
    Part One: The Surprising Evil of 1950s Men's Adventure Magazines

    enNovember 07, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Community, Self-Expression, and ExplorationBuilding strong community connections brings hope and support. Self-expression and authenticity can provide power and inspiration. Exploring new things fosters excitement and knowledge.

      Building strong community connections can bring hope and support during uncertain times. Doctor Laurie Santos introduced Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network, emphasizing the importance of forming meaningful social bonds with those living nearby. Meanwhile, Amy Winehouse's biopic, "Back to Black," showcases the power of self-expression and authenticity. In a different context, the Behind the Bastards podcast, now rebranded as "India," discusses the allure and significance of men's adventure magazines from the 1940s. Margaret Killjoy, the podcast's guest, expresses her excitement about delving into these trashy yet fascinating publications. Overall, these various examples highlight the importance of community, self-expression, and exploration in our lives.

    • Men's adventure magazines: A unique blend of risqué photos, thrilling articles, and short stories for menMen's adventure magazines, popular from the 1940s to 1960s, showcased a mix of explicit content, problematic masculinity, and influential authors in a genre distinctly labeled 'men's adventure'.

      Men's adventure magazines, which gained popularity in the 1940s to 1960s, were a unique genre of pulp fiction magazines targeted towards men. These magazines featured a mix of risqué photos, thrilling articles, and short stories, often framed as true accounts. Many influential authors, such as Mario Puzo, got their start writing for these magazines under pseudonyms. The content ranged from fun and educational to deeply problematic, revealing toxic aspects of masculinity during that time. Despite the explicit and often objectifying nature of the content, these magazines had to specifically label themselves as "men's adventure" to distinguish them from regular adventure stories due to their focus on hyper-masculinity and objectification of women.

    • Magazines Fueled the Idea of Combat as the Key to ManhoodMagazines in the past perpetuated the notion that combat experience is necessary for manhood, but this is a misconception. Everyone's experiences and reactions to combat are unique, and there are many ways for men to prove their courage and value beyond violence.

      The adventure magazines from the past, such as Man's Story and World of Men, catered to men who had not experienced combat during World War 2, leaving them feeling inadequate and longing for a sense of manhood. These magazines fueled the idea that combat experience was the key to overcoming insecurities and gaining courage. However, the reality is that the majority of men who experienced combat were scared and wanted to avoid reliving those experiences. The gun industry and certain media continue to tap into this sentiment, appealing to men who feel emasculated and seeking a sense of bravery and power. It's essential to recognize that everyone's experiences and reactions to combat are unique, and not all men need to engage in violent or dangerous activities to prove their manhood. Instead, we should focus on embracing and celebrating the various roles and contributions that men make in society.

    • The dark side of masculinity in men's adventure magazinesMen's adventure magazines showcased a problematic relationship between masculinity, violence, and desire for military action, reflecting a dangerous societal trend.

      There's a complex and problematic relationship between masculinity, violence, and desire for military action among certain groups of men, as evidenced by the evolution of men's adventure magazines. These magazines, which started out with tales of men fighting nature, gradually shifted towards more violent and extreme content, reflecting a darker turn in society's concept of masculinity. The desire for the perceived benefits of military action without the commitment or danger of actual service can lead to toxic and even dangerous behaviors. This trend is not unique to our current culture, as seen in the historical shift in men's pulp magazines. The result is a culture where violence and the ability to do harm are seen as key components of masculinity, contributing to societal issues.

    • Contrast between ads and magazine content for middle-aged menAds promise wealth and success, but magazine stories reveal themes of aging, loss, and unfulfilled desires. Cost of raising a child today far outweighs promised income increase.

      This vintage men's adventure magazine showcases a stark contrast between the aspirational ads targeting middle-aged men, promising wealth and success, and the reality of the stories within, which often feature themes of aging, loss, and unrequited desire. The ad for a correspondence school for new dads highlights the financial strain of starting a family, while the cost of raising a child today far outweighs the suggested $500 increase in income. The magazine's content, filled with tales of adventure and intrigue, does not always live up to its titles' promises, instead offering middle-aged dad fodder. The most intriguing story is about Pete Townsend, a historical figure who served as an advisor to King George VI and had an affair with Princess Margaret, leading to his exile from the country. Overall, the magazine's content reflects the complexities and challenges of midlife, offering a mix of escapism and reality.

    • A puzzling contrast between Princess Margaret and a greaser with a switchbladeThe article 'Punk with a Switchblade' cleverly combines two seemingly unrelated stories, creating an intriguing contrast and delivering an exciting and immersive reading experience through vivid descriptions and engaging dialogue.

      The magazine article "Punk with a Switchblade" presents an intriguing contrast between two seemingly unrelated stories. The first part focuses on Princess Margaret being compared to Marilyn Monroe, which leaves the reader puzzled due to their size difference. The second part is an engaging and vividly described narrative about a greaser with a switchblade, which is the more captivating and anticipated part of the issue. The art accompanying the article also adds to the intrigue, depicting a fearful scene involving a child and a knife. The dialogue in the story effectively sets the tone for the character's anger and determination, and the use of descriptive language paints a clear picture of the setting and atmosphere. Despite the initial confusion, the article ultimately delivers an exciting and immersive reading experience.

    • Discover new opportunities and connectionsConnect with neighbors for community building and emergencies, join networks for affordable options, and find common ground with others to make a positive impact

      There's always something new to discover and opportunities to connect with others, whether it's through joining a community network like Neighbor to Neighbor or discovering more affordable options for everyday expenses like wireless plans with Mint Mobile. The world can sometimes feel uncertain and disconnected, but there are ways to build meaningful bonds and save money. In the case of Neighbor to Neighbor, it's about connecting with neighbors to create a more connected community and prepare for emergencies. With Mint Mobile, it's about saving money on wireless plans without sacrificing quality. And sometimes, it's about empathizing with others and finding common ground, even with those we might initially perceive as villains or adversaries. In the end, it's about finding ways to make a positive impact in our communities and in our own lives. So, whether you're looking to connect with your neighbors, save money on wireless plans, or just find a new perspective, there's always something new to discover.

    • Perception of Greasers in the 1940s and 1960sGreasers, initially viewed as friendly drifters, were stigmatized as violent, anarchist punks, perpetuated by media and societal stereotypes, despite racial diversity within the group.

      The perception of "greasers" in society during the 1940s and 1960s was vastly different from how they are viewed today. Greasers were seen as traveling anarchist punk kids, a source of moral panic, and often associated with motorcycle gangs. They were primarily poor, low-class individuals, and the term likely originated from air grease used by motorcycle mechanics. However, it's important to note that greasers were not just white people; they also included black and Hispanic kids from economically depressed areas. The media, including magazines, played a significant role in perpetuating negative stereotypes about greasers. In the discussed text, the story of a drifter named Smitty and an old man named Morell illustrates the rapid transformation from a seemingly friendly interaction to a violent kidnapping. This stark contrast highlights the volatile and fearful attitude towards greasers during that era.

    • Evolution of Greaser ImageFrom a negative and violent image to a cool and respectable one, the term 'greaser' underwent a significant transformation in the late 60s through media influence.

      The term "greaser" and the cultural image associated with it evolved significantly from the negative perception during the forties and fifties to a more positive and cool image in the late sixties. The term gained popularity through books, TV shows, and movies, and filmmakers like George Lucas were influenced by this subculture. However, in the past, greasers were often seen as dangerous and violent foreign influences, with moral panics around switchblades and other perceived threats. Contrastingly, today's mainstream attitude views greasers as cool and respectable figures. A related observation from the discussion is that older magazines featured in the article contained photos of girls, some possibly underage, which raised ethical concerns regarding consent and age. The magazines were not pornographic but contained soft-core content, which was considered acceptable during the sixties.

    • Exploring the idealized figure of the bachelor in the 1960sThe novel 'Climax' follows a man's journey from an unhappy life filled with countless women to finding happiness with one, challenging the societal expectations of bachelorhood in the 1960s.

      "Climax" is a novel that explores the idealized figure of the bachelor during the time when the concept of a man of leisure began to emerge, largely influenced by Hugh Hefner. The protagonist, Danny, embodies this image of a man with an outrageous sex life but is unhappy with it. The story is about him falling in love and settling down with one woman. The text opens with Danny planning his week filled with women, showing his ideal life where he doesn't remember his Saturdays and spends his Sundays at poker. The Turkish baths mentioned in the text are likely places for men to have cool and sex. The text doesn't suggest any subtext about Danny going to the baths to have sex with men. Instead, it focuses on his sex life with sixties girls. Overall, the text provides an insight into the culture of the time where men were expected to live a certain way, and the protagonist's journey towards finding happiness beyond that idealized image.

    • Danny's father's advice and its impact on his relationshipsDanny's father's advice on safety in numbers and avoiding nice girls served him well until he met someone he wanted to connect with deeply, but his fear of attachment came back to haunt him.

      Danny's father's advice, given during a formative moment in his adolescence, had guided him in his sexual encounters until he met Annette. The advice, which emphasized safety in numbers and avoiding nice girls, served him well until he encountered a situation where he wanted to pursue a deeper connection. However, the father's words about persuading a nice girl and the potential for her to become overly attached came back to haunt him when he fell in love with Annette. The discussion also touched upon the theme of men's relationships with women, with a brief mention of the historical context. Additionally, there was a sudden shift to an advertisement for the mobile game Monopoly Go, highlighting its features and rewards. Lastly, the text introduced Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer's network, as a beacon of hope in communities. Overall, the text showcased the complexities of relationships, the impact of advice, and the importance of connection in a disconnected world.

    • Exploring the importance of community and examining historical textsBuilding strong community bonds can prepare us for various situations, while examining historical texts offers valuable context for understanding societal norms and attitudes. However, it's crucial to approach these texts with a critical lens and recognize their problematic aspects.

      Building strong community bonds with neighbors can prepare you for various situations, including natural disasters and everyday needs. Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of community and encourages individuals to help build stronger neighborhoods. Meanwhile, in the world of entertainment, magazines from the past offer a glimpse into different perspectives and societal norms. However, some content may contain offensive or insensitive material, such as racial stereotypes and objectification. It's essential to approach these historical texts with a critical lens and recognize their problematic aspects. During our discussion, we explored various magazines, including one with a cover featuring a sled dog ripping out a man's throat and another with a desert harem story. While the titles were intriguing, some stories contained offensive content. However, we also found interesting insights, such as the mention of male menopause in a 1957 magazine. Overall, examining these historical texts provides valuable context for understanding the evolution of societal norms and attitudes.

    • A peek into the past: Misleading ads and consumer cultureOld magazines reveal misleading ads for vitamins and private investigator courses, showcasing past sales tactics and consumer culture.

      The text discusses various advertisements in an old magazine, showcasing a range of products from vitamins for maintaining erections to correspondence courses for becoming a private investigator. The vitamin advertisement, in particular, is criticized for its misleading claims, as the actual ingredient list is revealed to be similar to Red Bull. The tone of the text is sarcastic and critical towards these advertisements, highlighting their questionable effectiveness and ethics. The private investigator ad, on the other hand, is described as gloriously committing with our ancestors who sold ads. Overall, the text sheds light on the sales tactics and the consumer culture of the past.

    • An intriguing article about historical slavery in the Middle EastThe article 'Inside a Desert Harem' reveals the harsh realities of historical slavery in the Middle East after World War I, including kidnapping, transportation, and sale of young girls into Arab harems, despite international condemnation.

      The discussed adventure magazine issue showcases a mix of adventure stories, wish fulfillment, racism, and pornography. The most intriguing piece was an article titled "Inside a Desert Harem," which provided insight into historical facts about the slave trade that existed in the Middle East after World War I. Contrary to initial expectations, the article was based on real events, revealing the harsh realities of the slave trade, including the kidnapping, transportation, and sale of young girls into Arab harems. The article also highlighted the continuation of this trade despite international condemnation and the disguise of traders and their victims as pilgrims to avoid detection. The prevalence of slavery during this time had significant implications, with an estimated 10% of Mecca's population being enslaved. The depiction of a white woman in the artwork was offensive, reflecting the complex and problematic nature of the magazine's content. This historical account serves as a stark reminder of the existence and prevalence of slavery in the Middle East during the early 20th century.

    • Historical Overlook: Slavery in Saudi Arabia during the 1950s and 1960sThousands of women and girls from diverse ethnicities were enslaved in Saudi Arabia during the 1950s and 1960s, and the international community's silence on the issue highlights political and cultural sensitivities.

      The article "The Slave Girl of Jeddah" sheds light on an overlooked historical issue: the existence of slavery in Saudi Arabia during the 1950s and 1960s, specifically the enslavement of thousands of women and girls from various ethnicities, including Circassians, Georgians, Armenians, Ethiopians, and Sudanese. The article also exposes the hypocrisy of the international community's silence on the issue due to political and cultural sensitivities. However, the article's graphic description of the sale and sexual exploitation of a 15-year-old Circassian girl detracts from the historical significance and contributes to the objectification and stigmatization of victims of sex trafficking. It is essential to address the historical reality of slavery in Saudi Arabia while acknowledging the complexities of the issue and avoiding perpetuating harmful stereotypes or exploitative content.

    • Exploring Masculine Fiction in Men's Adventure MagazinesWhile acknowledging problematic elements, men's adventure magazines offer entertaining and thought-provoking stories, many available for free online.

      While exploring the genre of masculine fiction through men's adventure magazines, it's clear that these texts often contain problematic elements such as transphobia, racism, and sexism. However, it's important to note that not all pulp fiction needs to be gross or offensive. The genre can also offer intellectually interesting and entertaining stories that provide a glimpse into historical cultural fears. Fortunately, many of these magazines are available for free online, allowing readers to explore this genre for themselves. Margaret, who was part of the conversation, shared that she wrote a pulp adventure novella called "Escape from Inso Island," which tries to create enjoyable pulp fiction without the offensive elements. Despite her short attention span, she has also written a novel called "After the Revolution." Overall, while acknowledging the problematic aspects of men's adventure magazines, it's important to remember that the genre can still offer entertaining and thought-provoking stories.

    • Balancing Productivity and Social ConnectionsMaintain social bonds and contribute to your community while enjoying games, wins, and meals.

      No matter how engrossing a video game may be, it's important to maintain productivity and social connections. Margaret and the Behind the Bastards team shared their excitement about Baldur's Gate 3, which had negatively impacted their productivity. However, they also emphasized the importance of building meaningful social bonds within one's community. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, encourages individuals to connect with their neighbors to create stronger communities and prepare for emergencies. So, while it's tempting to get lost in a game or project, remember the importance of maintaining social connections and contributing to your community. Additionally, the team discussed various ways to celebrate wins, from fist pumping to high fiving. Chumba Casino offers a fun and exciting way to celebrate with various social casino style games and the chance to redeem cash prizes. And for those looking for a delicious barbecue meal, Boar's Head Sweet Bee's Honey Barbecue Glazed Chicken offers a tasty and slow-roasted option inspired by the legends of barbecue. In conclusion, whether it's through gaming, social connections, or celebrating wins, there are always opportunities to find joy and connection in everyday life. Remember to balance productivity with social connections and take advantage of the various opportunities to have fun and celebrate.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
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    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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