
    Part Two: Helena Blavatsky: the woman who inspired the Nazis, and Gwyneth Paltrow

    enAugust 25, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Embrace opportunities for growth and comfortFind resources for personal growth, take moments for self-care, and be open to unexpected connections

      No matter where you are in life, there's always an opportunity for a comeback. Whether it's through furthering your education with Purdue Global or revisiting childhood memories with Magical Rewind, there are resources and experiences available to help you make the most of your moments. And sometimes, all it takes is a simple pause, like enjoying a Keebler Sandy's cookie, to find comfort and recharge. Additionally, unexpected connections can be found in the most unlikely places, like recognizing a shared experience with a local ad or delving into the depths of esoteric texts like the Akashic records. So, keep pushing forward, take a moment for yourself, and embrace the unexpected.

    • Helena's Enigmatic Life: Adventure, Mystery, and Spiritual ExplorationHelena, a woman of mystery, escaped an abusive husband, disappeared for decades, possibly scammed people, and later founded a spiritual society in Cairo. Her life was filled with adventure, mystery, and spiritual exploration.

      Helena, the subject of our discussion, led an extraordinary and enigmatic life filled with escapes, scams, and spiritual pursuits. After fleeing an abusive husband, she disappeared for about 20 years, leaving a trail of unverified stories, including boat crashes and horse incidents. Some claim she even scammed people during this period, engaging in what could be considered early forms of "Findom" or financial domination. Her life was marked by a mix of truth and fiction, making it difficult to separate fact from fantasy. Later in life, she established a spiritual society in Cairo, which unfortunately didn't last long. Her encounters with spiritualism began as a child, but the exact timeline of when she connected the dots is unclear. Overall, Helena's life is a fascinating blend of adventure, mystery, and spiritual exploration.

    • Helena Blavatsky's Claimed Spiritual JourneysHelena Blavatsky, founder of Theosophy, claimed to have traveled extensively for spiritual experiences, but her claims to have visited Tibet are unverified. Her teachings, which included meeting a Hindu mystic named Master Moria, gained a large following despite controversy over her financing and the commercialization of her spiritual society.

      Helena Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy, claimed to have had spiritual experiences and travels throughout Europe, the Middle East, and Asia during the late 1800s. She claimed to have met a Hindu mystic named Master Moria in London, who told her she needed to go to a secret school in Tibet. However, there is no evidence that she ever made it to Tibet, as it was a closed society to Westerners at the time. Despite this, Blavatsky's claims formed the basis of her spiritual teachings, which gained a large following. It is unclear how she financed her travels, and there are suggestions that she may have used sex work as a means to do so. Blavatsky's spiritual society, which she attempted to establish, fell apart due to grifting and commercialization. Her claims of spiritual experiences and travels remain controversial, and her legacy continues to be debated among scholars and spiritual seekers.

    • Helena Blavatsky's questionable experiencesHelena Blavatsky's early life included claims of occult knowledge, fighting with Garibaldi, and learning from Middle Eastern and Tibetan mystics. However, much of this is unverified and may be inventions or exaggerations. She attempted to use mediumship to bilk rich white people, but her methods were unconvincing.

      Helena Blavatsky's journey during her formative years involved a mix of real experiences and inventions. She claimed to have received occult knowledge from various Eastern religions and mystics, including Master Maurya and Koothumi. However, it's unclear how much of this was true and how much she invented or exaggerated. During this period, she also claimed to have fought alongside Italian revolutionary Giuseppe Garibaldi and learned secrets from mystics in the Middle East and Tibet. Her stories of these experiences are questionable, and it's likely that she took liberties with the truth. One solid fact is that she moved to Cairo a second time to create a spiritual society during the height of the spiritualist craze, where she attempted to bilk rich white people out of their money by using mediums and physical mediumship. Her use of a long glove stuffed with cotton as a spirit hand was not a successful grift trick. The reliability of sources criticizing Blavatsky is also questionable, as many were spiritual grifters themselves. Most physical mediumship has been disproven, but a few cases remain unresolved.

    • Helena Blavatsky's Controversial Spiritualist Society in CairoDespite her opposition to contacting the dead, Blavatsky's Cairo society was marked by mediums inauthentically staging seances and excessive drinking. This led to her closing it down and her continued distancing from spiritualism, eventually founding the Theosophical Society.

      Helena Blavatsky's spiritualist society in Cairo was short-lived and marked by controversy. Blavatsky, who claimed to be an active doer in spiritual phenomena rather than a passive medium, was against the idea of contacting the dead. However, during her absence, mediums in her society staged fake seances and drank excessively. When she returned and discovered this, she closed down the society. During this time, an assassination attempt was made on her life, which she believed was caused by a vile spook. Despite the controversy, Blavatsky continued to distance herself from spiritualism and went on to found the Theosophical Society, which would become a major spiritual movement. However, the authenticity of the assassination attempt is uncertain. Overall, Blavatsky's experiences during this period shaped her views on spiritualism and led her to develop her own unique spiritual philosophy.

    • Helena Blavatsky's Arrival in the US: A Complex StoryDespite conflicting accounts, Helena Blavatsky's arrival in the US in 1873 and her experiences there are marked by uncertainty and complexity.

      Helena Blavatsky's arrival in the United States in 1873, as described in various accounts, is a subject of debate. She claimed to have arrived penniless but with a large fortune given to her, which she had to give away. Some accounts suggest she became the den mother for a group of immigrants in New York City, living a rags-to-riches story. However, the evidence for these claims is limited, and some details, such as her motivations for coming to the United States, are uncertain. Spiritualism, which was popular in upstate New York at the time, may have played a role in her decision to come. The accounts of her life in the United States differ, with some portraying her as a stereotypical immigrant and others focusing on her spiritual experiences. Overall, the historical record of Blavatsky's time in the United States is complex and open to interpretation.

    • Exploring New Discoveries in LifeFrom affordable wireless plans to flexible education programs and unexpected discoveries, there's always something new to explore in life.

      There's always something new to discover, whether it's in spring cleaning, switching to more affordable wireless plans, or pursuing higher education. In the case of wireless plans, Mint Mobile offers an affordable alternative with unlimited talk, text, and high-speed data starting at $15 a month. For those looking to further their education, Purdue Global provides flexible degree programs for working adults. Meanwhile, the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily offers an authentic perspective on Detroit's black community. As for the unusual topic of the ovipositor, it's a testament to the human imagination and the ability to find joy in unexpected places. In the past, two sisters, Maggie Fox and Katie Fox, used their creativity to scare their parents, leading to the start of spiritualism. Despite their mischievous behavior, they could have excelled in early Hollywood if gender discrimination didn't exist. Overall, there's always something new to explore and discover, whether it's in your own home, finances, or education.

    • The Fox sisters' seance: A childhood prank that sparked a spiritual movementA childhood prank involving communicating with a ghost led to the rise of spiritualism in America, but the adults' blind following and exploitation of children caused chaos and vulnerability.

      The Fox sisters' seance in 1848 marked the beginning of spiritualism in America, but it was fueled by the curiosity and mischief of children, who were exploited by adults. The story started with Maggie and Katie, who believed they were communicating with a ghost and gained a following in their community. However, their older sister took advantage of the situation, monetizing the seances and controlling the money and tour schedule. The adults, who were religious and easily swayed, lost their skepticism and believed the girls were passing along messages from the dead. Despite the children's initial intentions, the event quickly got out of their control and became a phenomenon. The story is reminiscent of old South Park episodes, where adults blindly follow a trend, leaving the children to navigate the chaos. The Fox sisters' story is a fascinating example of how a simple prank could spark a spiritual movement, but also highlights the vulnerability of children in such situations. If you're interested in learning more about American spiritualism, I recommend checking out the Ghost Church podcast.

    • The Power of Belief and the Human Desire for Understanding the UnknownHistorical examples of voice-changing technology and seances demonstrate the power of belief and human curiosity, leading to entrepreneurial success and fame despite involving some level of deception.

      Technology can be used to alter voices and change perspectives, as seen in the discussion about voice-changing devices for podcasts. This concept was exemplified in historical context by the Fox sisters, who used their seances as a means to gain access to new experiences and knowledge, even if it involved some deception. The Fox sisters' older sister, Leah, was particularly successful in turning their seances into a business and became a medium herself. This entrepreneurial spirit and the belief in the spiritual world's connection to the material world were influenced by the works of figures like Andrew Jackson Davis and Emanuel Swedenborg, who also used their abilities to gain fame and fortune. These historical examples showcase the power of belief and the human desire for understanding the unknown, even if it involves some level of manipulation or deception.

    • Waves of Popularity for Spiritualism and Women's EmpowermentSpiritualism offered opportunities for women's empowerment during its peak in the 19th century, but men dominated its theories and histories. Despite inflated numbers, spiritual beliefs continue to coexist and adapt with other religious practices.

      Spiritualism, as a belief system, has seen various waves of popularity throughout history, with many ideas being recycled and repackaged as new technologies emerge. The desire for supernatural communication, particularly with deceased loved ones, has been a constant human desire. Spiritualism provided an opportunity for women, especially young ones, to gain social mobility, control over their lives, and even financial gains during its peak in the 19th century. Despite the influence of women in spiritualism, they were often still disenfranchised, with men writing the theories and histories. The number of spiritualists claimed during this period was likely inflated, but the belief continued to coexist with other religious practices. People continue to incorporate various spiritual beliefs into their existing religious practices, reflecting the human tendency to adopt and adapt ideas from different sources.

    • The Late 1800s: Spiritualism's Decline and Helena Blavatsky's StrugglesDuring the late 1800s, spiritualism was popular but past its peak. Helena Blavatsky, a Russian countess, failed to gain attention as a guru and resorted to cold reading and storytelling, leading to the founding of the Theosophical Society.

      During the late 1800s in America, spiritualism was a popular belief system that presented itself as scientific, but was also seen as a religion. Many people were drawn to it due to the scientific discoveries and inventions of the time making the idea of communicating with the dead seem plausible. However, by the time Helena Blavatsky arrived in the US in 1873, spiritualism was past its peak. Blavatsky, a grifter, attempted to establish herself as a guru but failed to gain much attention. She used her mystique as a Russian countess to get odd jobs, but couldn't succeed in more substantial work. Frustrated, she resorted to telling supernatural stories and practicing cold reading, which involved asking leading questions and revealing seemingly personal information to impress people. Despite her claims of being under the authority of unseen powers, many assumed she was a spiritualist. Blavatsky's inability to establish herself as a guru or make a living in the US set the stage for her later success with the founding of the Theosophical Society.

    • Helena Blavatsky's Unique Spiritual PracticesHelena Blavatsky was not a traditional spiritualist, but claimed to communicate with living men she called masters through psychic means, and her tobacco use is also noteworthy.

      Helena Blavatsky, despite being perceived as a spiritualist due to her mystic practices, was not actually a spiritualist. Instead, she claimed to communicate with real living men, whom she called her masters, through psychic means. Her excessive tobacco use is also a notable aspect of her life. However, the discussion took an unexpected turn with the introduction of the tobacco industry sponsorship and a humorous interjection about smoking Juul pods. The primary focus, though, remains on Blavatsky's unique spiritual beliefs and practices that distinguished her from the traditional understanding of spiritualism during her time.

    • Helena Blavatsky's Fascination with SpiritualismDespite her controversial past and contradictory statements, Helena Blavatsky's fascination with spiritualism led her to develop occult powers and captivate many with her unconventional lifestyle.

      Helena Blavatsky, a spiritualist and occultist figure from the late 1800s, was known for her mysterious and often contradictory behavior. During her time, she was involved in various scandals and controversies, including her alleged use of opium and hashish. Despite these claims, she continued to charm and fascinate people, including journalists and spiritualists. In 1874, she met a journalist named Hannah Wolf and a spiritualist named Mr. W, and through them, she became interested in spiritualism. However, she claimed to have never heard of spiritualism before, despite her extensive knowledge of the occult and religion. After attending a seance, she claimed to have developed occult powers and invited Hannah and Mr. W to her apartment to demonstrate them. Her lifestyle was unconventional for the time, living with three journalists in a bohemian arrangement. Despite the controversies surrounding her, she continues to be a figure of intrigue and inspiration to this day. The 2024 NFL schedule, on the other hand, is a much more straightforward event, with every game revealed in May for fans to look forward to.

    • Helena Blavatsky's Deception UncoveredDespite her claims of supernatural abilities, Helena Blavatsky was exposed as a fraud who plagiarized and manipulated people to gain attention and trust in the spiritualist community.

      Helena Blavatsky, a spiritualist medium, was revealed to be a fraud by her friends in New York City. Despite her claims of occult powers and supernatural abilities, they discovered that she was materializing in the form of Madame Lavatsky during the night watches. Her desire for attention led her to target journalists and the press. When Hannah Wolfe, a resident of her apartment, received a manuscript from Blavatsky claiming to be a satire of American politics, she discovered it was a plagiarized Russian book with some words replaced. Despite these revelations, Blavatsky continued to manipulate and deceive, moving around New York City and even growing her hair into a blonde afro. However, she eventually managed to gain the trust of Andrew Jackson Davis, a respected figure in American spiritualism, and began writing articles for his magazine, Psychic Studies, where she promoted a larger occult worldview. Despite her charisma and ability to manipulate people, her fraudulent behavior was eventually exposed.

    • Helena Blavatsky meets Colonel Olcott and discovers shared spiritual interestsBlavatsky's encounter with Olcott's article ignited their shared passion for spiritualism, leading to the formation of the Theosophical Society

      Helena Blavatsky's encounter with Colonel Henry Steele Olcott's article in The Sun marked a turning point in her life. Both were seeking something beyond their current circumstances, and they found common ground in spiritualism. Olcott was an impressive organizer and writer, having left his wife and family in search of deeper meaning. He wrote enthusiastically about the spiritual manifestations occurring in Chittenden, Vermont, which Blavatsky saw as an opportunity to gain media attention for spiritualism. When she arrived in Chittenden, her unique appearance and charisma made a lasting impression. Despite the societal prejudices against women with magical abilities, her Mongolian features and unconventional style helped her stand out. The encounter between Blavatsky and Olcott ultimately led to their partnership and the founding of the Theosophical Society.

    • Helena Blavatsky's Manipulation of SpiritualismHelena Blavatsky used her mysterious background, cultural knowledge, and charisma to manipulate people and convince them of her spiritual abilities through elaborate staged demonstrations, becoming a significant figure in the spiritualist movement.

      Helena Blavatsky, a spiritualist leader in the late 1800s, used her mysterious background and knowledge of different cultures to manipulate and convince people of her spiritual abilities. She took advantage of the limited knowledge people had of places outside the Western world and staged elaborate demonstrations to convince her followers of the authenticity of her mediumship. One notable incident involved her summoning the spirit of a Georgian musician who she claimed she knew personally, and the production of a military medal that she claimed had been brought back from her father's grave. These demonstrations, which were actually staged, convinced many people, including Henry Olcott, who became her business partner and ardent supporter. Despite the lack of evidence for these supernatural occurrences, Blavatsky's charisma and ability to read people's thoughts and beliefs allowed her to weave herself into their lives and beliefs, making her an influential figure in the spiritualist movement.

    • Exploring connections beyond deathThe enduring nature of relationships inspires us to explore beliefs, cherish memories, and find joy in the unknown.

      Enduring nature of relationships, even beyond death. A precious artifact, a pet present from the tomb of a loved one, serves as a reminder of the unbreakable bonds of family. This theme resonates with the hosts' promotion of their podcast, "Ghost Church," which explores the history of spiritualism and the desire for connection with the deceased. The hosts encourage listeners to explore their own beliefs, respectfully, and even find joy in the unknown. As Jamie humorously suggests, if one has a "perfect mark," or strong belief, go all in. The episode also touches on the importance of staying connected to communities and the excitement of upcoming events, such as the NFL season schedule release. Overall, the conversation highlights the human desire for connection, whether it be with loved ones, beliefs, or experiences.

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