
    Part One: Turkmenbashi: The Dictator Who Declared Himself Jesus

    enMarch 26, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the power of connectionsBuilding relationships with neighbors, playing games, and embracing diversity can bring unexpected joys and essential support.

      Building connections in your community can bring unexpected joys and provide essential support during uncertain times. Doctor Laurie Santos introduced Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network that encourages people to connect with their neighbors for social bonds and disaster preparedness. Meanwhile, Ryan shared an unexpected connection he made while playing Chumba Casino on a flight. In a different context, JCPenney was highlighted for its inclusive fashion options that cater to various body types and sizes. On a more serious note, Behind the Bastards discussed Saparmurat Niazov, a former president of Turkmenistan known for his eccentric and oppressive rule. These diverse examples remind us of the importance of connection, fun, and understanding in our lives. Whether it's through community building, entertainment, or personal growth, there's always something valuable to discover.

    • From Backwater Republic to Cult of PersonalityThe historical context of a nation and its people can shape the actions of its leaders, leading to both fascinating achievements and devastating consequences.

      The history of Saparmurat Niazov, the former dictator of Turkmenistan, is a fascinating study of power and madness. Before delving into Niazov's reign, the speakers shared a light-hearted moment about a new beverage, comparing it to LaCroix with a hint of orange. However, the conversation quickly turned serious as they discussed Turkmenistan's history and how it came under Soviet control in 1924. The Soviet Union designated Turkmenistan as the backwateriest republic, exploiting its vast natural gas reserves while providing little in return. This background sets the stage for Niazov's rise to power in the late 1980s. He ruled as an absolute dictator, earning the nickname "Turkmenbashi," or "Father of All Turkmen," through a cult of personality. Niazov's rule was marked by extreme measures, including renaming months after his family members and ordering the destruction of ancient sites that didn't align with his vision for Turkmenistan. In essence, this discussion highlights how the historical context of a nation and its people can shape the actions of its leaders, leading to both fascinating achievements and devastating consequences.

    • From adversity to power: Niyazov's journey to becoming Turkmenistan's presidentDespite personal hardships, Niyazov rose through the Communist Party ranks and became Turkmenistan's president, using tribal affiliations and international relations to amass wealth and ensure safety.

      Saparmurat Niyazov, the first president of Turkmenistan, had a rough start in life with the loss of his father in the Soviet-German war and the death of his entire family in a massive earthquake. Despite these adversities, he managed to graduate from Leningrad Polytechnical Institute and join the Communist Party. Niyazov rose through the ranks of local politics due to his tribal affiliations and was appointed as the first secretary of the Communist Party of Turkmenistan by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985. However, despite Gorbachev's promise of a corruption-free governance, Niyazov turned out to be just as corrupt as his predecessor. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1990, Niyazov declared Turkmenistan's independence and became the autocratic ruler of the new nation. His immediate goal was to make a lot of money and ensure the safety of his people by playing both sides in international relations. This background sets the stage for Niyazov's controversial and authoritarian rule over Turkmenistan.

    • Managing Sudden Wealth and Delaying Democratic Reforms in TurkmenistanTurkmenistan's President Niyazov seized absolute power after gaining independence, delaying democratic reforms to maintain stability and prosperity, illustrating the challenges of managing sudden wealth.

      When Turkmenistan gained independence from the Soviet Union, its vast natural gas resources brought in enormous wealth, but President Niyazov was concerned about the potential chaos of economic reforms. He sought absolute power under the new constitution, which granted him infinite power and control over elections. Despite promises of future free market reforms, political parties were banned, and citizens were told they needed to focus on raising living standards before having a multiparty system. Niyazov continued to rule as an authoritarian leader, justifying his actions as necessary for the country's stability and prosperity. This case study illustrates the complexities of managing sudden wealth and the potential risks of delaying democratic reforms.

    • Turkmenistan's leader invented a new ethnic identity and solidified power through grandiose gesturesTurkmenistan's first leader, Saparmurat Niyazov, declared the Turkmen people part of ancient Persian ethic group, constructed gold statues of himself, renamed parts of the country after himself, and sponsored political parties for show, all to solidify power and control over the people.

      Turkmenistan's first leader, Saparmurat Niyazov, or Turkmenbashi, invented the ethnic identity of the Turkmen people by declaring them all part of the ancient Persian ethic group, the Turan. He bolstered his power by constructing gold statues of himself throughout the capital city, Ashgabat, despite the people's lack of genuine choice or representation. Niyazov also renamed parts of the country after himself and sponsored political parties for show, giving the illusion of choice to the international community. In essence, Niyazov used grandiose gestures, including the creation of a new ethnic identity and the construction of extravagant statues, to solidify his power and control over the people of Turkmenistan.

    • The Peaceful Rise of a Corrupt Leader in TurkmenistanPower can corrupt even peaceful leaders, leading to societal complexities and public responses varying from support to brutality.

      Power can corrupt, even without repressive measures. The discussion revolved around a person who gained immense popularity in Turkmenistan, without mentioning his name explicitly. He argued that unlike Stalin, who built a personality cult through brutal means, his popularity was achieved peacefully. However, there were conflicts, with dissidents being punished brutally. Despite this, the public was initially supportive due to their past mistreatment by the Soviet Union. The leader tripled public employees' salaries, heavily subsidized essentials, and even turned his presidential 767 into an airborne palace. While the citizens weren't paying for gas or other utilities, they were surrounded by terrible statues of their leader. The speaker expressed surprise that the leader's childhood wasn't as traumatic as expected, given the societal context. The conversation also touched upon Turkmenistan's launch of its own currency, the Manat, in the 1990s, which was initially worth one US dollar. This discussion serves as a reminder that power can lead to corruption, even without the use of force. It also highlights the complexities of societal dynamics and how people respond to leaders in various situations. The conversation did not pass judgment on the leader's actions, but instead focused on the intriguing aspects of his rise to power and the impact on his people.

    • Community building through various meansCommunity engagement can have positive impacts, but grand projects for self-celebration may lead to negative consequences, causing economic instability and hardship.

      Community building and self-celebration, whether through online gaming or grandiose public projects, can have both positive and negative impacts. Neighbor to Neighbor encourages community engagement, while Turkmenistan's Niazov used grand projects like gold statues and modernized cities to boost his own image and economy, albeit unsustainably. In the case of Niazov, his efforts led to economic instability and hardship for many of his people. Meanwhile, Chumba Casino offers a fun and accessible way for people to connect and enjoy themselves, showing that community building can take various forms and have different outcomes.

    • Unchecked power and economic instability can lead to unexpected consequencesTurkmenbashi's economic strategies resulted in extreme inflation and a devalued currency, leaving his citizens suffering. His authoritarian rule and self-aggrandizement were emphasized through numerous statues and structures named after himself, while his international efforts were unpredictable.

      Unchecked economic policies and absolute power can lead to unexpected and detrimental consequences. Turkmenbashi's economic strategies resulted in extreme inflation and a devalued currency, leaving his citizens suffering. After a health scare, he became more authoritarian, implementing strict rules on public life, including banning smoking. Despite his efforts to maintain neutrality on the international stage, his self-aggrandizement was evident in the numerous statues and structures named after himself. The unpredictability of the economy and the human condition were emphasized when Turkmenbashi, after heart surgery, sought to strengthen his power further by securing deals with foreign entities. This complex interplay of personal power, economic instability, and international relations highlights the unintended and far-reaching impacts of individual actions.

    • The US prioritized economic interests over human rights in Turkmenistan during the late 1990sThe US invited Turkmenistan's authoritarian president to the White House despite his poor human rights record, highlighting the complexities of international diplomacy and the conflicting priorities of economic interests and human rights.

      During the late 1990s, the White House was willing to overlook Turkmenistan's poor human rights record and invite its authoritarian president, Saparmurat Niyazov, to the White House, despite international criticism. Niyazov had promised democratic reforms but later reneged on his promises. The US administration justified this move by prioritizing economic interests over human rights concerns. Niyazov's regime was known for arresting and torturing dissidents, including family members of those who opposed him. Despite this, he avoided mass executions and other overtly violent actions, making it easier for the US to maintain a diplomatic relationship with him. This incident highlights the complexities of international diplomacy and the often-conflicting priorities of economic interests and human rights.

    • Manipulating Democracy for a Life-long PresidencyNiyazov manipulated democracy, restricted civil rights, and imposed artistic limitations to establish a life-long presidency, supported by the government and corporations due to financial contributions.

      The authoritarian leader Niyazov of Turkmenistan manipulated the democratic process to establish a life-long presidency, while implementing questionable civil rights and imposing restrictions on various forms of art and entertainment, all under the guise of protecting the country's culture. Despite the lack of transparency and freedom, Niyazov's actions were supported by the government and major corporations due to his financial contributions. His rule was marked by extreme measures, including the banning of ballet, opera, and movies, replacing them with puppet shows and state-owned telecom. In an attempt to control information and public opinion, he also limited internet access and censored media. Niyazov's actions were deeply personal, and it is unclear whether they were driven by genuine beliefs or a desire to maintain power and suppress dissent. His opus, the Runama, further solidified his cult of personality, positioning him as a religious and historical figure.

    • Exploring culture, community, and personal connectionsRunama delves into Turkmen culture, Neighbor to Neighbor highlights community bonds, Back to Black connects us to Amy Winehouse, and Mint Mobile offers affordable wireless plans.

      "Runama" is a profound exploration of the Turkmen culture, past and future, told through the perspective of a special character believed to be God's prophet on earth. The book, which blends fiction and history, offers timeless wisdom and a unique perspective. Meanwhile, in a different realm, Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of building strong community bonds in times of need. In the world of entertainment, Back to Black invites us to connect with Amy Winehouse's story and music. Lastly, Mint Mobile offers an affordable alternative to expensive wireless plans, providing clarity and savings. Overall, these diverse offerings encourage us to seek meaningful connections, learn from the past, and enjoy the present.

    • Niyazov's Divine Book: The RunamaNiyazov's book, The Runama, is a jumbled mix of history, self-help, and religious text, promising entry to heaven with three reads. Critics view it as a manifesto of a madman, but it reflects Niyazov's deep concern about time and faith.

      Saparmurat Niyazov, the former President of Turkmenistan, wrote a book called the Runama, which positions him as a prophet ordained by God. The book is a mix of history, self-help, and religious text, with the promise that reading it three times guarantees entry into heaven. While I didn't have the time to read the entirety of the Runama, I learned from Paul Theroux's New Yorker article that the book is described as a confused mixture of memoir, Turkmen lore, history, dietary suggestions, and poems. Critics see it as a manifesto of a madman, filled with wild promises and jingoistic pep talks. Despite its jumbled content, Niyazov's book reflects his deep concern about time and faith, urging readers to save their time in life and in the afterlife. Overall, the Runama is a testament to Niyazov's belief in his divine role and his desire to leave a lasting impact on the Turkmen people.

    • The Value of Time and Importance of Hard Work - Turkmen Bassey's RanamaTurkmen Bassey emphasized the importance of hard work, warned against laziness, respected other nations, and defined a nation as a spiritual transformation. He credited the Turkmen people with historical innovations and urged them to read and apply the teachings of the Ranama.

      Time is a valuable resource that should be utilized wisely instead of being wasted in laziness. Turkmen Bassey, the author of the Ranama, emphasized the importance of hard work and warned against the damaging effects of laziness. He also believed that nations should respect each other's existence and not try to dominate others. Regarding the concept of a nation, Bassey defined it as the transformation of human groups in the spiritual context. He credited the Turkmen people with significant historical innovations, including the invention of robots and the wheel. While my limited reading of the Ranama did not lead to any staggering revelations, Bassey strongly urged his people to read and apply its teachings.

    • Former Turkmenistan President's Self-Authored Book as a Tool for PowerFormer Turkmenistan president Saparmurat Niyazov wrote and promoted 'Ruhnama' to compensate for his lack of education, make it a central part of life, require tests on its teachings, and suppress criticism, creating a cult-like following.

      Turkmenistan's former president, Saparmurat Niyazov, wrote and promoted a book called the "Ruhnama" to bolster his power and control over the country. Niyazov, who was reportedly illiterate, saw writing the book as a way to compensate for his lack of education and be seen as a genius. Once published, he made the "Ruhnama" a central part of Turkmenistan life, requiring it to be displayed in mosques, churches, schools, and libraries. Civil servants, teachers, and doctors were required to pass tests on its teachings, and criticizing the book was punishable by law. Niyazov even redesigned the educational system to reduce compulsory schooling and ban the teaching of foreign languages, in an attempt to make the "Ruhnama" the most compelling reading material available. Despite its questionable content, Niyazov went to great lengths to promote the book and suppress criticism, creating a cult-like following around it.

    • A cherished book in Ashgabank opens every night like a Disney attractionA cherished book in Ashgabank, believed to contain information for passing a driver's test, is treated like a Disney attraction and has a giant statue built in its honor, reflecting a dictator's validation through his work.

      The book in question is not just an ordinary book, but a cherished and celebrated artifact in Ashgabank, opening every night like a Disney attraction. Its creator, who is also a dictator, has built a giant statue of it, emphasizing the importance of the act of opening the book. Furthermore, this book, which is not identified by name, contains information that helps in passing a driver's test, according to the conversation. The internal logic of this seemingly bizarre situation is consistent, as the dictator's past behavior of requiring people to memorize bits of his work for a driver's license ties in. The conversation also touches upon the theme of dictators seeking validation through their work, comparing it to a viral post on social media. The creators of the podcast "Behind the Bastards" have a podcast network called "Gamefully Unemployed," and they encourage listeners to check it out and support it. They also mention their new show "Fox Mulder is a Maniac," which is exclusive to their patreon, and they appreciate donations and merchandise, including horse heads.

    • The importance of community and finding luckBuilding strong community bonds with neighbors can provide support and connections. Unexpected good fortune can occur in various situations. ZYN nicotine pouches offer a convenient and flexible alternative to traditional smoking methods.

      Building strong community bonds with your neighbors can prepare you for unexpected situations and bring meaning to your life. Whether it's helping each other out in times of need or simply having a conversation, the connections you make with those around you can make a significant difference. Meanwhile, luck can strike anywhere, even in the most unexpected places, so keep an open mind and be ready for opportunities. Lastly, products like ZYN nicotine pouches offer convenience and flexibility, allowing you to enjoy nicotine satisfaction on your own terms. In the discussion, the importance of community was emphasized, with neighbors being seen as valuable resources for support and connection. The concept of getting lucky was also explored, with examples given of unexpected fortunate events occurring in various situations. Lastly, the convenience and versatility of ZYN nicotine pouches were highlighted as a way to enjoy nicotine without the hassle of traditional smoking methods. So, whether it's building a stronger community or finding luck in the most unlikely places, remember that life is full of opportunities and surprises. Embrace them with an open mind and a positive attitude. And, if you're looking for a convenient and hassle-free way to enjoy nicotine, consider trying ZYN nicotine pouches.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Show Notes:

    OPENING CLIP: Natasha Alford, author of American Negra, and anchor of The Grio https://twitter.com/SymoneDSanders/status/1747731236196614497?t=VhKn8V81n1j_qz6Hi-er6Q&s=19

    NEW YORK TIMES: Trump Prosecutor in Georgia Seeks to Avoid Testifying in Colleague’s Divorce Case. Fani T. Willis was subpoenaed in the divorce case of a colleague she hired to manage the Trump prosecution in Georgia, with whom she is accused of having a romantic relationship.

    FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES ARTICLE: “The filing also stated that [Nathan Wade’s soon to be ex wife] Ms. Wade had ‘conspired’ with ‘interested parties’ in the Trump case ‘to annoy, embarrass and oppress’ Ms. Willis. It noted that Ms. Willis had been subpoenaed around the same time that Mr. Roman’s lawyer, Ashleigh Merchant, filed motions seeking to unseal the divorce records and, in the Trump case, to remove the two prosecutors. The filing also said that Ms. Wade had acknowledged having an affair with a longtime friend of Mr. Wade’s, and that the couple had agreed their marriage was ‘irretrievably broken’ as early as 2017, before Mr. Wade and Ms. Willis had met.” https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/18/us/fani-willis-trump-georgia-prosecutors.html?campaign_id=60&emc=edit_na_20240118&instance_id=0&nl=breaking-news&ref=cta&regi_id=48614702&segment_id=155695&user_id=097a378032011d6e8be1570cdce0a176

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