
    Podcast Summary

    • Building strong community connectionsNeighborhood networks, common interests, financial empowerment, and learning from history can all foster meaningful connections and prepare us for unexpected events.

      Building strong community connections can bring about meaningful social bonds and help prepare us for unexpected events. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer's network, emphasizes the importance of relying on those around us to create a more connected neighborhood. Meanwhile, finding common interests, like playing online games or using nicotine pouches, can also lead to unexpected connections. Financial empowerment and unlearning financial misconceptions can lead to a comfortable, financially free lifestyle. And finally, delving into the lives of historical figures, even those with controversial pasts, can provide catharsis and help us learn from the past.

    • Alex Jones's unhinged video after Trump's electionAlex Jones, a radio host, had conflicting feelings towards Trump's election due to potential financial losses. His unhinged video in the woods after Trump's win highlighted his intense beliefs and raised concerns about his mental state.

      During the 2016 election, Alex Jones, the controversial radio host, may have not wanted Donald Trump to win due to potential financial losses from a Republican presidency. Following Trump's election victory, Jones filmed an unhinged video in the woods, possibly under the influence of drugs, expressing his resistance to globalist forces and feeling alive. This video marked the peak of Jones's influence, with an estimated 18 million viewers. However, the incident also raised concerns about Jones's mental and emotional state. The exact reasons for Jones's behavior remain unclear, but it highlights the intensity of his beliefs and the impact of the political climate on his actions.

    • Alex Jones' erratic behavior sparks speculation about drug useAlex Jones, known for far-right conspiracy theories, exhibited erratic behavior, sparking speculation about drug use. His influence on Trump during his first 100 days was marked by controversy.

      Alex Jones, a controversial figure known for his far-right conspiracy theories through his Infowars platform, exhibited erratic behavior in a video where he went shirtless wandering in the woods and made inconsistent statements, leading some to speculate about drug use. Despite his influence on President Trump in the past, their communication seems to have ceased since the election. Jones' influence during Trump's first 100 days was marked by controversy, including his promotion of the Pizzagate conspiracy theory and a custody battle. Jones' behavior and influence continue to be a topic of debate.

    • Two Different Portrayals of Alex Jones and InfowarsThe public perception of Alex Jones and Infowars contrasts with allegations of racism made in an EEOC complaint by a former black employee, highlighting the importance of investigating workplace discrimination claims.

      The portrayal of Alex Jones and Infowars in a 2011 Rolling Stone article contrasts sharply with allegations of racism made in a 2018 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaint filed by a former black employee, Ashley Lynn Beckford. While Jones was described in the article as a loving father, devoted husband, and not racist, Beckford's complaint paints a different picture of a workplace with open carry of guns, intimidation, racial slurs, and underpaying black employees. Despite these allegations, Jones has denied any knowledge or involvement in such incidents. The contrast between these two portrayals highlights the complexity of Jones and Infowars, raising questions about the accuracy of public perceptions and the importance of investigating allegations of workplace discrimination.

    • Former Infowars employee describes hostile and potentially dangerous work environmentInfowars' former employee shares an incident of sexual misconduct by Alex Jones and describes the office culture as hostile, potentially dangerous, and filled with drunken armed people, raising concerns about the company's HR policies.

      The work environment at Infowars, as described by a former employee, Ashley, was not only hostile but also potentially dangerous and sexually inappropriate. Ashley shared an incident where Alex Jones, the company's founder, groppped her during a conversation, while others in the office were drinking and armed. The incident was particularly ironic as it occurred in front of a lesbian white woman with a black wife, who had earlier criticized Jones for being a womanizer. The office culture, filled with drunken armed people and potential for misconduct, raises serious concerns about the company's HR policies and overall work environment. Despite these allegations, the discussion also included a promotion for Infowars' products and services.

    • Exploring Different Ways to ConnectConnecting with people and communities is essential for personal growth. Try various platforms like games, volunteer networks, and social media to expand your network and build relationships. However, be aware of potential negative experiences and always speak up if you encounter harassment or discrimination.

      There are various ways to connect with people and communities, whether it be through games like Monopoly Go, volunteer networks like Neighbor to Neighbor, or social platforms like Chumba Casino. These platforms offer new experiences, rewards, and opportunities to build relationships. However, it's important to note that not all experiences are positive, and there can be instances of inappropriate behavior and harassment. In the case of Ashley Lynn Beckford, she faced sexual harassment and racism at her workplace, Infowars, despite reporting it. Despite these challenges, it's crucial to continue seeking out opportunities to connect and build meaningful relationships. Whether it's through fun and games or volunteering and community building, there's always something new to discover. So go out there and connect with the world around you! And remember, if you encounter any negative experiences, don't keep quiet – speak up and seek support.

    • Allegations of a Toxic Work Environment for Alex Jones' EmployeesFormer employees accuse Alex Jones of creating a hostile work environment filled with sexual harassment, antisemitic slurs, and discrimination.

      Alex Jones, the controversial media figure, is accused of creating a hostile work environment filled with sexual harassment, antisemitic slurs, and discrimination. Former employees have spoken out about Jones's alleged inappropriate behavior, including his penchant for being shirtless and leering at women. Additionally, there are reports of antisemitic remarks and actions, such as inserting a Jewish employee's face onto a photo and circulating it around the office. While it's unclear to what extent Jones holds these beliefs, it's clear that he has a history of making controversial statements that could be interpreted as antisemitic. The allegations of a toxic work environment, sexual harassment, and antisemitism paint a troubling picture of Jones's behavior and management style.

    • Alex Jones's memory lapses questioned in 2019 custody hearingThe 2019 custody hearing between Alex Jones and his ex-wife brought his memory lapses and financial resources into question, resulting in significant legal fees and raising concerns about his stability and impact on his children.

      The 2019 custody hearing between Alex Jones and his ex-wife was a critical moment in understanding the unraveling of Alex Jones's character. During the trial, Jones's memory lapses were brought into question, with him blaming a large bowl of chili for his inability to remember his children's teachers. The hearing resulted in significant legal fees, estimated to be between $4-10 million, and raised concerns about Alex's stability and potential impact on his children. The hearing also shed light on Alex's extravagant lifestyle and the significant financial resources he has at his disposal. Ultimately, the custody hearing provided insight into the personal life of Alex Jones, the self-proclaimed revolutionary millionaire and Infowars founder, and highlighted the complexities of his public persona.

    • Alex Jones's Complex Relationship with Ex-Wife: Insights into Manipulative BehaviorAlex Jones's ex-wife, Kelly, reveals his narcissistic behavior, emotional and verbal abuse, and post-divorce surveillance, shedding light on his manipulative tactics towards both her and his audience.

      The complex relationship between Alex Jones and his ex-wife, Kelly Jones, is a reflection of the manipulative and abusive nature of Alex Jones's behavior towards his audience. Kelly's article on her website, custodywars.com, provides insight into Alex Jones's narcissistic personality disorder and the emotional and verbal abuse tactics he uses. Despite being married to him for seven years and witnessing his transformation into the controversial figure we know today, Kelly alleges that Alex has continued to surveil and spy on her since their divorce. His use of a bodyguard and former Blackwater mercenary to track her further highlights the level of control and intimidation he employs. This revelation adds another layer to understanding the extent of Alex Jones's manipulation and abuse, both in his personal life and towards his audience.

    • Alex Jones's Custody Battle: A Mirror of His Conduct Towards FollowersAlex Jones's erratic behavior during his custody battle raised concerns about his emotional stability and ability to care for his children, echoing his manipulative tactics towards his followers.

      Alex Jones, known for his inflammatory rhetoric and conspiracy theories, displayed similar behavior during his high-profile custody battle. Despite hiring top-tier lawyers, Jones's erratic and intimidating conduct in court raised concerns about his emotional stability and ability to care for his children. His ex-wife accused him of gaslighting and corruption in the court system, while Jones countered with allegations of her instability. Regardless of the truth, Jones's actions mirrored the manipulative tactics he uses on his followers. The parallels between his treatment of his ex-wife and his audience are striking. Despite the significant resources at his disposal, Jones's inability to control his behavior and adhere to court orders highlighted his inconsistency and the potential harm he inflicts on those around him.

    • Chumba Casino's 100 free-to-play games available anywhere, NFL schedule release, and Alex Jones's court trial anticsChumba Casino provides free access to 100 games, NFL schedule is out in May, and Alex Jones's court trial revealed bizarre behavior including selling supplements in underwear and stripping for the FBI

      Chumba Casino offers 100 free-to-play casino games accessible anywhere, including in-flight. Meanwhile, the NFL schedule for the 2024 season is set to be released in May, with the games airing on NFL Network, ESPN 2, and NFL Plus. In a court trial, Alex Jones's lawyers attempted to label him as a performance artist due to the controversial content of his videos. During the trial, a video of Jones selling male vitality supplements while wearing only his underwear was played. The courtroom also watched a video titled "Alex Jones Takes Off His Clothes for the FBI," in which Jones ranted about various conspiracy theories before stripping. Jones's behavior in the video was speculated to be a result of narcissism or substance abuse.

    • Alex Jones' erratic courtroom behavior raises concerns about his sincerity and mental state during custody battleDuring a high-profile custody trial, Alex Jones behaved erratically, fueling concerns about his sincerity, mental health, and parenting abilities due to his narcissistic behavior, removal of clothes during therapy, attempts to turn children against their mother, and publishing a controversial video.

      During a highly publicized court battle over his children's custody, Alex Jones, known for his controversial on-air persona, behaved erratically in the courtroom. Witnesses testified that Jones had been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder and had been observed removing his clothes during therapy sessions. His ex-wife's lawyers accused him of trying to turn his children against their mother and enmesh them in his business. Jones, in response, had his son create a video attacking a school shooting survivor, further fueling concerns about his behavior and suitability as a parent. Despite the potential legal and public relations risks, Jones continued to act unhinged, publishing a controversial video during the trial. This behavior raised questions about his sincerity in claiming that his on-air persona was an act and fueled ongoing concerns about his mental state and parenting abilities.

    • Ex-wife testifies about Alex Jones' volatile behavior during custody trialAlex Jones' ex-wife testified about his hateful and volatile behavior, raising concerns for their children's safety. The court granted her the ability to designate the primary residence due to Jones' public and controversial views, but he continued to publish content putting his family in danger.

      During the custody trial of Alex Jones, his ex-wife testified about his volatile and hateful behavior, raising concerns about the influence on their children. Alex Jones was known for his public rants and controversial views, which put his family in danger according to his ex-wife. She shared examples of his racist, homophobic, and misogynistic rants, and their children had started to adopt similar beliefs. The court ultimately sided with her, granting her the ability to designate the primary residence of the children. However, Jones' contentious and public nature continued to put his family in danger, leading to numerous court appearances. Despite this, Jones continued to publish controversial content, including a video targeting a yogurt company during his custody trial.

    • Infowars host Alex Jones falsely accused Chobani of importing rapists, edited video to sell iodineAlex Jones falsely accused Chobani, edited video to sell iodine, forced to apologize and sue for defamation, continued making outlandish claims

      Infowars host Alex Jones made false accusations against Chobani, claiming they were importing rapists into the United States. The video was edited to make it seem like a breaking news report, but it was actually an attempt to sell iodine. Chobani sued Jones, and he was forced to issue a legally mandated apology, which did not include any promotion of Infowars or its products. Jones was also sued by families of Sandy Hook shooting victims for defamation at the same time. The editing of the Chobani video appeared hasty and incoherent, with Jones delivering a report about iodine instead of the promised news story about refugees. Despite this, Jones continued to make outlandish claims on his platform.

    • Lawsuits Against Alex Jones Total Over $1,000,000 for Spreading Falsehoods About Sandy Hook ShootingAlex Jones faces multiple defamation lawsuits totaling over $1,000,000 for spreading conspiracy theories about the Sandy Hook shooting, doxxing families, and broadcasting their home addresses on his radio show. His lawyer argues this is 'rhetorical hyperbole' but outcomes of cases are still being adjudicated.

      Alex Jones is currently facing multiple defamation lawsuits, totaling at least $1,000,000, for spreading conspiracy theories about the Sandy Hook shooting and falsely accusing families of faking their children's deaths. During the trials, evidence was presented showing that Jones had doxxed the families and broadcasted their home addresses on his radio show. Despite this, Jones's lawyer argued that this was not defamation but rather "rhetorical hyperbole." Jones has also been involved in other lawsuits, including one regarding custody battles with his wife, and the cost of these legal battles, along with his Infowars operation, is reportedly draining his resources. The outcomes of these cases are still being adjudicated.

    • Alex Jones' Deplatforming Didn't Boost His FollowingAlex Jones' ban from multiple social media platforms resulted in a significant decrease in his audience, with Infowars experiencing a 50% drop in site visits and video views within three months.

      Alex Jones' reaction to being banned from multiple social media platforms did not lead to an increase in his following or influence, but rather a significant decrease in his audience. Despite his claims of becoming stronger, Infowars saw a 50% drop in site visits and video views within three months following the bans. During this time, Jones confronted CNN's Oliver Darcy in Washington D.C., accusing him of being the "architect of deplatforming conservatives." Jones' heated exchange with Darcy on Periscope led to his ban from Twitter due to abusive and bullying behavior. Jones' reaction to his deplatforming, which included wearing masks and making bizarre accusations, did not resonate with his audience and instead led to a loss of support.

    • Alex Jones's Deplatforming and Creative ResponsesDespite being banned from various platforms, Alex Jones continues to spread conspiracy theories using creative methods, with increasingly extreme rhetoric including claims of war, invasion, and satanism. The financial impact is uncertain, but Jones shows no signs of stopping.

      Alex Jones, a controversial figure known for his conspiracy theories, has been banned from various platforms including Twitter, and he has responded by continuing to spread his messages in creative ways. Jones's rhetoric, which can be reminiscent of villains from old cartoons, has become increasingly extreme, with claims of imminent war, mass invasion, and domination by Islamists trained in satanism. The financial impact of his deplatforming is still uncertain, but Jones shows no signs of stopping his provocative behavior. The discussion also touched upon a specific incident where Jones accosted Marco Rubio during a DC trip. Despite the exhausting nature of the topic, the speakers found humor in the situation and even suggested the idea of wearing donkey masks as a tribute to Jones's antics.

    • An exploration of Alex Jones and his controversial viewsStay informed and maintain a sense of humor while practicing critical thinking and fact-checking to navigate the world of misinformation.

      Exploration of the bizarre and often disturbing world of Alex Jones, as well as the impact it can have on individuals. Robert Evans led listeners through a three-part series on Jones, revealing his controversial views and shocking behavior. The hosts joked about the experience, suggesting alternative forms of relaxation to cope with the intense content. They also promoted their own shows, including "Conspiracy Theories with Critical Thinking" and "Ridiculous History." Despite the entertaining and sometimes absurd nature of the conversation, the hosts emphasized the importance of critical thinking and fact-checking in the face of misinformation. They encouraged listeners to engage with their content and share their own ideas for Alex Jones-inspired merchandise. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of staying informed and maintaining a sense of humor in the face of challenging and unsettling information.

    • Building Strong Community ConnectionsEngage in community activities, support neighbors, stand up against discrimination, and follow the NFL schedule release.

      Building strong community connections can bring about both personal growth and preparedness for various situations, whether it's helping a neighbor in need or standing together during natural disasters. Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of community engagement, encouraging individuals to visit caneighbors.com to learn how they can contribute. Additionally, there's an opportunity to test your luck and join the "family" in the world of The Godfather slot at chumpacasino.com. On a different note, it's crucial to stand up against discrimination, particularly against the LGBTQ+ community, as there are nearly 500 anti-LGBTQ+ bills in state legislatures across the country. Lambda Legal is leading the charge against these hateful bills, and individuals can join the fight by learning about their open cases and donating at Lambda Legal dot org. Lastly, football fans can look forward to the 2024 NFL season as the full schedule is announced in May. The NFL Network, ESPN 2, and NFL plus will be broadcasting the schedule release, with terms and conditions applying to NFL plus.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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