
    Part Two: Alfredo Stroessner: The Luckiest Dictator

    enMarch 23, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Building connections within community for security and belongingExplore community involvement, personal growth, and historical exploration to enrich life and make meaningful connections

      Building connections within your community can bring about a sense of security and belonging, especially during uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer's network, emphasizes the importance of relying on neighbors for social bonds and disaster preparedness. Meanwhile, finding personal joy and self-expression through platforms like jumbacasino.com or JCPenney's inclusive fashion offerings can also contribute to a more engaged and fulfilling life. Additionally, delving into historical figures, like the anti-pope Novation, can offer unexpected insights and even inspire art or activism. Ultimately, whether it's through community involvement, personal growth, or historical exploration, there are various ways to enrich our lives and make meaningful connections.

    • Paraguay's Unexpected Connection to Nazi IdeologyParaguay harbored Nazi sympathizers and provided refuge for war criminals post WW2, reflecting the global reach and persistence of Nazi ideology

      Paraguay's history with Nazi ideology runs deeper than one might expect. The existence of a plaque inscribed with a quote admired by Adolf Hitler suggests that the German dictator may have influenced some Paraguayan attitudes. Additionally, Paraguay initially sided with the Nazis during World War 2, and after the war, the country became a refuge for many former SS members and other fascist war criminals. These individuals found sympathetic communities among the Mennonites and white Russian officers already living in Paraguay. Despite the technological disparities, Paraguay offered a safe haven for Nazis seeking to evade prosecution. This history is significant as it sheds light on the global reach and persistence of Nazi ideology, even in unexpected places.

    • Paraguay's Connection to NazisParaguay's leader Stressner facilitated the sale of new passports and visas to old Nazis like Mengele, suggesting a possible 'Nazi-curious' stance and providing a safe haven for wanted war criminals after WWII.

      Stressner, the Paraguayan dictator, had close connections with Nazis, specifically Hans Rudel, a former Luftwaffe flying ace, and infamous doctor Joseph Mengele. Rudel and Stressner became friends, and Stressner facilitated the sale of new passports and visas to old Nazis, including Mengele, who had committed war crimes during the Holocaust. These reports suggest that Stressner may have been "Nazi-curious," as some claim, and that Paraguay provided a safe haven for wanted Nazis after World War II. This association is a significant and disturbing aspect of Stressner's regime.

    • Interactions between German Jews and Nazis in ParaguayDespite sharing a German heritage, the German Jewish and Nazi diaspora in Paraguay had complicated interactions marked by racial slurs and uneasy alliances.

      During the aftermath of World War 2, the German Jewish and Nazi diaspora in Paraguay had complicated interactions due to their shared German heritage. This is illustrated in the account of Michael Caine, a young boy who grew up in the pacifist Anabaptist religious community Bruderhof in Paraguay. Michael's family had fled the UK due to the anti-German sentiment during the war and found refuge in Paraguay, where they were joined by both Jews and Nazis. Michael's recollections provide a glimpse into the unusual dynamics of this expat community. For instance, a local bar owned by a German Jew, Schorzel, served as a meeting place for both Jews and Nazis, and Michael befriended Schorzel as a teenager. However, the friendship was marked by racial slurs, with Michael being called "Vainachtsch man" and Schorzel being called "Saujud," which are derogatory terms with anti-Semitic origins. The discovery of these nicknames in Michael's account sheds light on the uncomfortable realities of this multifaceted community. The topic of the interactions between the German Jewish and Nazi diaspora in Paraguay is a fascinating one, and further research is needed to fully understand the complexities of this historical phenomenon.

    • Personal accounts reveal hidden aspects of historyIndividuals who document personal experiences under oppressive regimes can shed light on hidden aspects of history, highlighting the courage and bravery of those who risk their lives for truth and justice.

      The Internet can reveal personal information that people may not willingly share, even under duress. This was exemplified in the story of Pastor Melisadez Coronel, a high-ranking official under the Paraguayan dictator Alfredo Stressner, who publicly documented his role in the torture department. Coronel's blog provided a unique insight into the inner workings of Stressner's regime, revealing the extent of state violence and collaboration with international partners like the US. Another notable instance was the case of physicians Gladys Sanemann and Augustin Guiberaud, who risked their lives to expose the truth about a victim of Coronel's forces by performing an autopsy in front of their students. These stories illustrate the power of personal accounts in shedding light on hidden aspects of history, as well as the courage of individuals who stand up for truth and justice despite the risks.

    • Dangerous Times for Political Dissidents in South America during the 1970sDuring the 1970s in South America, political dissidents faced extreme danger due to US-backed military coups and human rights abuses. Doctors Saniman and Almada, along with many others, suffered torture and imprisonment, and the psychological toll led to the death of Almada's wife.

      During the 1970s in South America, it was extremely dangerous to be a political dissident due to frequent US-backed military coups and the resulting human rights abuses. Doctors Saniman and Almada, along with many others, experienced torture and imprisonment for their beliefs. Saniman was falsely accused of various crimes and her husband was also tortured. Almada's wife, Celestina, is believed to have died due to the psychological torture inflicted upon her by listening to her husband's recorded torture sessions. The FBI and CIA played a role in training the torturers, making the situation even more complex. These events are a stark reminder of the human cost of geopolitical maneuvering.

    • Exploring Different Ways to Build Connections and Discover New ThingsMonopoly Go connects friends, Neighbor to Neighbor empowers local communities, Chumba Casino offers social interaction, history shows importance of community, strive for meaningful connections, keep an open mind

      There are various ways to build connections and discover new things in both virtual and real-life communities. Monopoly Go offers a fun and engaging way to connect with friends, while Neighbor to Neighbor empowers individuals to grow their local communities. Meanwhile, Chumba Casino provides an entertaining platform for social interaction. On a more serious note, history shows us the importance of community in times of need and adversity. However, it's important to remember that not all communities are built equally, and some, like Paraguay under Streisner's police state, were deeply affected by economic injustice and human rights abuses. So, let's strive to create meaningful and supportive communities in our own lives, whether online or offline. And remember, there's always something new to discover, so keep an open mind and an adventurous spirit.

    • Paraguay's land inequality rooted in post-war dictators selling public landParaguay's extreme land inequality, caused by post-war dictators selling public land, perpetuates a cycle of inequality and violence against tenant farmers, with consequences still impacting the country's politics and economy.

      Paraguay's extreme land inequality, where 90% of the land is owned by 12,000 people, originated from the War of the Triple Alliance and the subsequent selling of land by post-war dictators to fund rebuilding. This led to a situation where wealth was determined by land ownership, and those in power exploited this by giving away or selling public land to allies, creating smuggling networks, and suppressing land reform efforts. This system, while allowing for cheaper goods for some, perpetuated a cycle of inequality and violence against tenant farmers. The consequences of this history continue to impact Paraguay's political and economic landscape.

    • Demobilization and Depoliticization under Stressner's Regime in ParaguayThe Stressner regime in Paraguay led to the demobilization and depoliticization of civil society, resulting in widespread corruption and misuse of resources. Human rights abuses were overlooked by the international community due to the regime's stability and compliance with US policy aims.

      During the Stressner regime in Paraguay, the widespread terror and corruption led to the demobilization and depoliticization of civil society. People became cynical towards politics and lost the capacity to question or criticize the government. Despite the economic boom brought about by the Itaipu dam project and foreign aid, the corruption ensured that the resources were not used effectively to improve the economy. Stressner's regime was considered "benign" by some in the international community due to the stability it brought and compliance with US policy aims, but the human rights abuses were overlooked. Civil society was beaten down to a point where they felt powerless to make demands of the state, leading to an apparent acceptance of the status quo.

    • The corrupting influence of absolute powerDictators, like Paraguay's Stroessner, can become so obsessed with power that they lose touch with reality, making it difficult for those around them to provide honest feedback.

      Absolute power can corrupt and lead individuals to lose touch with reality, as evidenced by the case of Paraguayan dictator Stroessner. Despite expressing a desire to retire, Stroessner became addicted to total control and believed himself to be irreplaceable. This obsession with power prevented him from receiving honest feedback, making him a difficult figure to interact with for those around him. Meanwhile, in a lighter vein, the discussion also touched upon the fun and innovative features of the mobile game Monopoly Go, which offers new experiences and rewards every time you play. The episode also introduced Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network aimed at fostering stronger community bonds.

    • Stessner's Hidden VicesAlthough Stessner presented himself as a benevolent leader, his regime was plagued by rampant corruption, economic instability, and the dictator's own personal vices, ultimately leading to the collapse of the economy and resistance from the people.

      Despite appearing powerful and in control, Alfredo Stessner's regime in Paraguay was marked by rampant corruption, economic instability, and the dictator's own personal vices. The serviceman's encounter with Stessner in the 1970s painted a picture of a benevolent yet authoritarian leader, but as the 1980s dawned, the truth of Stessner's regime came to light. The economy collapsed due to corruption and global market conditions, leading to inflation and resistance. Stessner, an old and ailing leader, coped with stress through child sex trafficking. Despite his public image, Stessner's regime was far from benevolent, and the serviceman's honest assessment of the situation stands out as a reminder of the complexities of international politics.

    • Dictator's Preference for Young GirlsDuring the 1980s, Paraguayan dictator Alfredo Stresner's regime was notorious for exploiting young girls, some as young as 8, with the involvement of high-ranking officials like Colonel Leopoldo Perrier.

      During the 1980s, Paraguayan dictator Alfredo Stresner's preference for young girls was not an isolated incident. His friend Peron and others in power also had similar inclinations. Stresner's aides would approach parents with offers or even kidnap young girls, some as young as 8, to fulfill the dictator's desires. Colonel Leopoldo Perrier was one of the people responsible for procuring these children. The exploitation of young girls reached alarming levels, with safe houses in suburban neighborhoods and even trips to Disney World as part of the seduction process. This disturbing behavior was first exposed by journalist Jack Anderson in 1977, leading to the US cutting aid to Stresner's regime under Jimmy Carter. However, when Ronald Reagan took office, the US once again supported the dictatorship, despite its morally questionable practices. This support weakened Stresner's regime, but the long-term impact on the girls and their families was devastating.

    • Political turmoil in Paraguay during the 1980sThe 1980s in Paraguay were marked by intense political instability, including protests for land reform, violent coups, and the eventual escape of long-time dictator Stroessner to Brazil.

      The 1980s in Paraguay were marked by intense political turmoil, as evidenced by the protests for land reform led by unemployed campesinos, which hindered the aspirations of Stroessner's cabinet members and military officers. The situation escalated to the point of violent coups, including the coup led by Andres Rodriguez, Stroessner's son-in-law, in 1989. Despite Stroessner's hopes of passing the regime on to one of his sons, both lacked the political prowess to succeed him. Stroessner, who had ruled for 35 years, eventually sought refuge in Brazil to avoid being tried for his crimes. The end of his regime was brutal, but Stroessner himself survived and lived out the rest of his life in comfort. This is a rare story in the annals of dictatorships, as most dictators do not get to escape with their lives.

    • Exploring community resources for supportEngage with local libraries, volunteer networks, and online platforms for connections and assistance. Humor and joy can also bring comfort during challenging times.

      There are various ways to engage with your community and prepare for potential challenges, whether it be through local libraries, volunteer networks like Neighbor to Neighbor, or even online platforms like BetterHelp for mental health support. These resources can help foster meaningful connections and provide assistance when needed. Additionally, humor and lighthearted moments, like the memorable image of Phil De Bosio dropping Phil, can bring joy and brighten our days. So, explore your options, lean on your community, and remember that a little luck can go a long way.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Key Takeaways:

    Jason’s editorial

    1:29 Defeating inflation, US Dollar hegemony and Argentina

    4:30 FED- ready for the next crisis

    7:08 Local inventory numbers

    10:44 Shadow demand vs. shadow supply

    Brian Beaulieu interview

    12:21 Income property- getting the middle class wealthy

    14:12 Macro view on a global scale

    15:38 Chart: China is weakening and will continue to weaken

    16:25 Chart: Historic opportunity- India is the most populous country

    18:27 Making the case for deflation in the 2030’s

    22:21 Chart: This is only round one of inflation going forward

    25:36 Capitulation- buyers will eventually accept less

    29:46 How it all relates to the rental housing market



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