
    Podcast Summary

    • Emphasizing Community Connections and Self-ExpressionBuilding strong community bonds and relying on neighbors for support are crucial during uncertain times. Self-expression through art and music can also foster meaningful connections.

      Building strong community connections is essential in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on neighbors for social bonds and emergency preparedness. Meanwhile, Amy Winehouse's "Back to Black" invites audiences to connect with her story and music, reminding us of the power of self-expression. Elsewhere, podcasts like Behind the Bastards and Knowledge Fight offer unique insights into the world, with hosts Robert Evans and Dan and Jordan sharing their deep knowledge of subjects like Alex Jones. In the realm of entertainment, winning big can bring various reactions, from fist pumping to high fiving, and Chumba Casino offers a chance to experience these moments. Lastly, podcasts serve as a radio alternative, providing endless content for listeners.

    • Encountering Alex Jones in PersonMeeting Jones in person revealed him to be an ordinary person, while his pandemic predictions were overly pessimistic, but reflective of the uncertainty at the time.

      Meeting someone in person, even someone as public as Alex Jones, can be underwhelming and doesn't necessarily align with preconceived notions. Despite Jones' controversial and polarizing public persona, the speaker found him to be just an ordinary person during their encounter. Additionally, during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, Jones held a doom and gloom perspective, predicting the end of civilization. However, as time passed, the world continued to function, and the speaker reflected on how optimistic that view was compared to the current state of affairs. Overall, the experience of attending Jones' deposition provided insights into his personality and perspectives, but it didn't significantly change the speaker's understanding of the man behind the microphone.

    • Media's Role in Shaping Perceptions of the WorldDiscussions about apocalyptic films revealed contrasting views on humanity's future, while highlighting the power of media to shape perceptions and capitalize on fear. Critical thinking and fact-checking are crucial in the face of misinformation.

      Even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges, human civilization has a resilience that keeps it moving forward, albeit imperfectly. This was evident in the discussions about various films and the ways in which they depicted potential apocalyptic scenarios. For instance, while some saw a bleak future with humanity becoming cannibals, others saw a glimmer of hope in the form of a plane flying overhead, symbolizing the possibility of survival and rescue. Another theme that emerged was the way in which certain individuals, such as Alex Jones, capitalized on fear and uncertainty to promote their own agendas. In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Jones amplified and exaggerated stories about the virus, fueling fear and mistrust. He also sold various products, such as colloidal silver and survival food, as potential solutions to the crisis. However, Jones's tactics ultimately led to legal consequences, including a cease and desist letter from the FTC. Overall, these discussions highlighted the complex and often contradictory ways in which media, particularly films and news, can shape our perceptions of the world and our place in it. They also underscored the importance of critical thinking and fact-checking in the face of misinformation and fear-mongering.

    • Conspiracy Theories Surrounding COVID-19 Origins and Involvement of Governments and CorporationsThe speakers discussed various conspiracy theories regarding the origins of COVID-19 and potential involvement of governments and corporations, including theories about Justin Trudeau, Resident Evil, and Alex Jones.

      During the discussion, the speakers touched upon various conspiracy theories regarding the origins of COVID-19 and the potential involvement of governments and corporations in creating and releasing the virus. One theory suggested that the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, was behind the creation of the bioweapon to burn down the White House and restore Canada to its former glory. Another theory mentioned the Resident Evil video game series and its potential connection to the pandemic through predictive programming. Alex Jones, a notable figure in spreading conspiracy theories, was also discussed for his belief that the virus was a race-specific bioweapon targeting Chinese military-age males. The speakers acknowledged that Jones' predictions have been accurate in the past, despite his controversial politics. The conversation also touched upon China's role in the pandemic, with Jones expressing conflicting views towards the country, praising its stance against certain groups while criticizing it for other reasons. Overall, the discussion highlighted the spread of conspiracy theories surrounding the pandemic and the potential motivations behind them.

    • Alex Jones' Racist Comments and False BeliefsAlex Jones made racist comments about Chinese people, held a false belief that Dr. Fauci was on his side, and was influenced by a former state department official. His beliefs were based on misunderstandings and misread headlines.

      During a discussion about racial bioweapons and inbreeding, Alex Jones made racist comments about Chinese people, believing they were all related due to Chinese history and a misunderstanding of statistics. He also held a false belief that Dr. Fauci was on his side, leading him to praise Fauci as a "legend." However, it was later revealed that Fauci was not on Jones' side and that Jones had been influenced by a former state department official, Steve Pucinik, who had helped assassinate the former president of Italy. Jones' belief in Fauci being on his side was based on a misread headline. Jones has a history of making inconsistent factual claims and pushing confusing agendas.

    • The Man Claiming to be the First COVID-19 Patient in the US was a FabulistA man falsely claimed to be the first COVID-19 patient in the US on his own show, potentially causing harm with inaccurate information during a crisis. It's crucial to verify facts and think critically to prevent the spread of misinformation.

      That Steve Puchennek, a man who claimed to have been the first patient with COVID-19 in the United States, was a liar and a fabulist. He made this claim on his own show, where he also assured the public that the coronavirus would not be a big problem. Despite his assertions, Puchennek's account of being patient zero was not true. This misinformation, spread at a time when the virus was new and unknown, could have had serious consequences. The most important thing for Puchennek seemed to be expedience and what was useful and quick, rather than accuracy. This anecdote serves as a reminder of the importance of factual information, especially during times of crisis. It also highlights the need for critical thinking and fact-checking in the face of misinformation.

    • Manipulating Public Opinion during Crises: Alex Jones and Steve Pieczenik's Fear-Based ApproachDuring crises, figures like Alex Jones and Steve Pieczenik exploited fear and misinformation to manipulate public opinion, with attempts to overturn election results and spread false narratives about vaccines, masks, and globalists.

      During the height of conspiracy theories surrounding the 2020 U.S. election and the COVID-19 pandemic, figures like Alex Jones and Steve Pieczenik used fear and misinformation to manipulate public opinion. Pieczenik's wife, Jamie Thomas, was in contact with Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas about the validity of watermark ballots on a blockchain, suggesting an attempt to overturn the election results. Jones used the crises to push narratives about globalists, vaccines, masks, and election fraud. He emphasized fear to maintain his audience's engagement while avoiding causing actual panic. Jones's earlier behavior during the Ebola outbreak showed similar patterns, but the response was handled appropriately. Additionally, figures like Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, made outrageous and offensive statements, further contributing to the spread of misinformation.

    • Alex Jones's inconsistent positions on COVID-19 and Capitol insurrectionAlex Jones, a media figure known for promoting conspiracy theories, inconsistently pushed COVID-19 misinformation and encouraged the Capitol insurrection, but later distanced himself when violence ensued, emphasizing the need for fact-checking and critical thinking.

      Alex Jones, a controversial media figure, has been known for promoting various conspiracy theories throughout his career, including those related to COVID-19 and the Capitol insurrection. His positions have been inconsistent and have often changed with the times. During his coverage of the coronavirus, he promoted numerous theories, some of which were racist or scientifically unsound. In the lead up to the Capitol insurrection on January 6, 2021, Jones was among those encouraging the crowd to overturn the election results. However, when the situation turned violent, he expressed concern and distanced himself from the situation, acknowledging that he could be held liable for any crimes committed. Overall, Jones's actions highlight the potential harm caused by spreading misinformation and the importance of fact-checking and critical thinking.

    • Alex Jones' Role in the 'Stop the Steal' MovementAlex Jones played a significant role in the 'Stop the Steal' movement, promoting potentially seditious conspiracies and using fearful and apocalyptic rhetoric to pivot to sales.

      During the November 2020 period, Alex Jones and his Infowars team were deeply involved in the "Stop the Steal" movement, which included potentially seditious conspiracies to overturn the election results. Jones sent Owen Schroyer on a barnstorming tour leading up to the original rally in DC, where Jones expressed his belief that the election had been stolen and it was ethical to "take it back." Jones used this as an opportunity to pivot to sales, but his rhetoric was fearful and apocalyptic, leading many to believe that the original DC rally could be a turning point for the country. Jones expected the rally to be much larger and more chaotic than it ultimately was. Despite the lack of progress in overturning the election, Jones and his team planned for a larger rally on January 6th. Jones' involvement in the lead up to the rally, including his fearful and apocalyptic rhetoric, is more significant than his role on the day of the event itself.

    • Far-right figures promoted extremist ideas leading to Capitol riotsAli Alexander, Stuart Rhodes, and Matt Bracken advocated for mass gatherings, martial law, and storming the Capitol. Lack of clear goals and infighting hindered negotiation or effective action. Some guests on Alex Jones' show suggested Trump should continue claiming presidency, contributing to chaotic and violent outcome.

      Leading up to the January 6th Capitol riots, far-right figures like Ali Alexander, Stuart Rhodes, and Matt Bracken promoted extremist ideas on various platforms, including Alex Jones' show. These figures advocated for mass gatherings, martial law, and even storming the Capitol if enough people showed up. Some also suggested the idea of having a second president or a "dark pope." The lack of clear goals and infighting among the groups hindered any potential negotiation or effective action. In the days leading up to the event, guests on Alex Jones' show, such as Robert Barnes, suggested that Trump should continue claiming the presidency despite losing the election. The focus on the bottom-up revolution and the absence of cohesive leadership may have contributed to the chaotic and ultimately violent outcome on January 6th.

    • Covering the January 6th Capitol Riots with Infowars Host Harrison SmithInfowars host Harrison Smith enthusiastically covered the January 6th Capitol Riots, believing it to be part of a second American revolution. Despite misinformation, no cake was involved. Smith's behavior contrasted with Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer, who were not present.

      During the January 6th, 2021 rally, Infowars host Harrison Smith was excitedly covering the events unfolding in Washington D.C. He was celebrating the actions of the rioters who stormed the Capitol, believing it to be a part of a second American revolution. Smith's enthusiasm was evident in his on-air commentary, where he declared the capital had fallen and the patriots were in control. However, it's important to note that this event did not involve cake as some may believe due to misinformation spread online. Additionally, Smith's behavior was a stark contrast to Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer, who were not present during the riots. The discussion also touched upon the past physical appearances of some notable figures, including Alex Jones and Keith David. Overall, the conversation highlighted the intense emotions and beliefs that fueled the events of January 6th, 2021.

    • Celebrating victories and spreading false narrativesDespite uncertainty, people find ways to celebrate and spread information, but it's crucial to fact-check and be critical of sources before sharing.

      Even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, people find ways to celebrate their victories and spread false narratives. During the discussion, Harrison Smith's celebratory coverage of the fall of the capital was contrasted with Alex's revelation that it was a false flag. While Harrison's coverage was reminiscent of a victory broadcast in an alternate reality, Alex's tone was somber and factual. The conversation then shifted to various unrelated topics, including cake songs and Monopoly Go. However, the underlying theme remained the same - people find ways to find joy and spread information, even in uncertain times. Whether it's through celebratory broadcasts or false flags, the way we interpret and share information shapes our reality. It's important to be critical of the sources of our information and to fact-check before spreading it further. In the end, the discussion served as a reminder that even in the midst of chaos, there are opportunities for connection and understanding.

    • Right-wing media figures like Alex Jones promote conspiracy theoriesAlex Jones and other right-wing media figures have a history of promoting conspiracy theories without credible evidence, raising concerns about their motivations and associations.

      Alex Jones and other right-wing media figures have a history of promoting conspiracy theories, particularly around significant political events like the Capitol insurrection and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Jones' narratives often lack credible evidence and have been inconsistent, leading some to question his motivations and associations with controversial figures. The connections between these individuals and their promotion of divisive and potentially dangerous ideas are a cause for concern. Despite the controversies surrounding him, Jones continues to have a significant following and influence, raising questions about the role of media in shaping public opinion and the potential consequences of spreading misinformation.

    • Alex Jones's Belief in Humanity's Sinfulness and Deserving of DestructionAlex Jones, a radio host, expresses belief in humanity's sinfulness and deserving of destruction, but his reporting on geopolitical events can be misconstrued due to emotional outbursts and lack of full context understanding.

      Alex Jones, a radio host known for his honesty and strong leadership, often expresses his belief in humanity's sinfulness and deserving of destruction. He has a history of making provocative statements, including calling for the end of the world during mundane moments. However, his reporting on geopolitical events can be misconstrued, as shown when he misunderstood Putin's speech and believed Russia was only interested in doing business with Ukraine. This highlights the importance of careful analysis and understanding the full context of events. Jones's emotional outbursts and misinterpretations can be seen as tacky and gauche, but his dedicated audience continues to support him.

    • Alex Jones' Embarrassing Predictions About Ukrainian ConflictMedia manipulation and disinformation play significant roles in modern warfare, as shown by Alex Jones' incorrect predictions about the Ukrainian conflict and Russia's Gerasimov Doctrine.

      Alex Jones, the Infowars host, infamously made several incorrect predictions about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which were not only inaccurate but also embarrassingly wrong. These predictions included suggesting that Ukrainian resistance was a sham and that President Zelensky was a double agent. The irony lies in the fact that Zelensky's background as a media figure has proven to be an asset during the war, as his media skills have allowed him to effectively communicate with the Ukrainian people and the international community. Jones' predictions, on the other hand, have been comically incorrect and have not aged well. The discussion also highlighted the importance of media manipulation and disinformation in modern warfare, with Russia being known for its Gerasimov Doctrine, which involves a hybrid mix of military forces and propaganda.

    • Alex Jones's Support for Putin's NarrativeAlex Jones, a radio host, repeatedly supports Russian President Vladimir Putin's narratives in conflicts, spreading false narratives and denying war crimes. His behavior is common among far-right media outlets.

      Alex Jones, the radio host, has consistently supported Russian President Vladimir Putin's narrative in various geopolitical conflicts, including Ukraine and Syria. Jones has been accused of spreading false narratives and denying war crimes, and he has been associated with holocaust deniers and convicted pedophiles. Jones's behavior is not unique to him, as many far-right media outlets echo and amplify his claims. The urgency of live broadcasting often forces Jones to quickly adapt to changing narratives, reflecting his belief that everything is connected and nothing can be a surprise. This pattern of behavior raises concerns about the credibility and impact of his information dissemination.

    • Emphasizing the importance of community and connectionExplore resources like Behind the Bastards podcast, Neighbor to Neighbor, BetterHelp, Xumo Play, and Chamba Casino for support, entertainment, and balance in life.

      Despite the sometimes uncomfortable and uncertain topics discussed on the Behind the Bastards podcast, there are resources and communities available to help us navigate through challenges and build meaningful connections. The podcast, sponsored by Neighbor to Neighbor, emphasizes the importance of community and connection in times of need. Additionally, mental health support, such as BetterHelp, is accessible and can make a significant difference in managing mental health challenges. Furthermore, entertainment platforms like Xumo Play offer free and endless entertainment options for fun and relaxation. Lastly, Ryan shared his enthusiasm for Chamba Casino as a source of fun and entertainment, emphasizing the importance of balance between work and enjoyment.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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