
    Part Three: Napoleon III: The Worst Bonaparte

    enDecember 06, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Building strong community connectionsStaying connected with neighbors and learning from one another brings hope and support, especially during uncertain times.

      Building strong community connections can bring about hope and support in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on the people around us for social bonds and disaster preparedness. Meanwhile, in a lighter note, remember that stereotypes can be creatively surprising but often lack substance in reality, as discovered during a discussion on the podcast "Behind the Bastards" about Paraguay. Despite some missteps and forgetfulness, the importance of staying connected and learning from one another shines through. To connect with your community, visit canebors.com for Neighbor to Neighbor, and for a spring refresh, check out dd's discounts for great deals.

    • Napoleon III's failed coup attemptsDespite severe actions, Napoleon III faced less severe consequences due to public perception and government reaction. His father defended him, but his susceptibility to poor advice continued to impact his reign.

      Napoleon III's failed coup attempt in France, despite resulting in the shooting of an unarmed man and numerous attempts at suicide, was still met with less severe consequences than his previous attempt due to public perception and the reaction of the government. However, his father, Louis Bonaparte, was forced to defend him due to public pressure, leading him to write a letter to the Italian press stating that his son was a victim of deceit and poor advice. This pattern of Napoleon III being easily influenced by those around him would continue to be a significant factor in his reign. It's also worth noting that Napoleon III's coup attempts were compared to historical figures like Hitler and Michael Jordan, highlighting the grandiose and ultimately unsuccessful nature of his power grabs.

    • Louis Napoleon's persuasive courtroom speechLouis Napoleon's impassioned courtroom speech during his trial for a coup d'état touched a nerve with the unhappy French population, rallying support and setting the stage for his eventual rise to power as Napoleon III.

      Louis Napoleon's populist speech during his trial for attempting a coup d'état was effective in gaining support from the unhappy French population despite the king's desire to keep him imprisoned. Louis Napoleon, who was the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, argued that his actions were in line with the people's will and that the Napoleonic constitution was still valid. His speech, which he gave freely in court for the first time in his life, resonated with the people who were still mourning the defeat in the Battle of Waterloo and longed for a return to past victories. The trial went better for Louis Napoleon than expected, as he was able to rally support and frame his actions as an attempt to restore the people's sovereignty and the empire. However, Louis Philippe, the king, was determined to keep Louis Napoleon in prison for his attempted coup and the shooting of an unarmed man. The trial ended with Louis Napoleon being sentenced to life in prison, but his speech marked the beginning of his eventual rise to power as Napoleon III.

    • Louis Napoleon's Comfortable ImprisonmentLouis Napoleon's imprisonment didn't hinder his influence or comfort, but executing his nephew during this time was risky due to French love for Napoleon Bonaparte, leading to instability and unrest.

      Louis Napoleon, despite being a prisoner after attempting to overthrow the government, lived quite comfortably in a castle-like prison with regular visits, interviews, and even wrote a book. However, executing his nephew during this time was a dangerous move due to the immense love and adoration the French people held for Napoleon Bonaparte, as evidenced by the massive turnout for his funeral procession. This context highlights the instability and unrest in France during this period, with the Bourbon monarchy failing to maintain order and the populace yearning for the return of the successful Napoleonic era. Despite being imprisoned, Louis Napoleon eventually escaped and fled to London, continuing his influential and eventful life.

    • Using the guise of a common man to gain powerBoth Louis Napoleon Bonaparte and Ben Shapiro used relatable personas to gain support, but Louis Napoleon's success was due to his ability to navigate political revolutions effectively

      Throughout history, those seeking power have used various tactics to gain the trust and support of the masses. Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, the nephew of Napoleon, and Ben Shapiro, a modern-day commentator, both used the guise of common men to gain favor. However, Louis Napoleon's success went beyond mere appearance, as he expertly navigated the political climate of the European revolutions in 1848. Alexis de Tocqueville, a contemporary observer, criticized Louis Napoleon for his lack of accomplishments but acknowledged his political acumen, comparing him to a dwarf riding a great wave. While intelligence is not the sole determinant of success, understanding the populace and knowing how to capitalize on political moments can be a powerful tool.

    • Napoleon III's Democratic Legitimacy for Authoritarian RuleNapoleon III revolutionized authoritarian rule by using democratic legitimacy, holding plebiscites to gain voter support for his coup and imperial declaration, setting a blueprint for future dictators to present themselves as democratically elected leaders

      Napoleon III, the French emperor in the mid-19th century, revolutionized the concept of democratic legitimacy for authoritarian leaders. Before him, democratic governments were often seen as leading to radical policies that threatened elites, making monarchist coups a common response. However, Napoleon III saw an opportunity to use democratic acclaim to legitimize his rule, holding two plebiscites to gain voter support for his coup and subsequent imperial declaration. This strategy became a blueprint for future dictators, who began to present themselves as democratically elected leaders despite potentially rigged elections or fake democratic processes. This allowed them to maintain power while avoiding the negative connotations of outright authoritarianism. Napoleon III's ability to appeal to various social classes, his fresh image on the political scene, and his promises of restoring France's lost glory and prosperity further solidified his position as a popular figure. Ultimately, his reign marked the transition from the tragic figure of Napoleon Bonaparte to the farcical parody of his nephew, a parody that has influenced our modern perception of Napoleon.

    • Innovation, community, and effective leadership bring joy, savings, and progressMonopoly Go offers new challenges, tournaments, and rewards. Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes community connections. Spring cleaning with Mint Mobile can lead to significant savings.

      Monopoly Go offers endless fun and excitement with new challenges, tournaments, and rewards, making it the most enjoyable mobile game experience. Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of building community connections. In the realm of spring cleaning, the clarity and potential savings from switching to Mint Mobile can be life-changing. Historically, Napoleon III effectively won the hearts of the French electorate by promising to restore their glory and providing relief during economic downturns. These examples illustrate the power of innovation, community, and effective leadership in bringing joy, savings, and progress.

    • Napoleon III's Rule: Authoritarianism with Universal SuffrageNapoleon III's controversial rule brought about French economic recovery, industrialization, and involvement in major European conflicts, setting the stage for future wars.

      Napoleon Bonaparte III, who carried out a coup in December 1852 and became Emperor of France, is an intriguing historical figure due to his ability to establish an authoritarian regime while appealing to the people through universal suffrage. Despite his questionable methods, his instincts for gaining power and rebuilding France's status as a major European player were correct. The early days of his rule brought about a French economic recovery and rapid industrialization, as well as France's involvement in the Crimean War, which marked the beginning of modern military conflicts and set the stage for future European conflicts, including World War 1. Napoleon III's regime, which aimed to find a middle ground between liberalism and conservatism, served as a model for future authoritarian populists in democratic societies.

    • The Complex Causes of the 19th Century Crimean WarThe Crimean War was a complex conflict influenced by religious, political, and economic factors, with the British trying to prevent a Russian takeover of the Ottoman Empire due to financial interests, leading to the formation of a special relationship between France and England.

      The 19th century Crimean War was a complex conflict influenced by religious, political, and economic factors. The Russians saw themselves as protectors of Orthodox Christianity and sought to expand their territory at the expense of the Ottoman Empire, which ruled over millions of Orthodox Christians. However, other European powers, including Britain, were wary of Russian power and intervened to prevent a Russian takeover. The war was also influenced by the financial interests of European powers in the Ottoman Empire. The British, despite having significant financial interests there, tried to mediate the conflict and prevent a full-scale war. When the Russians invaded Moldova and Wallachia in 1853, France, which had previously been at odds with Britain, joined forces with them to help the Ottomans defend against Russian aggression. This marked the beginning of the special relationship between France and England, which would later lead them to align in World War 1 and 2. The Crimean War is often described as the first modern war due to its large-scale military engagement and the involvement of several European powers.

    • The Crimean War: A Testament to Military BlundersThe Crimean War was marked by poor military leadership, logistical challenges, and devastating health crises, resulting in over 95,000 French soldier deaths, mostly due to disease, and ultimately more a testament to the blunders of both sides than to the brilliance of Louis Napoleon's leadership.

      The Crimean War was a disastrous conflict for all involved, marked by poor military leadership, logistical challenges, and devastating health crises. The French and British, despite having better railways and transit, struggled to adapt their colonial policing forces to conventional warfare. Jerome Bonaparte, a cousin of Napoleon, was a notable failure as a divisional general due to his past cowardice in battle. The Russians, in turn, were notoriously inept, leading to opportunities for victory through a combination of luck and minimal organizational superiority. The war resulted in the deaths of over 95,000 French soldiers, primarily due to disease, highlighting the inadequacy of the French military's sanitation management. Despite the eventual victory for the allies, the Crimean War was more a testament to the blunders of both sides than to the brilliance of Louis Napoleon's leadership.

    • Louis Napoleon's Ignoring Warnings Led to Devastating ConsequencesLouis Napoleon's disregard for warnings about war and expansion led to the loss of countless lives and the conquest of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, shaping his controversial legacy.

      Power and decision-making come with heavy consequences. In the case of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, he ignored his father's warnings about the devastating effects of war and sent soldiers into battle, resulting in the loss of countless lives. Later in his reign, he allowed the French military to expand their power in Southeast Asia, leading to the conquest of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, and the deaths of millions. Despite his vulnerability to flattery and compliments, Louis Napoleon failed to resist these actions, leading to a legacy marred by war and loss. Additionally, the persistence of Franz Joseph as the emperor of Austria Hungary for over 50 years serves as a reminder of the long-lasting impact of political decisions.

    • Exploring unique experiences through games, community building, and diplomacyDiscover endless fun with Monopoly Go, build stronger connections with Neighbor to Neighbor, or enjoy entertainment anytime with Chumba Casino. History shows us the importance of diplomacy and expansion.

      There are unique and engaging experiences to be found in both digital games and community building initiatives. Monopoly Go offers endless fun with new challenges, rewards, and opportunities to connect with friends. Neighbor to Neighbor, on the other hand, empowers individuals to build stronger connections within their communities. Meanwhile, Chumba Casino provides entertainment for players anytime, anywhere. On a more serious note, history shows us that diplomacy and expansion have been key factors in shaping global powers. In the case of Napoleon III, he recognized the potential threat of the United States and sought to prevent their dominance, leading to significant political maneuvers. Ultimately, whether it's through games, community building, or diplomacy, there's always something new to discover and explore. So go ahead, download Monopoly Go, join Neighbor to Neighbor, or sign up for Chumba Casino – the choice is yours!

    • Maximilian of Habsburg's Failed Attempt to Become Mexico's EmperorNapoleon III's unrealistic plan to make Maximilian of Habsburg the emperor of Mexico ignored local contexts and popular sentiment, resulting in failure.

      Maximilian of Habsburg's failed attempt to become the emperor of Mexico in the late 1800s was an ambitious, yet unrealistic plan. Napoleon III, who supported the idea, believed that the Mexican people yearned for European rule, but there was no evidence to support this claim. In fact, the Mexican people had previously rejected imperial rule, as shown by the execution of Auguste Deterbide, who had declared himself emperor. Despite this, Napoleon III continued to pursue the idea, while also modernizing Paris during his reign. This episode in history highlights the complexities and challenges of imperial expansion and the importance of understanding local contexts and popular sentiment.

    • Napoleon III's Use of Photography for Political PropagandaNapoleon III used photography to present a vision of continuous progress during Paris renovation, hiding worker suffering, setting a precedent for future leaders to shape public perception and build cults of personality

      Napoleon III was a pioneer in using photography for political propaganda during the renovation of Paris in the mid-1800s. He commissioned photographs of his public works projects to present a vision of continuous progress and renewal, while downplaying the hardships and injuries of the workers. This use of photography marked a new era in political propaganda, as it was seen as a more realistic and authentic depiction of reality compared to paintings or sculptures. The workers were portrayed as insignificant in comparison to the grand scale of the projects, and their suffering was hidden from view. This set a precedent for future authoritarian leaders to use photography to shape public perception and build their cults of personality. Additionally, the renovation of Paris was not just about aesthetic improvements, but also about making it more difficult for popular revolutions to occur by widening boulevards and employing the population to destroy their own homes.

    • Disappointment over Russell Crowe's overlooked roles in musical adaptationsActors with diverse talents should be considered for roles beyond their known expertise, and casting decisions should prioritize their potential impact on the production.

      The expansion of boulevards in Paris resulted in the loss of potential roles for Russell Crowe in iconic musical adaptations, such as Les Miserables and Sweeney Todd. The speakers expressed their disappointment that Russell Crowe, an accomplished actor, was overlooked in favor of singers for these roles. They also compared his performance in Les Miserables unfavorably to Johnny Depp's in Sweeney Todd, which they considered a greater misstep due to Sondheim musicals' requirement for strong singing voices for the lead roles. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of considering an actor's talent and potential impact on a production when making casting decisions.

    • Exploring Community Connections and SupportAttend SF Sketchfest for Behind the Bastards, build neighbor bonds with Neighbor to Neighbor, improve mental health with BetterHelp, and try your luck at Luckyland Casino.

      There are various opportunities for connection and support in our communities. The SF Sketchfest is inviting listeners to attend and buy tickets for Behind the Bastards on January 20th. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer's network, encourages building meaningful social bonds with neighbors. Mental health support is accessible and affordable through BetterHelp's online therapy services. Luckyland Casino offers a chance to win in unexpected places. The podcast is sponsored by these organizations, emphasizing the importance of community and personal growth.

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    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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