo Atkins, also known as Darrell Warnke. Warnke gained massive success in the late 1980s by combining his outrageous claims of past satanic activities with a Christian stand-up comedy routine. His act included harmless, milquetoast jokes interspersed with serious anecdotes about child abuse and sacrifice. Despite the disturbing nature of his stories, Warnke's audience seemed to take him seriously, leading to deadly quiet reactions during his performances. However, when journalists investigated his claims, they found that his family and friends all dismissed his stories as preposterous lies. Warnke's past was that of a nerd, not a satanist or a drug addict. The incident serves as a reminder of the power of storytelling and the importance of fact-checking in separating fact from fiction.

    • A wave of fear and hysteria surrounding child sexual abuse during the late 1980s and early 1990sThis period marked a shift in societal awareness of child sexual abuse, but the methods and rhetoric used were flawed and often caused more harm than good.

      During the late 1980s and early 1990s, there was a wave of fear and hysteria surrounding the issue of child sexual abuse, fueled in part by false claims and sensationalist rhetoric from figures like Warren Jeffs and Bob Warnke. Unfortunately, Warnke's claims about attending a satanic party during this time have been debunked, as it conflicted with his time in federal prison. However, the broader context of this period was significant, as it marked a shift in societal awareness and acceptance of child sexual abuse as a major problem. Feminists argued for greater gender equality and options for women to leave abusive situations, but the focus on the mental health of the abusers obscured the systemic issues and the prevalence of abuse within families and close circles. It's important to remember that while the goal of addressing child sexual abuse was a positive one, the methods and rhetoric used during this time were flawed and often did more harm than good.

    • Shift from criminal justice to psychotherapy approach in 70sThe 1970s response to child sex abuse prioritized therapy and counseling, ignoring poverty and corporal punishment, leading to ineffective interventions like self-help groups instead of addressing root causes.

      The response to child sex abuse in the 1970s shifted from a criminal justice approach to a focus on psychotherapy and family counseling. This medicalized interpretation of child abuse, which downplayed the role of poverty and corporal punishment, made it difficult to address the root causes of neglect and physical abuse. As a result, the first comprehensive legal remedy to child sex abuse, Walter Mondale's 1973 Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), prioritized research and treatment programs over social and economic interventions. While CAPTA did allocate funds for research and treatment, it ignored the link between poverty and child abuse, and instead, focused on child sexual abuse. This led to the prioritization of self-help groups like Parents Anonymous over more effective interventions. While support groups can be beneficial, they should not be the sole solution when parents are putting their children in harm's way.

    • The Impact of CAPTA on Child Abuse CasesCAPTA led to more reported cases, but self-help therapy had mixed results, allowing families to stay together but potentially worsening children's situations.

      The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) led to a significant increase in reported child abuse cases, but the implementation of self-help therapy group models instead of jail sentences for abusive parents had both positive and negative consequences. On one hand, it kept cases quiet and allowed families to stay together. On the other hand, it subjected children to therapy sessions with their abusers and potentially worsened their situation. Prior to CAPTA, reporting child abuse often led to invasive investigations and family separation, which was also detrimental to the children. It's important to acknowledge that neither solution was ideal, and the situation for abused children has always presented challenges.

    • Exploring different ways to connect with your communityMonopoly Go, Neighbor to Neighbor, and Chumba Casino offer unique ways to connect with your community, but prioritizing abusers over child victims is not acceptable. Focus on creating safe spaces and resources for victims and addressing the root causes of abuse.

      There are various ways to connect with your community and find sources of joy and support in everyday life. Monopoly Go offers a new adventure every time you play, Neighbor to Neighbor empowers you to build stronger community bonds, and Chumba Casino provides free entertainment. Meanwhile, the past has shown us that even in challenging times, different groups can find common ground for unexpected reasons. However, it's essential to remember that prioritizing the feelings and security of abusers over their child victims is not acceptable. The growing field of child protection during that period was unfortunately rife with misogyny. Instead, we should focus on creating safe spaces and resources for victims and addressing the root causes of abuse.

    • Belief in 'family romance' led to flawed child abuse treatment programDuring the late 1970s and 1980s, a misguided belief that all men secretly desire to molest their daughters and that marital dysfunction is the root cause of child sexual abuse led to a flawed treatment program that allowed many guilty fathers to avoid jail time through therapy and probation, but also led to false confessions and had unsettling consequences.

      During the late 1970s and 1980s, a prominent doctor named Summit held beliefs that child molesters were driven by a "family romance" impulse, believing all men secretly desire to molest their daughters. These beliefs were widely accepted, leading to the creation and implementation of the Child Sex Abuse Treatment Program (CSATP) in the Bay Area. CSATP aimed to preserve nuclear families and taught that marital dysfunction was the root cause of child sexual abuse. Mothers were encouraged to apologize to their daughters for their husbands' actions and take blame upon themselves. This approach, while preserving families and reducing false allegations, also led to a high confession rate among guilty fathers and allowed many to avoid jail time through therapy and probation. However, the system was deeply flawed and had unsettling consequences. The belief that all men desire to molest their daughters and that marital dysfunction was the primary cause of child sexual abuse is now widely discredited.

    • A new approach to handling child abuse cases led to the satanic panicIn the late 1970s and early 1980s, police and social workers shifted from forensic investigation to therapy-based intervention for child abuse cases, leading to false accusations and the satanic panic in the 1980s and 1990s

      The way child abuse cases were handled in the late 1970s and early 1980s set the stage for the satanic panic of the 1980s and 1990s. Police began relying on secondhand accounts from teachers, mothers, and other adults instead of directly interviewing children. Social workers, who were not well-trained in questioning techniques, pushed children to talk about explicit details, often leading them to make false accusations. By the late 1970s, this approach had become standard practice, and by the 1980s, it had created an infrastructure that allowed false accusations to be believed and acted upon. This shift from forensic investigation to therapy-based intervention had good intentions but ultimately put many innocent people at risk of being falsely accused and ruined their lives. The satanic panic was not an isolated phenomenon but built on the foundation of this new approach to handling child abuse cases.

    • The Moral Majority's Emergence: Opposition to Roe v Wade, Integration of Christian Schools, and Women's Workforce EntryThe Moral Majority arose in the late 70s due to religious and political opposition, including Roe v Wade, Christian school integration, and women entering the workforce. Household income didn't significantly increase despite more women working, leading to anxiety and fear. A controversial book about satanic abuse further fueled moral panic during this time.

      The Moral Majority, a Christian right-wing political organization founded in 1979, emerged due to opposition to Roe v Wade and forced integration of Christian schools, as well as deep anxiety over women entering the workforce. During this time, despite more women working, household income didn't significantly increase due to collapsing workers' protections and rights. In 1980, a book titled "Michelle Remembers" claimed that the author had been a victim of a satanic cult, detailing horrific abuse. However, it was later debunked, with many questioning the authenticity of the memories and the involvement of the author's therapist-turned-husband in fabricating the story. This period highlights the complex intersection of religion, politics, and societal changes.

    • The Controversial Concept of Repressed MemoriesEarly psychologists believed childhood traumas caused hysteria, leading to the theory of repressed memories. Later, many of these memories were discovered to be implanted during therapy sessions.

      The concept of repressed memories, which emerged in the late 1800s, has been a subject of controversy. Early psychologists believed that hysteria, a condition they diagnosed women with for expressing emotions, was caused by childhood traumas that were so severe that victims dissociated from the memories. Freud, in particular, believed that childhood sexual abuse was the root cause of many mental health issues. However, it was later discovered that many of these memories were implanted or fabricated during therapy sessions. In the late 1970s, this theory was revived, and therapists began implanting false memories in their patients, leading to numerous cases of false memories being created. The use of hypnosis and asking patients to imagine events were common techniques used to implant false memories. It is essential to remember that our memories are not always reliable, and the use of imaginations or suggestive techniques can lead to the creation of false memories.

    • Exploring Community, Fun, and ProgressMonopoly Go brings endless fun, Neighbor to Neighbor strengthens communities, Hyundai Ioniq 5 offers eco-friendly progress, and past controversies sparked important discussions

      Monopoly Go offers endless fun and excitement with its constantly changing challenges, tournaments, and rewards in a mobile game setting. Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of building strong community bonds in real life. The all-electric Hyundai Ioniq 5 offers a convenient and eco-friendly driving experience. Despite some controversies in the past, hypnotic regression and repressed memories were considered settled science for certain groups, leading to the infamous Satanic Ritual Abuse cases in Bakersfield, California. Overall, these diverse topics highlight the importance of community, fun, and progress in our lives.

    • Allegations of Child Abuse in Kern County: Chaos and Unreliable TestimonyMentally ill individuals can influence children to make false allegations, causing chaos and unnecessary arrests. It's crucial to consider the accuser's mental health and physical evidence before taking action.

      The case of alleged child abuse in Kern County became a chaotic situation due to the involvement of a mentally ill woman and her influence on the children she was caring for. Jill Haddad, a concerned community member, reported suspicions about the McCooens based on claims of poor parenting and revocation of their day care license. However, no major infractions were found during a social services inspection. Later, Mary Anne, the mentally ill step-grandmother, gained custody of the children and convinced them that they were victims of a massive satanic sex ring. Social workers, influenced by their training and Mary Anne's conviction, repeatedly questioned the children, leading them to make increasingly bizarre allegations. The social workers and a father's coworker were eventually charged based on these allegations, but their charges were later dropped when Mary Anne's medical records were introduced as evidence of her mental instability. Unfortunately, the influence of Mary Anne's delusions led to the arrests and destruction of numerous lives, demonstrating the potential dangers of unreliable testimony and the importance of considering physical evidence and the mental health of the accuser.

    • The Satanic Panic and False ConfessionsThe Satanic Panic in the 1980s led to numerous wrongful convictions through coercive interrogations, devastating families and ruining lives.

      During the Satanic Panic in the 1980s, coercive and manipulative interrogation methods were commonly used to extract false confessions from children, leading to numerous wrongful convictions. The Niffin and McCoins families serve as a tragic example, where the Niffin boys later recanted their allegations and testified to being coerced, but the McCoins remained in prison based on their false testimonies. This period in history highlights the dangers of group mentality and the devastating impact on families and individuals. The Satanic Panic was not limited to Kern County and led to the longest and most expensive trial in US history, the McMartin Preschool trial, which we will explore in the next episode. It's important to remember that these events tore apart countless families and ruined lives, often based on nothing at all.

    • Separating fact from fiction in child abuse casesReal child abuse cases exist, but they're often overlooked due to sensational conspiracy theories. Focus on addressing the real issues and prioritizing victim's welfare.

      While sensational stories of child abuse scandals involving Satanic rituals and high-level politicians may grab headlines, the reality is more complex and often overlooked. Real cases of child abuse and trafficking do exist, but they are not always as movie-like or ritualistic as portrayed. For instance, the case of Marc D'etreault in Belgium involved politicians hiring a kidnapper for children, but it's less known due to the focus on more sensational stories. It's essential to acknowledge and address the real issues, rather than getting distracted by unfounded conspiracy theories. The speaker also mentioned that the focus on young children being molested is misplaced, as it's more common for teenagers to be victims. Overall, it's crucial to separate fact from fiction and prioritize the welfare of victims.

    • Escaping the hustle and bustle with 'Planet of the Apes' and Keebler Sandy'sBoth the new 'Planet of the Apes' film and Keebler Sandy's cookies offer escapes from daily life, providing either an epic adventure or a moment of comfort and relaxation.

      Both the new "Planet of the Apes" film and a moment of relaxation with a Keebler Sandy's cookie offer an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. In the film, a young ape fights for a future where apes and humans can coexist, providing an epic adventure that transports audiences to another world. Meanwhile, enjoying a Keebler Sandy's cookie offers a simpler escape - a moment of comfort and relaxation, baked into each shortbread cookie by the Keebler elves. Whether it's through the thrilling journey of the "Planet of the Apes" or the melt-in-your-mouth magic of a Keebler Sandy's, taking a pause for oneself is an essential part of life. So, go ahead and treat yourself to a trip to the IMAX to witness the latest "Planet of the Apes" installment, or indulge in a Keebler Sandy's this Sunday for a moment of personal relaxation.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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